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    Age of Empires II RoTC 3v3 Quaterfinals Starts 9th March 2022

    Age of Empires II RoTC 3v3 Quaterfinals Starts 9th March 2022

    RoTC 3v3 Quaterfinals Starts 9th March 2022

    Posted: 08 Mar 2022 06:06 AM PST

    Match 1: Amigos Vs WWP 1400 GMT Match 2: GL vs Los Machos 1700 GMT

    The tournament has produced some crazy sets so far. Excited for tomorrow.

    More info: https://liquipedia.net/ageofempires/Return_of_the_Clans

    submitted by /u/studentofaoe2
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    A nice reminder

    Posted: 09 Mar 2022 02:14 AM PST

    I prefer the safety of the walls!

    Posted: 08 Mar 2022 11:11 AM PST

    New "Joke" Civ Bonuses?

    Posted: 08 Mar 2022 06:10 PM PST

    What are some Civ "stereotypes" that could be a Civ bonus or Easter egg?

    Since I am Japanese and we are known for karoushi (working ourselves to death)...

    Japanese: Villagers don't idle (automatically find something to do), but every 60 seconds a random villager dies.

    submitted by /u/surumesmellman
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    Update on players' base, AOE2 vs AOE4

    Posted: 09 Mar 2022 05:22 AM PST

    Apranik, one of the most fun mod campaigns I have played

    Posted: 09 Mar 2022 03:10 AM PST

    Honestly just wanted to make a thread about this. I have heard of this campaign for a while, and despite Persians being one of my favourite civs, I just never got around to trying this mod. But after seeing the AoE social media advertise that it was being streamed (even though I missed the stream itself). I decided to try it out.

    This is one of the best mod campaigns I have played. I would say the best, but I have not finished it to the end yet. The quality on display is incredible. The voice acting is as good as any of the official campaigns, the main character you really feel for, the intro has a nice mix of appropriate AoE2 panels and extra ones fitting the civ. But most importantly, it does not feel "gimmicky", something a few mods suffer from as they try to be a little too creative. This just tries to be fun, while also doing its best to depict a variety of Persian units (and architecture) that the in-game civ does not have the space for.

    Anyway, it's really fun, and I urge people to try it out. I just wanted to make a post praising this incredible quality of work. Hopefully the official AoE social media team posting about it is a hint at something positive about it...

    submitted by /u/Tyrann01
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    No longer a low-elo legend!!!

    Posted: 09 Mar 2022 03:13 AM PST

    No longer a low-elo legend!!!

    Started at 800 elo in Jul'21; After 400 games, I can proudly say that I am an average player :)


    submitted by /u/Mysterious_Common_63
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    PSA: The best way to fight ladder anxiety is to play ranked

    Posted: 09 Mar 2022 05:02 AM PST

    Coming from someone who started playing ranked just one year ago after literally being afraid of getting clapped from the ladder and thus only playing MP with friends vs AI, let me tell you the following:

    If you consider playing ranked multiplayer and stayed away from it because you're afraid of just getting smashed in every single game - do it anyway! Yep, chances are high that you'll only win 1 or 2 out of your first 10 games but you'll eventually improve with time and feel more secure about playing vs other human players. Just remind yourself that Elo is just a number and the game's here to be fun for you.

    submitted by /u/FloosWorld
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    More holiness give me, oh Lord

    Posted: 08 Mar 2022 10:49 AM PST

    Anyone visited Krak des Chevaliers?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2022 05:21 AM PST

    Civilization Match-up Discussion Round 14 Week 4: Franks vs Indians

    Posted: 08 Mar 2022 10:17 PM PST

    Oh boy, this should be interesting...

    Hello and welcome back for another Age of Empires 2 civilization match up discussion! This is a series where we discuss the various advantages, disadvantages, and quirks found within the numerous match ups of the game. The goal is to collectively gain a deeper understanding of how two civilizations interact with each other in a variety of different settings. Feel free to ask questions, pose strategies, or provide insight on how the two civilizations in question interact with each other on any map type and game mode. This is not limited to 1v1 either. Feel free to discuss how the civilizations compare in team games as well! So long as you are talking about how the two civilizations interact, anything is fair game! Last week we discussed the Bulgarians vs Tatars, and next up is the Franks vs Indians!

