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    Thursday, November 26, 2020

    Age of Empires II Civilization Match-up Discussion Round 10 Week 12: Saracens vs Vikings

    Age of Empires II Civilization Match-up Discussion Round 10 Week 12: Saracens vs Vikings

    Civilization Match-up Discussion Round 10 Week 12: Saracens vs Vikings

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 06:58 PM PST

    And you thought I had forgotten! (I almost did, but it's still Wednesday my time 11)

    Hello and welcome back for another Age of Empires 2 civilization match up discussion! This is a series where we discuss the various advantages, disadvantages, and quirks found within the numerous match ups of the game. The goal is to collectively gain a deeper understanding of how two civilizations interact with each other in a variety of different settings. Feel free to ask questions, pose strategies, or provide insight on how the two civilizations in question interact with each other on any map type and game mode. This is not limited to 1v1 either. Feel free to discuss how the civilizations compare in team games as well! So long as you are talking about how the two civilizations interact, anything is fair game! Last week we discussed the Celts vs Turks, and next up is the Saracens vs Vikings!

    Saracens: Camel and Naval civilization

    • Market trade only costs 5%; Markets cost -100w
    • Transport Ships 2x hp; carry +5 units
    • Galleys attack +25% faster
    • Archers (except skirms) +1/2/3 attack vs buildings in Feudal/Castle/Imperial Age
    • TEAM BONUS: Foot archers +1 attack vs buildings
    • Unique Unit: Mameluke (Camel with short-range melee attack)
    • Castle Age Unique Tech: Madrasah (Monks return 33% of their gold cost when killed)
    • Imperial Age Unique Tech: Zealotry (Camel units +30 hp)

    Vikings: Infantry and Naval civilization

    • Warships cost -15/15/20% in Feudal/Castle/Imperial Age
    • Infantry +10/15/20% hp in Feudal/Castle/Imperial Age
    • Wheelbarrow and Hand Cart free
    • TEAM BONUS: Docks cost -15%
    • Unique Unit: Berserk (Heavy infantry that slowly regens hp)
    • Unique Unit: Longboat (Galley-like war ship that fires multiple arrows at once)
    • Castle Age Unique Tech: Chieftains (Infantry deal +5 bonus dmg to cavalry)
    • Imperial Age Unique Tech: Berserkergang (Berserks regenerate faster)

    Below are some match up-specific talking points to get you all started. These are just to give people ideas, you do not need to address them specifically if you do not want to!

    • Alrighty, two civs that do fairly similar things, despite vastly different tech trees. On 1v1 open maps, Saracens and Vikings are both archer-centric civs. Saracens will attempt to utilize their extra damage vs buildings and Market abuse to snowball an advantage, whereas Vikings will attempt to use their excellent eco to do the same. Who do you favor here?
    • Interesting one for water maps - Saracens do have the faster attacking galleys, which are making something of a comeback in the meta, and the Market abuse can still be just as strong here (especially if wood runs low in late game). However, Vikings are still Vikings on water maps, and Longboats can be deadly, if you can get to them! How do the dynamics between these civs work out on the water in both 1v1 and team games?
    • Speaking of tgs, both of these civs are very popular choices as an archer civ in 2v2s/flank civ in larger team games. In fact, we see this match up all the time in WC 2v2! I know that whenever I see these civs face off, I always talk about how Vikings are better set up to get an advantage with their archers due to their strong eco; however, if Saracens can find a way to get the upper hand, the game will quickly snowball out of control in their favor. What do you all think?

    Thanks as always for participating! Next week we will continue our discussions with the Britons vs Italians. Hope to see you there! :)

    Previous discussions: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

    submitted by /u/OrnLu528
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    Friendly note, it appears Age of Empires II DE is once again on sale.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 10:50 PM PST

    After more then 20 years... they deserve it <3

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 04:59 PM PST

    Dark UIs? What do you guys think?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 01:38 AM PST

    So this happened to me 1320 ELO

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 02:16 AM PST

    Someone lamed my sheep, then told me he found them I can get them. But where he pinged there was a spearman. After this he joked the whole game around how stupid I am.

