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    Friday, February 21, 2020

    Age of Empires II I got bored and deforested the entire Battle Of Falkirk campaign with Siege Onagers

    Age of Empires II I got bored and deforested the entire Battle Of Falkirk campaign with Siege Onagers

    I got bored and deforested the entire Battle Of Falkirk campaign with Siege Onagers

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 11:18 PM PST

    pro players nametroll get funnier each time

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 06:12 AM PST

    Scouting should be an Art of War tutorial, not an automatic feature

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 03:44 AM PST

    Hi there! A newby player here. I am going to tell a little bit about my background, I have been playing for a month or so, didn't play voobly, nor HD, nor any other expansion after the conquerors. And this is the first time I am playing online... So I see myself as a beginner.

    Aoe2 was daunting to play online, so many different units, eco to balance, ages and updates to research... how can a newby deal with this? I came back to the game after playing "Art of the war" tutorials.

    These tutorials give you enough information in an enjoyable way to get into ranked games and don't make a mess of yourself. I learned the basic builds orders in a week (at least I could do 22pop and fast castle). I knew the basic about harassing and the basic about defending. The game started to become enjoyable even though if I lose some games, because there was a guide that provided me feedback and the matchmaching system works pretty well balancing games (at least 1v1).

    What I want to say is... scouting is a part of the game, a fun part to play and learn, it is not some chore you have to do (like reseed farms were in previous versions). Why don't create a tutorial about the basics of scouting... what would you expect in term of herdables + gold and stone piles... how are usually the relics placed? how to find fast the enemy... All that should be part of a good tutorial this way nobody would need the need of a button for auto-scouting, killing one of the most fun and not so hard to do things in early game.

    *TL DR: *To summarize, imagine a math teacher for childs (noobs). Do you really thing the way to get better into math is give them a calculator and start solving problems... or would be better to really tell them what a sum is, how to operate, and with the basics, progress from there...

    submitted by /u/Ooozuz
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    This guy makes hilarious video's

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 07:36 AM PST

    What could possibly go wrong?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 04:10 PM PST

    Since it is controversial : community poll on Auto-Scouting

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 12:37 AM PST

    Can we at least replace gold rush with gold pit

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 06:49 PM PST

    Nice Sprite Castle you got there

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 09:27 PM PST

    Devs, don't cave to negative reactions - I'm looking forward to see how auto-scouting plays out.

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 10:01 PM PST

    I'm going to start a Massive Data Effort for DE based on Hidden Cup 3

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 03:45 AM PST

    I'm going to start a Massive Data Effort for DE based on Hidden Cup 3

    I will be watching every single game from the qualifiers onwards, and logging the stats, in an effort to definitively capture the current meta of Age 2. Hidden Cup 3 is the biggest tournament ever made for Age of Empires and will feature an astounding number of pros, some of whom have never been seen in a tourney before.

    There are two key indicators I will watch.

    1. Player performance, derived from their Tournament ELO and used to predict expected scores of each matchup. This will be compared to the actual scores.
    2. Civ advantage, derived from the performance of each civilization on each map they appear in. Then I compare this with player performance data, so we will discover how big the actual civ advantage is.

    Warning - minor spoilers below! Do not scroll further!

    Calculating Player Performance

    I'm not a scientist and neither are you so I will keep this brief.

    When two players with exactly the same ELO meet, they have the same skill level. It is expected they both have the same chance to win (50%). However, this is almost never the case because one player is usually stronger than another.

    The player with the higher ELO is expected to win, but there's always the possibility of an upset. It is not possible with just ELO to determine score. We still have to play the games. Rather, we consider each possibility and rate the % chances of each one happening. This is calculated using their Tournament ELO.

    Round 1 Hidden Cup Qualifiers

    The reason Tournament ELO is used, rather than DE ELO, is that most pros do like to play "non seriously" on normal rated matches with non meta strats and only show their real colours in an actual tournament. It would not be accurate to feature Viper as a silver boi using his DE ELO, for example, when he is actually best in player in the world and has won nearly every tournament the past 5 years.

    The Table above shows the exact win odds for a Best of 5. No player can ever win 4 games because once one player has won the third game, they win the series. The chance of winning 3 games is therefore also equal to their chances of winning the matchup.

    Now this will be compared to the actual scores.

    Tim vs Angelina Jolie, Round 1, Hidden Cup Qualifiers

    I havent filled in all the columns yet, but you get the picture. Tim performed as expected by winning the series with 3 games. (And he's a pretty well known pro with a good track record.) But Angelina Jolie despite losing performed slightly better than expected. He (she?) was expected to only win 1 game, but won 2.

    Calculating Civ Advantage

    A game win is the result of two main factors:

    1. Player skill (ELO)
    2. Civ + Map advantage

    Therefore we get a result like Britons 6-0, it may not actually be Britons that are good, but maybe because Micro Gods like Viper, Hera, and Lierrey were using them versus lesser pros. So we will have to disentangle the signal from the noise.

