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    Sunday, June 6, 2021

    Age of Empires II Final Day Red Bull WoLoLo Quali II (entire Sunday 06.06.2021)

    Age of Empires II Final Day Red Bull WoLoLo Quali II (entire Sunday 06.06.2021)

    Final Day Red Bull WoLoLo Quali II (entire Sunday 06.06.2021)

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 04:05 PM PDT

    Friendly reminder that this Sunday the final day of RBW Q2 is going down.

    Last 4 spots are up for taking, with tons of exiting matchups coming up.

    12:00 CEST Ganji cs Valas (R16)

    13:30 CEST Slam vs F1Re (R16)

    15:00 CEST Vivi vs TaToH (winner gets spot)

    17:30 CEST Bact vs Nicov (winner gets spot)

    20:00 CEST BadBoy vs SongSong (winner gets spot)

    22:30 CEST Ganji OR Valas vs Slam OR F1Re (winner gets spot)

    Already qualified Q1:

    Joarden, Dogao, Mbl, Sitaux

    Invited to Main tournament (top 8 last RBW):

    ACCM, Mr YO, Daut, Viper, Villese, Hera, Lieeryy, Vinchester

    find your favorite streams and have fun ;)

    Tournament Info

    submitted by /u/Intelligent-One-6170
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    Just another crappy ALT+F4 meme...

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 02:53 PM PDT


    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 11:05 AM PDT

    What Civ becomes the most OP if you give it just 1 techology?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2021 05:17 AM PDT

    I'd say it would be Bulgarians with the Paladin upgrade, since this would give them 1.425 RoF Paladins.

    Or it could be the Burgundians with Bloodlines, so you'd have 140 hp Cavaliers in Castle Age.

    What is your OP civ with a new tech?

    submitted by /u/CaptainCakeEater
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    Diplo game infinite gold generation Keshiks + Elephant + Monks

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 10:27 PM PDT

    Salty DE Players

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 07:06 PM PDT

    I played against my first really salty player today. I played a solid game, for me at least, and then the other guy kept accusing me of cheating. He kept claiming I wasn't 900 elo (I am 1140 at the moment and the other guy was around 1100 as well) In the end game chat he threatened to kill my family and said he hoped I got cancer! I wasn't really bothered becasue I have encountered way worse on other games, but it was a bit suprising to see it in an AOE2 game. For the record, this was my first negative experience and everyone else I have played about has been really cool about winning and losing :)

    Anyways, I just wanted to say that I really do think the community is better than most other online communities and that it seems pretty rare to run into a truly NaCl player.

    submitted by /u/ProdigalWombat
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    Who said Redemption was bad?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2021 06:41 AM PDT

    This villager deserves a promotion (My proudest move so far!)

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 03:33 PM PDT

    How do you win a game as Vietnamese?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2021 03:36 AM PDT

    Pretty much title. How should you play differently with Vietnamese than with any other archer civ to win a game? I have only won once with them. Do you need to lame? I don't like laming. It doesn't lead to good games usually.

    What to do against Goths or meso?

    submitted by /u/viiksitimali
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    What's the most symmetrical farm layout near mills

    Posted: 06 Jun 2021 03:14 AM PDT

    New player and it's driving me a bit insane that the farms are just a teeny bit bigger than the mill so I can't symmetrically place them around it, any layouts that make it symmetrical?

    submitted by /u/zetahood343
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    Do you lose resources invested if the building gets destroyed

    Posted: 06 Jun 2021 07:19 AM PDT

    Two scenarios 1. Researching a tech or creating units in a building. I delete the building - Do the invested resources head back into the economy. Tested and it seems the resource get back in. Wanted to confirm? 2. Researching a tech or creating units in a building. Enemy destroys the building - Do the invested resources head back into the economy? (Example losing a the TC that was researching IMP) I know losing a building foundation depletes the respources spent in. But scenario 2 confuses me.

    submitted by /u/DamascanSilverCamel
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    Stopping so from using my cheats

    Posted: 06 Jun 2021 05:00 AM PDT

    While I use cheat codes in aoe2 definite edition I see that the same applies to all the AIs. Is there anyway to restrict them from using the same cheats that I do?

    submitted by /u/Small-Surprise-3433
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    Hastings - Franks or Sicilians?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2021 04:08 AM PDT

    The Normans in Bari and Hautevilles are represented by Sicilians. They are also ancestors of the Italo-Normans and Siculo-Normans.

