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    Saturday, September 18, 2021

    Age of Empires II Redbull Wololo 5 Day 5 Discussion Thread

    Age of Empires II Redbull Wololo 5 Day 5 Discussion Thread

    Redbull Wololo 5 Day 5 Discussion Thread

    Posted: 18 Sep 2021 05:24 AM PDT

    Matches for today, Saturday 18 September 2021:

    • JorDan vs Capoch | 3-2 |

    • Hera vs MbL

    • LIereyy vs TaToH

    • TheViper vs DauT

    Group Stage Standings (end of day 4):

    Rank Player Matches Games Points
    1. Liereyy 4-0 8-2 9p
    2. TheViper 3-1 7-4 10p
    3. JorDan 3-1 6-3 10p
    4. Hera 3-1 7-3 8p
    5. MbL 2-2 4-5 9p
    6. Capoch 2-2 4-6 9p
    7. DauT 2-2 6-5 8p
    8. TaToH 2-2 6-5 8p
    9. Villese 2-2 5-6 7p
    10. slam 2-2 5-5 4p
    11. Vinchester 1-3 4-6 9p
    12. Nicov 1-3 4-6 8p
    13. dogao 1-3 4-7 7p
    14. Barles 0-4 1-8 6p

    Note: Points column denotes the Buchholz score, calculated as the sum of wins one player's opponents got.

    Tiebreaker rules:

    1. Buchholz score

    2. Head to Head results

    3. Difference between map wins & loses

    • In the case of TheViper & JorDan being tied for 2nd, a coin was flipped and TheViper 'won'.

    Where to watch:


    All following stages will be held in person at the location in Heidelberg, Germany

    • Quarterfinals Bo5

    • Semifinals Bo5

    • Final Bo7

    More Information:

    submitted by /u/robo_boro
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    Nili is a living meme

    Posted: 18 Sep 2021 06:13 AM PDT

    Tried the AOE4 Stress Test. It lacks a certain je ne sais quoi.

    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 06:32 PM PDT

    Age of Empires: Selecting everything without checking

    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 01:39 PM PDT

    maputv really changed my perspective on observers

    Posted: 18 Sep 2021 01:08 AM PDT

    this time the observer doesnt feel overwhelmed by the game and showa a little personality which leads to a great viewing experience. i still prefer the caster observer combi but this setting seems super smooth

    submitted by /u/Yourpersonalpilot
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    "You know what, I have my energy, I don't need coffee, RED BULL, or caffeine! These games are going to keep me going all day." -T90

    Posted: 18 Sep 2021 06:00 AM PDT

    [Update] Attempting to get 39 Civ Wins in 1 Stream

    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 09:46 PM PDT

    Original Post: https://www.reddit.com/r/aoe2/comments/pjrsj1/announcement_attempting_to_get_39_civ_wins_in_1/

    Stats for reference with links to each civilization win:


    Summary: So last Saturday, September 11th 2021 at 6am PST, I started with Aztecs in my attempt to win a game with every civilization back to back. I originally estimated it would take me 30 minutes per match, with a 50% win rate, for a total of 39-40 hours to complete the challenge. I did not try to do this challenge on a new account or tank my ELO ahead of time. The start was not looking good. After Britons, I was 4 hours behind schedule.

    A few things worked in my favor however:

    a) Empire War games drastically reduced some of the game times. I lost a ton of games back to back, but there wasn't much time invested into those games. It was clear to me from Feudal Age that I was getting CLAPPED! Since Empire Wars ELO fluctuates so much, I was able to get some quick wins against much lower rated players as well.

    b) Nomad stayed in the map pool. My historical Nomad win rate is above 70% on DE. I was able to keep it at 50% during the stream, a lot of it just coming down to my macro.

    After the Curse of the Britons, I won the next 14 out of 25 games (not including the game I accidentally queued with Chinese after a win with them). I highlighted some of the oddities that occurred. My Bulgarians win occurred because my opponent could not find my TC, despite LOOSING HIS SCOUT TO MY TC!!! My Japanese win came because my opponent couldn't find the wood lines on Steppe 11111.

    Next I hit the mini-curse of the Lithuanians. I don't know why I had so much trouble with strong civilizations. I had some long games but I couldn't close them out. I kept grinding on. The hardest part was when I was playing on Nomad at 4 am with Mayans and just waiting to find a boar. Trying to execute starting build orders on any map felt dreadful.

    Health: When there wasn't much action such as in the beginning of matches, I think my brain took little naps. Saturday night and into Sunday morning, my digestive track did not want to eat. This may be because I was outside of my normal eating schedule or that my body did not want to spend any energy digesting. I was trying to eat cashews at that point and stay hydrated with water.

