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    Age of Empires 3 Long March PUP notes...

    Age of Empires 3 Long March PUP notes...

    Long March PUP notes...

    Posted: 07 Mar 2022 02:52 PM PST

    Hello Explorers!

    With today's launch of the Public Update Preview, we're making the first build available for an early hands look at the work being done for the upcoming March Update. As part of this process, we'll be updating the build often with additional fixes, so this is the thread to watch – this is where we'll provide any notes or changes that are worth paying attention to, and we'll update that information as newer builds come online. Keep an eye on this thread for more information throughout the Public Update Preview.

    Below is a list of preliminary fixes we are prepping for this release. Please note that not all potential fixes/items are guaranteed to be in the final update, as we are still actively testing everything and may need to adjust or remove items if they are not ready. Additionally, this is not a holistic list, and some additional items may end up in our final release.

    Quick reminders - For common questions and answers, go here FAQ To learn how to contact our Support team, go here Support How-To As with all updates, certain Mods may no longer function as the underlying game code has changed. If you are experiencing issues please try disabling all Mods first to see if that addresses your issue as the Mod may need to be updated by the creator to work with the latest build

    March Update – Build # 13.388


    Stability & Performance Fixed a rare Out of Sync, caused by using the Hausa Testse Sabotage card on enemy buildings while they're producing units. Memory consumption reduced for low graphics settings.

    Graphics Reduced the radius of the Whale's swimming animation, making it easier to identify where its fishing spot is.

    Audio Lakota and Haudenosaunee unit voice-overs updated.

    Campaign Historical Battles: Battle of the Three Kings: All docks can now train Galleys as intended.

    UI Eagle Runner Knights are now properly tagged as "Ranged Shock Infantry". Command panel buttons that are disabled because of both build limit restrictions and because the player doesn't have enough resources now correctly display a red overlay (at build limit) instead of a dark overlay (can't afford). Fixed an issue where social menus could no longer be opened under rare circumstances. Fixed a rare issue where DLC Home Cities could show duplicated. Various Localization fixes across all languages. In the "Fall of the Hausa" Historical Battle the text "You are Victorious!" and "Town Centers Destroyed" will now be displayed in the correct language when a language other than English is selected. Fixed website links in the news panel. Fixed various inaccuracies in the tech tree. Fixed various text truncating issues. Fixed missing map previews for Ozarks and Plymouth map.

    Hotkeys Blockhouses now have keybinds available for Chinese banner armies/units on the Legacy keybind set. Village hotkey group now have keybinds available for Water Buffalos on the Legacy keybind set.

    Lobbies & Matchmaking NEW! Custom AI mods are now supported in Multiplayer! Casual lobby settings are no longer retained when starting a custom ranked game. Selecting "team 4" will now properly be displayed to other players in the lobby.

