• Breaking News

    Sunday, November 8, 2020

    Age of Empires II Ranked nomad- "I hope my tc isn't near anyone else"

    Age of Empires II Ranked nomad- "I hope my tc isn't near anyone else"

    Ranked nomad- "I hope my tc isn't near anyone else"

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 11:29 AM PST

    Had some fun on this map, the blue player choose spanish civ and went to spain, meanwhile I went to mexico as the aztecs and we kinda did a non organized discovering of the new world rp there, pretty fun stuff

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 04:02 PM PST

    Mass knight spam counter

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 02:21 AM PST

    So I can't figure out how to beat this

    Many is the game I've just absolutely spammed knights throughout castle age, keeping them alive, healed and taking villies but not fights.

    I can end up with 40+ of then before heading to imp.

    I've both done it and had it done to me, + 2+2 armour +bloodline knights absolutely tank TC shots. Get 20 under a TC and they'll take it in castle age.

    How do you counter a mobile moving heavily armoured cav mass.

    If you go pikes, you sink not only resource into a unit with low mobility(knights come and go at will cos of speed) but also map control, because u have to keep the pikes near your resource it makes it hard to leave your base.

    How do you guys, deal with this - I'm talking advice from 1200+ players plz :) thanks

    submitted by /u/Fitfatthin
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    Which mods do you think are really good?(I'm noob)

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 05:57 AM PST

    I think Sundjata is one of the most well-made of Forgotten campaigns

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 06:03 AM PST

    The African kingdoms campaigns is not so consistent on it's levels. Portuguese one is boring, Yodit is the second best and Tariq is all about razzias and fortress enemies.

    I didn't found a map about the battle of Kirina but the creator made a good choice with the map. Interesting that on definitive edition it became easier on Hard without Galleons but Fast fire ships to survive on Water


    submitted by /u/donmatt146
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    Berries on Hills are too disgustful to wall at Arabia

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 05:42 AM PST

    Berries on Hills are too disgustful to wall at Arabia

    First, I am sorry for my rage but I cannot stop complaining about recent updates on the map-creating algorithm at Arabia.
    Sometimes berries are on the hill and when I build a mill, I cannot build decent walls around the berries.

    I introduced square berries mod to improve this problem, but it doesnt solve this.

    This problem is caused by 2 factors; a small hill and the size of a mill.
    In Feudal Age, mills grow more bigger and frustrate me more. Dont let mills larger!

    I did not research windmill!

    Some idea to build a mill with a gap can be a bit comfortable for me, but the same problem occurs behind the mill.
    Some build-order like Man-At-Arms needs 5 or more workers on berries, so this is not a perfect solution.


    I dont know how all you guys feels about this and I decided to post it.
    Sorry for my poor English. Let me listen to your opinions.

    submitted by /u/deshooooo
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    Tournament Champions League Day 1 Results

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 05:35 PM PST

    Since I see no posts about it, I just wanted to say that we had a crazy day today and we have a 3 way tie between Viper, Hera and Liereyy. Unfortunately for him, Mr Yo lost all 3 of his matches 2-1 and won't make it into the final. We'll have a mini tie breaker series tomorrow to decide which 2 players will go to the final. Huge thanks to Hera and sponsors of this event for providing us such good content and competitive gameplay.

    Today's results are:

    Liereyy 2-1 Yo

    Viper 2-1 Hera

    Hera 2-1 Liereyy

    Viper 2-1 Yo (snake finally beats Yo 11)

    Hera 2-1 Yo

    Liereyy 2-1 Viper

    submitted by /u/ginber
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    Into drawings

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 07:54 AM PST

    Does anyone have a link to where I could the campaign intro artworks? I realized a lot of them would make awesome backgrounds

    submitted by /u/DrKillBilly
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    Suffer from constant crashes - advice?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 05:12 AM PST

    When I play single player v AI, I suffer from constant crashes - the game will just freeze and have to restart, the whole game will just quite randomly in the middle of the game, will freeze and stutter almost every game for a few seconds.

    I am running DE on a windows 10 PC with a decent i7 processor, 64gb memory and an SSD with an integrated graphics card, which can run the game at 40-50fps on low graphics mode. So I think my PC can deal with the game.

    I've reinstalled the game 3 times now and same problems keep happening.

    I feel like it may be caused by some kind of memory issue. I wonder if someone else has had these problems and been able to fix it? Maybe by increasing the amount of available memory. I don't like to complain, but the game is basically unplayable as it is.

    submitted by /u/sahwha
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    not a bad job for a noob :)

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 06:07 PM PST

    Your opinion about Aztecs nerf (Leaked Balance Change)

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 08:46 PM PST

    Do you think aztecs villagers losing -2 carrying capacity will make them balanced? Is it too less? Or will you see huge change the way the civ is played?

