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    Age of Empires 3 Resource generator go brrrr

    Age of Empires 3 Resource generator go brrrr

    Resource generator go brrrr

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 12:08 AM PDT

    LF noobs to team ranked.

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 05:37 AM PDT


    I am a noob. I am looking for people to have fun with while we play team games. We can improve together.

    What i like to see:

    Random strats ... Constructive criticism Patience Low stress environment

    What i don't:

    Raging Impatient Life or death stress over winning Meta only.

    How to plan a game:

    Pm me on Reddit for further planning

    submitted by /u/thehugable
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    MHmmm the ChEeSe. I'm an independant player who ain't need to follow the rules. Crazy what the pull trick with one organ gun can do.

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 12:50 PM PDT

    DE elo and legacy rankings

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 02:49 AM PDT

    What is the approx DE elo for some of the legacy rankings? Eg what is sergeant, 2nd Lt, captain? I play legacy but when I see people mention elo I don't know what level they're talking about.

    submitted by /u/cosmia2
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    Playing on LAN

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 11:20 PM PDT

    Hello my dear Redditors of aoe3.
    Me and my brother have been trying to play together in a LAN lobby but it just wont work. We both use the Asian version and bought it off of steam. Our PCs are connected with LAN to the same Switch and therefore router. My brother can see my game in the Lobby where you should but he can't connect. It just won't work. Can someone please help me with this? We bought the game 3 times now and still can't play together against bots.

    Your German Main

    submitted by /u/yourmfaunt
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    UNITED STATES FAST REVOLT!!!! (updated version of previous post)

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 04:33 PM PDT


    2 days ago I posted here with a build order for a united states fast revolt involving marines, grizzly bear orbital bombardment, and California Carloeans, well I am pleased to announce after much trial and error, including the testing of Tennessee and Kentucky (with Tennessee I wanted to test if the card that boosts villager attack also boosts revolutionaries and with Kentucky I wanted to compare the effectiveness of a coal mine vs a factory, neither were as efficient as the factory) I now am here to present the NEW BEST UNITED STATES FAST REVOLUTION!!!!

    Are you ready folks? with this updated version we have: a faster age one (the previous had you reach ate 2 at 6:05) MORE California Caroleans (united states versions of revolutionaries. they are called californios and are comparable to caroleans) MORE bears, MORE agression, a much larger initial fighting force, and MUCH faster economic recovery so you can start murdering things faster again!!!

    without further adu, lets get into the build order, there will also be notes regarding the changes to the previous build throughout the build order so you can see how things changed any why they are the way they are

    Goal: obviously, the end goal of this build is to revolt with the bear flag revolt you get from California as soon as possible, which will enable us to orbitally spawn bears with 56 attack anywhere we want on the map with zero train time (im not joking you can spawn them behind a musket army and kill the falconets sitting behind them before your enemy has a chance to react), but there are a couple things we need to take into account when we do this strategy. first is that we want as big a mass of californios as we can muster so our strategy doesnt fall flat, and in addition we also need to be able to recover our broken economy after we send the card

    because of these 2 sub-goals, we need to use as few resource shipments as possible, so as to use bigger more important shipments that will give us eco boosts that we can use to recover from financial ruin later in the game when we revolt, speed is also a factor since if we wait to long we'll lose our advantage from getting all these advanced units and abilities. I managed to get this build to work in a reasonable time without using ANY resource shipments. lets begin

    age 1:

    1. collect your starting crates and immediately build a house and a market with your 200 wood and set everyone to food right away. you MUST prioritize coin and wood treasures with your explorer, and take XP as well if you find it. go for food if there is nothing else you can find
    2. send your 1st card: 7 sheep and a homestead wagon (some of you may be scratching your head at this, all in due time)
    3. collect your 7 sheep and place your mill forwards just in front of your base, and preferably near a coin mine and eat all your sheep immediately.
    4. if you found a wood treasure less than 50, put 1 settler on wood until you have 50 and set him back to food ASAP. this will be used for hunting dogs either in transition or if you find 50 coin in treasures as well
    5. age with 13 villagers at 700 food with Delaware (yup, bet you didn't see that coming). you should click up around 2:55 seconds