    Franks: Cavalry civilization

    • Castles cost -25%
    • Cavalry gain +20% hp starting in the Feudal Age
    • Mill technologies free
    • Foragers work +15% faster
    • TEAM BONUS: Knights gain +2 LoS
    • Unique Unit: Throwing Axeman (Heavy infantry with a short, ranged attack)
    • Castle Age Unique Tech: Bearded Axe (Throwing Axemen gain +1 range)
    • Imperial Age Unique Tech: Chivalry (Stables work +40% faster)

    Indians: Camel and Gunpowder civilization

    • Villagers cost -10/15/20/25% per Age
    • Fishermen work +10% faster
    • Stable units gain +0/+1 armor in Castle and Imperial Age (for +0/+2 total)
    • TEAM BONUS: Camel units gain +4 attack vs buildings
    • Unique Unit: Elephant Archer (Extremely tanky, slow, expensive cavalry archer)
    • Unique Unit: Imperial Camel (Additional Imperial Age upgrade to the Heavy Camel)
    • Castle Age Unique Tech: Sultans (All gold income is +10% faster)
    • Imperial Age Unique Tech: Shatagni (Hand Cannoneers gain +1 range)

    Below are some match up-specific talking points to get you all started. These are just to give people ideas, you do not need to address them specifically if you do not want to!

    • Well, let's see what you guys think of this one lol. For 1v1 Arabia, Franks are certainly a very popular and generally well-rounded civ, whereas Indians are somewhat less popular and seen as generally less versatile. That said, Indians had a fantastic showing in KotD4 (still think that was aided heavily by the constant banning of Aztecs and Mayans, but, I digress). On top of that, the two best choices for Indians are typically either Camels or Cav Archers - neither of which Franks love facing. How do you see this one going in your typical 1v1 Arabia game?
    • On closed maps, both of these civs find themselves with some notable strengths and weaknesses. Neither are lacking in the economy department, but both have some painful holes in their military. Franks have their cheap Castles, but lack strong ranged options beyond Bombard Cannons. Also, cavalry is generally less useful in situations where mobility is less relevant. Indians, conversely possess very solid ranged options with HCA or even Elephant Archers, but are lacking when it comes to infantry. How do you see this one going on the more closed maps out there?
    • In team games, both of these are two of the very best pocket civs, and especially work well as a pocket-duo in 4v4s. Franks are one of the most solid cavalry civs out there, and it's hard to go wrong with them going scouts -> knights -> boom -> paladins. That said, Indian camels are quite strong against Frank cavalry, although much weaker vs the enemy flank archers/pikemen. What do you think of these civs as pocket in a typical TG setting?

    Thank you as always for participating! Next week we will continue our discussions with the Italians vs Khmer. Hope to see you there! :)

    Previous discussions: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5

    submitted by /u/OrnLu528
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    Tried ranked online for first time. I'm not complaining, just sad.

    Posted: 08 Mar 2022 01:28 PM PST

    Got into aoe2 with some friends. Been watching a bunch of videos and trying to get really good at the game. Became the best player out of my friends regularly dominating with military and economy. Yesterday I decimated the hard AI in like 20 minutes.

    Filled with courage and confidence I jumped into a ranked match for the first time on Arena. Got destroyed as the Poles in 20 minutes as my opponent surrounded my walls with kreposts while denying all resources. He rushed a lot of villagers and scouts out into the field to take map control and I was just too reserved. I resigned and my opponent spammed me with 11. I explained it was my first game and then he started cursing me out in Spanish. I responded with moy triste and left haha

    Now I'm sad. Not sure if I'm asking for advice but most wanted to just say I'm sad lol. Not sure if ranked is for me but I'll give it another shot. Eventually.

    submitted by /u/slothropspants
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    Great Website to see the Elo Distribution, and link between TG and 1v1 ELO

    Posted: 09 Mar 2022 04:17 AM PST


    Since this question comes up from time to time, check out this site if you want to see the Elo-Distribution, or compare players etc.

    submitted by /u/da_vince
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    11:42 "If i'm ever gonna stop Age of Empires, it's not gonna be for League (of Legends) don't worry, you have my word on that" - Hera 2020

    Posted: 08 Mar 2022 10:27 AM PST

    I understand people like the feeling of being safe behind a wall. Maybe 2, maybe 3 fortified walls. Maybe... 18 fortified walls + 6 behind them?