    Let's assume Britons appeared 10 times and we average from the player ELO that they are expected to win 60% of the time (6 games). And then Britons win 6 games and lost 4 games, exactly as predicted.

    In this case Civ Advantage = Zero. It's all pilot skill and not the car.

    How about Britons won 4 games and lost 6 games? Then we say civ + map advantage = -20%, meaning it is worse than expected. But we might also look further into the games and determine Britons actually lost one critical game because Viper had the maphacks. But also that this good map wasn't telling the full picture, it was only 50% responsible for the loss.

    Disentangle the map effect, civ advantage is calculated as civ advantage = -15%

    A good civ will have

    • A positive (+%) civ advantage
    • meaning it makes a player more likely to win

    A bad civ will have

    • A negative (-%) civ advantage
    • meaning it makes a player more likely to lose

    There will be many civs which aren't picked at all but we just won't put any rating on those civs.

    The full results of this data mine will be published once Hidden Cup 3 concludes.

    submitted by /u/whisperwalk
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    A post in support of an auto-explore button

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 05:58 AM PST

    Please hear me out.

    Let us get right to the meat of the issue:

    Who will benefit from auto-exploration?

    The answer is quite simple. The people who usually have the most idle time on their scout, or who stop exploration early, would have the most benefit. While it's certainly true that manual scouting will be better at finding the things you are looking for, auto-exploration is undeniably better than an idle scout. This would help the newest players the most, since they are most likely to leave their scout idle. I play at a pretty low ELO myself, and I often find the enemy scout just sitting somewhere. Better players, who do a good job of manually scouting their own resources and the enemy in Dark and Feudal Age, would still benefit by being able to send their scout to auto-explore in Castle Age - when all the important things have been found, and their attention is focused on military decisions as well as expanding the economy. An auto-exploring unit might get get itself killed, but it might find additional gold/stone or relics, or perhaps enemy buildings far from the their main base.

    Who will be harmed by auto-exploration?

    This is where it gets real juicy. An argument can be made (and is being made, by many people) that newer players are harmed, because it would prevent them from learning proper scouting. I understand where this is coming from, but I do not believe it is the correct way of thinking.

    Let me give a related example. Just because I can send 9 villagers to take out a boar in-situ doesn't mean that I am oblivious to the efficiency benefits brought by luring the boar instead; and doesn't mean that I will neglect learning to improve my lures. But it does mean that I can get that food from the boar, that I would otherwise not have and/or that I might avoid losing a villager early.

    It's the same with auto-reseed. You could activate it the moment you build a mill, and I often do, but I see the benefit of perhaps waiting until I have a Castle Age wood surplus. You could argue it fosters bad habits, but I would say it provides an intermediary, until you feel up to the task of manually reseeding all your farms in the early to mid game.

    Similarly, just because a new player *can* use auto-exploration, doesn't mean that they will remain oblivious to the fact that it might be more efficient to find their sheep by manually scouting. And they will certainly realize that trying to scout the enemy base and buildings is a task that performs much better with micro. So once they feel that scouting is an area they want to improve, they can start practicing manual scouting. Where is the harm in that? If they are the kind of player who will never make the switch from auto-exploration to manual scouting, they are quite probably the type of player who would otherwise never have made the switch from bad scouting to good scouting.

    So who actually gets harmed? The *opponents* of players who are very poor at scouting. They will lose a bit of the upper hand that they had, but they will still have an upper hand because their manual scouting is superior. And honestly, all of this only matters at a level of play that is probably lower than the average r/aoe2 reddit member.

    Are YOU personally going the be negatively impacted by the addition of this feature? Probably not.

    Is the competitive scene going to be harmed? No.

    Are you certain that you know what's best for new players?

    submitted by /u/Zetnus
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    Just beat Hard AI for the first time, feels good

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 07:53 PM PST

    Feeling pretty good about myself even though I know I cheesed my way there. I knew they would attack in early castle with crossbows so I picked Goth, turtled until I had Huskarl and the rest was history. AI never switched from crossbows and eventually I overpowered them with Huskarl flood. If any other noobs out there want to get over the hump, this has got to be the easiest way to do it.

    submitted by /u/fendermonkey
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    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 08:52 AM PST


    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 12:10 PM PST

    Please do not implement Auto Scouting

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 10:50 PM PST

    Please do not implement auto scouting.

    You are not doing new players or the game any favors through this option.

    The way to increase engagement is not through streamlining and destroying the nuances of the game.

    You do new players no favors by giving them a crutch and teaching them inadvertently that scouting isn't that important don't worry about it the game will scout for you.

    A way to think about this is as though it is schooling.

    When a child is struggling in math the solution is not to give them the answer to every test and question they face. It is to take the time to TEACH them how to do it properly.

    This is the exact same thing. When you start aoe it can be overwhelming. There is so much going on so many new things and a million new maps to play non of them ever the same.

    However the beauty of match making is that your opponent is equally overwhelmed. That is how you make friends and have fun.

