• Breaking News

    Sunday, October 18, 2020

    Age of Empires II A little different this time, but another fun AOEII LAN day, just a little more distanced than normal. Even have T90 up on the TV while be play

    Age of Empires II A little different this time, but another fun AOEII LAN day, just a little more distanced than normal. Even have T90 up on the TV while be play

    A little different this time, but another fun AOEII LAN day, just a little more distanced than normal. Even have T90 up on the TV while be play

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 05:01 PM PDT

    the Saracen wonder

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 03:35 AM PDT

    KotD final groupstage matches (SPOILER)

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 05:21 PM PDT

    Another amazing day of KotD. Thanks to Memb, the cocaster, the players and those working behind the scenes for all the entertainment!

    The results from this day are:

    • Mr. Yo vs Chart: 3-0
    • Tatoh vs Villesse: 0-3
    • TheMax vs Dogao: 1-3
    • Liereyy vs Nicov: 3-0

    Some reflections and questions for fellow enthusiasts:

    Unfortunately for both Memb and the viewers, we had three matches ending 3-0 and none going to the fifth match. This was probably expected for Yo vs Chart, and maybe Liereyy vs Nicov, but I was surprised to see Dogao defeat TheMax so convincingly considering the latter's dominance two weeks ago. A bit of a shame for Max to end KotD3 4-3 vs Dogao and yet losing the qualification to him.

    Dogao now faces MbL in the quarter finals. MbL is looking super strong atm and should be the favourite for this match up. Vs TheMax, Dogao consistently got ahead using scouts for early vil picks, but I doubt that this will work on MbL with the same efficiency. How can we expect this match up to go? Does Dogao have a chance vs MbL in drawn out imp battles, or will he try to end the games earlier to avoid MbL's ridiculous map awareness? Tomorrow's games will be super interesting!

    The by far biggest upset today was Tatoh vs Villesse. I did not recognize today's Tatoh from the Tatoh of BoA2 and HC3. Villesse is performing exceptionally well in KotD3 though, but will it be enough vs the lord? Daut played increadibly both vs Nicov and vs Liereyy with a combination of solid macro and crazy strategies. Will he continue with the out of the box thinking vs Villesse, who should be used to craziness from his infamous teammates in SY? Or will we see two strong macro players duke it out in glorious postimp-battles? Daut should be the stronger late game player on paper, which might give Villesse incentive to be the aggressor in this match up.

    Mr. Yo now faces TheViper in what could have been the final. He has performed very well vs TheViper recently, but will that streak hold on standard settings Arabia vs what looks like a very motivated snake? It has seemed to me like Viper didn't quite push himself so far in the tournament, and I'm looking forward to seeing both players go all out. With both players being exceptional strategists and strong in all aspects of the game, it's hard to predict any specific playstyle. One difference might be that Yo tends to favour 1TC-pushes slightly more than Viper, so we might see games being decided by whether TheViper can weather the storm in early castle. However, unlike other pushers such as Hoang or Vivi, Mr. Yo also has one of the best macros in the game, so we might also see a chess match of resource control play out, or both in the same game. Finally, with both Daut and Tatoh trying some crazy strategies with for instance Cumans, one has to wonder if Viper is hiding some Secrets (heh) that Yo might force him to reveal...

    Liereyy looked (mostly) solid vs Nicov, but now faces Hera in another match which could fit just as well as the final. Hopefully we get an even series which goes to the final game, and with both players having exceptional micro, the winner might be whomever has the best Tempo that day. As the only quarterfinal between teammates, and an unexpected match up at that, both players should read each other better than any other match up. With micro, macro and strategy being close, drafting should be very important here. Are there any strengths that Hera have over Liereyy or Liereyy over Hera that might influence strategy prior to the games, or how the games evolve tomorrow?

    Thanks again to all involved in creating this amazing tournament!

    submitted by /u/Carolus94
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    Optimal number of villagers building a TC

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 06:16 AM PDT

    After 3-4 months of playing the game, I was interested to more in-depth stuff, for example how many villagers should I put building a TC.

    1. On the one hand, if you put few villagers to build the TC, your other villagers can keep gathering resources, but you will get your TC later, meaning your production of new villagers gets delayed.

    2. On the other hand, if you put too many builders, you lose time of gathering. However your TC is constructed earlier, and so is your villager production.

