• Breaking News

    Thursday, January 28, 2021

    Age of Empires II With Lords of the West now launched, we’re focused on your feedback and the issues you’ve been reporting.

    Age of Empires II With Lords of the West now launched, we’re focused on your feedback and the issues you’ve been reporting.

    With Lords of the West now launched, we’re focused on your feedback and the issues you’ve been reporting.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 01:50 PM PST

    $10 for DLC, for a game that is updated every month is not a cash grab. Development and servers cost money.

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 01:56 AM PST

    Hearing too much nonsense about how the new content is a cash grab.

    Not suggesting they are not making money doing this, just that it is fair for a game provider to make money. While the bugs are annoying, I feel we are lucky to have a team that care about the game and act fast to resolve issues.

    submitted by /u/dazcar
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    a finished collection :)

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 03:11 PM PST

    Bug: Mangonel casually riding through walls stopping a castle drop

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 04:59 AM PST

    The History Behind the Sicilian Civ Bonuses

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 09:11 PM PST

    Wanted to give some historical insights on the Sicilian civ bonuses.

    Civilization bonuses
    Castles and Town Centers are constructed 100% faster.
    Land military units absorb 50% of all incoming bonus damage.
    Farm upgrades provide +100% additional food to Farms before they need to be reseeded.
    Can build Donjons, which replace the regular Watch Tower line.

    Team bonus
    Transport Ships +5 carry capacity and +10 armor versus anti-ship bonus damage.

    Castles and Town Centers are constructed 100% faster.
    Faster building Castles/Town Centers reflects the Norman penchant for castle building. While famous for building castles in England, the Normans also constructed many throughout Southern Italy and Sicily, such as the Castello Normanno ("Norman Castle") in Aci Castello, Sicily (built impressively on a rocky outcrop facing the sea) or the Castle of Melfi in Melfi, Italy. There are several castles and towers in the region referred to as "Norman Castle" or "Norman Tower" in Italian, reflecting the ubiquity of these constructions during the relatively brief period of Norman rule.

    In fact, this period of Norman Italy/Sicily (11th and 12th centuries) was known for incastellamento (encastellation), as castles sprung up so rapidly. Castles gave the Norman elite -- always relatively few in numbers -- the ability to control territory and manage very large and diverse subject populations, especially in Sicily. Castles and simple keeps or donjons also provided effective defense against feuds with Norman families (such as the conflicts between the Hautevilles and Drengots) and other invading powers. Castles also served an almost-offensive component, as represented by Count Roger's conquest of Sicily which was made possible by his gradual expansion out from his power bases of castles and towers.

    In fact, the geography of Southern Italy and Sicily, with its mountain ranges and narrow coastal plains, encouraged the construction of castles as a means to control and defend key terrain such as valleys and coastal cities.

    Land military units absorb 50% of all incoming bonus damage.
    During their height, the Normans (and especially their cavalry) were militarily unstoppable on the battlefields of Southern Italy, the Balkans, and the Near East, such as at the Battle of Dyrrhachium (1081) when the Normans broke the center of the Byzantine lines with a direct charge. The Normans would have similar successes in direct melee with Arabs, Berbers, and Turks despite often being outnumbered. For example, at the Battle of Cerami (1063), a little more than 100 Norman knights decisively defeated a much larger Arab/Berber force, estimated in the thousands, through direct cavalry charge. Simply put, the Normans did not have a lot of tactical tricks up their sleeves to make up for their small numbers, but could still win with sheer ferocity.

    In addition, this bonus reflects the Italo-Norman success against their enemies. Similar to how the Lithuanian Leitis -- with an attack that ignores armor -- is especially effective against Teutonic Knights and Boyars, the unique units of two civilizations the historical Lithuanians fought and had successes against, the Sicilians being able to mitigate bonus damage reflects the Sicilian/Norman successes against their historical opponents: the Byzantines (with their anti-infantry Cataphracts and their other counter units -- spearmen/skirmishers) and Saracens (camels).