    Still, would it make more sense for the player in Hastings scenario to be Sicilians, or still Franks? (Note that we can change the architectural style in the editor for a player).

    submitted by /u/hussar269c
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    How do I play both teams?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2021 03:45 AM PDT

    I love to create custom scenarios to make my own history, how do I play both teams instead of the AI controlling the other one so I can move them.

    submitted by /u/Ok_Chemistry3095
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    Protecting dark age villagers from eagle scout

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 06:14 PM PDT

    In several recent games (1300ish) I've lost villagers to an eagle scout in dark age. In a fight with 1 eagle vs 2 no-loom vills, the eagle still kills a villager (at the cost of losing health). The vill can even die running back to the TC depending on distance and micro. I don't see this in high-level gameplay (maybe because they value the eagle's health too much) but I've started to think I need to play differently vs meso civs in dark age. Does anyone do any of the following vs meso civs?

    1. Place all 3/4 vills on same side of woodline so they can fight better (at the cost of wood efficiency)
    2. Mini-wall woodline super early
    3. Get loom early (like at vill 10)
    4. Keep scout near woodline (obviously at a massive cost of not scouting the rest of the map)

    I've never seen anyone playing differently against meso like this, but against players who are willing to trade eagle health for a really early vill pick, what do you do? If the eagle stays alive and runs away and your scout is too far away to find him, I think it's a good trade for the meso civ. Why don't we see it more often?

    submitted by /u/5ifty7even57
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    Teutonic Destruction Siege Towers Vs. Rams Arabia?! Fortress, Rams with Teutonic Knights Against Arbalest

    Posted: 06 Jun 2021 06:36 AM PDT

    I love my Onagers

    Posted: 06 Jun 2021 06:13 AM PDT

    How do you decide which strategy to use?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2021 02:08 AM PDT

    I got up to 1200 elo just playing maa>archers, then dropped down to 1000 when I was learning cav civs. Now I'm comfortably playing at 1200 elo with scouts opening, I think it's time to start mixing it up and practicing deciding which build order to go for on the fly.

    Say you're a versatile civ that could go maa>archers or scouts, what in the game makes you pick one or the other?

    Does facing an archer civ opponent make you go archers? Or the opposite?

    Does an easy-to-wall starting position indicate one or the other?

    Any thoughts welcome.

    submitted by /u/Akewstick
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    New 1v1 tournament - eVasive's Arabia Cup

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 12:02 PM PDT

    New 1v1 tournament - eVasive's Arabia Cup


    Ladies and gentlemen, we are proud to present you with a new tournament hosted by eVasive. It is a single-stage tournament of 16 players competing with each other for a part of the prize pool of 100 euros. Players from 1450 - 1600 ELO can register for this event, and places are limited. Applications end June 11 at 16:00 GMT. Each contestant must be on our Discord server to be provided with all the necessary information during this event.

    The link of our discord server is: https://discord.gg/dfZWAFR

    Send us your applications to: https://forms.gle/xrD8ynK8mo1LYo4A6

    The tournament format is single elimination 1v1 Arabia only tournament. For each set, civilizations can only be picked once and it is a hidden pick. All rounds are played BO3 except the finals which will be BO5. The current 1v1 ranked elo will be taken into account but we will also take into consideration the highest ELO. Players must have at least 50 games played in ranked 1v1. Matches will be held only on weekends and the schedule will be fixed.

    All matches will be streamed live at: https://www.twitch.tv/evasive_aim

    Brackets: https://challonge.com/y6b03wft

    Players can choose one of the offered playing times or possibly swap with someone if they cannot play at the given time. Report to the Admin on the Discord server provided above (Getafix#7136 or eVasive#9244) at any agreed time for the match so that he can make an event for you.