    It was a good feeling razing all of his buildings!

    submitted by /u/jajonjason
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    Chu-ko-nu explanation

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 07:51 PM PST


    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 07:14 AM PST

    Solution to Two-Castle Arambai on Arena

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 05:51 PM PST

    I know there are a ton of posts about this on both aoezone and reddit, be they rants about how OP two castle arambai is, how to fix it by nerfing arambai, or people who abuse the arambai mechanic and deny its OPness. Skip to the dashed line if you don't want to read me explaining why its OP and why other nerfs aren't great ideas.

    To the players who consistently deny how oppressive two castle arambai is: lmao. It's a near-broken strat on 1v1s, completely OP on team games on Arena and part of the reason I don't play Arena anymore. I know the strat has its counters. "mass xbows, pikes and scorpions, defensive castle." Yes. Those are all valid points and counters. The issue is every single teammate on your team has to invest in those counters because one opponent is burmese and is going two castle arambai. Arambai are super fast, and the minute the burmese player notices one opponent has skirms or enough xbow numbers, they can go and hit another opponent. That one burmese player can set behind every opponent on the other team, and the Burmese player's teammates can practically full boom in Castle age. On 1v1s, I agree, it has its counters and is not broken if you prepare for it. On teamgames, this is unfair.

    To the players who propose various nerfs to the arambai to make the strat more oppressive (make arambai more expensive, decrease their damage output, nerf Burmese elsewhere, etc...): that might solve arambai OPness on arena in team games, but it makes them nearly useless in other settings. Burmese don't need further nerfs on Arabia or Nomad or other maps, they're a pretty well-rounded, middle-of-the-road civ for the most part. A nerf to Arambai in general therefore makes no sense.

    I think I have a good compromise that will not ruin Arambai on other maps and settings but will make their boring two castle arambai play significantly more futile on arena: increase stone building pierce armour.


    One reason the strat is so successful is how easily arambai can break into a fully-stone walled base and take down tcs, guard towers, etc... A single arambai does 17 (SEVENTEEN) damage. This is supposedly balanced by their horrible accuracy when fighting units, but against buildings they do their full 17 damage per shot. A stone wall has 10 pierce armour. That's enough for crossbowman, most castle-age unique units, scorpions, and pretty much every pierce-damage unit to only deal 1-2 damage against them. The only land units that deal more than 2 base pierce damage against stone walls are conquistadors (6 attack), janissaries and hand cannons (7 attack), organ guns (6 attack), and arambai (7 attack). Every other pierce-damage land unit deals less than 2 base attack against stone walls and gates. If we increase the pierce armour of stone buildings such that arambai do the same 1-2 damage against them as other ranged pierce units, it will be significantly more difficult for those arambai to break into an opponent's base without some siege or a forward castle to back it up. That gives you and any ally the arambai go to if you already have made preparations some extra time to prepare, and not make them so oppressive on team games.

    "But OP" you say, "wouldn't this make stone buildings overpowered in other situations and contexts?" Well, no. Apart from the land pierce armour units mentioned above, all other pierce armour units still only do 1 damage, regardless of if the stone building has 10 or 17 pierce armour. Bonus damage, as is the case with the saracen bonus or Mayan obsidian arrows, ignores a building's pierce armour. Therefore, increasing stone building pierce armour will not change how much damage most other pierce armour units do against them. The only thing that will change is how arambai, and the aforementioned units (conqs, organs, janis, and hand cannons) perform. They will do less damage to stone buildings.

    "But OP" you say again, "wouldn't this nerf the four other units you mentioned earlier? conqs organs janis and hand cannons?" It will. I don't think that's a big issue, since I haven't really seen those units be abused like the arambai is for breaking into a base on arena, but if it ends up being a significant nerf, there's a solution to that: increased gunpowder unit bonus damage to stone buildings. gunpowder units are conqs, organs, janis, hand cannons, bombard cannons, and cannon galleons. Cannon Galleons and bombard cannons already get massive bonus damage against buildings, so a +6 or +7 gunpowder bonus damage against specifically stone buildings will be a very small, negligible buff for them that shouldn't matter in practice. The only gunpowder units that remain are conqs, organs, janis, and hand cannons. If we increase stone building pierce armour to 16 or 17, and give gunpowder unit bonus damage against stone buildings, literally the only thing that will change is how long it will take for arambai to break into a stone-walled base.

