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    Thursday, December 17, 2020

    Age of Empires II When you want to raid Burgundians in late game

    Age of Empires II When you want to raid Burgundians in late game

    When you want to raid Burgundians in late game

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 02:02 AM PST

    Don't forget your eco upgrades!!

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 01:47 PM PST

    When 2020 has been a Dark Age.

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 06:06 AM PST

    Slaughtering villagers sparks joy.

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 05:18 AM PST

    Hi all,

    When I'm raiding and killing villagers I get a funny, but nice feeling. Kind of like collecting Easter eggs. Anyone else who can relate to this?

    Kind regards

    submitted by /u/TactX22
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    Share of Civilizations per Architecture by Release

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 01:13 PM PST

    What if the Saracens had that Monk refund as a baseline bonus instead of a UT? What would you replace Madrasah with?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 10:55 PM PST

    I think it's safe to say that most Saracen players don't rush out a Castle for this tech, and many probably skip over it entirely. But with the Burgundians getting a gold refund on Knights whenever they die, it made me think that Saracens could get Madrasah as a baseline rather than having to research it. Then perhaps they could get a new CA UT.

    It just feels like a Monk refund should be baseline, IMO. Such a bonus isn't that strong as a UT, or at least not worth getting a Castle for it, even if you're going some Fast Imperial strategy. Making it baseline wouldn't make a SMUSH all that dangerous, as that's easily countered by Scouts.

    submitted by /u/darkdill
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    Hera already made the first Flemish rush build 11

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 06:52 AM PST

    TLDR I feel bad about stomping a pair of noobs in quick play

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 06:36 AM PST

    So I played AoE2 a LOT as a kid but was never good; the person who won my neighbor's LAN games was the person who was fastest at typing "how do you turn this on" then Ctrl-C Ctrl-V a million times. But when DE came out my friend and I got back into it and had been playing against AI a lot; we can easily beat 2 hard and can try-hard two hardest most of the time. So last night we thought, "hey why not queue for 2v2 quick match just to see what happens? We'll probably get stomped but whatever." We start the game, it's Black Forest (nice! At least we get to macro a bit) and we're trying our best; it's our first game against other humans and we're nervous. Then...one opponent runs their scout under my buddy's TC and it stops there. My buddy promptly garrisons and kills it. We start relaxing a bit. Clearly these guys aren't crazy good. Then I go to wall and find the opponents haven't even tried to wall at all. At this point we both start getting a nagging feeling that we might be better than the other guys; not being walled by 10 min on black forest is...an odd choice. Then I notice that we're not that far into the game and we've each got a score of ~4000 but opponents have ~2500. Oh. Oh no. Oh these poor kids. Long story short we realize these kids are playing exactly like we did 20 years ago (except this is quick play so cheats aren't on). One of them takes 30 minutes to get to Castle age. The other Fatslob walls one choke but ignores the choke in the middle of the map. We decide to go easy on them and attack with 20 units only. My buddy goes with 20 boyars. I go with 5 bombard cannons and 15 Ethiopian arbs. These little forces completely demolish our opponents immediately. One guy has 5 unupgraded knights. The FU Boyars take 1 damage per hit. The other guy has 5 barracks but no units. He begins streaming unupgraded halbs into my archers while my cannons start shredding his buildings. They surrender within 5 minutes without a GG. I feel so bad! These were clearly noobs and while my friend and I aren't good, we clearly way out-classed our opponents. I tried to talk a bit at the end to encourage them but I think they just thought I was trolling. I really hope they come back some day and play enough to get matched against worthy opponents. As for my friend and I, we've decided we'll do ranked 2v2 from now on.

    submitted by /u/ajkb
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    Are you looking forward to the new expansion?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 04:29 AM PST

    I personally am because I like single player campaigns :)

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Gas-Correct
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    So remember when the developers said no more new civs after DE release? What caused the devs to change their mind?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 04:52 PM PST

    So I recalled I read an article that they said that after the Age of Empires II: DE release, they said no more civilizations will be added after Definitive Edition, but they said they are open to new campaigns.

    And now here we are with the new expansion (based on western Europe and the Mediterranean of course) with Lords of the West, being the first expansion in Definitive Edition and they've decided to add two new civilizations (Burgundians and Silicians), but at least for bonus points, we least have a playable campaign for one of the older civilizations (Britons). With that being said, that does give me some hope of seeing Tibetans as a playable civilization in a foreseeable future (providing if the Chinese government allows it, but it'll probably risk of facing the banhammer).