    Gameplay Fixes Various ships are no longer harder to select individually when damaged (mostly affected Fune, Tekkousen, Ottoman Galleys and Fuchuans). Ships acquired by African Civilizations through Euro/Native Alliances now receive automatic upgrades when Aging up. United States: Steamers can now train Hussar. Mexicans: Haciendas are now affected by the following Native upgrades: Berber Ghorfas (Berbers) Sudanese Hakura System (Sudanese) Red Sea Wagon (Sudanese) Spanish: "Team Archaic Soldier Training" card now affects Mexican Insurgentes. Ethiopians: "Balambaras" card now correctly boosts the Fealty Aura of your Ras. Fixed a rare issue where Tribal Marketplaces would not always disappear when the nearby mine was exhausted. German Explorer no longer loses certain abilities after sending the "Castrametation" card. AI A wide variety of AI improvements to make the AI stronger and more versatile, more details below! Lowered the handicap on Hardest from +20% to +15%. (meaning the AI cheats 5% less on Hardest) Lowered the handicap on Extreme from +40% to +30%. (meaning the AI cheats 10% on Extreme) Completely remade what cards the AI puts inside its deck, the decks should be more competitive now while still having lots of variety. Adjusted how the AI determines which cards to send during the game. Adjusted which Council Members Native civilizations age up with. Adjusted which Politicians European civilizations age up with, excluded age ups that grant Fort Wagons when the AI isn't allowed to build Forts. The AI can now only revolt if it has more than 60% of its allowed population, to prevent revolts that make very little sense. Excluded the American Texas and Florida federal state age up options when the AI isn't allowed to build Forts. Excluded the Mexican Puebla and Veracruz federal state age up options when the AI isn't allowed to build Forts. Prevented the AI from resigning while treaty is still active. The AI will now only start constructing/upgrading Towers 5 minutes before treaty ends. The AI will now only start constructing an Arsenal 10 minutes before treaty ends. The AI will now construct a second TC on hard+ if it's missing too many Villagers. Fixed Japanese Shrines being limited to areas they should actually be excluded from, this will result in more Shrines being built on the open map next to hunt. Starting Bandit Catamarans will now used to fish from the beginning of the game instead of starting from the Commerce Age. Slowed down the construction of a Consulate to 5 minutes after reaching Commerce Age or reaching the Fortress Age. The AI can now attack with their war ships. The AI will now start training war ships 5 minutes from treaty ending instead of not taking it into consideration. Hard+ AI will now build 2 Docks instead of 1 in the late game. The AI can now also build a Dock on maps that have no water spawn flag but do have fish. African AI can now get their war ship upgrades in the Port. Adjusted African Levy training logic to no longer assume that Levy Gunners are locked behind the Fortress Age since they're available already in the Commerce Age. European Levy can now be used from every Town Center the AI owns instead of only the main Town Center. Fixed a bug that prevented the AI from using the Consulate Levy. Changed when the AI makes extra houses in the Exploration age to be more competitive. When a game is set to high, ultra, or infinite starting resources the AI will perform a Deathmatch like start to be competitive. Implemented all technologies that are deemed suitable to get from all Consulate relations. The AI will now place their Shrines / Torps inside of the base instead of next to resources when the game is on infinite starting resources (to save walking time). AI will no longer try to gather when on infinite starting resources. Fixed a bug that prevented the Lakota from using their New Ways card correctly. Fixed a but that could cause AI Settlers trying to build a Fort. Enable selling food and wood for gold when we are out of gold. Same when out of food, we will buy food using gold. This should also help with AI sometimes getting stuck in Commerce Age. Fix for a bug in researching economy upgrades. Bumping Settler count in Commerce Age from 25 to 35 for Dutch on Hard difficulty and higher. Fixed an issue stopping Ottomans from building a Mosque. Fixed an issue of creating too many African field build plans. Avoid attacking when we're focusing on aging up. Reduced the time it takes before the AI really prioritizes aging up. Fix for Haudenosaunee and Lakota unable to build more tribal marketplaces when there are still gold mines nearby. Fix for trying to gather resources without workable targets. If an AI calls for help in their main base other AI can now also respond to this call for help. Added missing treasures to how the AI determines what type of voice line to say to the player upon treasure collection. Fixed the implementation of 4 AI voice lines that get called when Monopoly victory is less than 1 minute away. Added 12 civilization specific AI voice lines that get triggered depending on score differences. The AI will now always send an intro voice line instead of only when certain condition were met. Fixed an issue that would cause everybody to be recognized as first to age up to the Commerce age and receiving those AI chats. Adjusted the starting cattle selling behavior for Hausa / Ethiopia to be more competitive.

    Civilization Balance GENERAL UNITS & BUILDINGS Zouave: Adjusted as follows Hitpoints increased to 360 (from 320) Ranged resistance reduced to 40% (from 50%) Attack damage improved to 38 (from 35) Cost improved to 300c (from 350) No longer benefits from the Counter Infantry Rifling upgrade Population cost increased to 3 (from 2) Peruvian Legion: Grenade attack range reduced to 14 (from 16); now inflicts 0.5x to Artillery (from 1x); area damage reduced to 2 (from 3) Sudanese Dervish: Cost increased to 50f 45w (from 50f 40w) Kanuri Guard: Ranged armor reduced to 30% (from 40) Added colors to all European standard unit card icons for better recognizability

    AZTEC CARDS Wall of Skulls: Now grants 1 Skull Knight for each 3 you have lost so far (changed from each 2 you have lost) Great Temple of Huitzilopochtli Support: Skull Knight speed improvement reduced to +0.25 (from 0.5)


