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    Monday, October 26, 2020

    Age of Empires II King of the Desert 3 Final / Post-Match Discussion

    Age of Empires II King of the Desert 3 Final / Post-Match Discussion

    King of the Desert 3 Final / Post-Match Discussion

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 12:15 PM PDT

    King of the Desert 3 Final

    Official stream


    All matches are played on KotD3_Arabia

    [Tempo]Liereyy 6-3 MbL40C

    Draft link

    MATCH 1:

    [Tempo]Liereyy BUR vs CUM MbL40C

    Winner: [Tempo]Liereyy in 00:45:17

    MATCH 2:

    [Tempo]Liereyy JAP vs ETH MbL40C

    Winner: [Tempo]Liereyy in 00:50:11

    MATCH 3:

    [Tempo]Liereyy MAL vs CEL MbL40C

    Winner: [Tempo]Liereyy in 00:50:52

    MATCH 4:

    [Tempo]Liereyy FRA vs KHM MbL40C

    Winner: MbL40C in 00:25:40

    MATCH 5:

    [Tempo]Liereyy VIE vs TEU MbL40C

    Winner: MbL40C in 00:27:23

    MATCH 6:

    [Tempo]Liereyy SLA vs BER MbL40C

    Winner: [Tempo]Liereyy in 00:48:47

    MATCH 7:

    [Tempo]Liereyy MAG vs GOT MbL40C

    Winner: [Tempo]Liereyy in 00:25:43

    MATCH 8:

    [Tempo]Liereyy VIK vs MAY MbL40C

    Winner: MbL40C in 00:36:57

    MATCH 9:

    [Tempo]Liereyy SAT vs CHO MbL40C

    Winner: [Tempo]Liereyy in 00:28:23

    submitted by /u/D0machine
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    2v2 World Cup 2020 Announcement Thread - 30k Prizepool

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 12:26 PM PDT

    How McNuggets are made

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 08:23 PM PDT

    Cant hold without support : (

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 07:37 PM PDT

    Look at all the content of AOE that is in its page (Age Of Manolink)(Link in comments)

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 11:16 AM PDT

    Hoang being super sneaky against Slam

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 01:03 AM PDT

    Showerthought in regards to Cataphracts and Condottieri...

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 12:39 AM PDT

    As we all know: - Cataphracts have +9 attack against infantry (class 1) and +9 against Condottieri specifically (class 32) - Elite Cataphracts have +12 attack against class 1 and +10 against class 32 - Logistica gives an extra +6 attack to class 1 to both of them, so it becomes +15 (non-Elite) and +18 (Elite) - Condottieri have 10 class 1 armor but 0 for class 32 - all other infantry units have 0 class 1 armor but 1000 for class 32

    Therefore: - without Logistica, Cataphracts deal max(0,+9-10)+max(0,+9-0)=+9 against Condottieri - with Logistica, Cataphracts deal max(0,+15-10)+max(0,+9-0)=+14 against Condottieri - meanwhile, against all other infantry units, Cataphracts with Logistica would deal max(0,+15-0)+max(0,+15-1000)=+15, not +14 (And without Logistica, it's +9 like we always know, so no discrepancies there) - back to Condottieri, Elite Cataphracts would deal +12 against them without Logistica, and +18 with. Which is exactly the same as against other infantry units

    So to recap: Cataphracts bonus damage against Condottiero is consistent with other infantry units... except for non-Elite ones with Logistica where they do 1 less

    Thank you for coming to my TED talk!

    submitted by /u/dvdung1997
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    Gameweek 11 for The Civilization League is done and here are the results and the standings along with some stats/records. Fixtures for Gameweek 12 will be available soon. The links to the Guide to the Civilization League and previous gameweek results are in the comments.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 06:20 AM PDT

    Why weren’t Persians seen in kotd3

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 05:18 AM PDT

    Or seen a lot (didn't catch all the games) Viper had them S tier for Arabia, even though Hera had them B tier (which would seem to be more accurate after this tourney). They seem versatile enough, what gives.

    submitted by /u/Fbomb_
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    Vinchester tries to give Zuppi his sheep back

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 04:17 AM PDT

    Please don't resign prematurely, but do resign when you have clearly lost...

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 09:20 PM PDT

    MembTV Announces New 50K Prize Money Tournament in 2021

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 11:16 AM PDT

    Just confirmed on MembTV stream. No news yet of what format, but it won't be KOTD4 - that will be later in 2021.

    Amazing job Memb and Pinztec who will sponsor it again!

    submitted by /u/AnilDG
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    Lierey - Are you winning son?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 02:45 AM PDT

    Lierey - Are you winning son?

    context / left - lierey now / right - lierey in 2040

    Lets hope your reign continues further, you have been renowned prince of AoE after grantings and blessings of our Lord Daut.

    submitted by /u/Halustra
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    What my TC looks like right before enemy annihilates me.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 06:15 AM PDT

    I made the KotD3 spreadsheet AMA

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 02:23 PM PDT


    I'm the dude behind the formulas in the KotD3 brackets spreadsheet and i did the filter for the signups sheet. If you have any questions let me know I'll try to be active here on reddit for the next few days and answer as best as I can.

