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    Age of Empires II When you go back and watch your replays

    Age of Empires II When you go back and watch your replays

    When you go back and watch your replays

    Posted: 09 May 2021 06:48 AM PDT

    With the re-surge of AOE 2 competitive scene just a quick reminder especially for new but also old people

    Posted: 09 May 2021 03:34 AM PDT

    I am not saying this for a specific event that happened, but in general because I have seen some people talk badly about top tier players performance against other top tier players.

    It's normal that the top level has a very big difference in skill, this is the same thing in every game. E.g. the difference of work and effort it takes for someone being consistently 2400 to someone being consistently 2300 is bigger than someone being consistently 1100 to someone being consistently 1000. The main reason for that is that the amount of additional players cause a way stronger effect/upset on lower elo and barely/not at all touches high elo players, but also the amount of work to improve on high elo is a ton higher to get ahead than on a lower level.

    For some reason whenever there is a big event there is a not so small group that starts trash talking those top players at the lower end. If you only rate the players from 0 to 10 that play in the tournament, then you get this result. If you view the #16 in a top 16 event as a 0. But the reality is those 16 players are the best 16 in the entire game, in the world, and just because there is a big difference within the top 16 doesn't nullify their huge achievement and skill required to get there in the first place. The #16 is probably a 9.8 or 9.9 while the top 1-4 are all a straight 10.

    submitted by /u/oodex
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    Flemish Revolution notification - I did not realise this existed...

    Posted: 08 May 2021 06:10 PM PDT

    Bulletchen, Sitaux, Daniel and PROject_Belgium join mYinsanity

    Posted: 09 May 2021 01:06 AM PDT

    Baba Vida krepost in Vidin. One of the most well-preserved fortresses in Bulgaria.

    Posted: 09 May 2021 03:07 AM PDT

    Analysis: Relics are worth 2.5 villagers with the Burgundian team bonus

    Posted: 09 May 2021 06:47 AM PDT

    Played a 3v3 ranked black forest where an opponent reached feudal age at 58 minutes. They'd built a town centre in the corner and house walled themselves in 6-7 deep

    Posted: 09 May 2021 05:50 AM PDT

    A civ a mont #4: Vikings

    Posted: 09 May 2021 04:54 AM PDT

    Legend tells that a band of brave pagans crossed the northern seas to cause a wave of fear and destruction. They burned the cross and replaced it with the hammer. The swords fell to the strike of the axe, and the only mention of their name became a horror tale to scare the children: VIKINGS! VIKINGS!

    The humble Menerell wanted to join this dare gang of bloody warriors, and somehow they accepted. What a joy I felt! To be under the wing of the one-eyed crow! And so the blót started. I felt the Valkyries dance wild around me, the caresses of the spilled blood running down my skin. And then, the gods came to me a revealed their secret. An axe I'd hoped for. A shield to fight shoulder to shoulder with my brothers.

    But instead, they gave me a handcart.



    I don't know what the devs were thinking about back in 1999. This year I've played with Byzantines, Lithuanians, Britons, and, as a history nerd, this civs have felt historical and well flavored. Cataphracts, longbowmen, leitis. What do vikings get? A fat redhead mid-aged man and a free handcart. Are we still playing Age of Empires or it's just a farm simulator?

    To be honest I've felt totally let down with this civ. Mind you, I'm not saying it's a weak civ, since free handcart is one of the best eco bonus. It just feels weird. The vikings didn't have a crazy good economy. Actually they were escaping from the coldest and less fertile place on good ole Europe. That's the bonus Spanish or Portuguese should have, or even Italians. Vikings should have crazy Skaldmaer seeding a path of desolation.

    I didn't like it. I hated it. I didn't even play much. But let me pretend I'm an expert and write some bulleted points and get on with May.

    What are they about?

    • A free handcart. And the other handcart in Castle age, you know, the one with fruits.
    • A fat man that regenerates slowly. I don't really know if it really matters, I only made them once.
    • A ship that shoots three arrows in castle age. Never used it. Because you know, fireships.
    • Somehow better militia line, and they shout til bardaga so you can pretend they are Lodbrok's sons. They die to TC fire the same when you forget to put them on stand ground, because you're n00b.

    Let's talk strategy

    Wait, what? Vikings don't have a great unique strategy to represent how they plagued Europe with terror? Yep, that's right. You're better off with just m@a -> archers. You know. JUST LIKE I DON'T KNOW, ETHIOPIANS? Yeah, that's all the flavor they have. And a handcart.

    Theoretically you could open scouts, because who am I to tell you what to do, but your infantry is somehow strong, so if you want to use all your advantages you'd go for an infantry opening.

    Not FC though, because you want that HANDCART bonus as soon as possible. I haven't done the math myself, but Thor's holy handcart is like 2-3 villagers, plus the bonus itself, that is, quite a lot. So no, you win nothing from a militia rush, except the hahaha you'll hear from your opponent laughing at your stupid decisions.

    Again theoretically, you could go for an old school m@a feudal all in with skirm support. In the old times we used to send some villagers forward, then build a barrack there and a range, and some towers. Since you'll be having extra efficient villagers and a +3 or so vil lead, you can risk it. I'm not a huge fan of going forward. One day I'll learn it and you can stop calling me a n00b. But today is not that day.

    Generic Archers but you're rich

    After opening with your fat men at arms you'll be pumping archers out. They are normal archers, with all the upgrades. They aren't cheaper as the mayans or produced faster as the britons. The only difference is that you're rich and you opponent is not, so probably you can simply outproduce all other civs. Because you know, Norway was shitting gold in the middle age.