    CIVILISATION: Logistician (Age 1 → Age 2): Effect updated to "1 Arsenal Wagon and a free Arsenal technology" UNITS & BUILDINGS Manor House: Cost reverted to 135 (from 140) CARDS [NEW] INF Rule, Britannia (IV): "Ships a mighty Battleship! This card costs 1000 Coin the next time you send it." [NEW] Greenwich Time (I): "Ships 1 Trading Post Wagon. Each of your Trading Posts improve Politician and Technology research time by 20%" (Note: Trading Post research speed improvement works like other auras (scales from current rates/stats, not base) [NEW] Rangers (IV): "Longbowmen are fully replaced with Rangers at the Barracks, Homecity, and on the map. Rangers use a rifle instead of a bow to counter Heavy Infantry more effectively, but have less range." (Note: All Longbowmen upgrades also improve Rangers) [NEW] Siege Archery (IV): "Enables Longbowmen to siege buildings from a long-range with fire arrows, which inflict burning damage over time." (Note: has 22 range and the same DPS as the ordinary siege attack; additionally, each arrow inflicts 1 burning dmg per second for 10 seconds) [NEW] INF 8 Longbowmen (III): "Simple shipment of Longbowmen" (Note: this card replaces the current Fortress Age shipment of 8 Longbowmen that can be shipped one time) Glorious Revolution (II): With the arrival of the Ranger unit, and to encourage new ways to play, the techs have been updated: Thin Red Line (free, I): Now effects all Infantry (previously just Heavy Infantry) Blackwatch (1000f, III): Grants 8 Highlanders (no change) [NEW] Roger's Rangers (800f, II): Added "Ships 5 Rangers and replaces your current Longbowmen with them, too. Longbowmen shipments now grant Rangers instead" (Note: does not allow Rangers to be trained) Virginia Company (I): Adjusted as follows Now reduces Manor House wood cost by exactly -45 wood (previously a percentage reduction of -35%, equal to 47.25) Now also reduces Manor House Build XP bounties in-line with the cost reduction; does not change Kill XP bounty Yeomen (III): Now also increases Longbowmen bonus damage against Heavy Infantry by +0.25x (Moved from the Imperial Longbowmen upgrade which no longer grants this bonus).


    CIVILISATION: Consulate German Relations: Banner Army food cost reduction improvement reduced to 15% (from 20%)

    CARDS Koxinga: Cost increased to 1000c (from 500); Rate of Fire improvement reduced to 20% (from 25%).


    UNITS AND BUILDINGS: Ras: Speed reduced to 5.75 (from 6.75); increases by +1 upon reaching the Commerce Age; Damage multiplier against Guardians reduced to 3x (from 3.25)


    UNITS AND BUILDINGS: Lifidi Knight: Ranged armor reduced to 20% (from 30%); cost increased to 110f, 110c (from 90f, 110c); train time adjusted accordingly Emir: Speed reduced to 5.75 (from 6.75); increases by +1 upon reaching the Commerce Age; Damage multiplier against Guardians reduced to 3x (from 3.25)

    CARDS Rumfa's Riders (II): Now ships 4 Lifidi (down from 5) Hand Cavalry Hitpoints (II): Moved to the Fortress Age Durbar Parade (III): Moved to the Industrial Age


    CARDS: Improved Buildings (I): Moved to the Industrial Age (from Exploration)


    UNITS AND BUILDINGS: Settler build limit reduced to 90 (from 99) CARDS: Hand Unit Attack: Now only improves attack of relevant Mercenary units by 7.5% (down from 15) Hand Unit Hitpoints: Now only improves hitpoints of relevant Mercenary units by 7.5% (down from 15)


    UNITS AND BUILDINGS: Shrine (I): Hitpoints reduced to 1300 (from 1400)


    CARDS: 11 Insurgentes (II): reduced to 10 Colegio de San Nicolas (Michoacán, II): Unit line of sight improvement reduced to +4 (from +8); No longer affects walls.


    UNITS AND BUILDINGS: War Dog: Fortress Age hitpoint improvement reduced to 55% (from 80%); Industrial Age hitpoint improvement increased to 65% (from 40%) - Note: attack improvements unchanged CARDS: Spanish Gold (III): Now delivers crates of 350 coin (down from 360)


    CARDS: New Jersey Seaports (New Jersey, IV): Now improves the amount of resources shipped by 'infinite' crate cards by +400 (down from +900); no change for crate cards which may be sent once.

    Random Maps Overview: 2 NEW Regions!

    Arabia: An open map with sparse resources and a circular trade route.

    Description: Players find themselves on the iconic Arabian Peninsula. This map is very open, despite a few scattered cliffs. Aggressive expansion is crucial as nearby resources will be exhausted quite quickly and there are no easily defensible chokepoints near each player's town center. The circular trade route will be difficult to control, but not contesting it could have dire consequences.

    Settlements: None

    Outlaws: Desert Warrior, Desert Archer

    Congo Basin: Navigate the narrow pathways deep in the Congo Rainforest!

