• Breaking News

    Friday, May 27, 2022

    Age of Empires II We have an Elephant Siege Weapon. We have a melee Elephant Stable unit. An Elephant Archer. Why don't we have an Elephant Infantry unit?

    Age of Empires II We have an Elephant Siege Weapon. We have a melee Elephant Stable unit. An Elephant Archer. Why don't we have an Elephant Infantry unit?

    We have an Elephant Siege Weapon. We have a melee Elephant Stable unit. An Elephant Archer. Why don't we have an Elephant Infantry unit?

    Posted: 27 May 2022 10:35 AM PDT

    Think about it.

    There are four major military unit buildings. Moreover, 3 of them can potentially produce at least 5 units (Siege Workshops do 6) and 1 out of those are Elephants

    Stable - Scout line, Knight line, Camel line, Battle Elephant line, Steppe Lancer line

    Archery Range - Skirmisher line, Archer line, Cavalry Archer line, Elephant Archer line, Hand Cannoneer

    Siege Workshop - Ram line, Mangonel line, Scorpion line, Armored Elephant line, Siege Tower, Bombard Cannon

    But then you have the lowly Barracks.

    Barracks - Militia line, Spear line, Eagle line

    What the hell is even that?? Honestly, it's dethpicable.

    My suggestion:


    A man dressed like an Elephant, wearing big tusks on his arms that he he uses as weapons.

    Here's my concept art of the unit.

    Hit Points 100 130
    Attack 11 13
    Firing Rate 2.00 seconds 2.00 seconds
    Melee Armor 1 1
    Pierce Armor 1 2
    Armor Class Infantry
    Movement Speed .55 tiles per second
    Attack Bonus Vs Buildings: +7 Vs Buildings: +10
    Vs Stone Defense: +7 Vs Stone Defense: +10
    Other Trample Damage: 4 per Attack
    Cost 120 Food, 20 Gold Upgrade: 800 F, 400 G

    He would be affected by both Infantry and Cavalry upgrades, because he's so slow. With all upgrades, he should have 150 HP, 17 attack, 7 melee armor, 10 pierce armor, and he should move at .67 tiles per second, which is about as fast as a Persian War Elephant without Mahouts. HOWEVER, he shouldn't be affected by anti-cavalry attack.

    I think he should be a unit for the Aztecs, since they already got a dude who dresses up as a Jaguar and another dude who dresses up like an Eagle.

    Comments below, hopefully not too OP.

    submitted by /u/SFWBattler
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    Southern Alps during late roman empire

    Posted: 27 May 2022 11:27 AM PDT

    The gurjaras sheeps cannot be converted when they recieve the garrison command

    Posted: 27 May 2022 01:16 PM PDT

    The arena is between the bases. Right?

    Posted: 27 May 2022 01:53 AM PDT

    So i hear a lot about people walling on arabia and «making their own arena» but the arena is between the bases, like it holds a door from each base, it is flat and combat is happening there. So do you agree? Anyways work is slow today

    submitted by /u/Lakadella
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    From the producers of NO NOOBS and NO BEGINNERS, hitting the lobby browser in spring 2022:

    Posted: 27 May 2022 03:45 PM PDT

    ty devs for arabia

    Posted: 27 May 2022 05:57 AM PDT

    no but seriously.

    I hear so many complaints about it but i find it really solid, on average it's open and fair. It's balanced that both players in a 1v1 often have an equally bad/good map, but still nice amount of variety. I've played many versions of arabia (original AoC, varieties of KotD, HC arabia, NAC arabia), but this is easily the best one so far.

    submitted by /u/aoe2__
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    Posted: 27 May 2022 04:26 AM PDT

    What on earth to make against Ghulams as Mayans?