    Farm upgrades provide +100% additional food to Farms before they need to be reseeded.
    Dating back to Roman times, Southern Italy and Sicily has always been an agricultural center, owing to its warm climate and the fertile volcanic soil in the region. The Roman latifundia, or large farming estates, were long a feature of Sicily into the Middle Ages. While some historians suggest that the persistence of latifundia had long-term negative effects on the development of the Sicilian economy, the bonus makes sense when one considers that these large estates would have contained significant agricultural area -- hence the increased amount of food for a given farm.

    Can build Donjons, which replace the regular Watch Tower line.
    The design of the Donjon itself is based on the Castello di Adrano in Adrano, Sicily (built in 1072 by Count Roger I of Sicily) -- which features a square tower above a recognizable larger base, possibly built up over an older Arab structure. Count Roger is believed to have erected this tower as a fortified outpost to assist in his conquest of the nearby city of Catania. The Normans often used such structures as bases of operation for offensive actions throughout a region. This history of offensive building is also reflected in the fact that the Donjon can train Serjeants and Serjeants themselves can build Donjons. In the game, the high armor value of the Serjeants allows them to hold their own in hostile territory a bit longer than regular infantry can until players can send in their Knights from their main bases.

    Transport Ships +5 carry capacity and +10 armor versus anti-ship bonus damage.
    The Italo-Normans were not particularly effective at naval combat -- as evidenced by a number of naval defeats against the Byzantine/Venetians -- notably, the Battle of Corfu in 1084. They were, however, extremely innovative at transporting armies and horses, as well as undertaking amphibious operations, most notably in their initial conquests in Sicily as well as later in the Balkans. For example, in May 1061, Roger crossed the Strait of Messina separating Italy and Sicily with a surprise night-time crossing while the city of Palermo was taken 11 years later by an amphibious invasion. Transports having additional carry capacity and armor reflects this Norman/Sicilian ability to strike out via sea.

    While the Italo-Normans were relatively few in numbers, they showed impressive ability to strike quickly into, seize, and control disparate areas, as reflected by their pretty wide territorial range (also seen in the Hautevilles campaign). The combination of the Transport Ship Team Bonus, the Donjon, the Serjeant, and the faster-building Castles reflects this history as it gives the Sicilian player ways to strike out on both land and sea and hold territory for follow-on forces. The ability to ignore bonus damage reflects their sheer military dominance throughout the 11th and 12th centuries.

    submitted by /u/FilthydelphiaAoK
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    Mangonel Range Mod : should be banned ?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 01:57 AM PST

    Mangonel Range Mod : should be banned ?

    Hi guys, was watching an AoE2:DE video before sleeping as usual, and ... saw that (see picture)


    I always wondered if such a mod was existing or not. And seems yes.

    Why was I thinking that ? Because some opponent were way to good to avoid my mangonel shots. Always running out of the mango range before I was able to shot.

    I really think this mod shouldn't be allowed, as it is a big nerf to mangonels/onagers to be able to see in real-time where it can hurts. It's too easy.

    What do you think about it guys ?

    submitted by /u/InfectedFuture
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    New feature idea on the monastery

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 04:12 AM PST

    I for one really like the new Lithuanian buff, it stands to reason when their win-rate is only around 50%. The trouble is that it really is very micro intensive: you have to keep garrisoning and ungarrisoning relics, which makes it hard to manage your economy and army at the same time.

    So here's my proposed fix: adding a button on the monastery that tasks the nearest monk to continuously move the relic in and out of the monastery. Maybe add a limit so that it stops at the natural maximum of +131,072 (so as to not crash the game). What do you think?

    I also had a few other ideas, like removing the walls from Arena entirely. With the new wall-delete feature you don't need walls anyway, so why not expedite the process?

    submitted by /u/OverwhelmingMoose
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    Burgundian Gunpowder: Analysis

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 01:13 AM PST

    Just beat a Lithuanian glitch abuser

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 12:46 AM PST

    Lowly 1000 elo peasant here, just started playing ranked a week back. Ran into a player running lithuanians , immediately got a bad feeling but I kept playing. Did an Ethiopian archer rush, my timing was incredibly inneffficiant and got to his base only at 15:00 ish, turned out he was going FC. Did some fair damage with my archers, but by then he was in castle age. Saved my archers, made more, hit castle by 22 due to eco mismanagement. Went to his base and found +33 knights to my horror.