    Description: In the thick rainforest of the Congo Basin, players will find themselves navigating narrow corridors amidst dense foliage as the only way to reach other players. Teammates share a clearing in the jungle and a maze of narrow passageways lead to the enemy! Prepare for a long, highly defensive game. A trade route lies north of the Congo River and several native settlements occupy the central forest clearings.

    Settlements: Yoruba, Jesuit

    Outlaws: Desert Warrior, Desert Archer

    Map Set Updates: Standard Maps Set:

    Added Arabia

    Removed Yukon

    Team Maps Set:

    Added Arabia

    Added Yukon

    Map Changes General:

    Made several "under-the-hood" changes to resource distribution on several maps to ensure fairer access to early-game resources.

    Central Plain: Improved spawn consistency of hunts and mines in 1v1 spawns.

    Colorado: Fixed an issue where sometimes one or more players could fail to spawn in team games.

    Darfur: Adjusted the trade route length and trade post socket positions for a fairer "first pass" of the trade travois.

    Florida: Fixed an issue that sometimes caused a trade post socket not to spawn along the trade route.

    Lake Victoria: Removed the starting fishing boats and extra 5 population in 1v1 spawns. Fixed an issue where treasures could spawn within a native settlement. Fixed a rare issue that could cause the starting hunt from spawning.

    Manchuria: Improved distribution of map resources. Added a trade route socket along the trade route in 1v1 spawns - there will now always be 4 trade posts in a 1v1.

    Sahel: Added an additional hunt per player in a 1v1. Adjusted the terrain to be less "duney".

    Savanna: Fixed an issue where treasures could spawn within a native settlement.

    Siwa Oasis: Now correctly loads when selecting the "Large Map" option.

    Tassili: Fixed an issue causing some coin mines not to spawn.

    Tripolitania: Adjusted the dense perimeter trees from spawning too closely to a player's starting resources.

    Unknown: Added some additional biomes and terrain features - but you'll have to play the map to discover them for yourself. Added caches of unknown amounts of resources for you and your team to discover. Adjusted how closely teammates spawn so they aren't too crowded on certain generations nor too close to the enemy on other map seeds. Improved resource distribution around the map. Fixed an issue that could result in a player's bonus starting wagon from spawning.

    Yellow River: Fixed an issue where upgrading the northern trade route would instead upgrade the southern trade route. Now both trade routes are upgraded separately as expected.

    Improved Ping/Flare System (BETA) Based on player feedback and our own belief that the current ping system could be improved, we have updated the ping/flare system. The implementation is currently in beta stage, and may be subject to change.

    The improved Ping/Flare can consists of two parts:

    Improved Alert Ping Added visual indicator of the ping within the game-world. Added text notification, displayed in the chat feed. This Improved Ping will replace the existing system, accessed through Alt+Left Click or via the Flare button within the HUD. The default Ping displays the same graphic as the Danger ping

    Communication Ping The Communication Ping allows for extended context pings in Multiplayer or Co-Op Scenarios. There are 4 useful communication options: Danger - communicates danger at a location. Attack Here - communicates instruction to attack at a location. Assist Here - communicates a request for assistance when attacking or defending a location. Watch Here - communicates caution or instructs team members to view a particular area. The Communication Ping is accessible through Alt+Right Click.

    Photo Mode (BETA) Photo mode is a new feature for Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition, where players can freely capture in-game images with a handful of tools at their disposal. Our goal is to design and develop an easy and intuitive tool for taking screenshots so that players can freely share them to their communities.

    Entering Photo Mode Photo Mode is accessible through the Pause Menu. This feature is currently in beta stage, and may be subject to change. Controls

    Movement WASD keys to move forwards, backwards, left and right. Q and E keys to move up and down. Arrow keys to move forwards, backwards left and right. Moving mouse to edge to move camera. Press and hold Space bar then clicking and dragging to move camera. Rotation Alt + WASD to rotate. Alt + Arrow keys to rotate. Zoom in/out Using the scroll wheel to zoom in and out. Taking Photos PrtSc key to capture the current screen view.

    File Path Photos taken in Photo Mode will be saved to C:\Users<user>\Games\Age of Empires 3 DE<user ID No.>\Screenshots. The save folder can be opened from within the Photo Mode interface.

    Constraints There are currently only two lighting presets: Daytime and Nighttime Camera will not move through the ground Camera will not have an infinite height Camera will only move slightly off the edge of the map Camera can potentially clip through buildings

    submitted by /u/cosmia2
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    What makes this game so great?