    Don't ask about the design, that's 90% Chrazini's incredible skills.

    EDIT: Feedback, ideas for improvement and any other useful things are greatly appreciated as well!

    submitted by /u/Nerfoxingaround
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    Over the past few months, it's become meta in DE for goth to use free loom to send a vil forward to lame and build a barracks. But Aztecs had free loom for years and no one ever did this. Why?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 03:51 PM PDT

    Some people are even saying now that goth free loom is overpowered because of this strat, despite the fact that Aztecs had free loom for 13 years and no one ever complained about it. Is there a reason for this or did people just not think of the forward laming vil strat until 2020?

    submitted by /u/Euler-Macaroni
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    Herd 8 animals?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 04:37 AM PDT

    Is my game bugged or am I supposed to do this in AOE 3?

    submitted by /u/T3nt4c135
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    What will the November 1 Year Anniversary patch bring for balance?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 05:59 PM PDT

    There are 20 days until the 1 year anniversary of AoE2DE, and it is rumored that the November patch will be much larger, and have significant balance changes compared to the past few months. For instance it is very likely that we will see a Goth nerf, given that they have been at a 54% win rate across all elo ranges, even garnering a 55% WR with a decent amount of picks at 1650+ elo

    But what will we see for the struggling civs? ie Koreans, Turks, Bulgarians, Portuguese, Tatars, and Malay? All civs that struggle regardless of elo and get significantly lower play rates than other civs.

    Koreans Portuguese and Tatars all continue to struggle on DE despite receiving buffs in previous patches, while Turks and Bulgarians havent received changes in a long time but dont have good pick or win rates and are generally seen as the weakest civs by high level players. This can be further evidenced by the conclusion of KotD3, where the only civs that were never picked were Turks and Koreans. Bulgarians and Malay were picked once but never played, and tatars were picked once and player (by Viper vs BacT) Info from https://drive.google.com/file/d/112IznoPFn0Y_3-Pul4s4ps4XUDucj4px/view

    What changes would you think the devs would make to these civs, as simply nerfing the top tier civs isnt going to make the bottom tier civs viable, especially when players are still going to be used to the play patterns of the civ that they were using before.

    submitted by /u/DeusVultGaming
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    Does anyone know how to mod the idle vil icon?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 03:07 AM PDT

    As in the title. I've moved my interface around by editing the json files but can't seem to find a way to change the idle vil icons. I basically just want a green square for no idles and a red for idles. Unfortunately I can't use the existing mods because they don't play nice with json editing their screen location. Any help would be fantastic, thank you!

    submitted by /u/nikosss13
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    Who will be the top player for aoe2 in 2021?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 09:06 PM PDT

    I dont know how to create reddit polls, so:

    1) Lierrey

    2) Yo

    3) Hera

    4) Viper

    Lierrey's claim to dominance: 2nd half top form performance in 2020

    Yo's claim to dominance: man who slayed the snake

    Hera's claim to dominance: Highest tournament elo

    Viper's claim to dominance: Is the snek


    submitted by /u/whisperwalk
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    Alarm for when patrolling units come across enemy units.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 02:04 AM PDT

    Hello guys, so seems that when patrolling units come across enemy units and begin attacking you do not hear an alarm unless the enemy unit attacks back. I feel this is not optimal. As an Arena clown, I have found that siege towers are being used more frequently. Hence, when I want to boom I tend to have one or two units patrolling the sides of my walls just in case. However, when this patrolling unit comes across a siege tower they attack it but I get no indication that it's coming.

    I would like everyone else's opinion on this. Wouldn't it make sense for the devs to provide an alarm for when patrolling units come across enemy ones?

    submitted by /u/LonelyRabboni
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    Getting into Competitive AoE

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 09:55 PM PDT


    So one of my goals in this year (so far) is getting into competitive Age of Empires II: DE playing. I've always played (since I've been a kid), but never got into serious engagement, nor have I played any multiplayer games; for that I want to get off on the right foot and maybe find some kind of mentoring for the game, since it's complicated. To be honest I've tried to do some minor stuff (like boar pulling), but it takes practice. I've mostly dedicated my time in AoE II to doing the campaigns, since they're a hoot. I've spent some recent time in watching T90, but not that much.

    If someone is out there willing to help me out with almost everything there is to cover, I would be glad to invest time in it. We could discuss payment (if necessary, I've never invested in coaching in any way, so that's discussable).

    Here's my steam friend code (85966434). Please do add a message implying it's for AoE, otherwise I wont accept it.

    submitted by /u/CRCasualties
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