    After "enough" time, if villager production is nonstop, the solution 2 is always the best. Indeed once 1 finishes his TC, 2 has more villagers (even if only a fraction), and will stay ahead of 1 in villagers indefinitely. At some point, this will make up for the initial cost of sending many builders. The question is when exactly is the breaking point, the "enough" time ?

    For the record, a villager takes 25s to train. A TC requires 150s for 1 builder. For 2+ builders, I use this formula. To compare, I look at the economic situation after 150s.


    1. Only 1 builder : after 150s, you get a TC,

      no additional villagers,

      150s of busy time (since your 1 builder was not gathering resources during that time).


    2. 4 builders : it takes 75s to build the TC, meaning after 150s you have

      3 additional villagers,

      225s of busy time : 300 = 4x75 seconds from your 4 original builders BUT you got 75s of resources gathering from your 3 additional villagers (the 1st one is produced at 100s, and works 50s, the second one is produced at 125s and works 25s).


      Thus with strategy 2 after 150s you still have to compensate 225-150 = 75s of busy time. With 3 additional villagers, this is done in 25s. In other words, 4 builders > 1 builder after 150+25=175s : you have the same busy time but you get a crucial 3 bonus villagers !! But there is more...


    3. 7 builders : it then takes 50s to build the TC, meaning after 150s you have

      4 additional villagers,

      200s of busy time : 350 = 7x50 seconds from your 7 original builders BUT you got 150s of resources gathering from your 4 additional villagers (the first one is produced at 75s and works 75s, the second one works 50s, the third 25s).


      This is already incredible the busy time is only 200s, much lower than the 225s of the strategy 2. In other words, after 150s, 7 builders > 4 builders, since you get more resources and a free villager on top. A more detailed analysis reveals that the breaking point is in fact after 125s : resources collected are the same but the free villager is there. When does it stop being profitable ? Let's go full ham !!


    4. 16 builders : it then takes 25s to build the TC, meaning after 150s you have

      5 additional villagers,

      150s of busy time : 400 = 16x25 seconds from your 16 original builders BUT you got 250s of resources gathering from your 5 additional villagers (I let you guys check that).


    Hard to believe eh ? But calculations don't lie : 16 builders > 7, 4, 1 builder(s) after 150s. Indeed you get more resources (since less busy time) and more villagers. The breaking point from 16 > 7 is then 100s : the resources collected are the same but you have +1 villager.

    In fact this trend keeps going up : the more builders you put, the more efficient it gets. After 150s, you get more resources and more villagers (even if only a fraction).

    TL;DR1 : 4 builders >>> 1 builder once the new TC with 4 builders has produced 4 villagers (100s). You come up with same resources but with +3 villagers.

    TL;DR2 : 7 builders > 4 builders once the new TC with 7 builders has produced 3 villagers (75s). You come up with same resources but with +1 villager.

    TL;DR3 : 16 builders > 7 builders once the new TC with 16 builders has produced 3 villagers (75s). You come up with same resources but with +1 villager.

    TL;DR TL;DR : don't be afraid to put a LOT (even 16+) villagers building a TC, you come up ahead economically very fast (assuming constant villager production once the TC is built).

    Edit: better TL;DR explanation with breaking points given.

    submitted by /u/IssacharEU
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    Free wood upgrades into pro wrestler into arambai

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 11:32 AM PDT

    Overly skilled players in noob lobbies

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 11:42 PM PDT

    I played AoE2 as a kid back in the early 2000s, but only now that I bought DE, I decided to try some multiplayer for the first time in my life. As you can guess, I'm pretty terrible, so I only join explicitly 'beginner', 'noob only', 'super noobs' etc. lobbies, which are mostly team games.

    But so far, out of my 6 games, in 4 of them there was a player (in one game even two) who was very visibly much more skilled than the rest. This player accumulates 2x more score than everybody else and completely throws the balance off for one team. They come and steamroll their enemy with a huge fully upgraded army as I'm just reaching imperial age and building my first military buildings. They also micro better, advance faster and generally don't play like a beginner would.

