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    Sunday, July 11, 2021

    Age of Empires II Stop taking pictures of your monitor. Learn how to screenshot.

    Age of Empires II Stop taking pictures of your monitor. Learn how to screenshot.

    Stop taking pictures of your monitor. Learn how to screenshot.

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 10:40 PM PDT

    Stop it! It's awful and it hurts my eyes and soul. Use the printscreen button and paste into paint, use the snipping tool, use 3rd party software, I don't care, but for the love of god, stop taking pictures of your monitor with your phone.

    This is an epidemic on this subreddit and it's time we all stand up and say, knock it off! It's for your own good.

    submitted by /u/Vaurion
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    I started playing AoE2 when it came in my cereal box at 10 years old. After years without playing I saw it on Steam and figured I'd download. It took me 300 games of 1v1 to unlearn all the whorible habits I had from years of playing against easy AI. I actually use seige now. Happy to be at 1,000.

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 06:06 AM PDT

    Make 'Marketplace' a map condition instead of a single map

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 02:58 AM PDT

    The latest update added the map 'Marketplace'. It's more or less like an Oasis map but the unique gameplay twist is that there are two Gaia controlled Markets to the right and left corners of the map. This means you can trade with them even in 1v1 games. It totally changes how 1v1 games play out as gold stops being a limited resource.

    I propose 'Marketplace' be made into a map condition like 'Regicide' or 'Deathmatch'. This will spawn the two Gaia Markets in the far corners when selected. Only open maps should be compatible with it as there's no space for the Gaia Markets to spawn in closed maps like Black Forest etc.

    submitted by /u/devang_nivatkar
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    Gold Please

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 05:07 PM PDT

    Lost water and center control on Northern Isles, EW... and then this happened...

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 02:39 PM PDT

    Unnamed Strategy Game ��

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 02:04 PM PDT

    I ranked the UUs based on their Chadness

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 01:36 PM PDT

    I ranked the UUs based on their Chadness


    This has NOTHING to do with how useful they are in game, merely how chad they are, how much big dick energy they exude and their general badassery

    Coustiller : his helmet is fairly unfashionable but his posture gives off some laid back vibes, the rest of his clothes are descent too. it's not enough however to move them past B tier

    Flemish Militia : the chadness of the flemish militia comes from the fact they are villagers who took up arms, a pretty chad move, but it doesn't take away from how boring they otherwise look

    Sergents : again their chad weapon (the axe) and manly sicilian voice gives them a certain chadness but their boring looking helmets and otherwise blunt attire keeps them back

    Arambai : The most virgin of all the human units, their headgear looks rediculously lame and invokes a toothache, their clothes look like they were bought by their mom to be big enough for 2 more years. And their weapon is an umbrella-looking micro-spear they throw at people from afar

    Ballista Elephant : Elephants are a fairly chad animal, being the biggest and strongest extant land herbivore, adding a turret on an elephant is a fairly chad move, but they still look the most boring compared to the other 2 elephant UUs and despite what I said in the beginning I could not bring myself to rank the worst, most useless UU in the game any higher than B in terms of chadness

    Berserkers : A manly hairy viking warrior with wolverine powers weilding an axe and clad in a historically innaccurate horned helmet could never be any lower than S tier. Few things are more chad than a Northern Barbarian Warrior

    Boyar : they claim A tier for their badass beards, usage of chad weaponry and inherent chadness of surviving the harsh lands of russia and eastern europe, but their hats and flower-looking shields keep them from an S tier

    Camel Archer : The coolness of this desert raider is significant, with his messy fashion sense exemplified in his headscarf-turban-mask thing and his restless posture, he gives an air of a roguish adventurer rushing into action without much care. Chad, -true. But in the end it's this same raw practical nature that keeps the Camel Archer from doing anything more interesting with his attire and mount keeping him from getting higher than B tier. Also a TRUE chad would just tough out the sandstorms and winds of the desert instead of trying to "protect his face"

    The Caravel : That's a fucking boat, D tier

    The Cataphract : His name comes from a greek word that means "Fully Encased in armor" not only is the cataphract a colossal bitch who needs armor to go to battle, but he hasn't even done anything interesting with his armor. His armor is just chainmail and padding, the most virgin types of armor. Still the fact he is a melee warrior and his cool shield which he mistook for a backpack keeps him from being D tier

    The Chu Ko Nu : Not only is the Chu Ko Nu a collosal wuss that needs to fight from a distance, but he also wears some of the most boring clothes in the game making him extremely similar looking to a standard unit, the Arbalest, for his cowardly ways and blund appearance he lands on D tier