    My nutrition started with bananas and peanut butter before stream, followed by 1.4L of kombucha for Saturday with homemade hummus, carrots, ratatouille, and some chocolate. Sunday consisted of more bananas, some apples with peanut butter, and more ratatouille. I think my nutrition was on point and I wouldn't have changed anything about it. I was able to eat between matches and I took short 5-10 minute breaks when I needed to eat a bit more and stretch.

    I took a quick shower Sunday morning and it helped immensely to feel like I was starting fresh. I was able to keep grinding through the civilizations and got to my Vikings win at 16:19 local time, 34h 26 minutes into the stream. I then caught up on work emails for an hour (or at least tried to) and went to sleep. My Garmin watch tracks my sleep and gives me a rating out of 100 on my energy level (Body Battery). I started Saturday at 76/100 after 7h of sleep. I hit 5/100 by 22:00 on Saturday and I stayed at 5 until 20:00 on Sunday, 2 hours after I had fallen asleep. I slept for 12 hours on Sunday night and got back to 92/100 when I woke up on Monday. However, since I was working and hiking outside all week, I did not feel like I really recovered until this morning (Friday).

    A lot of people were worried that I was going to seriously harm myself. Thank all of you for your concern since it made me do a bit more research on sleep deprivation. But I do not think there was any elevated risk outside of the impact to my immune system

    Would I do it again? No

    Did I learn anything from it?

    - Cavalier is not a power spike

    - Pike and siege can actually work really well, especially if your opponent panics

    - I stop making villagers from town centers when I'm tired

    - I'm shit with Britons

    Ask Me Anything!

    submitted by /u/Farimba
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    The Alt F4 Monster is dead.....

    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 07:18 PM PDT

    Supplies costs 75F 75G; LS, 2HS +1 armor

    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 11:50 AM PDT

    Riley, straight outta Heidelberg

    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 01:09 PM PDT

    Some AoE nerds assembled in Heidelberg to watch the tournament together. We welcome any further company!

    Posted: 18 Sep 2021 05:32 AM PDT

    Heidelberg Castle right now

    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 02:14 PM PDT

    I knew I played alot, but not this much.

    Posted: 18 Sep 2021 02:07 AM PDT

    I don't understand the purpose of AoE4

    Posted: 18 Sep 2021 03:47 AM PDT

    First of all, I think the game is really, really good. But it is also really, really similar to AoE2, more than I thought it would be.
    And that's the problem. These two games are in competition to each other now, and this will be unhealthy for both communities.

    Imo they should have given AoE4 either a different setting (for example modern world, which would also be more in line with the initial plans of the AoE franchise) or make it more different from AoE2. Now it is basically AoE2 3D and I think this will accomplish not much except to tear the community apart.

    submitted by /u/Brilliant_Awareness
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    Will the game stop crashing? Crashed twice today weekend wasted!aaaaah.We dont need 100 civs,devs fix the game.

    Posted: 18 Sep 2021 05:55 AM PDT

    Civ win rates for Empire Wars ladder

    Posted: 18 Sep 2021 05:27 AM PDT

    I saw Robo's reddit post on RBW5 civ winrates (https://www.reddit.com/r/aoe2/comments/ppxf86/some_interesting_rbw5_stats/), and thought the time was ripe to share part of an ongoing project that community member dj0wns (and to a much less extent me also) has been working on. We have been searching over recs algorithmically and extracting information (like opening info, civ, map, and tech timing) from games using some code that dj wrote.

    The code is still being tweaked actively, but we can easily extract Empire Wars civ win rates at different Elo bands. I arbitrarily chose 1250+ Elo EW for the stats below (which is top 200 players roughly). All of the recs are collected post the August 10th patch which introduced the new civs: Bohemians and Poles.

    The numbers in each line give the number of players who played that civ in the current selection of games (at 1250+ 1v1 EW Elo), the frequency of that civ as a percentage of the games on the ladder, and then the win ratio and win percentage for that civ.