    Archers and archer unique units will still do only 1 damage against stone walls, gunpowder unique units with the proposed +6/+7 bonus damage will still do +6 or +7 damage against stone walls, saracen archers will still do +3 damage against stone walls, Mayan archers will still do +6 (I think) damage versus walls, but Arambai will only deal 1 damage per shot.

    Most importantly, Arambai will be unchanged on other maps and on different settings. Burmese will not be nerfed elsewhere, the specific two-castle arambai strat on arena will be dealt with, and everyone except two-castle arambai dipsh\ts on arena will be happy\.*

    Let me know if I've made an oversight or absolutely ruined a separate very niche strategy with this proposed change.

    TL;DR: give stone buildings (specifically: stone walls) 16 or 17 pierce armour instead of the current 10. Give gunpowder (specifically: conqs, organ guns, janis, and hand cannons) units +6 or +7 attack bonus against stone walls. Archer and gunpowder unit DPS against stone walls will remain unchanged, but Arambai will find it significantly more time-consuming and difficult to take them down.

    submitted by /u/easbr101
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    My 5 year old recognizes The Viper's voice

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 11:03 AM PST

    My husband likes to watch AoE2 content while eating at home.

    My 5 year old son likes AoE2 as well and will sit with his Dad to watch the videos.

    Today for lunch, 5-year old sat at the counter to eat but Dad went to the table. Dad turned on one of The Viper's videos. It started with The Viper talking, you couldn't hear any game noises, but my 5-year old sat bolt upright yelling "AoE!!" He promptly grabbed his lunch, hopped down from the counter, and is now happily sitting next to his Dad, watching The Viper play a game.

    submitted by /u/KidaKestrel
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    2 v 2 TG Tournament for Hong Kong or Macau players - prize pool is over HK$ 8000 (deadline: Dec 3, 2020)

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 05:57 AM PST

    There is a new 2 v 2 team game tournament, Brotherhood Cup, opens for Hong Kong or Macau players. Details can be found on the official website of the Brotherhood Cup:


    submitted by /u/lawsan1
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    Does anyone know why the AI comes forward to steal your wood/other resources?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 06:30 AM PST

    I can understand why the A.I will sometimes come and build a mining camp next to some of your gold, I guess, gold is limited but why would they come forward to chop this wood?


    To be fair it took me a lot time to see that they were there but I wouldn't have thought that they'd go for that out of choice.

    submitted by /u/Frau_Away
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    Every Unique Unit Compared to History (Part 2 - AoK civs part 2)

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 04:34 PM PST

    Hello Again,Sorry it took me so long. I had a lot of stuff to do and wasn't able to start this until now. Before we begin I just wanted to say a big thank you to all the support and feedback you gave on the last one (which you can see, here. )

    Today we are going to continue the next four Age of Kings civs because last time we could not get through all of them. I will also be trying to dispel some of the myths and misinformation about some of the UUs. So, without further ado, let's get started .

    Goths - HuskarlAbility: Infantry with substantial pierce armor, virtually immune to archer fire.

    What it Was: For starters, the devs have misspelled the unit's name. It should be called the "Housecarl". Second, Housecarls were not Gothic at all. They were Vikings and Saxons. Although it is true that the Goths did originate from Scandinavia in the Iron Age, they were more similar to the Vandals than the Vikings. The term "Housecarl" originally meant "House servant". However the term later meant to mean something along the lines of "House Bodyguard". They were extremely honor bound and would fight even after their employer died. One of the Housecarl's famous moments was during The Battle of Hastings in 1066, where they fought for the last Saxon king, Harold Godwinson. Although they had smaller numbers, they were far more superiorly armed and trained than the rest of Harold's army. They fought even after Harold's death. The Visigoth kingdom did have something similar to the Housecarl called the