    Posted: 07 Mar 2022 05:56 PM PST

    I've been playing this game for 10+ years now and I absolutely love it. I love how unique each Civ is. I love the gameplay. The strategy. How different each game is.

    I want to know, what does the community think makes this game so great.

    (Also how does it compare to age 4? I haven't bought it yet)

    submitted by /u/poseidan_
    [link] [comments]

    My fav civ is dutch but I feel like quiting it, should it do it? Please help

    Posted: 08 Mar 2022 05:13 AM PST

    I absolutely love them, i understand their economy despite being complex but when it comes to attack or army I feel it sucks, specially in late game

    Which units should I spam? Skirmisher? Ruthyer? Halberds? Any advice is helpfull

    submitted by /u/Good_Oil2690
    [link] [comments]

    Fun in legacy scenario editor

    Posted: 07 Mar 2022 08:54 AM PST

    Hi guys long time since I’ve played ao3, noticed the mod menu! I like naval to land maps exactly like Caribbean? I think it is can anyone suggest any mods maps near that or just particular fun maps for a turtle heavy defence sort of player!

    Posted: 07 Mar 2022 09:06 AM PST

    Does sweden need a buff?

    Posted: 07 Mar 2022 02:20 PM PST

    Hey guys, I play rarely and whenever I play, I choose Sweden. I saw Aizamk play with the swedes and generally using the church card he plays extended age 2.

    Is there only two ways to play them, either full age 2 or go fast industrial? Do they need a buff as they get beaten by semi ff generally easily.

    submitted by /u/Haris_Meo
    [link] [comments]

    Which civilization is in need of an update the most?

    Posted: 07 Mar 2022 06:05 AM PST

    can be anything military upgrades or economic....

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/SloppyBrainsOMG
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    New Civs ?

    Posted: 07 Mar 2022 12:29 AM PST

    Hey guys

    Do you know if there are any leaks for new civs? Are there comming more?

    I would like to see some Koreans or Egyptians.

    Or a Balkan Civ

    What would you guys like?

    submitted by /u/Ordinary-Ad639
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    About Swedes changelogs

    Posted: 07 Mar 2022 02:47 PM PST

    I haven't played Swedish for a while, and recently I'm picking it up again. I found that there is one card disappeared from from my previously set decks but I can't figure out which one it was. And I realized that the torps can no longer shoot down huntable animals now. So are there any major changes on Swedish build order? I used to play with torp spam across the map on anywhere with gold and huntables.

    submitted by /u/mojito_sangria
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    Complete Collection - Patched, not starting.

    Posted: 07 Mar 2022 07:50 AM PST

    So as I said (I have a no disc patched) version of the complete edition. it works just fine on the computer it was originally installed on.

    However when I copied over the game folder to my laptop (which I am on now) it won't start. I made sure I have direct X installed and everything. Whenever I try to start the game, I just get a small error popup with the X in a red circle, and nothing else. There's no error message even, just the X in the red circle and an "okay" button.

    I assumed that if it was patched to run without a disc, then it could be easily copied onto another computer, without having to go through another install process.

    I am running Windows 10 on both machines.

    Is there anything I am doing wrong?

    submitted by /u/Twiggy1995
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    Have the last update made AI use Revolt better?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2022 08:35 PM PST

    Before last update, AI only revolt from British and Dutch into South Africa once a while.

    this week my team ai play, a Sweden revolted into Finland and a Portuguese revolted into Gran Colombia. the revolts were on point too, Finland revolt while our push is mainly Mexican Soldado and Gran Colombia against cav push. we also notice they now do sent citizenship to reboom.

    that's something we have not seen since like a year. I remember AI 100% revolt in DE launch day, funny but now they seem much better

    submitted by /u/sigma1331
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    When's the next update expected?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2022 06:11 PM PST

    It's been a while boys

    submitted by /u/amorywest
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    Today i got matched up against Kaiserklein

    Posted: 05 Mar 2022 04:35 PM PST

    Im 1000 elo and played ranked. Needless to say, i got absolutley blasted. Why does this happen?

    submitted by /u/joewaschl13
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    The best and worst naval civs?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2022 06:07 PM PST

    I feel like any nations with the fishing boat cost reduction card is quite strong on open maps, and Aztecs with their ferocious Tlaloc canoe. But there are certainly other civs having a good navy.

    For the UP ones, I feel like French is one of them

    submitted by /u/mojito_sangria
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    Definitive British Civilization Overview

    Posted: 05 Mar 2022 10:06 AM PST

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