    Condottiero : The Condottiero is a melee unit trained specifically to deal with hand canoneers, this already gives him major chad energy, to add to that his heavyset armor and shield gives him a majorly thicc appearance. His helmet is also pretty cool. However he still is encased in armor which we have established is a point that takes away from a unit's chadness, and he also sports a rather rediculous cape both in length and design. A high B tier but a B tier nontheless

    Conquistador : Perharps the mirror image of the Anti-gun melee infantry condottiero, we have the gun weilding ranged cavalry Conquistador, his usage of what seems to be the most advanced gun in the game, and his iconic recognisable appearance gives him some chad points, but still he has nothing more going for him, and well let's adress the elephant in the room, the conquistador helmet while iconic... is still ugly as fuck. B tier

    Elephant Archer : The most fabulous among the elephant UU trio the elephant archer is a duo that sadly is made up off two virgins, an elephant that while strong enough to carry a small tent on its back, refuses to fight with its tusks and instead stays back and leaves the human rider to do all the work, and an Archer who decided he wants a small moveable living tower to go to war, the cowardice of the duo cannot be excused but their great fashion sense is enough to put then in B tier

    Flaming camel : First of all it's a camel, an animal that flirts by whipping its own butt with its tail until the skin falls off... aei a species where only alpha chads can pass on their seed. Secondly this camel is on fire, it rushes in at enemy lines with no protection, armor, -anything, and then explodes, the unit's uselessness makes the camel's heroic self sacrifice tragic too. For their dedication, fearlessness and being a god damn camel on fire, these unsung heroes of the Tatar Horde gain their rightful place in S tier.

    The Gbeto : This ideal tomboy gf proves her valor by charging into battle with no armor at all yet some really stylish garb, she is also dual weilding kukri swords and throwing them at people with enough strength to deal melee damage from afar, finally the Malians' lore reveals that she got her skills by hunting lions. For her bravery, skill in combat and fashion sense. The Gbeto is worthy of the name Chadette and rises to S tier

    The Genitour : Or Janitor, this spear weilding rider has a fairly chad face and impossing beard but in the end his general design is fairly boring, he is just a guy with a spear and a shield. There isn't anything particularly Virgin about him, but there is also nothing particularly Chad about him, sadly placing him in the middle as a B tier

    The Genoese Crossbowman : An attempt by the devs to add a unit that was even more of a virgin than the Chu Ko Nu, not only does the Genoese Crossbowman fight from a distance but he also needs to coward behind a huge-ass shield to feel completely safe before firing, Not only that but he carries the shield with him, places it on the ground when he stops, and THEN decides he is ready to shoot, While in gameplay this doesn't affect his speed, the truth is that his extremely stractured, boring and cowardly fighting style lands him on D tier

    The Huskarl : Ok I think it comes as a surprise to no one that the big tiddy goth bf is on S tier as one of the Absolute chads of the game, as I said before he has the inherent chadness of being a northern barbarian warrior but also he adds to that through his mandly beard and his musculature-emulating armor, hidding undoubtably a similarly buff body underneath considering these boys' entire thing is charging their opponent head on as a horde. For their manly strategy, character archetype and iconic looks, the Huskarl lands on S tier

    Imperial Camel Rider : honestly I would just repeat everything I said about the Genitour but replace the word "horse" with "Camel" he has just nothing really going for him to move him up or down from B tier

    Imperial Skirmisher : The beloved Vietnamese Horse-slayer, the Skirmisher is just a cooler gucci-ed-up version of the already fairly cool looking Elite Skirmisher. With golden details and some head-borne floof the imperial skirmisher one-ups his ancestral unit and earns a place on A-tier

    Jaguar Warrior : There are quite a few fabulous units in Aoe2, there are quite a few manly units in Aoe2, the Jaguar Warrior is both, wearing nothing but a loincloth under his jaguar pelt and showing off his buffness like any alpha chad should, fighting with the brutal weapon that is the Aztec mace and well... wearing a god damn jaguar pelt from a freaking jaguar he killed. This fearless jungle warrior scoffs at armored gun-weilding spanish virgins and now he can scoff at everyone but S-tiers as well, cause this is the tier in which he belongs

    The Janissary : Straight out of postal 2 or Hatred this long-coat wearing gun-man is already chad, add to that his well kept beards, the impossing girth of his canon, his manly turkish voice and the fact that if you look carefully you can see his impressive pectorals under his pajamas and this anatolian soldier lands on S tier