    Significance to Goths: Although the Housecarl was Norse and Anglo-Saxon, the Huskarl wields a sword and shield, which were used more by The Goths than The Vikings. The Housecarls are usually depicted with axes. My guess is that The Goths were supposed to represent the rest of Northern Europe (Fun Fact: according to the wiki, the Gothic unique unit was originally going to be the Beserk, which I find actually stupid). However, I think it is more likely that the Huskarl is supposed to represent the Gothic army, based on its bonuses. (the segment below)

    How the game relates it to History: The cheap, spammability of the Huskarl probably has to do with the Barbarian's fast, disorganised charges. I remember reading something about Goths and Vandals using plate armor, which was tough to destroy, which probably had to do with the anti archer ability. However I am not too sure about that last one. (Feel free to jump in with your own ideas about it.)

    Japanese - SamuraiAbility: Infantry with fast attack.

    What it Was: The Samurai were an important social class of Japan. Like the Housecarl, they were extremely honor bound and served as bodyguards. They followed a code called "Bushido", which was very similar to the Chivalric Code for knights. If their employer died they would have to kill themselves. Samurai without an employer were called "Ronin".

    Significance to The Japanese: The Samurai were a significant part of feudal Japan, and are considered to be very famous around the world.

    How the game relates it to History: Samurai are fast at attacking. This is probably because they were armed with two swords, the daito and shoto. Together they were called the Dashio. They were extremely well trained as well, which is also probably a reason they attack fast. Samurai were also used to attacking eachother, so that may be why they have their bonus vs other UU's.

    Mongols - Mangudai

    Ability: Cavalry archer with attack bonus vs. siege weapons.

    What it Was: The Mangudai, or Mungudai, were troops in the Mongol Army. However their use is rather unclear. Some records say they were "Suicide troops". The aoe2 manual says that they were the Elite Cavalry Archers of the army that would use tactics to wear out their enemies before the fight had begun. However, a United States Army author believes that Mangudai was the name of a 13th-century Mongol warlord who created a selection process to test potential leaders.

    Significance to The Mongols: No matter what you think the Mangudai was, it is no doubt very Mongolian, and was used during the reign of the Khans in Mongolia.

    How the game relates it to History: I have no idea what the siege bonus is about, and have spent so much time looking for it. My guess is that the Mongols were great at raiding, and could take siege weapons out very quickly.

    Persians - War ElephantAbility: Slow, powerful, strong, and well-armored cavalry.

    What it Was: Elephants were used throughout classical and medieval warfare. Riders would sit in a tower on the Elephant's back, and would usually carry spears or bows to reach at enemies from long distances. Elephants were extremely scary to many Europeans who had not seen them before, and Horses would also become extremely terrified of them. Elephants would keep charging at their opponents, and their skin was very tough. They could also run over people easily.

    Significance to The Persians: The Sassanian Persians, who aoe2 based the Persians off of the most, used War Elephants quite a lot. Especially during their early days for the sheer psychological terror they inflicted on their enemies.

    How the game relates it to History: I mean, its a War Elephant. Its pretty straightforward. Its slowness and weakness to monks make sense, because its an Elephant. And its tankiness and powerfulness also make sense due to it being a literal elephant. The only problem I have with the War Elephant is that it doesn't have a rider, which is not at all historically accurate.

    So anyway, thats all the civs I am going to cover for today. Stay tuned for part 3, which will cover the last of the AoK civs. Once again thank you so much for the feedback and support on the last post, it is very touching to see me be accepted as a history nerd.

    tysm again!

    submitted by /u/Crusader_2
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    See how many vills your enemy has

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 07:14 AM PST

    Did you know you can see how many vills your enemy has by checking the cost of spies and diving it by 200?

    submitted by /u/Bubblesthebetta
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    how do you implement warweagons properly?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 05:01 AM PST

    korean becoming the archer i fail to see how ww are a good option in any point of the game. they get countered by skirms and halbs are decent against them and i dont really see how they enhance the game of a siege archer civ.

    yes they are tanky but they seem so weak are quite expensive and hard to mass.

    help would be appreciated

    submitted by /u/Yourpersonalpilot
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    Deep Waters One

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 02:35 AM PST

    Deep Waters One


    Hello everyone!