    1. set 8 settlers to food and the rest and all new villagers in age 3 to coin. research hunting dogs if you havent done so already.
    2. send your 2nd card: German immigrants, and set your mills gather point to the nearest coin mine
    3. que settlers until you are at 20/20, it is important to do this before you hit age 3 (ill explain why later)


    in the previous version of this build, you stayed in age 1 for much longer and send French, Dutch, and Irish immigrants. this provided a solid way to get a bank, which I originally thought would be a much bigger benefit when in recovery than it ended up being, simply because when you recover you don't need much coin. another problem is that there is no room for building houses in this version of the build order, and you would be stuck with 23 settlers right up until it was time to revolt, which would only give you 23 Californios, and those French settlers you got in the beginning of the game would be gone forever. the previous build relied on making the state capital and saving your free research for new Mexico immigration once you hit the 4th age (100 free population permanently)

    by using German immigrants and the next few shipments, we are boosting our eco much more over time, getting more settlers, and boosting our Californios count by A LOT (settler wagons give 2 Californios each) and in addition to all this, we are allowing ourselves to make 5 settler wagons at the same time later when we lose all our settlers, allowing us to bounce back incredibly fast

    age 2

    1. upon hitting age 2, immediately make minutemen. DO NOT call them before you hit age 2, or they will deplete to 1 HP instead of 100. the reason we qued settlers to 20 population before was because once we called minutemen, we pop ourselves and cannot make any more settlers except the ones already in que (clever right?) use these minutemen to take large treasures, kill foreword settlers building barracks, defend yourself, and in general just be usefull
    2. send your 3rd card: advanced homesteading. if you have found enough wood in treasures, research placer mines
    3. advanced homesteading ships 2 homestead wagons, grants homestead wagons 10 population each, and gives them 15 line of sight (this is why you placed your mill forwards, now you can see for miles), with the German immigrant card, each one also gives you 2 settlers, and by extension, 2 Californios, making the value if these cards insane (400 for a mill, 100 for a house, 200 in settlers. since there is 2 wagons, it makes the value of this age 2 shipment equivalent to 1400 resources, plus line of sight) place your mills spread out around your base to maximize line of sight. set one of your new settler wagons to food and the other to coin. que settlers again. if done properly, your TC will never be idle
    4. send your 4th shipment: fertile lowlands. this provides you 2 more mills, which means more line of sight, 20 more population space, and 4 more settlers. it also provides 6 semi fattened cows, which will be eaten to get faster age ups
    5. age as soon as you can with new hampsire. you should click up around 7:10 seconds with 29 population of settlers (19 settlers and 5 settler wagons). if you kept 8 settlers and 1 wagon to hunts and everyone else to coin, you should hit the required coin and food almost at the exact same time


    1. call minutemen a second time
    2. switch around 70 percent of your population to food and 30 percent of your population to coin.
    3. do your best to kill things and take treasures just for the XP, the goal is to get another shipment before hitting age 3

    age 3:

    1. send your 5th card: the factory, RIGHT away, seriously, ASAP
    2. congrats, you know have 12 minutemen and 5 regulars, use them to keep doing shit, establish map control, and take super large treasures
    3. place your factory, collect your XP crates. use your factory to get the last of the coin you need to age up. you should be able to slip 2 settlers or so in before you age.


