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    Sunday, November 7, 2021

    Age of Empires II Found this relic while cleaning out my loft.

    Age of Empires II Found this relic while cleaning out my loft.

    Found this relic while cleaning out my loft.

    Posted: 07 Nov 2021 04:25 AM PST

    So I beat Saladin campaign last night...

    Posted: 07 Nov 2021 01:55 AM PST

    Soo... Have you ever got a perfectly straight gold pile?

    Posted: 06 Nov 2021 02:22 PM PDT

    Can't say I loved the relic placement in this arena game I just played.. (I was purple)

    Posted: 06 Nov 2021 07:29 PM PDT

    Ah yes! The garrisoned trade workshop.

    Posted: 07 Nov 2021 04:17 AM PST

    Attila 5 (Roman POV)

    Posted: 07 Nov 2021 12:20 AM PDT

    Strategy Thesis of the Week SPECIAL: How good are Civs as power-civs and how good as counter-civs?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2021 05:09 AM PST

    Strategy Thesis of the Week SPECIAL: How good are Civs as power-civs and how good as counter-civs?

    So, I was thinking about this topic and it got a bit out of hand, so I thought I could just make it a post. As an explanation, here's what I came up with trying to define what that actually means:

    Counter-army = an army that works great against a specific army, but would be crushed by most other compositions

    Examples: Camels do well against Knights and Skirms, but die to Infantry, Xbows, Monks and many UUs. Light Cav dies to Infantry, Cavalry and Xbows, but counter a Monk-Rush and Skirms.

    Power-army = an army that works well against most armies and is at least somewhat competitive against its counters

    Examples: Full Knights beat Xbows and Infantry and trash-units and even against their counters, they can still work well with an numbers advantage or the addition of a few other units. Full CA, when massed, beat everything except Skirms and can also outrun these.

    Alignment chart by power-options (y-axis) and counter-options (x-axis)

    Rating for power-armies (/ -civs):

    • How well do you do against other power-options?
    • How difficult is it to make a counter-army to you?
    • How difficult is it to get to your power-army?
    • (Are there multiple power options available?)

    Tierlist for power-options

    Rating for counter-options (/-civs):

    • How well can you counter (the most common) power-armies?
    • How stable are your counter-options against other compositions?
    • Are there armies that you can't counter?
    • How good is your economy to actually afford your counter-options?

    Tierlist for counter-options

    Some further thoughts:

    • When a strong power-civ lacks counter-options it doesn't need to be a problem, because they might just counter other power-armies with their own power-army (Franks and Britons as the prime examples).
    • A very valuable ability of a civ is to turn your counters into a power-composition which is why Incas, Celts and Malians look particularly good in this graph - they just have some options that are kinda both.
    • I prioritized eco more for the counters because "building counters but falling behind in eco" is a losing strat, building a strong army but sacrificing eco can still win you the game. I still tried to consider how easy it is to reach your power options (otherwise Spanish would be S-Tier) but I could have put more emphasis there.
    • Cumans are still very weird to rate and are surely underrated here right now, more of pure tech-tree-rating when it comes to them.
    • In many cases, it is difficult to differ between power- and counter-options because some things are a bit of both, depending on context. Generally I am not super confident with my rating of the counter-options.

    As a bonus, the initial graph with tierlist-boundaries:

    Alignment chart with tierlist boundaries

    What is it good for?

    I think it always helps to have a good idea of how your Civ works and the opponent Civ too. There are a few basic questions that you can ask yourself when approaching a game:

    1. What is strong for me and how can the opponent handle that?
    2. What is strong for my opponent and how can I handle that?
    3. Where is the opponent weak and how can I exploit that?
    4. Where am I weak and how can my opponent exploit that?

    If you have a Power-Civ like Britons and Franks, you can think more about 1 and need less to worry about 2. If you have a Counter-Civ like Byzantines, you want to think more about 2. (Then with generally flexible Civs such as Chinese and Malians, 3 & 4 become more relevant.)

    Example: I got much better with Indians when I started to approach them as a counter-civ. Before I thought about them as an offensive Camel-Civ and then I felt kinda dead if my opponent had good Pikemen available. Thinking more of my opponent options and adapting to this, they suddenly made a lot of sense for me and I started to make much better decisions.

    The other way around would be Huns probably: I like to play adaptive and flexible, but with Huns you have to go all out Knights or all out CA or all out Feudal-army with Archers and try to put pressure with these options. If you wait with them, you probably die, because you start massing army too late or too slow.

