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    Sunday, December 6, 2020

    Age of Empires II Proud of my micro, guess the elo?

    Age of Empires II Proud of my micro, guess the elo?

    Proud of my micro, guess the elo?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 09:34 AM PST

    If a building is destroyed while it has things in queue, do the resources get returned?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 11:18 AM PST

    If a TC with imperial age or a castle with trebs for instace. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Chloe_Vane
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    Help getting back into the game

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 09:09 AM PST

    Hello. I used to play the shit out of this game as a kid. Soon my pc died and I stopped playing it. Its been 10 years I think. I got the game today after seeing a video on it and feeling nostalgic. Now, I realize I've forgot a lot about the mechanics and I only remember playing the Joan of Arc campaign. What mode should I (re)start with? And how is the multiplayer scene in this game now? Which youtube guide do you recommend(if any)?


    submitted by /u/Disastrous_Thing_733
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    Devs please please please improve the minimap

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 08:39 AM PST

    After playing some Starcraft 2 I realised how much more I use the minimap in that game compared with AoE 2 and that its minimap could use a lot of improvements. It's just such a useful tool that gives you a huge amount of information about what's happening in the game, where your resources are, the structure of the map, where the enemy is... and yet it's doesn't do a great job communicating that information. Here are some things I would suggest:

    • Improve the colors or let me customize them. The ground and trees are displayed with a green color while berries, deer and boar are displayed with a brighter green color and that makes things really hard to differentiate, and even more when you're looking at such small pixels. Also relics and selected units are both displayed with a white color and a square of the same size, which doesn't make any sense.
    • Make the squares of a different size and give them an outline. Buildings, units, relics, etc all have an square of the same size in the minimap, which makes it impossible to differentiate them too. In Starcraft you have a big square to represent what would be your town centers, medium sized squares for other buildings and small ones for units and the outline helps them pop out against the background.
    • Let me increase the size of the minimap and reposition it. There are mods that let you do this but still the default size of the minimap is ridiculously small and with a 1366x768 screen I literally have to look at pixels to see where my units are unless I use mods, but still that brings me to the next point.
    • Let me remove the buttons and area surrounding the minimap. I can't even think of a single time when I used the buttons to toggle between the minimap modes during the middle of a game or to make a signal instead of using shortcuts, and I'm sure other players could agree. The mods make the minimap bigger but they make those buttons and area bigger too and they end up taking most of the screen.
    • Display your area of vision in the minimap. In Starcraft's minimap you have a circle surrounding your units and buildings that makes pixels brighter to indicate that you have vision for that area. This is really useful and tells you how much control you have around the map and where you have blind spots to be attacked from.

    Please upvote this if you agree with some of the changes because I'm tired of ending up with red eyes after playing a couple of games looking at the minimap. Also share other suggestions so the devs hopefully may see them and take note.

    submitted by /u/Im_gonna_snake_that
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