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    Thursday, February 4, 2021

    Age of Empires II So i made an AoE memory card game ;-)

    Age of Empires II So i made an AoE memory card game ;-)

    So i made an AoE memory card game ;-)

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 02:01 AM PST


    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 03:38 PM PST

    Devs, can we please get a 5 seconds paused "warm-up" time after loading?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 10:01 PM PST

    Hey guys, I wanna request what I think is a very reasonable and healthy feature that most multiplayer games have and AoE2 is lacking.

    At the moment, you are thrown immediately into a game after loading, no warm-up, nothing, and while it may not bother everyone, it can lead to some incredibly frustrating moments like I had today: My opponent was taking too long to load, so I took a sip of my Water... and BAM, game loads, I have my bottle in my hand and lose about 3-4 seconds because of this.

    Sure, you may argue that it was my fault, I knew it could load at any time, but I still think that starting this suddenly is kinda of an archaic left over mechanic and could be improved upon... I can see it being especially frustrating to newcomers.

    submitted by /u/NargWielki
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    Burgundian villagers upgrade to Militia? More like...

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 11:47 AM PST

    [Rant] Can we stop putting all the "Age of" games on the same wiki?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 04:25 AM PST

    This annoyed me a lot on the ageofempires.fandom wiki page, but now it seems like someone's done it again on the liquipedia page.

    It makes the website unnecessarily awkward to navigate, having to specify whether you're trying to get to the Age of Empires 2 civ "Chinese", the Age of Mythology civ "Chinese" or the Age of Empires 3 civ "Chinese".

    Just have a separate wiki for each game. When I'm on an AoE2 page, and click on the link for "Chinese", there's a 0% CHANCE that I was trying to get to the AoE3 page. It seemed pretty obvious that the liquipedia was only meant for Age of Empires II, since the other 3 "Age of" games have a non-existent e-sports scene.

    submitted by /u/wtfduud
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    It's my new one, That's calling, I AM MANGUDAI

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 07:17 AM PST

    "Arambai are not OP!!!"

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 09:58 AM PST

    Burgundian and Sicilian Unique Techs

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 11:21 AM PST

    I made a post about the unique techs for the two new civs shortly after they were announced (link here) outlining why I was worried about them. In summary, I was not excited about the one-time mechanic all the techs had and how reminiscient of AoE3 and AoM they were. I believed the new techs would be either useless or OP in different situations with no in between. Flemish Revolution is not only useless but detrimental if you research it in early or mid imp. But if the game gets to late imp and its a skirm-hussar-halb vs skirm-hussar-halb trashfest, with each player having 100 villagers, turning those 100 villagers INSTANTLY into what's essentially two handed swordsmen with a bonus vs cavalry is an immense and game-ending powerspike the opponent cannot respond to assuming the two players are of equal skill.

    In that post, I talked about how its going to be really really difficult to balance these unique techs such that they're viable in most situations. Most of the unique techs scale with some other parameter and their one-time nature means changing the cost of the unique tech or its effect size (stats on flemish militia, ratio of food to gold converted, etc...) just determines in what situations the techs will be busted, and in what situations they're useless. It will not make them more viable and balanced in most situations. It'll also be difficult to even know whether these techs should be nerfed or buffed. Should flemish revolution be buffed to make it more viable in early and mid imp, or should it be nerfed to make it less viable in late imp?

    Another reason why they're flawed is because all of the tech effects scale with some in-game parameter. First Crusade's effect size scales with the number of tcs you have, scutage scales with your and your allies' military count, burgundian vineyards scales with your food stockpile, and flemish militia scales with your villager count. If the cost of the techs doesn't also somehow scale with its effect, there will always be some optimal amount of that determinant to have beyond which it is always worth getting and before which it is never worth getting. Increasing the cost of burgundian vineyards will just force burgundian players to wait until their food count is at the new optimal point before researching it.