    Hope you enjoyed the read and looking forward to hear your thoughts!

    submitted by /u/Umdeuter
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    Any playing in china?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2021 03:40 AM PST

    I have been trying to play this weekend with a friend, we are both living in china and we have connection problems all the time. Game always crashing... This also happens us in aoe4. We tried it using vpn and don't using it. Any experience in this?

    submitted by /u/carlospum
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    Campaign Concept - Ghori

    Posted: 07 Nov 2021 04:46 AM PST

    How would you like to have a Persian campaign? So far, we only have the Bukhara scenario, while the Persian players are mainly computer players.


    Determined to end the feud over the throne, Mu'izz defeats the Seljuk Turks in Herat. But this accomplishment isn't enough. He plans to lead an army of heavily armored elephants and cavalry across across the Indian border. His success lies in your hands.

    In this campaign, you will play as the Persians.

    Scenarios: 1. Claimants to the Throne 2. Westward Expansion 3. The Ghaznavids (Invasion of India) 4. The Archer King (Based on the Second Battle of Tarain) 5. Dominance (Battle of Chandwar)

    Feedback please!

    submitted by /u/hussar269c
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    Last Stand.....

    Posted: 06 Nov 2021 09:33 PM PDT

    Is it just me, or is aoe2 DE harder than Aoe3?

    Posted: 06 Nov 2021 09:48 PM PDT

    I started Age of Empires cause of part 3 that I once found on my Uncle's PC as a kid, and eventually started playing it a bit around last year... I could beat Moderate AI, but I used to struggle to fight the hard AI

    Then around 6 months back my friend gifted me aoe2 de, and I was super excited about it... I could still beat moderate AI even here, but it took me a month or two to actually learn what are build orders and many other things in aoe2 as it's much more different a game than Aoe3... And eventually in around 3-4 months I finally learnt to beat the Hard AI 1v1, when time comes I'll probably spend some effort into learning to beat the Hardest AI more consistently, I've beaten it once or twice rn... So over the months I learnt to be more efficient, reduce my idle time, manage time better etc...

    So yesterday I met my Uncle again, and after sometime I thought of playing Aoe3 again, it had been a really long time too and I had to remind myself it didn't have lumber camps or mining camps before starting. So just for fun I decided to play against the Hard AI, I thought I'd lose but just went ahead.... And to my surprise I beat the Hard AI on my very first encounter! I still believe it's cause of all that Aoe2 I've been playing and hence learnt to be more efficient, but I easily beat it in around 45 min... A little Age II rush and then a big attack in Age IV and I already had him... I'm so surprised... Considering how Aoe3 doesn't have so much of a proper build order like aoe2 does, like 6 on food 4 on wood lure a boar...

    So I just made my own random build order, assigned villagers to stuff and scouted and somehow beat the Hard AI... (btw this isn't definitive edition Aoe3)

    While many people think 2 is the best aoe, I don't mind either 2 or 3, I like them both a lot, and I treat them as games of different styles and enjoy them both a lot...

    Do you guys also think 3 is easier than 2, cause of how much more sophisticated 2 is? Or is it cause I don't play definitive edition of 3?

    submitted by /u/UAForever21
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    Purpose of resources?

    Posted: 06 Nov 2021 08:39 PM PDT

    Im new to aoe and coming from sc2 managing 4 resources rather the 2 is new to me. What do each of the resources get used for exactly?

    submitted by /u/321ECRAB123
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    Vill nr 6 where is his waypoint?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2021 05:21 AM PST

    Does it matter? it matters to me...

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/planetoflies
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    Some questions from someone who only plays single

    Posted: 07 Nov 2021 05:17 AM PST

    So after a long time of having the game in my steam library, i wanted to start playing again, but i dont like playing online, only single player, but this time i wanted to try different things, so i wanted to ask the community if you could help me by pointing out where i can find how to:

    1. Edit units (armor, attack, etc, etc)
    2. Edit campaign maps
    3. Mods in general (new units, campaigns, etc)

    for Age of empires II definitive edition with both DLCs, thanks in advance for any help you can provide

    submitted by /u/GarmasWord
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    First diplo game!

    Posted: 06 Nov 2021 08:30 PM PDT

    I played my first diplomacy game today on a Western Europe scenario map and BY GOD it was the greatest game of age I've ever seen. It went on for four hours though, do diplo games normally take that long?