    In castle age you're still rich and if you're alive your strong eco can give you even some knights to send those pesky skirms to valhalla. Or even a better strategy, just add more archers! Enough number of archers can counter anything. Just keep producing them because you're rich.

    How can you lose with Vikings?

    You can lose with Vikings because they're as predictable as rain a Saturday in London. Militia rush would be my go, if you have the APM and micro skills. Skirms is a must since they'll sending archers 9 out of 10 times.

    What about the mighty berserk?

    Berserk is the only thing that would remind you that you're playing Vikings. I can understand that they didn't want to give Vikings a very strong unit since they already had a strong eco bonus, but I think they deserved something better. I don't know. A unit that gives gold everytime they kill a vil, for example, would represent better the Viking raids. A bonus against farms? A infantry unit that could pick up relics? Something that steals you resources? TBH regeneration feels lame, and it doesn't help a lot in large battles. The only time I used it was against Goth huskarl boys. In Castle Age I lost a pitched battle against them and had to reconstruct. In Imperial Age they were strong enough to win almost 2v1. I guess they went to Miklagard and learned the imperial ways?


    I didn't like Vikings. They don't have the flavor of other civs, and that's a big big down for me, a history nerd. In addition, they are quite streamlined. I'm sorry to put it like this but they seem a civ for n00bs. Strong eco that can put up with some mistakes, a solid archer line and a simple UU. Water maps can be tricky since you have a bonus but don't have fire ships, but water maps aren't what n00bs usually play.

    I've already started playing Magyars, and they feel more magyar than the Vikings felt viking.

    Past months I wrote crap like this too, so check it out: #1 #2 #3

    And don't send me your gold, I'm already rich. Just leave me a comment in old Norse.

    submitted by /u/menerell
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    Hello everyone, this is my aoe2 battle in real life, i hope you like it

    Posted: 09 May 2021 07:16 AM PDT

    Which civil is this?

    Posted: 08 May 2021 05:15 PM PDT

    Planning to start playing aoe2 again

    Posted: 09 May 2021 01:07 AM PDT

    As the title suggests, I am thinking of buying the definitive edition & start playing again. It used to be one of my favourite games back when I was in school & the I recently found out about the DE.

    Just wanted to know is online playing any good & what would be some of the tips & tricks that would help me out.

    submitted by /u/mytipisdry
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    Cool real life Burgundian castle in the town of Heerlen in the Netherlands

    Posted: 08 May 2021 11:38 AM PDT

    The Shadow Gauntlet Showmatch: DauT vs Tatoh! (12 GMT Today)

    Posted: 09 May 2021 04:44 AM PDT

    Full settings are as follows:

    9 games played, $10 per each map won (total prize pool $90 USD)

    Civ draft preset: https://aoe2cm.net/preset/Saysn
    Boar laming allowed
    Straggler tree laming not allowed
    Walling in res and laming sheep not allowed during Dark Age
    1) Arabia
    2) Regicide Fortress
    3) Islands
    4) Empire Wars Atacama
    5) Arena
    6) Nomad
    7) Serengeti
    8) Empire Wars Socotra
    9) Golden Swamp

    The event starts at 12 GMT, so in about 20 minutes from now!
    Games will be casted here: https://www.twitch.tv/shadowcrystallux

    If you would like to contribute to the prizepool, please contact me on Discord at ShadowCrystallux#0806

    Hope to see you there!

    submitted by /u/ShadowCrystallux
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    Behold my team mate walling me in after I told him to not bully a noob

    Posted: 08 May 2021 09:53 AM PDT

    Migration: Starting Island has only 3 sheep

    Posted: 08 May 2021 08:04 PM PDT

    Make a guess how many shots a fully upgraded Elite Mangudai needs to bring down an Elite Elephant Archer

    Posted: 09 May 2021 06:29 AM PDT

    Really, make a guess. I post the number in the comments.

    submitted by /u/Umdeuter
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    How is hidden cup organized? Can you change your ingame display name seperately from steam?

    Posted: 09 May 2021 12:44 AM PDT

    Some friends and I were brainstorming how we could organize a hidden cup between us. We got stuck on how we would organize the name changes, since we're all friends on steam, it would be easy to even accidentally find out which alias belongs to which player. In HD, IIRC, you could create a new profile in game and that would be your display name, but I didn't find this feature in DE.

    submitted by /u/hzzzln
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    What a Michi game looks like.

    Posted: 08 May 2021 01:51 PM PDT

    Are there any custom mods specifically designed for the x256 tech cheat?

    Posted: 09 May 2021 04:24 AM PDT

    Like custom scenarios, campaigns, etc.

    submitted by /u/CorpseFucker6969420
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    LF the A+ video demonstration for the updated m@a into archers BO by cicero

    Posted: 09 May 2021 02:37 AM PDT

    Now that the BO mod is updated(thank you very much for this), I'm looking for a yt video for an A+ application of m@a into archers BO. At my best I've achieved C because I don't have neither hands nor brain, but maybe I can use my eyes to see someone do it on a video and hopefully improve thanks to a demonstration :)

    submitted by /u/Lorenborn
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    What do you do as Turks vs Italians?

    Posted: 09 May 2021 08:03 AM PDT

    If I ever get this matchup I just feel that I can GG the second I load in.

    Turks get:

    - Better than generic Hussars

    - Better Than Generic Cav archers

    - Better than generic Gunpowder

    All of which get countered by the Genouise Xbow/Condotieri

    I genuinely have no answer to what to build against italians if I'm turks.

    With other civs going archers or siege can work out, heavy cav still works well provided you can cull their xbow numbers which is still a UU and hard to mass.

    However as turks you get no such option, the main way to deal with archers as turks is high health cav archers or high pierce armor hussar, and both get countered in this situation.

    submitted by /u/Exe0n
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