• Breaking News

    Saturday, June 5, 2021

    Age of Empires II No bloodlines? That's a paddling

    Age of Empires II No bloodlines? That's a paddling

    No bloodlines? That's a paddling

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 07:04 PM PDT

    Swear that’s what ruins me

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 01:51 AM PDT

    Getting raided in lategame:

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 04:19 AM PDT

    Don't wanna play AoE? Being forced to play multiplayer against your will?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 11:39 PM PDT

    Domestic abusers forcing their relatives and partners into constantly playing aoe has been a pervasive and serious problem in modern society. I am glad the devs have finally made steps to help these poor people.

    If you are being forced to play multiplayer aoe but you are too scared to stand up to your abuser directly just select 4v4, ban arena and favor Volcanic Island. This secret combination has been made available in order to prevent any and all gameplay while giving the impression that you are actually playing.

    My significant other thinks I've been playing for hours but in fact I've been working on my second screen! it's amazing!

    submitted by /u/Rhinofishdog
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    Me trying to convince my teammates to raid so I can sit back and boom in the corner

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 12:44 AM PDT

    If Dante played AOE2 maybe Heaven would look something like this...

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 02:44 AM PDT

    The new TC range indicator is very annoying to play against

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 07:03 AM PDT

    I'm pretty low ELO (~1100) and when I play now, I feel like I'm forced to turn on the TC range indicator.

    At my ELO people kind of know strats but are terrible at executing them (including me). But ever since the new TC/Tower range indicator has showed up it makes a lot of attacks feel much more deadly. (including my own)

    I think this is turning me into a way more defensive player in general too because I know if the archers get in there's no way my TC will eat them (which used to happen 8 - 10 times cause we suck :-P ),

    It definitely feels like its changed the game for me. Now when I place castles they always will perfectly kiss the opponents TC, or when a tower is being put up against me, it's always perfectly in range of my mining camp. I just wish there was another way around this :-(

    I know that the Mandala mod exists and that this levels the playing field, I guess I just wanted to rant a little.

    submitted by /u/pojdsss
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    Showerthought: if paladin is not a 1v1 tech...

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 06:42 AM PDT

    Does that mean Malians and Bulgarians have the best knight line in 1v1s? Better than franks or teutons?

    submitted by /u/GoatBoatToad
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    I'm looking for this wallpaper without a graphic on the paper or buttons at the bottom, where would I find it ? Thank you!

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 05:21 AM PDT

    How do you tell a unit not to move but to shoot at every enemy unit at sight?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 01:42 AM PDT

    I want to put archer on hold position, and they should not move from their position at all but still shoot when an enemy units comes at sight.

    submitted by /u/notmadatall
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    How would you update Paper Money and Cuman Mercenaries to have a permanent effect attached?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 12:28 AM PDT

    It's safe to say these two techs are extremely situational and, in the case of Cuman Mercenaries, is actually kinda bad. Their one-time use aspect really makes them feel too gimmicky and not good enough. Burgundians almost had this issue, but their techs have some permanent effects added on. Sicilians also don't really have this problem, as their UTs are quite powerful when timed right (and First Crusade also gives permanent Wololo resistance).

    If you were to update these techs by attaching a permanent effect to them, how would you update them?

    For Paper Money, I think something like "Lumberjacks generate a tiny trickle of gold" would be neat. It'd have to be really small, but it'd still be a nice way to make the tech have a more permanent effect.

    As for Cuman Mercenaries, I dunno. Maybe it could give the Cumans' own Kipchaks some kind of bonus like +5 HP?

    submitted by /u/darkdill
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    TG smurfs on the rise

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 01:06 AM PDT

    With the new TG elo adjustments, I've seen multiple Chinese opponents who have two players with 2k4 TG accounts and two players with no TG elo getting matched up against our pretty evenly distributed 1k8 TG average ELO team.

    Also something to note is that the non-elo players on the other team play as good as the ones with elo. So I'm guessing that this is the new way to hack the TG elo system now. The 2 non surf accounts keep increasing in TG elo without actually paying a single opponent at their level and then they switch to smurf accounts to boost the actual accounts of the initial smurfs.