    1. set your factory to wood ASAP
    2. send your 6th card: Marines. this card is vitally important to this build as it is whats going to enable you to have any siege whatsoever. AS SOON as this card lands you should be able to call a 3rd batch of minutemen that will no longer lose health, and have 18 marines with 56 siege each
    3. set a chunk of your settlers to food, a few to wood, and a lot to coin. the second you have the 1000 food you need, switch most of those settlers to wood. the same goes for coin. as soon as you have 1000 of every resource, switch ALL your settlers to food to mass as much food as possible before you lose all your settlers. KEEP YOUR FACTORY ON WOOD

    age 4:

    1. send bear flag revolt as soon as you are able to. try to use the wood from your factory to try and build 2 more houses before you revolt (if your worried you dont have enough time to build before you lose your settlers, use the wagons to build)
    2. EVEN AFTER YOU REVOLT keep your factory on wood, this is because training settler wagons from mills requires 100 food and 100 wood.
    3. as soon as you revolt, gather all your military together, and train 5 settler wagons from your mills, and start settler production out of your 2 TCs. you should have 100 population room in total, and you'll be able to get the wood you need for more houses after that relatively easily.
    4. switch your factory to coin for marine pops, recover your economy, and push

    lets talk about fighting with your revolt army. PRIORITY NUMBER ONE is protecting your marines, for the next few minutes, they are your only major source of siege and anti artillery. to that extent, use your regulars and Californios as frontline units and cannon fodder.

    remember to use your bear flag often to keep spawning an ever growing army of bears. the first pop of bears is important to time however, as your opponent doesn't know you have it. the bears spawn the second you place the flag, right at the base, meaning they can be called anywhere, any time, immediately with no delay. spawn them next to falconets and in the middle of formations to wreck havoc among the enemy army before they realize what is even going on.

    if you reach the enemies town center before running into their military, just call the bears there and run them in, as you wont be able to orbital bombard them into your enemies formations while the town center is alive. priority one in an enemies base is to destroy their game-starting TC, so you can get "drop bear support" as I call it

    your next shipments can be a few things. my recommendation is minutemen companies so you can easily mass large amounts of marines, followed by mortars, you can also send Delaware blues after a while, which grants you 1 regular for each shipment sent previous, which by that point, could easily be 10 or 12 depending on how long the game goes. I would not send that before sending ample artillery shipments however. consider 5 captured rockets or 2 heavy cannons, 3 horse artillery, 3 gats, even 2 mortars+2 culverns if you feel threatened by artillery (you shouldn't with drop bear support)

    after your eco has recovered you can start training regulars from barracks and having them join the fray as well


    submitted by /u/buckshot371
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    Tier-list for treaty games?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 03:30 PM PDT

    Hey guys i started some weeks ago with aoe3, first i played against bot and at the moment i play a lot of rank's, i manage to hold my 1050 elo, im quite happy about it :) but now im kinda interested to treaty games

    I watched many Videos from AussieDrongo but he is very focused on 1v1 ranks and it's very hard to find informations or guides for treaty games and i really want to know which civ's work good or bad in treaty

    I only play japan, britain, russia and germany and want to now if they are viable in treaty and if, which of these would be the best for treaty. Furthermore is there somewhere a complete Tier list for treaty or can someone explain what really matter's or is important for a civ in treaty?

    submitted by /u/Fire_it_yn
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    Some modding questions (DE)

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 06:46 PM PDT

    1- How do I change a nation's flag?

    I figured out how to change their names (extract the stringtabley and change the individual string) but i dont know how to change them

    2- Creating civs

    I actually copied and pasted Brits to create a "Gatherer" (i copied gatherer strings) civilization for test but is did not appeared in skirmish

    3- Adding units

    I just tried to give Ottomans bow and arrow wielding settlers but i dont know which file determines the actions

    Any help appreciated, i guess the AOE3 vanilla was easier to mod than the DE...

    submitted by /u/Annual_Wasabi3899
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    What makes Sweden OP?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 10:18 AM PDT

    I read everywhere that Sweden is probably the strongest civ and OP? But what exactly makes them so strong?

    submitted by /u/TylerDurdenElite
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    Destroying British Manors

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 11:39 AM PDT

    Does it make sense to destroy manors? I believe it's 47xp bounty to destroy, does the benefit of the xp offset giving them a chance to build another and get +1 villager? I play Spain so I imagine the XP would be worth it

    submitted by /u/sgjb12
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    Espadachins with unction are AMAZING & meanwhile, Rajputs are pure TRASH

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 08:48 AM PDT

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