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    Thursday, May 6, 2021

    Age of Empires II Fire Nation capital

    Age of Empires II Fire Nation capital

    Fire Nation capital

    Posted: 06 May 2021 03:35 AM PDT

    Siege Onager Defense

    Posted: 05 May 2021 11:43 PM PDT

    Red Bull Wololo IV announced!

    Posted: 06 May 2021 07:18 AM PDT

    Villagers are actually insane, if you think about it...

    Posted: 05 May 2021 12:34 PM PDT

    This sums up most of my Teamgames

    Posted: 06 May 2021 07:24 AM PDT

    UPDATED! & COMPLETE? HUGE World map with all AoE2 civs until the last expansion. Inspired by other maps in Reddit. Last month i posted a preview which was very well received, that same day my computer died u.u So im back now and here is a full version of the thing. Tell me what you think, too wild?

    Posted: 05 May 2021 01:59 PM PDT

    Strategy Thesis of the Week: Burgundians have now the strongest Drush-FC (-follow-up)

    Posted: 06 May 2021 05:10 AM PDT

    Going to continue with my little series today and this time I want to make a bit of a dive into build-orders.

    Disclaimer: That stuff is rather supposed to be thought provoking than 100% true and I'll go for some clickbaitish headline now and then to get the discussion rolling. So, feel free to give your opinion and don't be too angry about me. ;) Also I want to add that my view will, in some cases, not translate into top-level-meta because the time-windows and their use is tighter up there, but with having a current ELO of 1600-1700, my thoughts should be applicable for 98% of the player base.

    I really don't know how much that is common knowledge but for myself, it took a while to realise a thing about the common build-orders in terms of how they play out after their initial early peaks:

    • The farm upgrade is extremely important for early Castle Age. When you play Scouts-into-Knights and you lack that upgrade, you have massive problems to afford anything from minute 20-25. It actually can cost you games, just forgetting that upgrade in early Feudal.
    • The biggest advantage of the Scout-Rush is (on wallable maps) not the Scouts themselves. M@A are earlier and can beat Scouts, Spears get out quickly and hard-counter the Scouts, walls counter Scouts. It's really not that strong most of the time when the opponent doesn't fuck up. But the follow-up is great, because you reach Castle Age quickly, with a strong farm eco and with Horse-Collar-farms. It is basically not really Feudal-Age-strat, but rather a hybrid of Feudal-play and Fast Castle.
    • With Fast Castle and especially Drush-FC, you have the early aggression and the quick uptime, but after reaching Castle Age, your economy crushs down a bit and you can't afford much for the first ~5 minutes of Castle Age (after burning through the ressources that you gather while going up). If you want to boom on 2-3 TCs and want to produce army, then Scouts work much better than a Drush-FC. Reason for that: You make 8-10 farms without Horse Collar and those run out in your first minutes of Castle Age.

    Because of those things, I assume that Burgundians will be great with Drush-FC, because you can actually make Horse Collar before starting to seed farms. Their Drush and their Uptime will not be as great as those from other good Drush-FC-Civs, but they can turn that into a strong early-Castle-Age-eco which can be terrifying if you manage to get there.

    I made a test on Arabia with Franks and then with Burgundians, Drush-FC with 3 Militia and Walls. Clicking up and your res when reaching Castle Age are a bit better with Franks (got up 50 sec quicker), but at minute 18 you have on the first 8 seeded farms:

    • 0-60 food with the Franks (average ~20)
    • 50-130 food with the Sicilians (average ~90)

    Makes sense with Horse Collar giving you 75 extra food of course. This means that you have to reseed what is basically all your farm eco at this point with Franks around minute 19, just after adding a TC and starting Knight-production. With Burgundians, you can delay that until minute 22-23, which is when you have possibly 10-15 additional villagers out, so you effectively can have almost double the wood eco and this whole transition goes way smoother. (And you can also add farms while going up that have the second Farm Upgrade on them already.)