    Posted: 27 May 2022 03:01 PM PDT

    Two Handed Swordsmen don't seem up to it and it seems to counter everything else Mayans can make...

    submitted by /u/english_bloke
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    Nomad Wars League Season 2 - details in comments

    Posted: 27 May 2022 04:48 AM PDT

    Are their graphics mods I can use for buildings that aren't datamods? (Mods)

    Posted: 27 May 2022 02:26 PM PDT

    I have an issue, I starting to replay the Attila campaign and I got this mod that was supposed to change up the Huns architecture, especially their monasteries to shrines


    But it's a frickin datamod. And if I use it it counts as cheating, because iut's a datamod. And I'm playing again on hard to get the gold disks. Now normally I know what datamods do, and they are blatantly cheats, so I will never ever cry over not being able to use the 9X tech mod in a campaign mod.

    But this is functionally cosmetic. And moreover it seems Indian Dynstaies (I got into mods after the update) broke a LOT of datamods, including this one.

    I want something more period authentic to the late antiquity/early middle ages, and that means the architecture isn't nearly always appropriate. The Cumans should have shrines not mosques, same with the Huns but way more so, don't get me started on the Vikings as Pagan Norse and for the Hungarian Historical battle as they are nomads in the ninth century, the architecture is all wrong. And I'd like more of a classical antiquity look to Byzantium, not for the Bari campaign but for Attila and Alaric.

    Unless there's a way to bypass the datmod as cheating thing, which I feel dirty asking about because I know how that can be abused, even in SP achievement hunting. And believe me I'm tempted....but no. I just want to change up the buildings.

    submitted by /u/Sansophia
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    What’s the best counter against Heavy Scorpions?

    Posted: 27 May 2022 12:06 PM PDT

    Just had a match and got obliterated by Heavy Scorps. Never my opponent use this unit to swarm me before.

    Hand Cannoneers got slaughtered. Paladins were also beaten rather easily. Did a quick search online and Heavy Cav Archers and Bombard Cannons were suggested.

    Heavy cav archers were slaughtered. Didn't get a chance to try the bombard cannons.

    So..what then? Bombard Cannons? Mangonels?

    submitted by /u/solfire1
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    High Elo Coaches

    Posted: 27 May 2022 06:51 AM PDT

    I'm a 1500-1600 player and I'm considering trying coaching to see if it can get me to the next level. I'm curious to hear other people's experiences and who you'd recommend coaching from. So Plz share your recommendations and experiences!

    And for those comments that will say, "its just a game why are you wasting money", its my money get over it.

    submitted by /u/muntuwangu
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    If you could add a "standard" map to the ranked map poule, which would it be?

    Posted: 27 May 2022 06:18 AM PDT

    Arabia and Arena are always in the map poule because they are the most popular ones (or maybe it is the other way around? Food for thought...).

    If you could add one map to those two, so it would always be one of the options, which would you choose?

    Personally, I'd go for Coastal: Arabia and Arena are both 100 per cent land maps. Would be nice to have a semi-water map added to that.

    submitted by /u/HannaMajesty
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    Never give up - the best games are the ones when you’re down by a few thousand points and find a way to scrape back

    Posted: 27 May 2022 10:29 AM PDT

    AOE2 is great because while early mistakes can snowball, there's always a chance (within reason) to find your way back. The best moments for me playing online have been the chats with random team mates after a miraculous comeback where they're like "WHAT JUST HAPPENED, HOW DID WE DO THAT" (and uh, the worst moments are when you get complacent and blow what looked like an easy win because you stopped producing and defending when it looked over). So when I see people in team games quit when things are looking rough, I just want to say, hang in there, you might be missing the best thing. Sometimes the MVP of the game in the teammate whose eco gets steamrolled but puts up enough resistance to allow their teammates to steal a win

    submitted by /u/Apprehensive_Sky7896
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    What hotkeys should all competent players be using?

    Posted: 27 May 2022 02:40 PM PDT

    TIL elephant rams can garrison in castles

    Posted: 27 May 2022 01:55 AM PDT

    Okay I lied, it was two days ago. Garrisoned ele rams are an excellent way to defend ram rushes. Came in handy while castle rushing in arena.

    submitted by /u/kochapi
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    Imperial Age Unit options should be stricter.

