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    Sunday, October 25, 2020

    Age of Empires 3 Charging caroleans to te enemy is so fun

    Age of Empires 3 Charging caroleans to te enemy is so fun

    Charging caroleans to te enemy is so fun

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 11:32 AM PDT

    So the Dutch South Africa Revolt Wanderlust card (+5%health to all units +5%speed to vills and wagons) can be sent infinite times.

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 09:39 PM PDT

    I just love my lovely city lights

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 04:34 PM PDT

    Uruguay as a Portuguese revolution

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 04:50 PM PDT

    Known as "the Switzerland of South America", this little country saw a meteoric economic rise in the second half of 19th century, with its immense cattle industry feeding millions of working working class people and soldiers all across the globe.

    Portugal played a big role in creating Uruguay. One on the first settlements in Banda Oriental was Colonia do Sacramento, which was founded by Portuguese settlers on the northern bank of Rio de la Plata in 1680 and changed hands several times between Spanish and the Ports until finally being given to the Spanish in 1771. The Ports also built a fort on the northern bank of the river called Montevideu in 1723 - this prompted the Spanish from Buenos Aires to sail across the river and kick the Ports out of the fort, founding a city nearby they named Montevideo.

    Fast forward to 1817, Portugal conquered a Uruguay that freshly seceded from Spain keeping it as part of its empire for 5 years, until Brazil declared independence from Portugal and retaind into its own empire as Cisplatina province for further 6 years. Considering that Uruguay would ultimately win its independence in a war against a Portuguese-speaking empire, I think it would be apt to make it a Portuguese revolution option replacing either Peru or Gran Colombia, both of which never had anything to do with Portugal.

    By 1900 it was the most prosperous country in South America. The history of its rapid industrialization, heavily boosted by investments from the British, provides an opportunity for an interesting revolution gimmick which is much more focused on tuning up your economy à la South Africa rather than breaking stalemates by sending a horde of revolutionaries to you enemy TC.

    Flag: the sun and stripes. The most recent version of the flag, it was adopted back in 1830.

    Capital: Montevideo.

    Economic revolution.

    • Cows grant coin instead of food. Town centers spawn a couple cows each and perpetually train cows for free. Gather rate from livestock is 10% faster.
    • Settlers don't become revolutionaries, but they now cost coin instead of food.

    Shipment Card ideas (and reasoning for each):

    • [Infinite] 1 Fort --- they got a bunch of forts, mostly at the northern bank of Rio de la Plata.

    • [Infinite] 2 Ironclads --- in the mid-to late 19th century they had quite a number of ships, and by 1900 they even had 3 gunboats.

    • Nueva Helvetica - enables settler wagons to be built from town centers with a train limit of 20. --- This a reference to Swiss immigrants who moved to Uruguay in large numbers in the mid-19th century. Industrial revolution caused an over-population in Switzerland, people were forced to leave the country in droves else they starved to death. In that time all the other countries in South America weren't welcoming to migrants and the United States were embroiled in a civil war, but Uruguay stood out as it was desperate to populate its country and welcomed all newcomers with open arms. The Swiss built a town called Nueva Helvetica, and their laws, craftsmanship and cheese making had largely helped develop the country.

    • Fray Bentos - ships 1 factory. --- Fray Bentos was a meat processing juggernaut factory in Uruguay. Before the factory was established in 1860s, the Uruguayan gauchos had a big problem with overabundance of beef - they would often skin the cows for their hide and discard the meat, leaving it around to rot. The founder of the factory Justus von Liebig solved this problem in two ways: first by inventing a beef extract by boiling down kilograms of beef into small delicious cubes that people would mix with water and drink like tea, then later by developing quick and efficient way for packaging corned beef in tin cans and shipping it overseas. Fray Bentos corned beef quickly became a staple for working-class people across Europe for whom meat had previously been a luxury item. The company is said to have fed many wars, it most notably supplied corn beef to the British army in the both Boer Wars and the both World Wars.

    • Gauchos - ships 10 cows and 10 Gauchos. Cow train limit +10. Enables training of Gauchos at stables, forts, galleons etc. --- Gauchos are a national symbol of both Argentina and Uruguay, and they played a big part in Uruguay's war of independence.

    • [Infinite] Cattle Drivers - ships 8 semi-fattened Cows, 1 Gaucho, and 1 Homestead Wagon; Cow train limit +8. --- same effect as Argentina's card.

    • Garibaldi's Redshirts - ships a dozen Redshirts (Skirmishers with +10% speed that speak Italian), all Cassadors and skirmishers are promoted to Imperial. --- Many years before the legendary general helped unite Italy, he fought in the Uruguayan civil war on the side of Colorados. His Italian legion of Redshirts famously won a bunch of battles in the civil war using guerrila tactics, most notably at San Antonio. Today, Garibaldi is celebrated as a national hero in Uruguay.

