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    Tuesday, January 19, 2021

    Age of Empires II Me putting the hours in yet still being 1000ELO in a picture:

    Age of Empires II Me putting the hours in yet still being 1000ELO in a picture:

    Me putting the hours in yet still being 1000ELO in a picture:

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 04:37 AM PST

    Brown player colour hidden in game files! We might see some new defaul game player colour?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 01:13 PM PST

    You may be a bold player, but not as bold as this Pokemon

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 05:47 PM PST

    Analysis of Hera vs Laaaaan 2K5 Teutons vs Malians game

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 04:51 AM PST

    Hello guys!

    I want to take a look at this game because it's one of those Hera's perfect defense examples. What really amazes me is that Hera didn't make virtually any military unit until imperial, didn't wall and somehow managed to win the game.

    Unfortunately I wasn't able to download the game from aoe2, so if you guys have it or u/Hera_aoe or Laaaaan want to share it, I'll really appreciate it. Especially to see Laaaaan 's part of the game, and put it under CaptureAge scrutiny.

    So starting with the matchup, as we all now Teutons have a solid cav push and good towers that garrison more units and have murderholes from the start; meanwhile Malians have a resistant infantry and a good raiding unit, the Gbeto. From my nooby point of view, I'd expect some booming from the teutons and early pressure from the Malians to stop that push to happen.

    Oh boy I was wrong.

    We can see that Hera decided to go scout but he had to back up when Laaaaan decided to go towers. Strange decision since Teutons have some of the best towers in the game. Hera's main gold was a front one, but he had two in the back/flank. Two stones in the back, luckily for him. He saw the vils going forward and reacted very fast, and he was lucky enough to catch a sneaky vil that was trying to tower his other wood line. "I can smell 2k5".

    One more tower goes up denying two of his farms, and he gives them up. Important move here, and I've seen him explaining it in his playing from behind video, where he explains that you only should contest the towers that threaten your resources. That tower maybe was too greedy from Laaaaan's part, and he wasted that stone. Next towers get contested. Hera makes two scouts, while Laaaaan keeps pressuring with his m@a.

    Tower rush is over and Laaaaan didn't manage to kill a single vil.

    Despite everything, Laaaaan manages to go castle slightly faster. Probably a perfectly executed feudal age, with few idle vil time. Hera's vils had to dance around a little, and he did produce some (3?) scouts that hindered him a little.

    Immediately, Laaaaan castle drops. From here on, we have full defense on Hera's side. He doesn't contest the castle, he realizes Laaaaan's going gbeto and builds a monastery, 3 monks and a couple of knights to clean things up.

    Mind you, that's all the military he's going to have until imperial, and he isn't even walled. All his defense is going to be the wololos from the monks, and retiring his vils to the nearest TC or tower. He even manages to send some gbetos back to Laaaaan's base and kill some vils, forcing him to retreat some of his own. He's fully 4TC booming now and my guess is he has +15 more vils than Laaaaan by minute 35. Laaaaan 2nd offensive is another castle drop denying Hera's wood but he finds another one in the back. Hera's up to Imperial.

    What the freck is going on? Hera didn't produce any military, and he's trying to outboom Laaaaan. On the other hand, I can't see what stopped Laaaaan from going full knight and disrupting Hera's eco, maybe a cleverer player knows better than me. Hera doesn't have pikes, nor enough monks, nor is walled. He's outbooming Laaaaan and will snowball him unless he does something. Second castle drop was the right choice? Well, as Hera says, that castle didn't threaten his eco enough. It didn't deny any gold or stone, nor killed a TC or even a vil. He realized that and went for a 3 castle threatening both a castle and a gold mine. But by then Hera's going up and preparing to treb all those castles down. Too late?

    At this point I was puzzled. I would have died 15 times under that pressure. Let's pause a second and take a look at the whole picture. Hera is surrounded by three castles, a group of gbetos roaming free around his base and all he has is 3 monks, his defensive castles and his cold blood. But all his defensive buildings (including those towers from the beginning) are placed in such a way, that there's literally no way into his base. Right flank was kind of unprotected, but Laaaaan didn't go there. Bad scouting? Overcommiting to the front? Fear of a counter-attack? I don't know. In my games such things don't happen. Opps always find a way in.

    From there on it's just a normal game. Hera makes his eco work, goes teuton knights for the lols + onagers and trebs Laaaaan to hell. His teutonic bois get the gbetos and onagers kill Laaaaan's trebs. Laaaaan's gbetos didn't get to counter the onagers. Siege approaches Laaaaan's base and it's GG.

    Update: by minute 23 when Hera hits castle age, Hera'd had 33' of idle vil time and 15'' of TC idle time. LaaaaaN had had 14' idle vil time, and 1'19'' TC idle time. Hera had 43 vils vs 42 of LaaaaN. But by minute 35 Hera had 115 vils against Laaaaan's 67. Laaaaan had only 2 TC with a total of 7'12'' idle time vs Hera's 4 TC and only 2' idle time.

    TL;DR: Hera is the master of booming.

    submitted by /u/menerell
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    Custom Scenario lobby in a nutshell

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 10:12 AM PST

    Civ Idea #2 - Sioux

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 07:44 AM PST

    We already have Aztecs, Maya, and Inca dominating Central and South America. Wouldn't it be nice to have Natives in North America?

    Architecture - Native American (NA)

    Infantry civilization

    • Hunters kill huntables in one strike.
    • +5 HP for barracks units per monastery tech researched.
    • +3 LOS for infantry units.
    • Houses +2 LOS.