    I'm hoping that the devs can fix the TG elo awarded to be actually proportional to your current TG elo as well to prevent this abuse of the system currently happening.

    submitted by /u/reguluskp
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    New AoE2 newsletter!

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 11:36 AM PDT

    My civ concept series 16: The Mapuches

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 02:53 AM PDT

    Hi all! After the Nepalese (https://www.reddit.com/r/aoe2/comments/nqkh8w/my\_civ\_concept\_series\_15\_the\_nepalese/), next civ will be the Mapuches, the last of my Mesoamerican civ concepts. I had a great time working with design/balance and reading the limited History sources of this civ, and I hope you like it!

    Archaeologists have found evidence of the Mapuche culture from the 6th Century BC onwards. They covered many areas of Chile and Argentina. Although they were no affinities between their genetics and language and those of nearby cultures' people, archaeologists have distinguished genetic affinities with tribes from North America, and their language (Mapudungun), though considered isolate, seems to have similarities with the Mayan languages. As always, many theories have arisen regarding their origin, and also trying to discern what changes happened during the Middle Ages.

    Around 1000 AD, the collapse of the Tiwanaku Empire seems to have brought a massive migration, so that the Mapuche language loaned words from the Puquina language. About this time, the Mapuches evolved agriculturally with techniques like raised and canalized fields. During the 15th century, before the arrival of Conquistadors, the Inca Empire invaded the Mapuche land. Mapuche Lonkos (leaders of communities) gathered and elected a toki (military leader) to fight them. The battle lasted for 7 days with heavy casualties, and ended with the Inca Empire unable to expand further south. The biggest evidence of this are the Pukaras (fortresses) that guarded the southern borders of the Inca Empire, who were afraid of Mapuche attacks.

    At the arrival of the Spanish the Mapuche population was about 800.000. The Mapuche territory had an effective system of roads before the Spanish arrival. They were able to reach easily the indigenous lands, and rapidly engaged the Mapuches in a long lasting war (Araucan War), which started in 1536. Though superior in armament and resistance to diseases, the Spanish struggled for decades to subjugate the Mapuches, who were able to inflict several defeats on the Spanish, even besieging the city of Santiago. Many of these successful campaigns were possible thanks to guerrilla warfare, and the learning of captive Mapuches, who taught their fellows after serving several years as slaves how to fight the Spanish and how to use the horse. The most eminent was toki Lautaro, whose leadership lead to the death of the conquistador Pedro de Valdivia. In the end, the Spanish prevailed, and Mapuches had to retreat to their southern lands, where nowadays are still fighting for their independence.

    Regarding the civ balance, the Mapuches have a very special tech tree, with a worse eco than the rest of Mesoamerican civs, but more military options. The only eco bonus regards to berries, as a symbol of the richness of fruits and nuts that today are one of the most important exports of Chile. The fierceness of Araucan warriors is reflected with the inclusion of a bonus for Barracks, Eagles, and a Unique Unit. The only mounted unit for meso civs will also get a bonus, reflecting the widespread use they gave to horses after the European arrival. Villagers, who also took arms when invaded, get a small bonus as the team bonus.

    As I said, Mapuches will have more options than other meso civs. The first Unique Unit is available in Barracks since the Feudal Age, and it is a representation of the pictures I have so far seen when I searched for Mapuche Warriors. The name of the Castle Unique Unit is how Mapuches called their community leaders. Lonkos got their status by being strong warriors and hunters, and my proposed representation of him is a high resistance archer. The Castle Age unique tech affects monks, and takes the name of their shamans (though they usually were women). The Imperial Age Unique Tech is the interpretation of a Lautaro's achievements, which helped the Mapuche army defy the sophisticated Spanish military. It's been interpreted as how he taught Mapuches fight the Spanish (bonus against cavalry) and how they learnt to use the horse (Xolotl Warriors).