    I destroyed him . Drove my archers into a chokepoint and kept shooting them out. He eventually killed my archer mass, but by then I was in imp with 50 Ethiopian arbs. He had around 40 knights but they still got slaughtered.

    Absolutely pathetic player, I'm not good at the game by any means , but he failed to beat me even while abusing a disgusting glitch. I'm always pleasant on chat but I confess I did flame him a fair bit during the game. Imagine cheating, and still losing to a noob like me.

    submitted by /u/BuckMe_InTheAsh
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    Spectated u/Polluxxx__'s game

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 05:36 AM PST

    AoE II Companion App - Lords of the West Update

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 05:55 AM PST

    Hi, some time ago I posted here about the app AoE II Companion which I am working on. It uses the data from aoe2.net and it is released for Android and iOS.

    I have updated the app with the recent changes in the Lords of the West update.


    Burgundians & Sicilians

    New civilizations are available in the civ overview and tech tree.


    If you find any bugs or have suggestions for improving the app write in the comments or join the discord server :)

    Download here for Android and iOS.

    submitted by /u/denniskeil
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    Aoe2 Graphics suggestion

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 06:48 AM PST

    Civilization banners or flags hanging from town centres and castles would be aesthetically pleasing.

    submitted by /u/fuckir
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    I always forget about my eco

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 07:33 PM PST

    Shamburger is a tune!

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 04:50 AM PST

    Hi devs. Can you disable Lithuanians until you hot fix their relic abusing bug?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 08:27 PM PST

    40 attack damage knights is shitty. Disable them for until you fix this.

    submitted by /u/Team-CCP
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    New datamined profile icons

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 04:59 AM PST

    Some new profile icons datamined with the release of the new DLC. These icons might be for future events?

    AoE 2 DE New Profile Icons

    So far my favorite;


    Over 1,000,000 IQ

    submitted by /u/Soldeo
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    Alternative AoE2 business model

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 03:19 AM PST

    Currently the dev studio decided to fund game upkeep by releasing new civs and campaigns, there are some problems with this.

    Obviously, people who don't buy the DLC have a disadvantage (big or small, doesn't matter) since they cannot choose every civ in the game.

    There is also a danger of DLC civs being completely OP, which ruins the competitive experience for anyone who doesn't invest more money for new civs.

    This is all besides the point. The real problem is that creating new civs is not sustainable because there is only so many civs you can make before balance collapses or every civ starts to look the same.

    Instead of adding civs for cash, why not create custom skins for various units and buildings and sell those? Similar to LoL, DOTA and pretty much every major pvp game these days.

    Examples could be: different colored horse on your knights, villager skins based on region, militia line skin for meso civs, region unique building model, different skin color for units based on region, etc.

    There is so many things which can be done with this and its already done through quests lines every time a new update comes.

    The cosmetics can be varied while still holding true to aoe2 theme so as not to make the game hard to read while playing.

    How much would you be willing to pay for cosmetics?

    submitted by /u/ludibog
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    The game is still enjoyable!

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 07:32 AM PST

    So being a lover of all things aoe2 I was pretty gutted to see the new bugs come to light, coupled with what could be considered strong new civs, I was nervous about playing online.

    I've just finished a good 3/4 hour session and not come across 1 bug abuser and played against burgundians with castle age cavaliers.

    Yes they cavalier are strong but it's not game breaking, and managed well the better player still wins.

    All I'm trying to say, don't listen to the doom and gloom.

    YES things need to be fixed, but the game is still enjoyable and playable in the most part.

    Get yourselves out there and play, there's no harm in trying!

    GL HF

    submitted by /u/Gum_gum_man
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    What is good vs the new civs?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 04:31 AM PST

    People have been bringing up how OP the new civs are (which I personally don't think is the case), but I'd like to find out what your experiences are in how to counter the new civs and discuss what are stronger and lesser counters.