    Kamayuk : Well this one is hard. the Kamayuk's fluffy headwear, possitively gigantic golden necklace and the length of his stick, all give him some undeniable chadness... BUT this dress-robe thing he wears... it gives him a lot of virgin energy as well. Landing him square on B

    Karambit Warrior : A true megachad who charges in battle with no armor... or clothes, the Karambit Warrior doesn't need fashion, undoubtably the sexiest uu, the Karambit runs to battle shirtless, barefoot, weilding nothing but a pair of Karambit knives to which he owes his name, the seer chadness and hotness of this unit lands him square on S tier

    The Keshik : Clad in some pretty cool armor which he shares with his fashionable horse, the keshik doesn't have much visually or in the way he fights but he has functionally no points against him being chad, and a few points for him in the form of his cool helmet and impossing square shoulderpads. Enough to grand him an A tier.

    The Kipchak : The Kipchak is undoubtably one of the most fashionable units, with his patterned clothes, cool moustache and season-1-zuko-ponytail. Also this chad fires 3 arrows at once. While these points aren't enough to land him on S tier. The Kipchak claims a place on A tier

    The Konnic : Deep into the territory of quite chad horse riders we have the Konnic, weilding a true manly weapon in the form of the flail morningstar and chad enough to survive after his horse kicks the bucket to keep fighting on foot. His adaptability and weaponry earns him an A tier

    The Leitis : the Leitis has some ambiguous fashion sense with his weird hat, but his fairly cool shield adorned with the symbol of his civ and his determined and slightly murdery expression earns him an A tier

    The Longboat : clearly the sickest ride in the game, however as cool as the longboat is, a lifeless vehicle cannot be a Megachad, keeping the longboat below the "be an actual creature"-glass-ceiling in A tier

    The Longbowman : the infamous british archer gains a few chadpoints for no-scopping frankish knights but his looks are sadly way too boring and virgin-like to move him above C tier

    The Magyar Hussar : Memes, a cool moustache and a pretty badass militairy suit along with his iconic shield earns the Magyar Hussar an easy S tier

    The Mamluk : The fluffiness of their camels, scary mask-helmets and huge swords make the Mamluks a particularly intimidating unit to look at, as well as one rich in raw masculine energy. Add to that the fact they don't simply swing their fuckhuge swords but launch them as projectiles and you have a true alpha chad of a unit that more than earns his place on A tier

    The Mangudai : I know he is one of the most universally beloved and OP units in the game, I agree but we don't care about how OP a unit is here, the Mangu has nothing to make me think of him as particularly chad or particularly virgin-like. He has a cape but it isn't that cool, a helmet but it isn't that iconic, he looks like a cooler horse archer but for a castle unit that's simply not enough for me to say he is chad landing the backbone of the Golden Horde on B tier

    The Missionary : I know what you are thinking, the missionary? a priest with this horrific haircut riding around a freaking donkey, and he isn't on C or D tier? Well there is one thing about the missionary that I find endearing and that is... his posture. The missionary is so laid back, he rides this donkey like he is sitting on a lazy boy. This rude confident posture makes me place this cultural imperialist on B tier

    The organ gun : we haven't spoken about gunpowder in a while so let's overcompensate with this rediculous contraption. The organ gun looks awesome. Its practicality? Dubious, but the idea of "just take all the guns and make an organ made of guns is probably the chadest usage of gunpowder in AoE 2. however, the actual gunner of the organ gun looks... fairly boring compared to his weapon, keeping me from Placing this insutrment of murder any higher than A tier

    Plummed Archer : Like the Jaguar Warrior the combination of fabulousness and raw masculine energy makes this pillarman-looking archer a true bonified chad, as much as I ripped on archers before, the Plum's design makes me redeem the class and place him on S tier

    Rattan Archer : He just cosplays raiden, and his breastplate looks like a bra, I am all for androgynity but he just looks silly, also what is that? a mini-shield on his bicep? He seems to not have a clear idea what he is doing with his fashion, C tier

    The Samurai : Well he is a samurai, A tier

    Shotel Warrior : The shotel is one of the few S tiers that I had doubts about, mainly cause his hat looks like the crown of a chess-queen and looks kinda silly, however the rest of his chad features like his thick torso armor, his shoulderpad, his viscious looking blades and his confident posture earns the shotel an S tier

    The slinger : all of the bad parts about the Kamayuk without any of the good, however there is still some chadness in the slinger, both in his fluid movements and visibly mascular arms placing him on C tier

