• Breaking News

    Thursday, November 4, 2021

    Age of Empires II This is me in 15 or 20 years

    Age of Empires II This is me in 15 or 20 years

    This is me in 15 or 20 years

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 02:43 AM PDT

    It do be like that.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 03:43 AM PDT

    Where's the hype around the upcoming handicap-feature? It's potentially the best thing ever added to the game.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 06:14 AM PDT

    We can finally play against our friends again!

    AoE has such an immense skill cap that just 100-200 Elo difference in skill basically means it doesn't make sense anymore to play against each other. Right now, you can play against like 1-5% of the playerbase an interesting game. If you have any friends who are a little bit more or a little bit less familiar with the game, you can't play against each other anymore.

    I was always wondering why something like that isn't in the game, it is so obvious somehow. And now it will be just silently added. I'm really happy about it.

    I think there are other RTS that have this feature, right? Does it not work well? Or do people just hate playing with a handicap? I was really surprised that in the thread about the changes, hardly anyone was talking about it, as if it's a minor comfort feature.

    edit, for those who missed it: https://www.reddit.com/r/aoe2/comments/qkwf38/november_public_update_preview_changes/

    Handicap mode will let you configure a multiplier for economy, building hp, millitary training time and counter damage for each player.


    submitted by /u/Umdeuter
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    They have Survived!

    Posted: 03 Nov 2021 10:41 AM PDT

    T90 we know this was you...

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 07:31 AM PDT

    Are Janissaries worth it?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 01:41 AM PDT

    I'm more leaned towards making HCA than Janissaries. Janisaries are quite squishy imo.

    Because of my making primarily camels, HCA, and hussars as Turks, I was mocked by another player once for not making Janissaries and cannons.

    I also remembered there was a Turkish player from the other team, he sent a group of ONLY Janissaries to try to attack us, and his entire crew of Janissaries were bagged by my ally's onager shot 1

    And in both of these past matches, it's all open map.

    submitted by /u/hussar269c
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    Good luck to everyone

    Posted: 03 Nov 2021 08:55 AM PDT

    Stone Walls vs. New Palisade Walls

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 12:42 AM PDT

    With the upcoming patch, the house mele armor would be nerfed and palisade walls would cost 3 wood (2 wood today), so will the stone wall be more used? Or still won't see much use?

    The stone walls are better, but they cost more than the palisades both in total resources and in build time. I made a cost comparision between stone walls and the new palisades walls to find out how much more they would cost:

    Build Time Cost:

    I put a villager to make a 58 tiles stone wall around a town and she took 13:03 minutes, including walking time from section to section, so she took in average 13.5 seconds per stone wall tile.

    I did the same with palisade walls and she took 10:01 minutes, for an average of 10.4 seconds per palisade tile.

    Resources Cost:

    A stone wall costs 5 stone and you can gather stone at 0,33 S/s (without Stone Mining), so the cost in villager time for a tile of stone wall is 15.1 villager-seconds.

    A palisade wall would cost 3 wood and you can gather wood at 0,36 W/s (without Double-Bit Axe) or 0.36 W/s, so the cost in villager time for a tile of palisade wall would be 8.3 villager-seconds.

    You can add or not add the cost of the mining camp, depending on your strategy. For certain strategies you will have already a stone mining camp (for example tower rush), so the mining camp cost shouldn't be added, for others you won't be using much stone, so the mining camp for the stone wall would be an extra cost and should be considered. A mining camp costs 100 W (277,8 villager-seconds) and takes 35 seconds to be built, so its total cost is 312,8 villager-seconds. This cost distributed within the 58 tiles of stone walls gives an extra cost of 5.4 villager-seconds per tile.

    Total Cost:

    Stone Wall Cost (Including mining camp cost) = 13.5 + 15.1 + 5.4 = 34 villager-seconds per tile.

    Stone Wall Cost (Without the mining camp cost) = 13.5 + 15.1 = 28.6 villager-seconds per tile.

    Palisade Wall Cost = 10.4 + 8.3 = 18.7 villager-seconds per tile.


    The stone wall costs between 53% to 82% more than the palisade wall. The 53% value applies if your strategy requires a very early stone mining camp, the 82% value applies if your strategy won't need more than 200 stone (not including the stone walls) and any value between applies depending on how soon you were going to have a stone mining camp anyway.

    The stone walls are obviously better than palisades walls in every way:

    • They have 3.6 times more HP in Feudal Age and 7.2 times more HP in Castle Age.
    • They have 8/10 armor vs. 2/5 of the palisade.
    • You can be more greedy with the size of your town because stone walls give you more time to react to any attack. A more comfortable base is nice to have.
    • They can be upgraded to fortified walls with 66% more HP and +4/+2 armor.

    Do you think if it would be worth it to invest in stone walls instead of palisades for walling your base? Or they still are too expensive?

    If they still are too expensive, maybe it would make sense to stone wall the more vulnerable or remote areas and palisade easy defendable areas? Maybe they can be used small walling some resources more securely? In what other scenarios do you think they could be used more instead of palisades with the upcoming patch?

    submitted by /u/Vixark
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    Aftermath appreciation post

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 04:39 AM PDT

    I was hesitant first because I thought gimmicky maps aren't fun but boy was I wrong. Fighting for the trade posts through all ages was so fun!
    I really hope we get more special maps to spice up ranked play.

