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    Monday, May 30, 2022

    Age of Empires 3 I’m having trouble learning all these maps

    Age of Empires 3 I’m having trouble learning all these maps

    I’m having trouble learning all these maps

    Posted: 30 May 2022 10:02 AM PDT

    I play ranked 1v1s. I've taken about a five year break and now I'm back trying to learn all the new civs and maps so I can be more competitive.

    When starting a ranked game, I get the name of the map shown to me for about 1-2 seconds. I often don't know if that map has a TP route or not, among other things I'd like to know. The map description doesn't help since I don't have enough time to read more than 4-5 words of it.

    Once I'm in the game, if I forget the name of the map, which is easy to do since most maps are new to me, I haven't found a way to check which map I'm on.

    It just feels like I'm at a huge disadvantage every game because I never have any idea about the map. I have learned a few maps like Florida and California, and already know the original maps like saguenay, but it has definitely been a struggle.

    What do you guys recommend? I'm making a push become a better player but by simply playing the game it feels like I'm not learning the new maps at all

    submitted by /u/clowncheeeks
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    Why Squires is the best train speed card in the game

    Posted: 30 May 2022 11:42 AM PDT

    In need of assistance if someone can help

    Posted: 30 May 2022 11:37 AM PDT

    Hey guys, I created a throwaway account to ask a question regarding AOE3 Definitive addition, so basically I had this game for a while and suddently today even thought in the past I have had been playing 8 player skirmishes, currently whenever I am in a game with 8 people my GPU is constantly around 98% even thought several days prior I had no issues with it. Is there a known issue regarding AOE3 or not? My current GPU is NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650, the game has been running smoothly with 8 players until today.

    All help appreciated, warmest wishes

    submitted by /u/aoe3_japan_enjoyer
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    Italy Royal Musketeer bug?

    Posted: 30 May 2022 12:38 PM PDT

    It's intended for the Italy to be able to field up to 70 Royal musketeers from their Age V politician + their 25 Royal Musketeer card you can seen again after aging up even if your first batch of these musketeer are still alive. Most if not every european and asian civs (don't know about natives because I never play em too much) can only field these card units in a limited amount. Not that I hate this, in fact, I love these units, but I concerned about the multiplayer balance. I could go up to 280 pop limit thanks to the papal guard+bombards card and on to of that 70 of these, obviously in a 1 vs 1 supremacy this is really uncommon to happen, but feels really broken for treaty. Specially team games where you could get slingshot by other player letting you boom like anyone and get and overwhelming military force.

    submitted by /u/Scud91
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