    I personally think that aztecs (even Mayans, Incas) are super strong because of eagles. Nerfing -2 carrying capacity is a nerf but I don't think its that big of a nerf. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/HauntingTime3300
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    magyar hussar vs mongol hussar

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 05:03 AM PST

    Who wins?

    submitted by /u/deadwizards
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    Looking for noobs to play with

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 02:36 PM PST

    Yo so my first online game of AoE2 was wild. The lobby said "noobs only black forest 3v3" or maybe it was 4v4. Now I havent played black forest but I've been watching the YT videos and ingame tutorials for fast castle and boom eco. So I figured I'd give this game a try. But this was different since you dont start with TC and have 3 vills scattered. So I just tried to find my vills, but I noticed one was getting attacked by an enemy vil and they had the upper hand so I retreated, and ran my other 2 vils to try and kill the enemy vill. They caught him, but he escaped with a small sliver of HP, and the other player began taunting me in the chat (1). I then tried to find sheep and get a TC and get going as fast as I could. Right as I built my mine and was getting ready to tech to Feudal, someone on my team said my name, then a bunch of stuff in spanish. I replied "?? no hablo espanol" and the guy replied "YOU SUCK" "YOU STUPID". I looked at my teammates set ups and they didnt appear to be much farther ahead than I from what I could tell, but it was clear I'd be last to hit Feudal since they all started hitting it shortly after that. At which point I felt it best to quit the game, my teammates weren't being co-operative and my fear of playing this game online had been solidified.

    That was a few months ago, I'm willing to give it another go but I'd like some noobs to play with who are at a similar level of familiarity with the multiplayer as I. I play Company of Heroes 2 online a lot but that game is braindead easy compared to AoE2. Comment on this post and I'll dm you my steam account

    submitted by /u/msullivan92
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    Does a castle fully garrisoned with arbs do more damage than a castle fully garrisoned with vils?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 07:43 PM PST

    Game won't stop re-subscribing to event mods

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 04:10 PM PST

    This is becoming really tiring.

    Every two days my town center is becoming a beach with a large cannon and a Khan sculpture on top of it, and terrain becomes bugged going from Winter Celebration to Summer Festival with the pink berries and all that stuff. Last game my fog of war was bugged as I could still see destroyed building as if they were pristine new inside of it.

    I earned them, yeah it's cool. But I deactivate them, they still show up. Uninstall them, they still show up (both in mod manager and profile). Delete the whole mod folder and mod manifest, they still show up.

    Am I the only one ? What can I do ? My mod manager is flooded with event mods and they redownload themselves everytime.

    Please send help. I fear to see the beach cannon-mangudai when I'll boot the game.

    submitted by /u/Der_Richterrr
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    More detailed game statistics

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 11:11 AM PST

    Is there any way to get very detailed post-game statistics? For example, how many kills each type of unit is responsible for?

    submitted by /u/TrulyMagicPanini
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    some questions i have to improve myslef

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 09:58 PM PST

    1. When you are hunting a boar. How do you make it to where when the villagers garrison they auto shoot when they come out? I tried shift click and the tc ends up shooting the boar. What sequence of hotkeys do I need to hit to make that work?
    2. How many villagers should I have on wood for making farms in feudal to castle? Will 14 villagers work enough to keep farm production going till you can castle?
    3. When do I get wheelbarrow? Do you have a specific number of villagers you hit and then research? Or is it right when you hit feudal?
    4. When do you get horse collar? Immediately when you feudal if you can?
    5. Does patrol work or is it attack move now?

    Any other suggestions would be appreciated. I went up to 1500 (1v1) and down to 1300 so I'm pretty bummed. I don't know the answer to these questions and figure maybe this would help.

    submitted by /u/deadwizards
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    GL Viper always says Portuguese are the best? WHY?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 08:45 PM PST

    So TheViper always says portuguese are such a special civ for him to play, and that it is so awesome, is there are reason why he says this??? or is he just joking?

    submitted by /u/LyfeMeter
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    I cannot load saved games. Def Edition

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 07:49 PM PST

    I have the game on pc and I got it through steam. I originally purchased a version through Microsoft store and didnt have this problem. I can save again, but now it saved as a file and not in the game. I cannot get the file to work nor can I import it into the game. It still saves, but I cannot resume playing a saved game. It asks me where I want to run the file, like in Microsoft app store, or notepad or something but I cannot select AOE2 because it is now an option

    submitted by /u/I_DontLiveToday
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