    After having played with and against the new civs in the past week, in ranked 1v1s, in ranked team games, in unranked lobby games, and against friends, watching pros play with and against them, and talking with other members of the community with how they perceive or think of the new unique techs, I still think the issues surrounding the new unique techs are very much relevant and need fixing. The new unique techs are for the most part useless when played in a meta setting, especially in team games. Except for scutage (and first crusade in its current state) I do not see why players would ever give up all their food for some lesser amount of gold or sacrifice all their eco for units that are easily countered when trade is available. In 1v1s, though, if the game drags late, these techs can determine who wins. That is unlike any other tech in the game and must be addressed.

    I have also gathered some suggestions I've seen on the reddit and the official AoE2 forums, alongside my own original ones, about how these techs can be changed fundamentally such that they're easier to balance in most scenarios:

    Burgundian Vineyards. The first half of the tech, where all your food is converted to gold, should not be a thing. The tech is perfectly fine for the sake of balance if all it did was allow farmers to generate a small trickle of gold. If the tech was too underwhelming, you increase the gold trickle. If the tech was too strong, you decrease the trickle. This is useful but not game-ending to get at all stages of 1v1s and team games. It doesn't have the potential to set you behind more than the resources the tech costs, and is not a one-time mechanic that scales with some in-game parameter as strongly.

    Flemish Revolution. I understand revolutions/Ragnarok exist and aren't game-breaking in other AoE games. However, they exist and work with many civilizations, and in those games civilizations are muuuuuch more different from each other than the ones in aoe2. Aoe2 civs share the same basic tech tree, have the same basic mechanics, and are in some sweet spot in terms of game design between Starcraft and Civilization when it comes to civ differentiability. This is, I think, one thing that makes AoE2 unique in the RTS world. Massive effects like converting all your eco into military work in those games because every civ has access to a similarly gimmicky mechanic of their own. All European civs in AoE3 have access to revolution, and can respond to any other civ's revolution with their own if all else fails. This does not apply to aoe2 and the current effect of the tech will forever be a nightmare for the game and its players.

    Why not, instead of force converting all your villagers into military units, this tech unlocked the ability to upgrade villagers into flemish militia? After a Burgundian player has researched this tech, a button appears in the villager selection panel where you command them to build/repair/be deleted that can unlock that villager to flemish militia at a set cost of x food/gold. This tech can be useful in all stages of imperial age, and you can still turn your entire eco into military if you so wish, but the cost of doing so will now scale with how many villagers you have. Alternatively, if one part of your eco is being raided, you can upgrade those villagers to flemish militia, deal with the raiders, and then send them to the frontlines to fight while replacing that small group of raided villagers. It's much more easy to balance compared to what the tech does currently because you can change the cost of converting a villager depending on how strong the tech actually ends up being in practice.

    First Crusade. The best suggestions I've seen for this one have been: (1) town centers can create serjeants, (2) the next 30 serjeants are created for free, or (3) just change the cost of the tech/number of serjeants spawned/maximum number of tcs it applies to. All three of those can work, as the tech just provides way too much value for what it currently costs. This tech isn't as flawed as the others because there's a cap on how much it scales: 5 town centers. It is therefore possible to balance it with the tech's cost and effect size.

    Scutage. This tech is, depending on how many troops are on the field and its cost, doomed to be "stronger/weaker paper money." The way it currently is, if the team has more than 33 military units per player then its stronger paper money, and fewer than that it's weaker paper money. On top of suffering from the scale factor and one-time nature of the tech, it's also horribly similar to an existing one. No matter how you change its cost or how much gold it gives per military unit, there will always be some amount of units that make this tech "stronger/weaker paper money."

    If the tech is aimed at being a team-oriented one, I would recommend "team trade carts created 100% faster" or "team trade cart gold cost replaced with increased wood cost." This has practical applications, isn't game-breaking, fits well with the civ historically, isn't similar to any existing tech, and most importantly can be easily balanced depending on how strong it ends up being practically.

    I hope whoever reads this understands I do not think the techs are, currently, completely OP and should be nerfed. I do not think that and believe for the most part they're easy to deal with or just will not be researched. In the situations that they are, though, they're too strong a powerspike to deal with without a similarly-strong powerspike of my own.

    submitted by /u/easbr101
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    I am making a python tool to make better post-game graphs, but...