    Chinese, 35, 1.80%, 22:13, 62.90%

    Byzantines, 35, 1.80%, 22:13, 62.90%

    Incas, 32, 1.60%, 20:12, 62.50%

    Celts, 29, 1.50%, 18:11, 62.10%

    Sicilians, 38, 1.90%, 23:15, 60.50%

    Huns, 75, 3.80%, 44:31, 58.70%

    Vietnamese, 33, 1.70%, 19:14, 57.60%

    Saracens, 53, 2.70%, 30:23, 56.60%

    Franks, 69, 3.50%, 39:30, 56.50%

    Bohemians, 64, 3.30%, 36:28, 56.20%

    Aztecs, 88, 4.50%, 49:39, 55.70%

    Khmer, 29, 1.50%, 16:13, 55.20%

    Ethiopians, 147, 7.50%, 80:67, 54.40%

    Vikings, 92, 4.70%, 49:43, 53.30%

    Britons, 51, 2.60%, 26:25, 51.00%

    Malians, 40, 2.00%, 20:20, 50.00%

    Turks, 28, 1.40%, 14:14, 50.00%

    Burgundians, 51, 2.60%, 25:26, 49.00%

    Teutons, 37, 1.90%, 18:19, 48.60%

    Tatars, 79, 4.00%, 38:41, 48.10%

    Koreans, 38, 1.90%, 18:20, 47.40%

    Mayans, 55, 2.80%, 26:29, 47.30%

    Spanish, 36, 1.80%, 17:19, 47.20%

    Burmese, 30, 1.50%, 14:16, 46.70%

    Italians, 37, 1.90%, 17:20, 45.90%

    Berbers, 57, 2.90%, 26:31, 45.60%

    Bulgarians, 44, 2.20%, 20:24, 45.50%

    Mongols, 38, 1.90%, 17:21, 44.70%

    Magyars, 123, 6.30%, 54:69, 43.90%

    Cumans, 66, 3.40%, 29:37, 43.90%

    Portuguese, 30, 1.50%, 13:17, 43.30%

    Slavs, 33, 1.70%, 14:19, 42.40%

    Indians, 43, 2.20%, 18:25, 41.90%

    Lithuanians, 48, 2.40%, 20:28, 41.70%

    Malay, 41, 2.10%, 17:24, 41.50%

    Goths, 44, 2.20%, 18:26, 40.90%

    Poles, 32, 1.60%, 13:19, 40.60%

    Japanese, 33, 1.70%, 13:20, 39.40%

    Persians, 33, 1.70%, 11:22, 33.30%

    Most of the popular civ picks in red bull 5 matches (Franks, Mayans, Cumans, Ethiopians, Tatars, and Indians) also have a high play rate on the ladder unsurprisingly. Indians appear to have performed relatively poorly both in the tournament and on the ladder. Franks is on the other hand performing well on the ladder and in RBW5 matches.

    Ethiopians have a very high play rate on the EW 1v1 ladder (at 7.5% frequency vs the expected random civ rate of ~2.6%). Unsurprisingly Magyars and Vikings have really high playrates also.

    Looking forward to sharing more statistics when we have more user friendly code.

    submitted by /u/treadm1ll
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    Everyone playing AoE4, meanwhile me replaying the NDS campaigns:

    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 11:15 AM PDT

    How to win just one single game?

    Posted: 18 Sep 2021 04:10 AM PDT

    I played 1vs1 for the first time since May and I am completly outclassed. I lost 9 games in a row. I feel Meta and Maps changed a lot. I think its mainly a problem with strategy and tactics. My mechanical skills are still not complete garbage.

    What's the go to strategy on arabia? Is walling still possible, feasible? Which civs dominate?

    submitted by /u/MasterSergeantOne
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    Coaching by MrPlanner

    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 04:54 PM PDT


    I'm an AoE streamer and a 2k1 player with 15+ years of experience in the game. Recently I decided to start AoE coaching since it's something I did in the past and have enjoyed it quite a lot. Some basic information about my coaching:

    - anyone below 2k can benefit from the coaching

    - first we go over a couple of record games to see your style, your strengths and weaknesses

    - the program is then costumized to every individual's needs

    - I don't like handing you the answers, but rather make you/lead you to get to them on your own

    - the pricing is 15 $ per session (2 hours) - if you're not satisfied I'll send the money back

    If you're interested and would like to hear more about it, you can either message me here, on Discord (MrPlanner#2160) or on Twitch (twitch.tv/mrplanneraoe).

    submitted by /u/MrPlannerAoE
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    Posted: 18 Sep 2021 07:06 AM PDT

    Game crashed 2 times within an hour, never had that happen before. Played arena 2v2 and crashed while going up to castle. Then played 2v2 Arabia, resigned before I could get to castle. Then played 1v1 African clearing, and again crashed while going up to castle. Wtf? Is this related to the server stress testing for aoe4? I've had the random crash here and there, and typically it's later in the game with multiple players. Usually a custom scenario of Western Europe diplo. But never have I had multiple crashes so early on with few players. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/ElkyMcElkerson
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    Punishments for AltF4 coming on next patch! Finally!

    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 11:15 AM PDT

    Hope the implementation is decent. Excited to start playing TGs again.

    Edit: There will be a queue delay for dodging queues. More u dodge, longer the delay

    submitted by /u/power0fdreams
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    Is DE really ready to start punishing players for Altf4s?

    Posted: 18 Sep 2021 06:51 AM PDT

    Is DE really ready to start punishing players for Altf4s?

    First game of the day & the timer for 1v1 arabia goes to nil. Game doesn't start, figure it might just be taking a moment & watch youtube. Around 3 minutes later this appears:

    I was about to alt f4 but at this point I was invested in seeing where it went. It just looped back to the cooldown finishing & idling so I had enough.


    submitted by /u/Jcpkill
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