    Below are just my thoughts on good counters.
    You don't have to read it, I'm more interested in your thoughts about counters.

    When playing the Sicilians, I found that very strong infantry civs can really make things difficult for them.
    The DPS, accuracy and armour of the arbalest is subpar, and the cavalier and serjeant are not at all cost effective in dealing with decent infantry.
    I feel like you end up really pushed toward using siege for ranged damage and you have a decent siege tech tree, but it's not like there's anything too special about it.
    The Sicilian tech tree overall is actually pretty average or below average outside of the siege.
    It can be easy to be overpowered by civs that have strong cavalry that also have good options to deal with trash, like Franks or Teutons.
    Sicilians in my opinion feel strongest in Castle age but can become overwhelmed quite easily in Imperial if the opposing civ/civs are left unchecked through the game.

    When it comes to the Burgundians, they're slow.
    When playing as them, you sort of have to pay the extra resources for the eco upgrades, otherwise you have no economy bonus.
    This means that you're not going to have fast uptimes and leaves your more open to aggression.
    They have no good early game strategy.
    In Feudal, they have nothing going for them, making them less effective against civs with good early ecos and military bonuses that kick in during Feudal.
    Researching cavalier takes double the time of bloodlines, which only adds more of a slowdown getting their knights out.
    Once you have your Castle age cavalier, it's pretty good versus anyone not properly prepared for knights.
    But if they've put a bit of prep into camels and pikes (which isn't hard for the opponents because of how slow the Burgundian startup is), you're going to struggle.
    In the late Castle age and early Imperial age, you sort of have to go cavalier and paladin, but the late-Imperial paladin is so much less cost effective in the long run compared to other paladin civs that I feel you're pushed towards pike and shot armies and just dropping knights eniterly.
    These pike and shot armies are pretty vulnerable to skirmishers, hussars and siege.
    Burgundians are a really weird civ where the units they have bonuses for are weaker than that of other civs that have bonuses for the same units.
    So conventional counters are as effective, if not more effective.
    The Burgundian eco can get really strong in the midgame, but if you pressure them, then I think they can feel a lot weaker than they're characterised to be.

    submitted by /u/PMar_Project
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    Tower rush build order I made for a friend. Hope it helps someone.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 10:18 AM PST

    We did it, Patrick! We saved the city!

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 10:52 AM PST

    First ranked games!

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 04:16 PM PST

    To preface this, I feel like a little kid again who just dig up his dusty aoe2 CD.

    Before this, the last time I'd played this game was probably twenty years ago, somehow I discovered it was still going on YT or something and decided to revisit my childhood...

    After buying the game about 6 months ago, I dabbled in it but couldn't bring myself to play it, I don't know why. The strange thing I found was that watching it on streams / spectate was really enjoyable. After many many months of lurking on Reddit and watching countless games on T90s twitch (and a few Sun Tzu practices...), I finally plucked up the courage to play some ranked games.

    My strategy was Britons, have a decent build into castle age, build up my archer numbers in feudal and snipe a few Vils maybe, and then push with 15/20 Xbows, maybe with mangonels if a forward siege wshop was on.

    I've never had so much fun playing a game.

    Now, bearing in mind my Elo is about 800 so not a particularly good level, I won 4 games in a row and have had to tear myself away from my PC to go to bed. My favourite game was where the oppo had an awful hill In front of his base, I patrolled my xbows around there and pushed a vil forward for a siege workshop. 2 mangonels and 3 minutes later and it was gg.

    I know I'm only scratching the surface of this game, but wow, wow wow wow, it's a hell of a buzz winning a game, and I'm so chuffed to win 4 games In a row. I'm sure it will get harder as time goes on, but I'm looking forward to the challenge, I'm starting to understand the game slightly more and it's such a great feeling.

    Now my ramble is over, just a big shoutout to T90Official, without him casting I probably wouldn't have ever got back into this game.

    Now I'm meant to be a grownup and I understand this is a very silly childish post, but heck Idc.

    Thanks for reading and being a great community, means a lot for a new player :)

    submitted by /u/aliwaii
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