    What are your thoughts about the map?
    I heard Lithuanians are broken on higher elos but at my range (~1150) that wasn't really a problem.

    submitted by /u/hipparchoi
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    Don't let aoe4 distract you from classic aoe2 beauty (all credits to survivalistaoe2de on twitch)

    Posted: 03 Nov 2021 06:09 PM PDT

    Is using onagers a necessity for high level play?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 06:44 AM PDT

    Let me preface this by saying that I am not a serious competitive AOE2 player, as AOE2 is not my primary or even secondary RTS game. But I perform fairly well for someone who plays online sparingly.

    That being said, I realized I seldom use certain units. Ever since my negative experience with onagers during early AOK days, I've shied away from them. They are harder to land hits with compared to other units and deal friendly fire. Since onagers are a staple in many imperial age armies, my guess is that I am missing out on an integral part of AOE2 gameplay. I find scorpions are safer to use and equally good for crowd control. Lets compare them.

    Common strengths:

    • Strong against archers (onagers slightly better)
    • Strong against infantry (scorpions slightly better)

    Scorpion advantages:

    • Cheaper to build/upgrade, thus easier to mass
    • No friendly fire
    • Lower minimum range, and can indirectly damage units closer than min range

    Onager advantages:

    • Does not need to be massed to be effective
    • Stronger against units with high pierce armor
    • Stronger against buildings

    Point 1 is offset by the onager's higher cost. In regards to the other 2 points, yea onagers kill huskarls and tarkans faster, but scorpions kill them reasonably fast with their high DPH compared to archer units. It is true that onagers are better against buildings, but that's what we have bombard cannons and trebuchets for.

    All things taken into consideration, would learning how to use onagers make a huge impact in multiplayer?

    submitted by /u/TheArchon300
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    I feel like I am stuck in a timeloop

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 04:32 AM PDT

    Everything going on right now is like, an exact step by step on the Super Smash Bros Melee vs new Smash games conflict. It's incredible just how similar things are going, from the playerbase divide, to figureheads jumping ship (and i bet some of them will be back) to the same endless discussions of "but older game good, new game bad" vs "new game is the future, old game is dead".

    submitted by /u/Sarcopathic
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    Make a feature broken or useless in one change.

    Posted: 03 Nov 2021 09:40 AM PDT

    Let's play a game: you somehow have ended in the dev team, and have decided to troll by making something either completely broken or totally useless, with one change. It can be a unit, a civ, a map, anything as long as it's imaginative.

    Just avoid changes that are just ridiculous number tweaks, like "+10 000 to cavalry archers attacks", these are too obvious and unimaginative, anything can become broken or useless if you just tweak the number hard enough.

    So I will start with this one:


    First crusade: removed the 5 Town Centers limit. Additionally, if the player has at least 10 Town Centers, the Sicilian theme will be played for every players in the game when this technology's research is completed.

    submitted by /u/Geldtz
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    Every telling me to pick magyars made me watch this gem again!

    Posted: 03 Nov 2021 06:54 PM PDT

    Walls and palisade destroy animation

    Posted: 03 Nov 2021 08:53 PM PDT

    Why do walls and palisades do not have an animation when destroyed but instead disappear? It contrasts with the elaborate destroying animation of the gates. Do you think it is a bug/forgotten thing, or it has some reason behind?

    submitted by /u/joanrb
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    HD Players! I need some help

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 05:40 AM PDT

    I'm stuck on HD, until I can get a graphics card in the shortage. Does any one of you have the Song Of Icey and Fire Scenario? I subscribed to the steam workshop, but for some reason it's unavailable to me, it doesn't show up on my list. Could I get it from someone here, if by any chance you guys have it?

    submitted by /u/peternordstorm
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    What are your "walls" that keep you from going to the next elo bracket?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2021 09:34 AM PDT

    Some people are content to never prog and just play within their current elo. That or they just hope to brute force their way through these walls over time with sheer practice. Practice always helps, but I think all of us have watched our own recs or just know through experience they have certain walls that they are having difficulty overcoming. What are these walls, why haven't you overcome them, and what are your advice to other players for walls you've overcome?

    submitted by /u/HuSSarY
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    I still have my CDs too :-)

    Posted: 03 Nov 2021 12:50 PM PDT

    Malian Champkarls? Who likes to use these fellas?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2021 05:11 PM PDT

    Would you be interested in an AoE4 Arabia type map?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 02:56 AM PDT

    Would you be interested in an AoE4 Arabia type map?


    This would be some sort of Arabia version that combines the neutral markets from "Market Place" and the workshops from "Aftermath" (this could of course work differently). This is aimed at 1v1 games where gold doesn't run out and has another option to fight over.

    Would you play such a map? How would you change it so you would play it?

    I'm interested in your opinions!

    submitted by /u/MantisAoE
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    Posted: 03 Nov 2021 10:06 PM PDT

    With the new infantry buff, are Malian Champions the best practical unit in late imperial?

    submitted by /u/FMAHH
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