    • "Foreign Investment": Factories generate +15% of food and coin.--- the independence of Uruguay had been largely assured by the Britsh, whose industrial tycoons used the country as an investment dump for their capital. This investment backing turned Fray Bentos into a world class factory which provided attractive wages and employed thousands of Uruguayans.

    submitted by /u/Froggyspirits
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    Massive connection problems in multiplayer

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 11:54 PM PDT

    Is anybody else experiencing a lot of connection issues as of today? Multiplayer was usually fine for me, but today has been very bad since people can't seem to connect to lobbies and every game has at least one person where somebody is disconnected because of connection issues.

    We all know this game is horribly optimized and still has a lot of bugs that would classify it more as beta version of a game, but multiplayer has usually been fine...

    submitted by /u/BachelorThesises
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    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 01:50 AM PDT

    Noob question. What am I doing wrong?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 01:49 AM PDT

    Im fairly new to the game, around 80 hours and really enjoying it (original not DE). The advive I've been getting is never stop making villagers which I'm getting better at.

    I played a 1v1 treaty 40min game yesterday. I was pumping villagers out like crazy, very little idle time. By the end had 4 plantations with 10 each, 4 farms with 10 each and around 20 on wood + 1 factory.

    I still got destroyed ( I was english they were french). In the post game report I had produced loads more villagers, but when i clicked total resources, the French player had nearly 50k more total resources than me?? How is that possible when I had way more villagers producing resource pretty much from the start?

    Also, i thought heavy infantry and dragoons were supposed to be amazing agaisnt sword cavalry.... yet his sword cavalry destroyed my army, despite my musketeers and dragoons being maxed out.

    Any idea's on what im doing wrong?

    edit: i had around 100 villagers and they had circa 75ish


    screen shot

    submitted by /u/pizzalover9a
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    No need for Oprichnik box when you have this. My agra was taken down in 7 seconds

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 08:41 PM PDT

    Bring back dancing Natives, at least for the Inca.

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 05:08 PM PDT

    Bring back dancing Natives, at least for the Inca.

    When the developers say that dancing natives is insensitive, meanwhile the natives in Cusco, Peru...

    Traditional dance


    Scissor dance Peru


    Cusco dancing natives

    Can you bring back the dancing Natives at least for the Inca? The current Inca plaza is so boring to watch and half the time the settlers are just standing still not doing anything.



    The changes made to North American Natives should not affect the other Natives from Central or South America.


    submitted by /u/comments247
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    Are people crashing the game when about to lose?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 07:48 PM PDT

    Never happens when we lose, only when we're about to win 50 mins into a 3v or 4v game.

    The game freezes totally and we have to force quit or wait a super long time for it to boot us out

    It NEVER happens when we're going to lose. And NEVER happens early game. Only late when we are about to win. It really feels like people are doing it on purpose.

    This is the new DE btw

    submitted by /u/quietstormx1
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    Inca stealth all units?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 05:56 PM PDT

    I played a game today where someone played Incas and stealthed all of their units. I tried playing them after to find out how they did it but I can't figure out how. Does anyone know what card or upgrade I need?

    submitted by /u/jpangilinan
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    AOE3 Definitive edition optimization problems? (stutter ingame)

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 02:38 AM PDT

    Hi there everyone, I'm fairly new to the game, I played the old AOE3 campaign and I can remember that the home city had a terrible 14 fps lock for some reason and the game tended to stutter at some instances, but I was like, ay, old game, I have new hardware, maybe there is some conflict, what ever.

    I just purchased the remastered, and I still have those horrible stutters durring gameplay. Here is a screenshot of me playing one of the campaigne maps, and you can clearly see that nor my CPU or my GPU reach 100% utilization and yet I still have terrible framestimes and FPS.
    I disabled Nvidia ingame overlay, some ppl said it will help, well it didn't. Does anyone else encountered this problem, or is that a well known issues in the remastered? because I remember it was fairly common problem in the 2007 game.

    My Spec are: GTX 1660Ti, R5 2600, 16 gig 3200Mhz ram, running the game of an HDD.

    submitted by /u/Achilles0826
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    Fps and performance improvement

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 02:37 AM PDT

    I was very upset when I downloaded the game and it was worse than the beta.

    With a Ryzen 5 2600 and a gtx 1650 Kalmx I was expecting much better performance in 1080p ultra. Fps started at 40 and went down to 25 in battles.

    Now I get steady 60-62 after the big 14GB patch, and then down to 40-43 during huge battles with lots of NPCs and graphics to render.