    Each step of the way you improve bit by bit, and the people you play also improve bit by bit. Reflecting this improvements is a number that goes near your name.

    Auto scouting will not help new players it will reinforce bad habits creating a shaky foundation.

    When that new player hits a level where the auto scouting is not longer effective, imagine their frustration. every game they have played this has been used now it lets them down. and they have no idea how to adjust. Why because they never had to scout before.

    So now they have to back track and relearn this whole new skillset because to advance this artificial solution will no longer be effective.

    They never had to learn one of the most foundational and important skillsets in all of RTS. Until it was far to late in their development.

    I am pleading with you guys. Please do not do this.

    Never mind the inevitable coding issues they will make this feature broken as all hell.

    But seriously think on how much you are cheating your new player base. The answer is not to give them a subpar crutch to lean upon.

    But to give them the tools in which to learn properly and excel within their environment.

    I would never cheat my children.

    Please, don't cheat your community.

    submitted by /u/PoshMafia
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    I definitely have brain damage.

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 06:01 AM PST

    How do I beat moderate AI? The AI before this was so easy but now this one techs faster than me at everything and then makes scorpions and shit I have no idea what to do please help

    submitted by /u/manktooth
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    Not sure if I'm allowed to post this here. But I made my first map! If anyone wants check it out feel free!

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 07:32 AM PST

    Art of War Tutorial - Can the devs expand this feature in the future?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 09:00 AM PST

    Hello guys, according to this guide;


    Note: go to *"Secret Levels"** in the guide*

    there are more missions that should have been included in the Art of War tutorial. The missing missions/not included in the game are:

    • Challenge 6 - Fighting/ Units Guide
    • Challenge 7 - Formations/ Microing Guide
    • Challenge 8 - Navy Guide
    • Challenge 9 - Siege Guide

    I just would like to ask the devs responsible for the Art of War Tutorials about why these missions have been left in the dust or can they still be added in the future? These missions would be more beneficial to new players besides the auto-scouting.

    • Do you guys support that Art of War feature can still be polished with more missions?

    • What are you looking for besides more missions for the Art of War?

    Lastly, I don't recall there are 9 principles according to the narrator in the Art of War. The book contains 13 chapters, can any historian here correct me with this?

    As always thank you Microsoft AOE studio, you guys are really doing great work with the constant patches.

    submitted by /u/Soldeo
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    (Aztecs) When to research +50% HP?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 07:55 AM PST

    Sundjata Campaign "Blood on the River Bank" | Hard Playthrough

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 07:20 AM PST

    My thoughts on auto-scouting

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 05:48 AM PST

    To start with auto-scouting is something that really isn't needed. Here's why:

    1. Auto scouting was really useless in every RTS games. Because it was just sending randomly units around at the end of the day manual scouting proven better.
    2. DE is saying they are going to adapt an algorithm to do auto-scouting. But this algorithm is simply going to automate your play. It may help new players in focusing economy and other necessary stuffs but won't help when they face stronger player with higher APM(Action Per Minute). Their hotkey skills isn't improving at all and will cause a skill difference

    DE is seems to focusing improving new players' skill level on economy side in Dark Age. This is something that every beginner struggles when going to multiplayer. If they really wanted to improve they could've done something else instead. Like:

    1. Make more mini-games or challenges solely based on hotkey skills and APM only. It can be expandable via Art Of War scenarios.
    2. Make loading screen tips. Which'll give infos about updated meta and small tips out there. For example: "Hotkey helps you to improve keypress times", "Control groups helps to switch between units", "Best way to improve APM is not to stop typing and clicking.", "Rams can act as meatshield", etc. Show this on main menu as well time to time.
    3. Display Hotkeys on buttons and show APM counter like Starcraft 2 does.

    Last but not least Age Of Empires II never said anything about using Hotkeys directly. They let you to use hotkey but nothing directly. Why a FPS gamer has 100+ APM in FPS game but has low in RTS and doesn't want to learn it? Because RTS Singleplayer game doesn't really encourages player to use it. If RTS games would've encouraged more on hotkey fundamentals then we didn't need to make something like automated stuffs ingame. If devs want to push new players to competitive they shouldn't touch current stuffs that is there instead they should focus how they can make new players learn to play this game to an advanced level.

    submitted by /u/Bigbossbro08
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    Viper repairs/kills his own treb...

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 08:57 AM PST

    I keep losing games which go to late imp

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 05:09 AM PST

    IDK why even if I do a lot of damage and have a huge score lead if the game goes into late imp I keep losing.

    I lost as Britons against huns,Mongols against indians and as Incas against Persians.

    Everytime I have a 5+ vill lead going into imp but for some reason my forward position just gets pushed back so easily.

    It's like my units get tired late into the game or something.

    My elo:keeps bouncing b/w 1.1-1k but I was 1.2k when game released

    submitted by /u/annucox
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    AoE Album - Give Some Thanks To Your Teammate

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 01:00 AM PST

    The most broken demo you will ever see 11

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 01:28 PM PST

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