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    Thursday, June 3, 2021

    Age of Empires II Pixel art I made of the true prophet

    Age of Empires II Pixel art I made of the true prophet

    Pixel art I made of the true prophet

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 05:09 AM PDT

    Anybody read this book? Bit out of date but seems like it may have some kind of ancient wisdom.

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 11:11 PM PDT

    That fast Fuedal time will get you ��‍♂️

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 06:14 AM PDT

    There are Times I want to Give up but then I play some Age Of Empires, Cast a game, and Make some AOE Art and realize the Problems I am having in my life are Small. Age on! Wanted to Share a picture I created and would love to see some of your AOE2 Art!

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 10:19 PM PDT

    If Dante played AOE2 maybe hell would look something like this...

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 09:43 AM PDT

    P2 ready for attack :)

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 11:54 AM PDT

    Why is there so much Arena in team ranked?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 12:37 AM PDT

    I am getting back into AoE2 after a long absence, and I am playing team ranked for the moment. However, I do not like closed maps such as BF or Arena.

    Now unless I ban it, literally 40-50% of my games are on arena (not exaggerating), and if I ban it, my waiting time in queue goes up by a factor of 3 or 4.

    Is anyone experiencing the same problem? Do you know where it comes from?

    Also: Happy to take advice for these closed maps....

    submitted by /u/AggroJordan
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    Buffing Random Civilization

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 03:52 PM PDT

    It's not a major concern, but one of the things that has been annoying me a bit lately is how many players choose a specific civilization, particularly when that civ is a meta pick like Franks or Mayans.

    Picking random civ is a gamble and almost always a handicap on ranked. What I would propose is that random civs are not revealed to the opponent, instead showing a "?" on the loading screen and in the game UI.

    This forces the opponent to scout your base to see what civ you're playing. It's a really small buff, but I think it can spice up the meta and not make random civ such a bad choice on meta maps.

    submitted by /u/BurnedRavenBat
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    HC (of course also Jannies) are a good unit, if used correctly ?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 03:53 AM PDT

    I recently read some post claiming that HCs are a bad unit, that you should almost never build. There are some videos that support this claim by showing how HC does against several units including arbs, that not only win 1v1 but also work better against infantry (which is the supposed strength of the HCs).

    And i dont want to argue with this point, obviously you should not engage arbs on the field with your HCs. If use them like this the unit is indeed not very powerful. There are however 2 situations in which this units shines, and is better than the arb.

    Mixed unit combat. Jannies (yes they have +1 range) or HC (FI) + Kts is for example a great combination for 2v2 Arena. And here with a meat shield the gunpowder units shine. If both sides have the same amount of kts and the same amount of arb/xbow or HC, be sure that i will allways take the HCs. Against the 4 pierce armor kts, the damage output of the HC is superior. And that is the situation in that the HC is the strongest: together with a meat shield against units with a mid-> high pierce armor.

    HC are the perfect damage dealer for this situation.

    The second situation is more obvious. It is for a unit switch/or a FI scenario. If you feel that you need a range support for your troups, the way to HC is mostly the shortest, no (not many) upgrades needed. For FI or jannie-push in castle age, it is obviously the only choice, since they do very good against most castle age units.

    It is also worth noting that many civs that get HC dont really have a good archers as an option.

    So HCs are good as a support units especially against mid-high pierce armor units. They are not the best option against trash though.

    submitted by /u/da_vince
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    Redbull Participation Stats (Spoiler for Last Weekend Quals)

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 07:26 AM PDT

    After the Situax qualification over the weekend I was curious on just how many different players have played in an event. I made a quick spreadsheet with the results. There have been 23 different players to play in at least 1 event and 9 players have played in all 4 events. With the last quals this weekend Tatoh, TheMax, and Nicov need to win to keep their Redbull Streak alive.