    Schedule / Timetable

    Saturday June 12th – Sunday June 20th

    Saturday June 12th Round 1:

    • Match 1: 10:00 GMT
    • Match 2: 12:00 GMT
    • Match 3: 14:00 GMT
    • Match 4: 16:00 GMT

    Sunday June 13th Round 1:

    • Match 5: 10:00 GMT
    • Match 6: 12:00 GMT
    • Match 7: 14:00 GMT
    • Match 8: 16:00 GMT

    Saturday June 19th Round 2

    • Match 1: 10:00 GMT
    • Match 2: 12:00 GMT
    • Match 3: 14:00 GMT
    • Match 4: 16:00 GMT

    Sunday June 20th Semifinals:

    • Match 1: 10:00 GMT
    • Match 2: 12:00 GMT

    Sunday June 20th

    • Bronze Match: 14:00 GMT
    • Finals: a 16:00 GMT

    Good Luck and Have Fun!!!

    submitted by /u/tvitovic
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    AoE2 helps with History, and now with English expressions as well

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 03:25 PM PDT

    Do you want the Red Bull Wololo team to use the "observer" format again?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 12:45 PM PDT

    In the last Wololo tournament, the organizers made the controversial decision to use a 3rd party "observer" to control the POV, rather than showing us the POV of either caster. This led to a lot of frustrating moments when one of the casters would comment on something that wasn't on-screen. Chat was flooded with demands for caster POV (which we never got).

    However, some on reddit defended the format and explained how it's been used in other games successfully. The observer doesn't have to constantly click on units to check stats and bounce around to find the salient action; instead they can just focus on keeping the camera steady and giving us a less epilepsy-inducing POV.

    I think the problem wasn't the format per se, it was more a lack of experience and communication. Initially it was clear T90 wasn't accustomed to collaborating with a camera operator, and as many others noted the operator didn't seem to know what info viewers needed to see. For instance, I remember being annoyed at the idle cursor--the observer wasn't selecting units, so we couldn't see their HP. But at some point he/she improved and started selecting units.

    I'm curious to know if the community's opinion of this format (which I've heard will be used for Wololo IV) has changed.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Zircillius
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    Crossbowmen and Knights are over-dominating the meta in Castle Age, More Unit-Variety is better in Castle Age

    Posted: 06 Jun 2021 02:25 AM PDT

    An important issue in the current metagame, that could be fixed in monthly updates, given enough agreement.

    I have felt that in DE(and same tendency in HD), crossbowmen and knights are two specific units that are being spammed by close to every civilization in the game regardless of that civ's supposed area of mastery*, strengths and weaknesses*. The only exceptions I can see are the Meso/Indians/Saracens for knights and Spanish/Bulgarians/Burmese for the crossbows.

    I believe that this leads to a very stale metagame and can easily become boring to watch even at the highest levels. Having bad melee pathing has worsened this issue with crossbow's over-domination of the metagame, and the Knight similarly remains unchallanged among all castle age melee units, including all UUs.

    I would love to see more unit variety such as Longswords, Camels(outside of Ind/Byz), Monks(not just in arena), Scorpions, Lancers, Elephants and UUs like the Cataphract, Genoese Xbow, Shotel, Samurai, and so on to be used slightly more often*in the Castle Age specifically.

    The Imperial age atleast has infantry units and UUs contributing to the metagame to some extent, hence the issue is only in Castle Age.

    When there are tens of options available in Castle age, why should we still see only two units, Crossbowman and Knight be used all the time, regardless of which land map(except BF) it is?Let us discuss.

    submitted by /u/Hector2580
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    What do Italians need?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2021 05:13 AM PDT

    Part 17 of 37 in this poll series!

    Yes, I will keep posting these polls.

    You might want to take a look at aoestats.io for this poll.

    Pick well, since there are 4 categories to choose from.

    The 4 categories are, Nerf, Remain the same, Buff and Redesign!

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/CaptainCakeEater
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