    So my multiplayer experience has been quite frustrating (or pointless, depending which team the OP player lands on) so far and I'm not exactly eager to keep diving into it. Still, I don't want to be dissuaded so early. What can I do? Is there a way to check players' ratings in unranked lobbies, or otherwise just make sure my games won't have a smurfing player in them?

    submitted by /u/a-sentient-slav
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    kotd villese daut set discussion thread

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 08:08 AM PDT

    The 4th game just ended as I write this. I believe both won their games with the advantage their prematch draft/strategy brought. These two amazing players are neck to neck mechanics wise in my opinion. game 5 will be amazing but I believe Daut is going to use his superior scouting to find the better strategy and reach the semis.
    props to membtv for hosting an amazing tourney

    submitted by /u/zzadozz
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    Survivalist displaying awesome piano micro!

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 03:54 PM PDT

    Elephant Parade (AoE2 Sound Remix)

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 05:21 AM PDT

    [1v1 RANKED BATTLE ~1150 elo] Could the losing player have won this - with different decisions?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 05:17 AM PDT

    Hideout game, one of the wildest ones I've had yet

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 02:51 PM PDT

    Shared progress with Steam and Microsoft versions?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 12:12 AM PDT

    If I have the Microsoft version of the game, buy it on Steam, and log in with my Windows Live account will it share my existing progress: campaigns, saves, scenarios, achievements? My guess would be that it should since it has crossplay and you need to use your Live account.

    Can't find any info on this and maybe I'm wording it wrong but as you know Microsoft isn't very clear or helpful at all.

    Has anyone tried it before?

    submitted by /u/kimsuelo
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    What does this group feel about Megarandom map in ranked?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 01:54 AM PDT

    This map seems to divide players, but objectively where does this group stand?

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/sandyqbg
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    any tips for a beginner?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 09:50 PM PDT

    i have played this game for years, but I never made strategies or building orders and stuff like that. I want to get better, but even bots beat me lol. any ideas?

    submitted by /u/karmafr0g
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    Multiple farms with multiple units

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 01:04 AM PDT

    Is there a way to select multiple villagers and have them create multiple farms individually? They all seem to go to one and ignore the rest?

    submitted by /u/Milansan777
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    Controlling cavalry: do you mix your scouts and knights?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 05:11 PM PDT

    Do you set light cavalry and knights to the same control group and just micro them as needed (for monks or whatnot), or do you keep them as two separate armies and utilize them differently (for instance keeping scouts away from TC and castle fire)?

    Edit: I should clarify that I am using scout, light cav, and hussar interchangeably. The same goes for knight and paladin.

    submitted by /u/CastleNugget
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    Should I start with AOE 2 or 3 as a newbie?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 02:38 PM PDT

    I played AOE back in the days and now I'm feeling it but wondering what's better to pick AOE 2 or the newest one? Thank you.

    submitted by /u/noobfromjo
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    Confused about build orders

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 04:22 PM PDT

    So yeah, I'm learning about build orders and I'm so confused: let's say I end up playing an arena game, that would warrant a fast castle build right? I follow the build order to a T but before I know it, the enemy isn't only dropping a castle right in front of my walls but he is also ramming my gates.

    I'm honestly lost, I know you have to be flexible in RTS games but that's the one thing tutorials don't teach you. Watching replays is fine and dandy too but it doesn't explain why my opponents made the choices he did.

    How to improve from there? 650-680 ELO for reference.

    submitted by /u/sadistic_sea_lemon
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    AOE2 DE Allied vision bug?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 03:54 PM PDT

    Having trouble beating AI on Hard and getting lost on what to do during Castle Age. Any tips?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 07:28 PM PDT

    Among the myriad of aoe2 tutorials, advice, videos, build orders, etc. I'm kind of lost on exactly how to get better. I'm getting decent on getting to Castle Age - at least in the context of facing AI, as we both reach Castle Age about the same time. Usually, it destroys me in the first army it sends over.

    I guess I'm not scouting well enough, but is there a good composition for the "first" army to train that will be more apt to defend my base. I'm not walling, and I'm playing as Byzantines as they are more beginner friendly I've heard.

    submitted by /u/huskarl
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    Why are building reskin mods considered non-data mods, but unit reskin mods required to be data mods?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 03:09 PM PDT

    This has been bugging me since DE came out, who wouldn't love to actually be given the ability to turn on and turn off unit reskin mods and use them in a practical capacity?

    submitted by /u/parthnan
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    Mods aren't showing up

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 09:00 PM PDT

    I subscribed to about 10 mods on the website. They're not showing up in the game. Wtf?

    submitted by /u/teutonicnight99
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