    The Trakan : a manly raider on a horse with a cool coat smashing buildings with his fucking torch like a badass, obvious S tier

    Teutonic Knight : First of all Memes, second of all his awesome cape and helmet and visually appealing moveset, also Memes, S tier

    Throwing Axemen : a manly bearded burly chad that weildings a bunch of giant axes and throws them at people like a badass. obvious and easy S tier

    turtle ship : not only is it a lifeless object, but it is the most virgin of all the vehicle unique units, yeah it looks cool I admit it but it has some serious genoese crossbowman mentality to its design

    the war elephant : the ultimate pachiderm in the game, the Persian War elephants don't use arrows or missiles relying instead on... being a fucking elephant to obliterate all that stands in their way. Not to mention they have the coolest armor of all elephants including adorable chainmail over the ears. As much as their brute force approach is making those some of the chadest animals in the game second perharps only to Ornlu and the Fire camels, their weakness to conversion indicates those beasts lack loyalty, keeping them in A tier

    War Wagon : it's a fucking wagon, D tier

    Woad Raider : YES, here we are, the CHADEST of all units in the game, walking shirtless into battle, weilding an axe and a plank shield he probably stole from the Deprived in dark souls, sporting some sick ass long hair, and to top it all off... being scottish. Woad Raider is the easiest S tier so far and the top, most chad UU in age of empires 2

    Do I regret writting all this? Yes I do

    submitted by /u/edgewolf666-6
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    Matching Units to their Historical Counterpart: Britons

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 02:52 AM PDT

    I don't have much to say on this, this is just for fun.



    Fully Upgraded

    A Historical Reason why the Britons have Fully Upgraded Champion is that English Knights Historically prefer fighting Dismounted, in Agincourt almost all of the English Knights Dismounted to protect their Archers.


    Fully Upgraded

    The English does have a rather all purpose weapon their common soldier would use, the Billhook Polearm, which is probably the reason for their Fully Upgraded Halberdier.

    Archery Range


    Fully Smithed,+3 Range(Civ Bonus and Unique Tech), no Thumb Ring

    While historically the English does uses Crossbows it's uses are rather limited due to the spread of archery sports in England, the Arbalest could just be a Regular Longbow, while the Unique unit Longbowmen is the Yeomen Archer, might also the reason why they don't get Thumb Ring for 100% Accuracy as they're using Longbows.

    Elite Skirmisher

    Fully Smithed, +1 Range(Unique Tech), no Thumb Ring

    While Javelin Throwing is pretty Rare in England, the Elite Skirmishers could just be even lesser archers, like a commoners or some sort, but still proficient with the Bows.

    Heavy Cavalry Archers

    Fully Smithed, no Thumb Ring, no parthian tactic

    Some Yeoman Longbows own a Horse as a transportation, but would rarely enter the battle field riding their horses, although there's some skirmish where the Yeoman Longbows would mount their Horses and fire, but since firing a longbow on horseback is harder thus reducing their range significantly, most of them sticks to raiding.


    Light Cavalry

    Fully Smithed, no Husbandry, no Hussar Upgrade

    Light Cavalry force in the English Medieval army does exist, but is mainly used for Scouting and raiding, but can still be used in battle.


    Fully Smithed, no Husbandry, no Paladin upgrade

    As said in the Champion part, the English Knights prefer to fight on foot, but would still fight mounted, although they would be dwarfed by their Franks(French) and Celts(Scots) neighbors

    submitted by /u/Ashina999
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    Sicilian good or bad?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 04:45 AM PDT

    I know that most people think Sicilians are a bad civ but I have had a really good time playing with them on arena. Going for siege tower castle drops.

    Also first crusade is a pretty fun tec and can get you out of some tricky situations.

    On a side note Would their other unique tec go very well with Flemish revolution in which you get 15 gold per military unite?

    Maybe not get for 1 Vs 1s but in team games I do see potential!

    submitted by /u/PoopLord69722
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    Is it normal that you can play Burgundians and Sicillians without owning the DLC?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 07:37 AM PDT

    I just got definitive edition with the steam sale, and noticed I can play these in MP but not their campaigns.

    At first I thought it's really cool, so that you're not at a disadvantage in MP if you dont own the DLC... But then I noticed on the select screen it says "Exclusive to DLC, go to store".

    But I can still select and play them, so im really confused now.

    submitted by /u/Kestrel1207
    [link] [comments]

    This one easy trick can give you practically infinite gold in team games without trade!

