The homecity market in real life, Amsterdam Posted: 25 May 2021 09:12 PM PDT |
By the numbers: Torii Gates vs Toshogu Shrine Posted: 25 May 2021 06:53 PM PDT | Toshogu Shrine Pros: - Provides 20 pop space, which saves you 250 wood/500 villager seconds that would need to be spent on shrines for pop space if doing a rush, letting you transition all of your vils to other resources a bit faster.
- Generates 0.35/0.91(0.525/1.085 with kami) resources per second with no/max hunts, +0.033 per shrine (up to 0.66? not sure if it's 1/3 or actually 33%), for a total of up to ~1.745 (possibly ~1.751) resources per second - or about 3.5 unupgraded vils on wood.
- 200 export on age up - Helps get that 400 cost crossbow shipment or 3 fish from the Portuguese consulate if needed, or a military rickshaw/units from the Japanese consulate right away. It's roughly equivalent to 260-280 resources; potentially more with some of the upgrades, but is limited to specific uses.
Cons: - Requires a large investment in shrines early to reach its maximum resource generation (which delays/slows down unit production), and does not generate resources very quickly.
- Maps often do not have enough hunts for you to both have Toshogu and 20 shrines on hunts, especially with the opponent killing them, so it's usually appropriate to reduce the calculated resource generation by 0.56 (to ~1.016/1.191) putting it at ~2-2.4 unupgraded vils on wood at the shrine cap.
- Extra 33% base rate resource generation from Shrines does not affect XP generation with the 7 lucky gods card, which significantly reducing the value of Toshogu Shrine in many treaty builds which use the card to get as many shipments in as possible within the treaty period (in a 40 minute treaty match, you can ship every card before the treaty ends).
Torii Gates Pros: - Military ricksaw saves 200 wood/400 villager seconds that would otherwise need to be spent on getting up a barracks/stable, allowing that 200 wood to be put directly into more shrines or a consulate, and builds the Barracks faster than a villager would (and saving an additional 30 villager seconds).
- A Samurai, which can put some pressure by sieging houses, harassing viles/the enemy explorer, etc...
- Assuming constant villager (14.4XP/min) and 5x ashi production (~65.45XP/Min), and the passive/base 120/min XP gain (72XP/min, the same as a trading post), Torii gates generates 151.85 XP/min. In a sense, it can be thought of as generating 6XP for every 100 resources spent/killed, doubled for buildings/outlaws, so has increasing value over time as your economy improves and you gather/spend more resources. You can roughly equate that to villagers/shrines generating 6%-12% of their resource collection rate as XP - or 2.4-4.8/min for food, 1.5-3/min for wood, or 2.16-4.32/min for coin, increasing with upgrades for villagers, and ~0.36 - 3.096xp/min for shrines.
Cons: - Value of Experience decreases as more shipments are sent/collected, with every shipment costing 15% more than the previous one (up to 2500XP per shipment at the 17th).
- Experience does not directly translate into resources, but rather units/upgrades, which come in batches rather than consistently over a long period of time, making its value less consistent. This makes balancing your eco a little bit more difficult, as you get a bit less wood income from shrines, and so have to collect more with vils, or ship it.
- Provides less immediate value than Toshogu, as EXP can only be used once thresholds are reached, rather than generating consistent resources, and you usually have nearly 2 shipments banked on reaching age 2.
The first shipment arrives after accumulating 300XP, with each subsequent shipment increasing by 15%(exponential), to a maximum of 2500XP, which is reached after 17 shipments have been sent. The 6th, 10th, and 13th shipments are when experience can be almost directly translated to resource value for age 2/3/4, as shipments are worth ~600/1000/1600 resources in those ages. Prior to the 6th shipment, experience has more value than resources. The net result is that the the effective value of XP is roughly equal to other resources at the 10th/16th/20th shipments in the best case scenario, though realistically less for age 3/4 shipments, as you'll likely send 6+ shipments in age 2, and you won't have 19 age 4 shipments to send. Given that 151.85 XP per minute number mentioned earlier for fairly early age 2 if playing aggressively, compared with the ~60.96/71.46 + ~6/7xp (ignoring hunt) or ~94.56/105.06 + ~9.5/10.5XP (Taking hunt on the Toshogu into account) when at 20 shrines without/with Kami. Torii Gate's resource generation can be valued at ~50% - 150% more than Toshogu Shrine's for the early game (at the ~10th shipment, at which point, the value of Exp declines such that it is lower than resources in age 2.), ignoring any units being traded/killed and buildings constructed/destroyed which increase the relative value of Torii gates. Even ignoring the DE buff to Torii Gates to 60% from 50% in RE, it'd still be a better eco boost in both the early game and very late game (with, for example, the infinite 6 nagis shipment), with the mid-game value being a bit muddied as shipments become less valuable, while your eco is still at around half of its potential. Toshogu only becomes better when you either have no more shipments to send, or when XP is worth less than ~0.7 of another resource if you're only making constant vils off of 1 TC and constant 5x ashis out of 1 barracks. Remember that it scales with eco and with your opponent's eco if you're fighting/trading, so can very easily generate hundreds of exp/minute later in the game. With constant 10 ashi production, the Exp increases from 151.85/min to ~217.3, etc... With the infinite nagi/samurai shipment late game (1200 600f + 600c), the worst case is that XP is worth ~0.24f + 0.24 coin. Even if Torii gates is only generating ~ 220XP/min (that constant 10 ashi and 1 villager production), that's still technically better than Toshogu if you aren't banking shipments (Which can be a reason to get the 125 export Spanish consulate upgrade to make shipments arrive twice as fast in treaty/very long games). TL;DR: Toshogu Shrine is worth ~1.5-3.5 unupgraded villagers with 20 shrines. 200 export is generally worth less than 300 resources. Torii gates is more complicated, but: - It's worth a minimum of ~5 villagers at the point when you send your 10th shipment if you are still in age 2, likely more.