    Well done, I hope to see more patches in the future!

    submitted by /u/ilboy95
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    Chinese Unit Upgrades

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 06:47 PM PDT

    So I have recently been playing the Chinese,and about half of the time, I cannot fully upgrade my army, the upgrades just flat out aren't there. But other times they are, does anyone know what might be happening? Is it a bug or something?

    submitted by /u/IvalioslavtheUnruly
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    "Shadow" campaign

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 05:36 AM PDT

    DE gave me a good reason to replay good ol' campaigns that I used to play when I was a kid. To be honest, now as a grown person I realised that I prefer AoE2 attitude to campaigns (focusing on famous historical kings and warlords) more than AoE3 campaign's type. Nevertheless, I replayed all missions of "Blood, Ice and Steel" with great pleasure and a feel of nostalgia.

    However, that is not the case I want to talk about. Now I'm playing "Shadow" campaign and I feel a bit confused as the whole plot was completely changed. I know that developers want to show some respect to indigenous people and I can't help but to respect such attitude. I myself am fond of traditional cultures. Though what was the problem with original "Shadow"? As I remember it was about finding main hero's origins. Also, it showed quite good that bloodshed caused to one side may result in bloodshed to the another. Perhaps I'm forgetting something. So was the original campaign offensive? Was it really necessary to replace aggressive Lakhota warriors with aggressive outlaws? Was the old plot historical inaccurate? I'm not a "pro" in American history so I'm eager to know facts and opinions!

    P.S. I wouldn't ask If haven't seen the drastic changes in campaign's balance. Moreover, IMO, the original plot was more "dramatic".

    P.S.S. Just in case I'll state that I honestly had no intentions to offend anyone.

    submitted by /u/Gnosis_Master
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    Is a good deal to build teepe around TC as Lakota?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 02:02 PM PDT

    I'm really enjoying playing as Lakota and I was thinking about this, on the description says that it boots gathering rates but I made a test and looks like it doesn't, it's a bug or it just so small to notice the difference? tks

    submitted by /u/mouthspiece
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    Lakota Takola Soldiers vs. French Gendamere

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 11:28 PM PDT

    Who's the better Cavalry?

    submitted by /u/TheReddOne
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    Asking for tricorns

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 07:42 AM PDT

    Asking for tricorns

    I have written this post on the official forum asking for tricorns for European veteran musketeers. If you feel the same please post your thoughts and ideas in this thread on the official forum. I believe if people really care about this the devs would respond just like the sail patterns for Ottomans and Indians.


    They were the most prominent fashion in 18c military uniform. They were in the original game. They were in the unit portrait. They were in the promotional arts. Idk why the devs removed them and the change seems totally unnecessary to me. Imagine a medieval game without great helms.


    Imagine seeing these guys on almost every artwork of the game and not having them ingame

    My guess is they're trying to differentiate from Swedish caroleans. That actually should not be a problem because the original game already had a few other units with tricorns (veteran musketeers, militia, etc.). Just using a different style or adding some decorations (or even giving the unit a backpack) would solve the problem of distinguishability.

    submitted by /u/tplato111
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    Setting AI difficulty in editor

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 10:14 PM PDT

    How do you change the AI's difficulty level in the scenario editor? What does it default to? When I tried playing one of my scenarios they looked like they were about at the moderate level.

    submitted by /u/roo1066
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    SamuraiRevolution: “AoE 3: DE | Name & Culture Changes Discussion”

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 10:07 PM PDT

    Is there a working mod that increases the population limit for DE?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 11:17 AM PDT

    Tried one with the name „Higher war pop Edited" but the problem is that it is not working for the russians (cant train any infantry).

    submitted by /u/Ovinme
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    Move speed penalty about Upgrade that can get Church card.

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 08:51 PM PDT

    Thin red line, Corselet, and coffee trade have penalty about armies move speed instead of some bonus.

    Move speed of armies is important when fight, IMO. It give better kiting, better chasing and escape, so make better result when fight.

    More hp or limit +2 of bank build are good, but I wonder they are real good although have move speed panelty with using card.

    submitted by /u/dak0653
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    does swedish mercs card enable mercs for every player on only their saloon?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 09:51 AM PDT

    I mostly play skirmish and fighting with or against the swedes is rare, so i never had the chance to see it (especially since i'm mostly the one that play them). so, are the saloon enabling mercs card like the fusilier anabling those mercs for everyone or just the swede? i'm curious cause i can see some interesting synergies with the german

    submitted by /u/kerozen666
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    Instant 100k resources - How did he do it?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 02:27 PM PDT

    After finishing a 40min treaty match, I had a look at the all resources gathered graph and I'm wondering how in the hell he got that many (100k+) resources in almost an instant (see photo: https://imgur.com/a/A2E9GMM) anyone an idea? (Definitive Edition, he was playing french, don't remember the map, but there was a sufi mosque settlement, dont remember the other one)

    submitted by /u/IMMERWINNER
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