    Posted: 08 Mar 2022 10:10 PM PST

    900 elo is the worst you either get completely outplayed, or “tower rushed” in dark age 😂🤦‍♂️

    Posted: 07 Mar 2022 10:11 PM PST

    Coaching Sessions - 10th Group

    Posted: 09 Mar 2022 05:56 AM PST

    Coaching Sessions - 10th Group

    Hey Guys, I am happy to announce the start of the 10th group of my coaching services for Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition, currently there is room for 20 new students. I will work with you one-on-one to improve your build orders, unit compositions, strategies and more during live co-op games in actual games and analyze the recorded games together. Sessions are done in private though it can be done on stream if preferred. PM me on Reddit , Discord (https://discord.gg/ZxktN2d6), or whisper me on Twitch (https://www.twitch.tv/f1reaoe) for additional info, pricing and available times.


    submitted by /u/TyRanT_F1Re
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    Game dropped while starting a couple of times. What a stupid feature.

    Posted: 09 Mar 2022 04:55 AM PST

    On the Balance of Gold Units and Their Usage: Part 1 Cavalry Archer

    Posted: 08 Mar 2022 09:09 AM PST

    There seems to exist an intended relationship between the gold units that Knights soft counter Xbows, Xbows soft counter Cavalry Archers, Cavalry Archers counter Infantry, and Infantry/Camels counter knights. These dynamics are not quite the rock paper scissors that trash units have. Trash units are counter units as they hard counter gold units and each other. It would be fair to say Siege and Monks are also counter units. Mangonels and Rams counter ranged units and Monks counter knights. Admittedly these are softer counters.

    Knight, Crossbow, and Longsword appear to have been intended to form a soft counter dynamic similar to the hard counter dynamic of Skirm, Spear, Scout. The trash units hard countered each other and their gold counter part. Light Cav does pretty well against Crossbows as they have the same Pierce armor as Knights and you can mass them early. This makes the Scout line at best a soft counter to Crossbows.

    In practice a meta emerged favoring Knights and Crossbows with the other gold units being situational or civ bonus dependent. Infantry entirely fell out of the balance. The militia line was too underpowered against Knights and hard countered by ranged units. You could try to talk yourself into something like Cav Archer > Infantry > Camels > Cav Archers. But when I write it out you know you're more likely to be playing Knights or Crossbows anyway and the above dynamic is basically meaningless in practice. Maybe it comes into play in an Indian Mirror. In spite of the lower cost and creation time Infantry did not hold up well enough to truly play a roll in the meta. Anything that infantry might have done such as counter Knights or Camels was better done but Xbows en masse. Infantry did not have a place in the Meta until the Eagle Warrior was introduced.

    With introduction of Eagle Warriors the 3 most common mainline gold units became Knights, Crossbows, and Eagles. Which have a nicely balanced relationship with each other. A mass of each one can take on a mass of the others under the right circumstances. Together these make up what I will call Tier 1 gold units.

    That leaves Camel Riders, Cavalry Archers, Steppe Lancers Hand Cannons, and Champs on the outside looking in. They are tier 2 gold units. These units do not have build orders geared toward massing them. As far as I know there is no Scouts into Steppe Lancers or Scouts into Cav Archers build orders. These units are second tier mainline gold units players only make because they don't have access to Arbalest or Knights/Cavalier. Think Mongols, Saracens, Tatars, Magyars, and Turks. These Civs either have access to both Tier 1 gold units and Tier 2 gold units and always opt for Knights/Xbows or simply do not have access to tier 1 gold units and are forced to play into tier 2 units.