    All Information Sourced from Liquipedia


    submitted by /u/Effective-Performer2
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    New player, struggle against AI with skirmishers

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 07:43 AM PDT

    I started playing AoE 2 DE a few days ago. I watched some guides and build orders. I picked the britons as my first civ and an archer build order. I only play vs AI to learn the mechanics. I can do good versus moderate but the hard AI always crushes me. I get into feudal before the AI and and can do some damage with my first archers, but then he just builds skirmishers and I lose. I know skirmishers are bad against pretty much else besides archers so I tried with spearmen since I'll build them later anyways and I thought it would be better to build one food/wood unit and one gold/wood unit but the spearmen do barely nothing while the skirmishers kill all my archers. Then I tried men-at-arms, they can kill the skirmishers but they are so expensive I struggle with my economy.

    So what's the best way to counter skirmishers with the britons? Scouts? Even though britons don't have a Good cavalry? Or stop building archers completely and switch to men-at-arms until castle age? Something else?

    submitted by /u/Kinc4id
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    Arena relic etiquette

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 11:25 PM PDT

    TL;DR Is it rude to go for relic victory on Arena? (unranked)

    Normally I ban Arena but forgot to do so when the map pool reset. Watching streams and what not, I've learnt that the play on Arena typically is to go for the relics and I controlled them all in Castle Age. At the same time, I was being Krepost rushed and had no conceivable way of directly confronting the Kreposts and Konniks face-on (well maybe I could have if I wasn't a complete and utter noob).

    Fortunately, the opponents intent was to build Kreposts within my base which he expressed after the game in a series of untoward messages. This gave me time to put together a feeble one-layered defence of walls around my monastery, just outside of my starting walls where I had also initially built a castle. One failed Petard rush later, the timer had run down.

    Is this a rude move on behalf? I might understand if this was Arabia but I thought everyone knew to go for the relics on Arena.

    submitted by /u/fvckmeinthebutt
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    When your base gets raided so you break out the all chat

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 07:47 AM PDT

    Goku Ultra Instinct on Age of Empires 2

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 06:31 AM PDT

    Massive Onager Shot

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 12:16 PM PDT

    Converting Vils in Dracula 4?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 07:22 AM PDT

    I finished the scenario with one of the castles at the brink of destruction (the one that's targeted by purple).

    If I convert the yellow villagers, is it worth the time and risk?

    submitted by /u/hussar269c
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    Error when launching singleplayer game with a Data mod

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 11:27 PM PDT

    I've been getting this error when trying to play with a data mod. I've tried 5 different mods and they all give me the same error.
    I have verified game files, reinstalled the mods but nothing has worked so far. Anyone know a fix?
    Picture of the error

    submitted by /u/Sowerz
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    When your scout finds a weak villager

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 07:59 AM PDT

    Chinese Nerf/Buff idea

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 04:34 AM PDT

    As most of you know chinese have a unique start, starting with no food and +3 villagers. It gives them a very powerful eco advantage starting in dark age.

    Now in the high elo/pro league Chinese is considered one of the strongest civs because of this, and it often just gets banned in tournaments.

    In lower to mid elo Chinese aren't great, players have issues dealing with their start.

    I propose the following change:

    Chinese start with +2 villagers and 50 food instead of +3 and no food.

    This means that they still get their start, but are somewhat nerfed at high elo, while being more accessible at low elo, since you can start off making a villager while figuring out your start.

    submitted by /u/Exe0n
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    Cuman Ram Rush, Questions on Arena 3 Vs 3

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 10:25 PM PDT

    I have been thinking of a Cuman Ram Rush for the last week and I cant get it out of my head. I was thinking of playing Cumans in the pocket in a 3 Vs 3 arena game. Making it seem like I am going boom and instead build a forward siege workshop. This would all happen in Feudal BTW sorry I forgot to mention that.

    My questions are as followed:

    1. Does anyone have a build order for this?
    2. What should the secondary unite be to the rams? (archers / spears, or scouts)?
    3. What should the other two civs be on my team? why?
    4. What unite composition should they go for?

    Personally I think Cuman archers makes sense long term and have one person go scouts? The last person could maybe boom? Idk trying to work this out in my head. Would love some input. Want to try some different thing this weekend in this regard.

    submitted by /u/PoopLord69722
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    Discord for US players looking for Team Games

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 06:16 PM PDT

    Here is a Discord server just for US players looking for team games and nothing else. Other US discords have too much other nonsense and the looking for TG is not frequented. This is just for finding TGs.


    submitted by /u/Zonnins
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