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 06:29 PM PDT

    Do you hate not having gold? Do you hate false advertising? Say a map that tells you it's nomadic and you could build your base anywhere but in reality you have to just plop it down immediately at spawn? Do you dislike deer? Are you prejudiced against mongols?

    Fret not! There is an answer to your woes!

    Go to https://forums.ageofempires.com/t/vote-now-team-game-ranked-map-rotation-july-13/136491

    Then vote for Golden Pit. We need just a few votes for it to pass Steppe and we have 17 hours to make it happen! If you already voted for something else you can change it tactically!

    If you voted for Steppe you can still change your mind! It is not too late! Come back to the light!

    If you didn't vote but are now thinking of voting for Steppe - logout from your microsoft account, forget the password and stop trying to manipulate the system!!!


    submitted by /u/Rhinofishdog
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    Warning beacons of Gondor test 2 !

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 10:49 AM PDT

    Some scrub questions for y'all sexy strategy KINGS

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 01:02 AM PDT

    Hey guys,

    I've wanted to get into AoE2 for years and years, but only just made the plunge. Loving it so far! But I'm also pretty hopeless. I know there are so many layers and variables determining the answer to this question, but how do you like to start the game? Or, at the very least, what build order would you recommend to a new player just starting out?

    So far, I've been enjoying the Malay civ. The efficiency of fish traps seems fucking wild and their unique unit is so cheap and quick to produce that I love sending out those unga bunga akimbo chads to rinse an enemy attack. I also like the Huns because I don't like the idea of building houses in this game. I believe my villagers should have to lift themselves from their bootstraps and save up for a house rather than depending on their omniscient God for handouts. My empire is a pure meritocracy.

    So, any general tips? Good hotkeys to know? General do's and don'ts for a scrub like me?

    submitted by /u/ilovesnes
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    Gaming Crashing

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 06:04 AM PDT

    Since the update my game is unable to load any saves. The game crashes as soon as I try to load a save but I am able to start a new game.

    Can anyone please help me.

    submitted by /u/Patzboi
    [link] [comments]

    Archer vs Teutonic Knight IRL

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 03:47 PM PDT

    (API) how to get profile id by player name?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 12:50 AM PDT

    Every Aoe2 stat site has this function, but how can I do it? Do I have to download the whole leaderboard (from aoe2.net) and then check the names? or is there a better way to do it ...

    submitted by /u/bestPlayer_xu
    [link] [comments]

    Co-op Campaign Cutscenes

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 12:31 AM PDT

    Not sure if this has been asked already. Is there a way to have to intro and ending cutscenes play for the new co-op campaigns? As it stands now, going straight into the mission doesn't have the same sense of immersion as single player and also leaves you wanting more/ kind of confused as to your objectives.

    submitted by /u/GypoGenesis
    [link] [comments]

    When you queue up for Empire Wars expecting to wall up and boom.

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 04:12 PM PDT

    buggy new challenges

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 02:05 AM PDT

    I completed the second challenge twice now (win as the Burgundians) but it seems every time I close the game it doesn't save my progress and I gotta do it again. and I can't do them in a row because there's a 24 hour cooldown. help please.

    submitted by /u/CaRooR
    [link] [comments]

    Magyar counter to Khmer ballistic elephants?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 05:43 PM PDT


    I had two games today facing Khmer 1v1 at 900 elo playing as Magyars. I won once on Arabia and lost once on Mongolia. I was really clueless while playing and I don't really want to face them again without having a better plan.

    On Arabia I managed to use CA + Mhussar + halbs which worked but my opponent also didn't use ballistic elephant.

    After reading the forums I found suggestions on using rams + halbs to take out the elephants which I tried on Mongolia. However my rams and halbs were overrun by their halbs + ballistic elephants. Previously didn't manage to raid in feudal age cuz walled up. In Castle Age I raided a big portion of their eco with knights but had to pull back when they cornered themselves in with elephants and castles in between TCs. I also realised my Mhussars might be useful but not really able to spam them cuz resources and castles were running thin.

    How would you handle Khmer as Magyars?

    Maybe a solution is not to play Mongolia anymore, since it seem like such a defensive map.

    submitted by /u/AgitatedBarracuda268
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    Hautesvilles 4 AFK?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 01:11 AM PDT

    With the update released a few days ago, we now have to have one castle standing. Is it still possible to step out of the game and wait out, or we will lose?

    And how to kill Kerboga?

    submitted by /u/hussar269c
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