    • Sioux Spearman (Castle) - Infantry unit with fast attack rate.
    • Sunka Wakan (Archery Range) - cavalry archer available only after Colonial Influence is researched. Attack bonus vs other cavalry units, at the expense of lower HP.


    • Castle: Warchiefs - Infantry units regenerate.
    • Imperial: Colonial Influence - Sunka Wakan available in Archery Range. (Europeans brought horses to the New World, and that was after AoE2 timeframe. It's also a reference to how adept the Indians were on horseback).

    Team Bonus: Houses are 33% cheaper.


    • All gunpowder units and bombard tower
    • Stable, their units, and all upgrades.
    • Architecture
    • Redemption, Atonement, Illumination, Block Printing (Keep in mind that in order to balance the infantry, I miss out on a few techs.)
    • Third armor blacksmith upgrades for archers and infantry.
    • Siege Engineers
    • Keep, Fortified Wall, Heated Shot
    • Galleon, Dry Dock, Shipwright, Fast Fire Ship, Demo Ship line
    • Third siege workshop unit upgrades
    • Crop Rotation
    • (more to add soon...)

    Please rate my idea! Anything broken, do let me know. Feedback is very appreciated!

    submitted by /u/hussar269c
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    Sea bridge (how cool would that be)

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 02:44 AM PST

    How cool would it be to build sea bridges?! (one tile at a time like building walls but allowing you to transport land units over sea). Like the bridge that Persia made to Greece! Yes! Can someone who knows how make a feature request for this? It would be great for team islands maps!


    View Poll

    submitted by /u/mullikine
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    Was thinking about remastering/redoing some of the old conquerors historical battles(Agincourt, Tours, Hastings, and Manzikert). Anyone have any ideas?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 07:24 AM PST

    I think its safe to assume that almost everyone on this sub has played the battles above. As a child I always loved them but nowadays I find that they are lacking(which is understandable since it was the early 2000's). I am thinking about remaking them from the ground up and adding new features (bigger battles, bigger map, etc). Anyone have any ideas I could possibly implement? Note: I have no idea how these battles were fought in detail, I only have a general context of them.

    submitted by /u/seanobroin
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    Are there any information on Burgundians and Sicilians tech trees respectively?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 05:15 AM PST

    I know that the new DLC is still 1 week away from its release, but are there any hints on what those civilizations' tech trees might look like? If so, what are some of the hints?

    submitted by /u/Block-Busted
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    Searching for an Opponent

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 06:25 AM PST

    Hello all. I used to play aoe2 when I was 10 ish but stopped playing. Since I met my boyfriend last year I've started playing again as he plays as well. I'd like to give an online game a try so if there is someone with a low elo would like to play against me hmu :) also I'm just a girl playing on my boyfriends account so his elo is 1600ish but I'm just a noob wanting to play online. I'll probably just end up playing SimCity while you crush me.

    submitted by /u/bearbrother3
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    Replay Old Matches

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 02:38 AM PST

    I want to watch some of my old RM matches. But when I try to play them, I get an error stating that the file is "incompatible". Is there a way to fix this, or can I get the replay files through aoe.com?( I've searched, but I couldn't find the option to download game files). Thank you.

    submitted by /u/sonyEX400
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    Building an army and military strategy advice

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 04:39 AM PST

    I'm not new to AoE2, having first played it as a kid in the 00s, but since last month I have returned to the game as more or less a beginner to intermediate player. I am just getting a hang of hot keys, have been watching SotL videos, and am learning some build orders. I mostly play against the AI on moderate level and will more often than not defeat it 1v1, but it's when I have 4+ players on the map that I really feel the difficulty, both with and without teams.

    I am struggling most with organising my armies and winning battles consistently. Raising my APM is one thing, but I feel like something is missing from my military organisation. The main civ I use are the Britons, but I also like the Mongols, Vietnamese, and Vikings. Up until now I have been setting control groups for each type of unit, e.g. scouts = 1, archers = 2, longbows = 3, and so on... either this is the wrong way to do it or I'm not using them properly.

    Any advice and tips on how to get better would be much appreciated. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/mindyourtongueboi
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    After playing a game where a guy started calling me names because I was fully walled before his army came, this feels applicable.

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 10:02 AM PST

    Do we know the DLC release time?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 07:16 AM PST

    Might be a dumb question, but I cant find the info anywhere: do we know when the DLC gets released tomorrow?

    Or when do updates generally get pushed?

    submitted by /u/AOE_goldfish
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    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 07:01 AM PST

    With the new DLC coming out giving us 2 new civilizations, if you were to add more, which ones would you add?

    submitted by /u/Styvan01
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    What's the Meta for Steppe? TC at starting location or near woodline?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 12:48 AM PST

    Do I drop the TC immediately or go build it near a woodline?

    submitted by /u/power0fdreams
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    I found the buildup to this castle drop amusing. Surprised Snek

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 09:41 AM PST

    Anyone know how Spirit of the Law has such high quality/higher zoom in his videos?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 06:24 AM PST

    Despite only being 1080p his videos seems incredibly clear and sharp, and noticeably more zoomed in. I'd assume there's a mod for it & just wondered out of curiosity as it's cool seeing the character models and animations so close up.

    submitted by /u/schweffrey
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    My first 'fast' imp attempt, what's considered a strong uptime with Turks?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 02:31 PM PST

    What's up with the aoe2.net?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 01:26 AM PST

    Half of the matches in players' profiles don't have a result shown, replays can't be downloaded

    submitted by /u/vesnoimorskoi
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    Why is my stats unavailable on ageofempires.com?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 11:09 PM PST

    I'm logged into that website with my steam account but it says no stats available; why is that?

    submitted by /u/MysteriousShadow__
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