    Mapuches: Infantry and Monk civilization

    - Berries last 100% longer

    - Barracks cost -50 wood

    - Araucan Warrior available at Barracks in Feudal Age

    - Eagle Warrior line doubles their bonus attacks

    - Xolotl Warriors get +50HP and +2/+2 armor in Imperial Age

    Team bonus: Villagers get +1 melee armor

    Unique techs:

    - Machis (300 gold): Monks get +1 conversion and healing range for units, and +3 conversion range for buildings, rams and trebuchets

    - Lautaro's Legacy (700 food 500 gold): Scorpions get bonus attack vs mounted units (+8 vs cavalry, +6 vs camels, +12 vs war elephants). Allows to create Xolotl Warriors at Castles

    Unique units:

    Araucan Warrior: Fast infantry used for raiding and against slow units. It doesn't cost gold. Available at Barracks in Feudal Age (Elite upgrade in Castle Age).

    Cost: 55 food

    Upgrade cost: 300 food 250 gold

    Creation time 25s (Feudal), 15s (Castle). Speed 1.1 (1.2) Reload time 2.

    HP: 50 (60)

    Attack: 5 (8) melee

    Armor: 0/0 (0/2)

    Armor class: Infantry

    Upgrades: Blacksmith, Barracks

    Lonko: Tanky archer that negates anti-archer bonus. Bonus attack vs buildings

    Cost: 50 wood 40 gold

    Upgrade cost: 750 wood 550 gold

    Creation time 25s (20s). Speed 0.96 Reload time 2. Frame delay 15. Attack delay 0.5. Accuracy 90 (100)

    HP: 50 (60)

    Attack: 5 (6) pierce

    Armor: 1/1 (2/2)

    Range: 4 (5)

    Armor class: Archer 3 (5)

    Upgrades: Blacksmith, University, Archery Range

    Attack bonus: Standard Buildings 3 (4)

    Barracks: Champion – Halberdier – Elite Eagle Warrior – Elite Araucan Warrior – All techs

    Archery range: Arbalester – Elite Skirmisher – lack Thumb Ring and Parthian Tactics

    Siege workshop: Siege Ram –Onager – Heavy Scorpion – Siege Tower

    Blacksmith: Lack Cavalry armors

    Dock: Galleon – Fast Fire Ship –Heavy Demo Ship – Lack Dry Dock

    University: Lack Architecture – Bombard Tower – Keep – Fortified Wall – Arrowslits

    Castle: Lack Hoardings

    Monastery: All techs

    Economy: Lack Two-Man Saw

    The berries for Mapuches will last twice as much, so they may benefit from it in maps like Nomad and Yucatan. Cheaper Barracks will provide a faster drush/m@a rush, or an Araucan Warrior rush, which can have similarities with a scout rush. This bonus will help a lot later for Eagle rushes or pike/halb spam for defense. Villagers will resist a bit more melee unit rushes, a bonus for all the team.

    In Castle Age, options arise, with Eagles doubling their attack bonus, so they'll fare better especially against mounted units. They also have the chance to use their unique units (a Skirmisher resistant archer and a fast raiding trash unit). Monks will benefit from the Castle Age UT, getting 10 range and 3 range for ram, trebuchet (in Imperial) and building conversions!

    In Imperial Age, there are still more options, since the Imperial UT makes Scorpions anti-cavalry and allows Xolotl Warriors (150HP 4/4 armor) to be created at Castles, a surprising effect for a meso civ. Finally, when gold runs out, the Barracks UU can also be created, replacing (though not as good) Eagle Warriors.

    I hope you enjoyed, and of course, suggestions are welcome. Next civ will be the Bornuans.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Azot-Spike
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    Which Civ is best for all in Feudal aggression?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 04:58 AM PDT

    Does AI cheat? Not counting Extreme difficulty

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 07:32 AM PDT

    I feel AIs have extra resources. Economy harrasments don't work?

    submitted by /u/runningwolf2
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    Buffs/nerfs to random civs

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 06:54 AM PDT

    I think there should be some small yet interresting buffs/nerfs for a random civ or 2 each patch, so we keep the game fresh.

    Also if we keep it purely random, just by gaussian distribution, game will eventually become balanced

    - almost all (95% of all civs) will have winrates between 45-55% range.

    -it would also keep game interesting

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/Hector2580
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    Big Ranked mismatch etiquette?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 10:47 PM PDT

    I played a ranked match and it was before his elo adjustment(because his was inflated due to TG play). Should you kill early so it doesn't drag on or wait and steamroll? I don't want to discourage people from playing and wondered what you all did in this situation?

    submitted by /u/gggggrayson
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