    These Tier 2 gold units exhibit some of the dynamics that Crossbow, Knight, Eagle share. For example, Cavalry Archers vs Camels, which is superior? If the Camels ever catch the Cav Archers they eat them but if the Cav Archers maintain some distance and have sufficient numbers they win. If the game did not have Knights or Xbows there would a balance of Infantry > Camel > Cav Archer > Infantry. Even there I believe everyone would play just Cav Archer. You could even include Knights into the mix which would leave you basically at Hun Wars without Tarkan. Which would likely result in a meta centered around CA.

    In practice Cav Archers come out as the 4th most popular choice of gold unit. Camels might actually be fielded more regularly but they are primarily fielded as a counter unit or hand cuff to a strong Cavalry Civ. Cav Archers fit into the dynamics of Knights, Crossbow, Eagle Warrior better than Camels or Steppe Lancers. If massed Cav Archers are an equal to all of the above except Crossbow whose superior range, fire rate, and micro ability make up for the mobility and HP of the CA.

    Crossbows are so dominate a force they turned gold units like Cav Archer, Long swords, Camels, and Hand Cannons into at best situational or civ bonus reliant units. Long Sword and Hand Cannons in particular are un-fieldable because Crossbow/Arb dominates them so hard there is no point. There is no need to field Infantry because Xbows do their job better. There is no need to field infantry counters because there is no infantry.

    Cavalry Archers are either under utilized or there is something about the unit that prevents them from living up to their potential as a Tier 1 unit. After 20 years its unlikely the player base is oblivious to the power of Cav Archers and they are secretly an OP unit everyone is missing out on. No Cav Archers are held back by the simple fact Crossbow are better in every way except mobility. Take Japanese and Saracens. They have access to generic FU Arb and FU HCA. Both almost always go for Arb. Both have access to Knight killers in faster attacking Pike and Camel and still both chose Xbow/Arb to build their army around. Because even bonus's to those other units don't lift them up enough to be a first choice.

    You might be thinking Crossbows are just the best unit if you have the skill to use them. Which is more or less true. However, imagine you enter Castle age with an economy balanced for which ever type of tier 1 or CA gold unit you want. And for some reason your civ has access to generic versions of Knight, Eagle, Crossbow, and CA. And your opponent is the exact same situation. Which unit would both players make almost without fail? Knights. Its the clear choice because it has the best base stats and ease of use. It doesn't need to be massed to be effective and can win against Eagles 1 v 1 and has a faster creation time. A naive interpretation of the thought experiment suggest knights are the best gold unit. At most Elos that's actually true. Mostly because of the easy of use aspect. However in reality Archer Civs are the top civs and most used unit because they can be massed in Feudal age. Eagles have the same advantage more or less covering the gap in base stats. Cav Archers cannot be massed until Castle age then they have similar stats and greater cost than Crossbows so few players choose Cav Archer over Crossbow or Knight.

    What would it take to make Cav Archer an equal choice to Crossbow/Knight/Eagle? And still be balanced?

    Lets take some lessons from existing CA civs and CA like UU.

    Mongols: Fire Rate

    If regular CA were like Mangudai it is all we would see. Mongols have it all. Strong Dark/Feudal Age bonus and the best late game unit comp. Their only time of "weakness" is early Castle age. When they don't have Mangudai massed. The common advice is to make CA which have a faster fire rate making them easier to micro. Mongols are only not OP because long term eco is more important than Units.

    Turks/Saracens: HP

    When Turks are brought up most probably think top tier Arena Civ. They are not thought of as a CA on Arabia Civ. However Turks have some good bonuses for CA and maybe should be played more on open maps. Faster gold to afford the upgrades and unit. A Castle age unique tech giving an extra 20 HP. Free Chemistry. Then why don't we see them? The cost of tech and the timing do not help. By the time you build a Castle and research the tech your CA mass is already strong or you're already dead. (or you didn't play CA). CA players often delay bloodlines because of the cost of the tech and getting a stable. Saracens Camels are analogous. Extra HP without any investment or time on camels and even so Camels are not the choice for Saracens. People still prefer Saracen knights or Crossbows.