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 08:33 AM PST

    There is one obstacle I am facing, and I'm hoping somebody knows of a mod or other idea to address it

    For background, the tool takes periodic screenshots of the UI bar, runs text recognition to extract data (f/w/g/s, vils on each resource, population, etc.), and then creates graphs to track your economic development and such over the course of the game. The data we have available on screen during game is pretty limited, but I have some tricks up my sleave to get the most information I can out of it.

    The issue arises dude to the low resolution aoe2 uses for the ui bar at the top. Traditional text recognition algorithms do not work for such low resolution text, so instead I have to preprocess the image (up-sampling with cubic interpolation, etc.) before feeding it to a machine-learning OCR model that extracts the data. This works pretty consistently, but takes about 15 seconds to process each screenshot which severely limits the time resolution (ideally I want to have at least 3 or 4 time steps per villager created).

    So, my question is if anyone knows of a mod or anything that could increase the resolution of the text on the UI bar just a bit so that the slow OCR model can be avoided.

    Anyways, if anybody made it this far thanks for reading. I'd love to hear any suggestions or comments you may have.

    submitted by /u/JRRudy
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    200 IQ Tactics

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 09:46 AM PST

    "I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced"

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 09:30 PM PST

    The Extreme AI is so realistic, it misclicks lumber camps for houses!

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 08:32 AM PST

    I found a treasure at my parents

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 11:55 AM PST

    Devs: We've improved pathing Vils: I just want to dance

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 06:56 PM PST

    Which civ becomes the most OP with all techs enabled?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 09:56 AM PST

    Does anyone else experience stuttering even in single player?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 09:20 AM PST

    The game is unplayable because every 15 seconds it just chokes and accelerates. Something is seriously wrong, verified integrity of game files, removed all mods (including UHD) and it still runs like garbage.

    I haven't seen any posts about this. All the posts are about lag in multiplayer, which has its own problems. It is so bad that I lost all desire to play within 5 minutes of game play.

    submitted by /u/FreedomOfNothing
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    Imposter among us

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 04:00 PM PST

    Imposter among us

    Impostor Mill

    I love the graphics, but ive found when im multi tasking I struggle to pick out the African mill while playing, it literally looks like a house, and many many times I second guess myself whether placing a much needed mill or actually just a house, and even more so picking out the mill that was near berries or deer. I know there is the donkey trotting around, but in an intensive game I think the other civs have 100x more clear mills.

    Does anyone else have this issue?

    Not sure how they could ever change this, and it's only become an issue as I play more aggressively and spend less time staring at my "perfect" base.

    submitted by /u/Helikaon48
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    How do you choose team positions on Coastal Forest?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 11:50 AM PST

    There's this new map, Coastal Forest, which has strange player positions: all players on a team are basically in a line towards the enemy. It's therefore totally critical to know in advance whether you're at the "front" or the "back", even more important than pocket vs flank. Presumably, the player numbers determine this position, e.g. low player number means further to the back. However, I can't work out what the rule is - I played one game where as a lower number I was at the back, and another where as a lower number I was at the front.

    So - is there a rule for how players are positioned on Coastal Forest?

    submitted by /u/Jameshfisher
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    Worst Post-Imperial Age Civs?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 03:38 AM PST

    For me, it's Malay and Cumans.

    submitted by /u/hussar269c
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    Turtle ships strikes back!!

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 09:30 AM PST

    Hello guys, so I made a build order getting value out of Tatars free Parthian Tactics Power Spike upon reaching Imperial Age. I called it the Tatars Bloodline Souts into Fast Imperial Cav Archer Build Order. Please give feedback.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 12:52 AM PST

    How do pros use control groups?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 06:46 AM PST

    How many control groups they use? And what

    submitted by /u/rrgreat123
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    What is the benefit of having multiple TCs?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 07:48 PM PST

    I see lots of people recommending putting up multiple TCs to grow their economy, but I don't understand how it works. One TC can support as many villagers as many, and for resource drop offs camps are cheaper. What am I missing about the TC? Does the building itself give a bonus?

    submitted by /u/ExtravagantBear
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