    Edit: Spelling

    submitted by /u/The8BitMiner
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    AoE2: Can it Lame?

    Posted: 06 Nov 2021 10:38 AM PDT

    A ? about build orders

    Posted: 06 Nov 2021 11:24 PM PDT

    Noob here, so far played and probably will be playing vs ai in nearest future. Only have played vs ai so far, the question is where can i find some reliable build orders without paywall?I know that there is a pretty decent tutorial , and also a mod out there that allows you to practice, but are they actually good or is there a better way to try and learn them?

    I do watch content of pro players, and i already have picked up few things from it.

    I dont main any specific civ yet, but am aware of main Archer\cav segregation, but since i dont play pvp yet i wouldnt mind also trying to play some of suboptimal strats as long as they are fun.(Ive tried different things and really enjoyed bohemian monks\towerrush)

    Also, what do you find the most fun strat map and civ to play at\as?

    P.s. After numerous attempts of losing 1v1 to even hardest Ai, yesterday i finally managed to find a key against Extreme Ai with sicillians, and then cumans, and then korean towers (x2) back to back (Hoorah!) which approximate MMR would that make one to beat the highest difficulty 1v1(900 maybe?)?

    submitted by /u/10644
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    Can't connect to online services

    Posted: 07 Nov 2021 01:01 AM PST

    When I boot up AOE2DE it's not automatically connected to the internet like it is usually. I click "reconnect to multiplayer services" and it says, "Cannot connect to steam. Please check your internet connection."

    I'm connected to the internet, Steam is working. I've restarted both programs and still nothing. The only thing I can think of is for some reason my computer says that I'm not connected to the internet on the network settings, which is strange because I am, this is a new network though that I'm using in an airbnb. It's a 4G modem so maybe something to do with it?

    Help! I want to play aoe!

    submitted by /u/tomcotard
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    Maghrebi Camels

    Posted: 06 Nov 2021 10:10 PM PDT

    Would you want Berber camels to regenerate as fast as Berserkergang-powered Berserks, or at least Berserks without their Imperial Viking UT?

    The current regeneration speed now is still quite slow.

    submitted by /u/hussar269c
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    Why am I getting punished for leaving games with laggers?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2021 06:36 AM PST

    Literally every other game has the other person get a yellow clock and it feels like I'm playing a game with 5 fps. It's not fun, it's imposisible to micro any fight and it's just downright frustrating to play. I don't wanna play that game, I don't care that I lose some virtual ladder points. But holy shit is it annoying to get a 5 or 30 minute cooldown because I just don't wanna play this Freddy from Brasil or Africa where our connection simply doesn't work.

    submitted by /u/TheNetbug
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    Has anyone noticed laming happening more often?

    Posted: 06 Nov 2021 02:22 PM PDT

    Used to be fairly rare that I would have to fight laming, chase sheep, deal with someone camping around my sheep under TC so I'd shoot them. But probably 1 in 3 games now I feel like I'm having slap fights with some douchebag over my sheep, or I never find my second boar and watch the replay and see they took it. Am I the only one? Its within the rules but it is rarely worth the time for me to try to recover or catch up in eco. I dont take Elo all that seriously, it doesnt feel like its worth the time fighting something that isnt fun to me.

    submitted by /u/WastelandMedic93
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    Ethiopians w/o Archers

    Posted: 06 Nov 2021 05:54 PM PDT

    I've been maining Ethiopians. FC using the +100 food+gold bonuses. Then I usually build 2 TC right away unless I need to put up a castle right away.

    When I first saw the civ, I wanted to mass archers. However, I found that I hardly use them at all except to ward off rushes. I often don't get the upgrades.

    Much more I lean on the siege workshops. Depending on the game I get rams, onagers, scorpions and cannons. Backed up by halberdiers, hussars, sometimes skirms, depending. People love to go knights, I usually go pikes. Having the ability to quickly pump out Shotel warriors is useful, like when they have eagles.

    Onagers w Torsion Engines is super fun, and always great to cut trees. Rams w TE are a blast. I never used to use scorpions but I noticed they're affordable and they are good backup.

    At my level, I get a lot of money shots.

    Also the watch tower LOS is so nice. Put down a few and can see their armies sneaking around. (Since my army's kinda slow) in analysis I often wish I had built a few more.

    2x2, 1000 elo

    submitted by /u/HolmesMalone
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