    Also with the Cavalier-upgrade, you get basically free +2 Attack for doing bloodlines (decent advantage over, let's say, Slavs or Khmer), so that your Knights are stronger than usually, taking out Spearmen in 4 instead of 5 hits. (I think, you should make Forging when the opponent makes Scale Mail Armor to keep it at 4 hits; something that is not possible for regular Knights.) Archers with Def-Upgrade and Xbows without Def-Upgrade (or matching your Att-Upgrades) also take only 3 instead of 4 hits because of that. That should be quite significant when the opponent tries to hold with an extended Feudal Age and Archer-Spearman-spam, which is a decent option against Drush-FC sometimes, or when he goes himself FC-Xbow and has a small group of Xbows early on to fight your initial Knights. (Dont't forget the Def-Upgrades for your Knights though!) An issue here is btw, that researching Cavalier takes 50 seconds longer than bloodlines which equals ~2 Knights, so you may consider to add a 3rd stable early if you need to have good army out quickly.

    I have not tested that in practice and possibly that could give opponents too much of a time-window, especially if you happen to slip somewhere and you end up reaching Feudal Age with 400-500 food and no option to do anything with it, while being pressured. (Advice for those situations: If you don't need to add army right away to survive, it can be a very good idea here to idle your TC for a few Vils in order to click up, because otherwise, you might stay on 600-700 food forever and delay your Castle time by minutes just for having 2-3 vils more.)

    I did test that strat recently before the buff though which was against Mayans that also went Drush-FC and iirc, I managed to have a similar Castle-Time and get into a pretty good position. (I threw the game in Imp by having 20 Paladins trapped #feelsbadman but it felt like a decent strat, especially given that Mayans are probably among the best Drush-FC civs out there.)

    Bottom Line: Horse Collar is very important for early Castle Age. That's why Drush-FC is usually running on a very tight eco. Having Horse Collar added to that strat sounds pretty good. Enjoy playing around with it, feel free to discuss this and other options of the early Burgundian eco-upgrades.

    Other strategy theses:




    submitted by /u/Umdeuter
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    Offer of coaching around 14++

    Posted: 06 May 2021 06:13 AM PDT

    Hey, a 1k6 or maybe 1k7 player here. Wouldn't mind helping someone improve, probably by going over recs. It would be free, just be available around EU afternoon.

    Requirement would be having discord, speaking English and not being a dick, that's about it I think. PM me if you wanna participate or whatever.

    submitted by /u/ageiithrowaway
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    ECI2 continues this weekend! Mr.Yo, Daut, Nicov, F1Re, Viper, Miguel, Zuppi, Nili, Vinchester, Liereyy, and Villese all playing in this stacked group stage ��

    Posted: 06 May 2021 07:47 AM PDT

    Orange king led us on a merry chance to end the game

    Posted: 05 May 2021 08:38 PM PDT

    i literally can't win a single ranked game.

    Posted: 05 May 2021 06:41 PM PDT

    this game is fucking tough. picked it up last week and been trying to get good at it but it so fucking much going on at all times. I'm a top tier FPS player but man, RTS are a whole other world. Respect to everyone that can actually understand this game because i sure can't.

    submitted by /u/trotort1
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    Respect the gl hf

    Posted: 06 May 2021 04:10 AM PDT

    no one use mamelukes :(

    Posted: 06 May 2021 02:34 AM PDT

    i think if mamelukes cost 90 gold but dont take extra damage from skirms they will be more used , right ?

    submitted by /u/ahmadalammouri
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    Not all "smurfs" are smurfs.

    Posted: 05 May 2021 11:15 AM PDT

    I have been practicing vs the AI for a very long time, so that I could consistently beat the extreme AI. I finally had the courage to try ranked, and I god called a "loser smurf who has no life", it is disheartening when people make assumptions as such. But I would also recommend playing ranked, it is so much more fun than the AI.

    submitted by /u/Llamabean0
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    Me every evening, care to join regret club?

    Posted: 05 May 2021 01:33 PM PDT

    To the person who played their first ranked game against me, please come back

    Posted: 05 May 2021 03:12 PM PDT

    The person who posted about being called a smurf inspired me to write this post too. I'm nothing great, recently climbed to ~1150ish elo territory. I do however recall playing against someone a few weeks ago for their first ranked game. They got spanked and said "holy ****" in chat. I've since checked up on them in https://aoe2.net/ and they have not played another ranked game since. To that person, and any others who had a lopsided first ranked experience, please come back... you'll get matched to folks at your play level soon!

    submitted by /u/Fudwick
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    Devs: include a sound mod in the event. This subreddit:

    Posted: 06 May 2021 01:38 AM PDT

    Achievement changed my production sound. How do i revert it?