    Huns: Cost

    Hun CA are actually used quite a bit. The lower cost and better scalability to HCA has players using CA quite often with Huns. Through 91 games of KotD 4 Huns were the most popularly picked Civ (19) followed by Indians (14) Sicilians (13) and Tatars (12). Huns, Indians, and Tatars can be considered CA civs. The win rates of Huns and Tatars were 47% and 42%. Indians came in with a cool 57%. Huns cheaper costing CA saw them on the field more frequently but they didn't necessarily yield good results. While Tatars Free Thumb ring bonus seems wonderful but didn't produce an expected 50% win rate. Indians however have generic CA but had a very strong win rate. Which goes to show this game is won on the back of a good economy over good units (see Vikings). (source)[https://www.reddit.com/r/aoe2/comments/r42q89/kotd4_civ_stats_after_91_games/]

    Then again. Among good players 1250-1650 Huns have the 3rd best win rate 52%. Why? I'd have to spectate a bunch of games but I suspect its not CA that are carrying the day but the faster working stables pumping Scouts / knights. At 1650+ Huns jump up to number 2 civ with a 55.4% win rate. https://aoecompanion.com/stats/civs/huns?elo=1650-99999&map=all_maps

    Tatars: Accuracy

    Free thumb ring and hill bonus should be huge for CA. Looking at the stats a big different between CA and other ranged units is Accuracy. From experience I have been frustrated by showing up to a tree line with a few CA and missing vills with half the shots before they started moving. Thumb ring should fix that problem but Tatars win rate does not reflect that. Tatars win and pick rate are quite low so its hard to say what's going here. likely culprit is underwhelming Economy bonus and CA even with thumb ring in early castle are not the same power spike Xbows are.

    The Buff I would give is an increase to Accuracy from 50% to >65%. In this way Cav Archers gain value as a raiding unit but it does not fundamentally change how they match up against, Knights, Crossbows, and Eagles.

    The biggest issue holding Cav Archers and really every Gold Unit back is that in the right hands Crossbows are better than them. A series of minor buffs and tweak would be required to bring Crossbows down a peg and that is fraught with unintended consequences. Especially since the game is in a pretty healthy place. The best would be fixing the pathing allowing knights to actually engage with Crossbow when they are on top of them. Or plus 1 pierce armor to Light cav so there are 2 counters to Cross bow.


    - Gold units were supposed to form a soft counter system that did not quite work out in practice

    - Knights, Crossbow, and Eagles form a balanced tier 1 of mainline gold units. With Crossbows with a slight but notable advantage.

    - Cavalry Archers are behind this group because Xbows are superior in everyway. A small buff to CA or Nerf to Xbow might change that. Allowing for more diverse unit selection.

    - Camels are close to joining the Tier 1 soft counter gold Balance but are a little wonky. Instead of a power unit they act as a knight counter/handcuff. Will write about at another time.

    - Steppe Lancers exist.

    - Hand Cannoneers do not.

    submitted by /u/1mdelightful
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    Which Civ does the Hussar-Heavy CA comp the best?

    Posted: 08 Mar 2022 07:39 PM PST

    By now there are several civs that can pull this off with or without specific bonuses. Which Civ do you think has the strongest Hussar-Heavy CA comp and which one has the most easily accessible one(accounting for eco bonuses and civ strategy)?

    submitted by /u/Low-Way3753
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    Archery Ranges? What a terrible place to get a job

    Posted: 07 Mar 2022 09:56 PM PST

    Happy International Women's day

    Posted: 08 Mar 2022 04:58 AM PST

    When SO kicks in 11

    Posted: 08 Mar 2022 10:24 AM PST

    Dont always give up if your flanks resign.

    Posted: 08 Mar 2022 07:54 PM PST

    Monk...? What are you... huh? What? Eh?

    Posted: 08 Mar 2022 06:16 AM PST

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