    Posted: 27 May 2022 01:22 PM PDT

    After messing around with the new Civs I have found that lacking Knight line makes a Civ more interesting to play with and against.

    Then I am reminded of playing Saracens, Huns, and Persians where lacking the Arbalest or Cavalier also lead to interesting choices.

    I would be very interested to see how the game would be if Cavalier and Arbalest were treated more like a regional unit in the vein of Camels and HCA. (Paladin doesn't come into play in 1v1 so I leave that out).

    Some candidates to losing Cavalier:

    Slavs: Lose Cavalier gain Winged Hussar. If Slavs want to go Heavy Cav they can go Boyar. Any time we see UUs in 1v1 I call that a good thing.

    Ethiopians: Loss Cavalier and Hussar get +3 Cav armor. Welcome to Camel Civ land Machine gun bros.

    Berbers: Have your knight spam but know it doesn't scale.

    Khmer: Have your knights spam but think about Elephants long term.

    Champions could stand to be more restricted. Two handed swords is basically a stepping stone that completely doesn't get used. Give them +1 pierce armor let just a few infantry civs get them like Paladin.

    Rather than restricting Arb to fewer civs the nature of Thumb Ring should be changed so it doesn't effect crossbows and Arbalests. Genoese crossbows wouldn't benefit from thumb ring but Longbow, Rattans, Plumed and Cav archers would.

    Changing Thumb ring would make CA civs feel like CA civs and give Civs with Unique Archer units reason to go for the UU instead of Arbalest.

    This would also be a general Crossbow nerf which wouldn't be the worse thing to happen.

    submitted by /u/estDivisionChamps
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    slinging in amateur tournament

    Posted: 27 May 2022 04:39 PM PDT

    We know how broken slinging is at high level. But for a mid to low level tournament, can it have the same strength ?

    Should it also be banned ? If not banned anyone has any rec on how to take advantage of this ? Thanks

    submitted by /u/Snoo12958
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    Slaying the Vitrna: Uping my shore battery game

    Posted: 27 May 2022 02:38 PM PDT

    I posted earlier about how I hated the design designions og the Dravidian campaign, and while I stand by that, I was most pleased to to the last mission and find there's no bullshit here, it's just hard as hell. ANd I need to bring my A game.

    For those of you not in the know, you have to take 6 castles all over eastern Indonesia, and the crap is you can't build more, and you're getting swamped by waved of Malay warships.

    So instead of saying FUCK YOU: COASTAL CASTLE! EAT SHIT AND DIE! I have to rely on towers. I tried bombard towers. That may have been my first mistake. They hit like trucks but they are slow as shit. I'm thinking I need garrisoned towers. It'll eat up my manpower but that's what monks are for.

    The other issue is cheesing the AI I guess, in terms of building things on the shoe that are in range of my towers that will give the three dozen ships or so something to shoot at that will be repaired with wood. Houses are out, but frasnkly I'd put universities downn the batteries if the AI would consider them good targets. The problem is I'm defending captured harbors, and I'm trying to balance between giving coverage and not making the towers themselves the prime targets. Docks seem like a good idea but then it turns out the galleons can simply fire out of range of my towers.

    So any advice, including videos on how to use towers effectively as sea batteries, as opposed to in land warfare (those are plenty), I'd really appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/Sansophia
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    Confession from a 1600 player

    Posted: 26 May 2022 08:04 PM PDT

    I cannot do drush and it's different variations. It's the only build I can't do.

    submitted by /u/Fanto12345
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    Running AOE2 DE multiplayer on Ubuntu 20.04?

    Posted: 27 May 2022 09:09 AM PDT

    Hi guys,

    I have no problems running the game, however I get an async error when I try to play ranked (which also causes weird internet lags for the first minute). I tried this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/aoe2/comments/dwuplr/how_to_run_age_of_empires_2_definitive_edition_on/, respectively the "How to run from Steamplay section", however it makes my game crash before starting. Anyone managed to fix this? Thank you.

    submitted by /u/Krtkos_Wallenstein
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