    Posted: 06 May 2021 12:29 AM PDT

    Some days ago i got an achievement of some kind (don't remember which) on steam from playing aoe2 that changed the production sound of archery ranges to some very annoying old version. I can't for the life of me figure out how to change it back. Anyone who can help me?

    submitted by /u/fredblic
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    José Luis Torrente, thanks for all the sheeps

    Posted: 05 May 2021 04:40 PM PDT

    While it's unlikely that they read this, I'd like to publicly salute the sportsmanship of José Luis Torrente.

    José Luis, we played 2v2 against each other tonight; you were Frank, I was Ethiopian. At some point you found my last two sheeps between our bases and you sent them to me when you could have easily kept them for yourself.

    I wasn't sure what happened. I didn't say thanks. But watching the saved games makes it obvious that you did it on purpose.

    So, here's a late thank you! I don't have a strong opinion on laming, but I definitely appreciate the move of sending the sheeps when you don't have to.

    submitted by /u/Arkanosis
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    Is bulgarians konikk good?

    Posted: 05 May 2021 11:08 PM PDT

    I am fairly new player to multiplayer and haven't played since i was a kid and nowadays i like cavelry a bit too much. I had a bad habit of making only one unit so i am trying to making 2 different types (mostly onger +cav) And dont care if it counters the enemy. I hate to deal with counters and mostly i dont bother with it at all. I just spam unit win or lose, so would u say konikk is good unit for my play style? I boom and tech into both infantry and cavalry, and I make one castle and rest all kreposts. Am i doing this wrong or can i continue my way? I am a casual player and mostly play unranked land nomad(on a corner of a map) , bf and tunnel.

    submitted by /u/ssSoulessCorpse
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    This happens whenever I try to log in with my Xbox Live account. Pressing "Yes" will do nothing. It's just an infinite loop of the same error. I really don't know what to do, but any help would be appreciated.

    Posted: 06 May 2021 02:19 AM PDT

    Assigning any hotkey to the specific key combination "CTRL + SHIFT + Q" bugs out for me

    Posted: 06 May 2021 07:08 AM PDT

    "CTRL + SHIFT + Q" (or to be more precise, "CTRL + MAJ + A" on my French AZERTY keyboard) used to be my "Select all barracks" hotkey, but since latest patch, it stopped working.

    As I was trying to understand what's happening, I tried assigning other things like "select idle military unit" to this specific key combination, and it didn't work either. Very weird. All my other hotkeys function properly. I don't think my keyboard has any problems. And I don't think there is any conflict with another hotkey.

    Any ideas what's happening? I'm considering filing a bug report on the official forums, I just wanted to know if anyone here has some insight. I could be missing something obvious.

    submitted by /u/Inglorii
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    Barbarossa (Teutons) campaign updated

    Posted: 06 May 2021 06:57 AM PDT

    Hello guys! Thanks to this community I was able to create my first campaign. It is not so much of mine. I just changed what I felt was good historically as well as fun to play (against). You can download the mod here. Alternatively, you can search for "Barbarossa Updated Campaign" in the mod manager. You can write to me about it at [sauravt4750@gmail.com](mailto:sauravt4750@gmail.com)


    1. Reduced cliffs massively. Changed Austria to Magyars and Saxony to Goths. Changed AI to make relevant units.
    2. Changed Poland to Lithuanians internally, so that Leitis is used against Teutons. 1st attack upgraded traded for 2nd armor upgrades.
    3. no changes so not included
    4. Changed Verona to Sicilians, who focus on Knights and Siege. Padua (Italians) focus on gunpowder units. Made changes accordinly (AI, added stables for Verona, removed ranges from Verona, etc)
    5. Last 2 scenarios also unchanged, so not included

    The content is the scenarios. Intro, outro and UI has been neglected, because of my inability. Please enjoy the main content, which maybe harder than usual.

    submitted by /u/Holy-Roman-Emperor
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    My opponent was annoyed by me because I did not let his eagle raids into my base... don't give them hate, give them love ( ˘ ³˘)♥

    Posted: 06 May 2021 06:30 AM PDT

    How is this possible????

    Posted: 06 May 2021 06:14 AM PDT

    Some how the person I just played against is 1231 elo with 1 win???

    submitted by /u/PlayfulArgument7734
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