- Worth more before then (close to ~7 or 8 villagers in early age 2 just off of production), and less after, if your eco hasn't grown enough.
- It scales with both your eco and your opponent's (through trading/killing units), and makes trading units evenly in terms of resources a favorable exchange, as you get more XP out of it.
Contrary to what seems to be conventional wisdom, Torii Gates seems like it should be the better choice for the vast majority of strategies regardless of game mode based on the numbers, as the value of being a shipment ahead (ex: an extra 4 vils) is worth more than the income generated by Toshogu, and it can very easily put you multiple shipments ahead. submitted by /u/Asamu [link] [comments] | |
The name is Seven... Double O. Seven Posted: 25 May 2021 11:19 PM PDT |
Idea for a game-mode/setting: Revolution Rumble Posted: 25 May 2021 11:14 AM PDT While they improved the revolutions in DE, if you revolt but the other player(s) manage to reach Imperial Age without getting crushed you are most likely finished. High risk, high reward kind of thing. Currently you can only set the game to end in Industrial (no revolutions!) or Imperial, why not create a mode which allows (and encourages) everyone to revolt without any Imperial Age? Has to be exclusive to European civs though to keep it balanced. submitted by /u/Alias_X_ [link] [comments] |
Difference between FF and Semi-FF? Posted: 25 May 2021 07:02 PM PDT I've been playing AoE3 for close to 6 years, and I still don't know the definition of a Semi FF. Is it an FF with a bit more Colonial action? Or something else entirely? Cheers submitted by /u/ExCretean [link] [comments] |
What just happened here? why did I jump 361 ELO points all of a sudden? Posted: 25 May 2021 09:28 PM PDT |
Cavalry Archer Posted: 25 May 2021 12:59 PM PDT This is a unit that seems to underperform in almost every situation when compared to dragoon. Just want to know: did anyone have a situation where cavalry archers turned out to be the right unit to use in order to win a match? submitted by /u/wanougua1z [link] [comments] |
Live! A British 40 Minute Treaty. Posted: 26 May 2021 01:10 AM PDT |
Advice for beginner Posted: 25 May 2021 05:11 PM PDT Hi everyone, I just downloaded aoe3 and wondered how to start playing. I've never played a age of empires game however I love other rts games such as Starcraft and I pretty good. I was wondering if anyone had advice or any good guides for complete beginners? submitted by /u/HemlochGaming [link] [comments] |
Have you checked out Project Celeste? (Revitalization of Age of Empires: Online) Posted: 25 May 2021 06:53 AM PDT For those of you that may be unaware, after Age of Empires 3, Microsoft worked with a different studio to launch Age of Empires: Online in 2011. While the game model and experience was different from AoE3 and previous games, it was still fun and offered other game modes that the traditional Age series did not. Age of Empires: Online was shut down in 2014, but there is now a growing community of players returning to the game now that some devs have brought it back to life (Project Celeste). I wanted to share this, because although AoE3 is my favorite Age game at the moment, if you haven't checked out AoEO before, it's free to do so and can provide some Age series variety while we wait for AoE4. submitted by /u/dwalls90 [link] [comments] |
Is there a bug? Posted: 25 May 2021 10:47 PM PDT |
How to defeat the Dutch? Posted: 25 May 2021 02:59 PM PDT As the title suggests I'm having real trouble defeating the Dutch, because that space they have for extra soldiers I keep finding that they are able to open another front and I just don't have the space to fight on all fronts. I play treaty if this makes a difference submitted by /u/Infernum01 [link] [comments] |
My opinion about some controversial civ designs in AoE3 Posted: 25 May 2021 08:43 PM PDT To start with, I have been playing AoE3 multiplayer for 3 past weeks (been playing AoE3 single player since childhood and AoE2 DE multiplayer for 4 years) - "The available one age earlier" should just go away. The fact that it just makes some of new AoE2 civs cringe is that devs adding these things. Now in AoE3, the things like Portuguese getting TC one age earlier, some civs getting skirms one age earlier, US getting Factory one age earlier. These things make the game fairly imbalanced but fun in single player perspective.
- Free resource buildings makes it imbalanced. In AoE2, Feitoria was a building that takes up 20 pop and generates resources but this building is frowned upon as it becomes unfair. In AoE3, dutch banks, japanese shrines, swede torps, inca houses all belong to this category. I won't say factory as it is available to all European civs.
- Also, I very well know that some civs lose something in return for their strong bonus but the point is buildings can't be destroyed so easily as villagers which makes the raiding hard and available one age earlier doesn't make it look so good. Imagine a civ getting cannons in Commerce Age. We imagined it before, but they are available in Sweden which is just not so good for design of the game.
submitted by /u/CommercialCress9 [link] [comments] |
Ok bought my laptop today arrives tomorrow! Where/how do I buy the game ?? Posted: 25 May 2021 07:33 AM PDT As in I see lots of steam etc etc. I bought a good gaming laptop so I want the proper version full graphics online play all of that. Any help please 🙏🏼 submitted by /u/Cannamanace [link] [comments] |
My AI looks different from what I can see everywhere (AoE3: Complete Collection from Steam). Any idea? I really miss the unit stats instead I can only see just a portrait. Posted: 25 May 2021 03:51 AM PDT |
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