    We're happy to announce Deep Waters One, the first of our montly events, when Pro players face up in unusual set of games (one Random Map game, one Empire wars game and one Deathmatch game).Starting this saturday 28th at 12.00 GMT, with the final of the Cusu Cup (our first amateur tournament) as entrée, Deep Waters one wil feature LaaaaaN playing against Bact and TaToH going after ACCM.

    We're casting in both english and spanish. English will be casted in our twich channel, while spanish will be casted in our youtube chanel

    you can fin all the information in our website: https://deepwatersgaming.com/en/events/dw1-en/

    Hope you'll enjoy the show!

    submitted by /u/Lord_patito
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    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 07:43 AM PST

    Question on Player Icons and Event Mods

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 07:43 AM PST

    Only getting back to the game now. I bought it on release, had a blast playing it, then took a break. Now I'm noticing I missed a bunch of events that hand out profile pics and visual modifiers for the game. Are these gonna be repeatable over a year or is there no way to get them back?

    submitted by /u/CaptainJin
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    Aoe2 campaign artwork assets available in folder?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 07:31 AM PST

    Hi guys,

    is there an asset collection or a dir folder of the game where the beautiful artworks are located?

    I would love to use them for some water color work.

    submitted by /u/jammisaurus
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    Small feature request: "self garrison" hotkey

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 09:58 AM PST

    So let's say I build 2 archery ranges and I want archers to gather inside them. I have to click each one individual and set the gather point to inside. It would be nice to select both and use 1 hotkey to make each one set to garrison inside.

    submitted by /u/bond_james_bond-007
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    How do I search for and play custom campaigns for aoe2?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 05:39 AM PST

    Sorry if this question has been answered already, but I did minutes of googling and could not find an answer. One previous answer says to click "Mods" on the main menu, but I don't believe there is such a shortcut anymore.

    submitted by /u/victorha1027
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    Ranked matchmaking ELO range expanded for TG's?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 01:13 AM PST

    Has anybody else noticed the TG matchmaking is pairing up with a wider range of ELO's since the patch the other day?

    We played a lot of games last night and the ranked queue was pairing us with + or - 250 ELO players consistently after only queueing for just under 2 mins. Our group has a bit of range in ELO but not much.

    The games were noticeably more unfair last night, we either got stomped or destroyed them easily and were able to go meme strats when we realised the situation we were in. I know the range expands after queuing for 6-8 mins but it didn't seem like this prior to the hotfix.

    submitted by /u/Craigus89
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    Why don't thr Huns Get the Steppe Lancer?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 06:14 PM PST

    Mongols got the unit. But wouldn't it also make sense for the Huns Too.

    submitted by /u/TrumptyPumpkin
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    3 Ranked Leagues

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 03:35 AM PST

    Never having to Alt+F4 again. Just imagine.

    1. Clown League - Arena only
    2. Arabia League - Arabia only
    3. Open League - Rotation of all maps

    Splitting up the player base will on one hand increase queue time. However no-one ever Alt-F4ing again will mean less time wasted queueing. Honestly don't think it will be that bad.

    The bonus is that everyone gets what they want.

    submitted by /u/TheOthoMofo
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    I would prefer that Burmese get some strength besides Arumbai

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 11:44 AM PST

    Because the most recent nerf effectively did nothing to them. Burmese remain a D tier civ if they cannot get to Arumbai, but a solid B+ threat if they can safely get a castle up. Arumbai are more effective than conquistadors, and are also easy to create since they cost wood and gold instead of food and gold. (75w60g Vs 60f70g)

    Because Arumbai are so strong Burmese as a whole remain weak, and lose to any civ that can get to arb-halb. They never make use of their elephants, their archers/skirms are bad, and they have a bad win rate on open maps.

    But EVERY SINGLE DE TEAM GAME ON ARENA has at least one degenerate picking burmese and spamming Arumbai.

    I would rather see Arumbai become less powerful/less viable and have Burmese gain strength in other areas than continue to be a one trick pony

    submitted by /u/DeusVultGaming
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