    So what caused the developers of after the first anniversary of Definitive Edition that they made an unexpected announcement of a new expansion with two new civilizations. Is it because of player feedback? Or it because it's more interesting to have a campaign where the player plays as one of the antagonist factions from the older campaigns (when I looked at the new achievements, it mentions William Wallace for the Edward Longshanks campaign and one of the Burgundian campaign achievements mentioned Joan of Arc), and it's more appropriate to have an appropriate Burgundian civilization than using Franks as a "placeholder" civilization.

    Which also brings up another question with the older campaigns, since many of the old campaigns had Franks being used as a placeholder civ for Burgundians, will the older campaigns be updated with the appropriate Burgundian civilization?

    submitted by /u/DarkPaladinX
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    I was too hyped after yesterday's announcement

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 01:44 PM PST

    When the Burgundian bonus applies to 'slain' knights:

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 07:09 AM PST

    AOE2 Twitch commands

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 07:00 AM PST

    How do i add commands to my twitch channel? I want !match and !rank to appear when using the nightbot but not sure how to set it up?

    submitted by /u/PKROCKETS
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    My very objective civilisation's intro music tier list

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 06:57 AM PST

    MBL Game stats vs 900 ELO

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 03:40 PM PST

    Thoughts on adding in-game voice chat?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 11:52 PM PST

    I think overall it would be good. Yes you'd get toxic people and tilting.

    But it would be entertaining as hell.

    It would also help in team games if you do have a decent team

    submitted by /u/jimBean9610
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    Simulating the Burgundians eco bonus

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 07:50 PM PST

    Hello, I have created a scenario with some custom triggers allowing for testing the Burgundian civ eco bonus. I have uploaded it to the modding category of the official aoe2 website. More information you can find in the scenario description:
    EDIT: The scenario had some issues with some of the triggers, but it is fixed now and it should work.

    submitted by /u/Mucupka
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    Antagonists of current campaigns

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 03:31 PM PST

    In the new expansions, each of the new campaigns, the protagonist was an antagonist in a previous campaign:

    The Burgundians were antagonists in the Joan of Arc campaign.

    Edward Longshanks was the antagonist in the William Wallace campaign.

    Robert de Hauteville (Guiscard) was the antagonist in the 3rd mission of the Bari campaign.

    I think this is a pretty good concept that of course reminds us all of Saladin and Fredrick Barbarossa campaigns. I think it can be applied for future expansion such as the Montezuma campaign from the Spanish perspective or Prithviraj campaign from the Ghurid perspective. What do others think?

    (This post is about SP only so please don't reply with MP related criticism)

    submitted by /u/Gas-Correct
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    Regarding Burgundians as a civ

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 07:39 AM PST

    I've seen this has been a very controversial choice by the developers and honestly, I get where you all are coming from. Let me state why I think Burgundians actually do make some sense, especially when considering the importance of the county of Flanders throughout history. Brace yourself it's going to be a long read. TL;DR will be at the bottom.

    A common theme I hear on this sub is the argument of overrepresentation of Europe when compared to other areas of the world. I'd like to point out that, yes, Europe has indeed a lot of civs in the game as it is, but in my opinion there is a reason for this. First of all, historically the game focused mostly on European history with AoK and Conquerors. Subsequent updates and new releases added lots of areas of the world and fleshed out the civ spread among geographical locations. And that is good, it was necessary and it felt great learning about othor parts of the world and their history. Secondly, there are just more sources available for European history. We simply know more about this part of the world than another, due to various reasons I'm not going to delve into. Furthermore, Europe is a very diverse continent, with lots of different cultures that melted, fought, traded, were conquered or conquered. Admittedly, this is also the case for other regions (India is one one hears often now in this sub) and yes you are right! However, don't see this as an OR/OR scenario, but more like and AND/AND scenario. The devs had to choose some new civs to start with Remember they said they wouldn't add any new civs? Well, they wanted to add some (my guess due to the big success that DE is) and they had to start somewhere and get a feeling as to how this would be recieved (adding new civs and mechanics). Why not start with something that is well documented and has had success? And if this works, why not go on with it and look into more things such as India or other places in the world? I think the devs will do something like that if this proves to be a success.

    However, my main point about the choice for the Burgundians is quite simple. Throughout this whole frnachise they have included the big names in history: England (weirdly represented under the name Britons), France, China, HRE (Teutons) and so on. However, in between these mighty big names of history lie lots of smaller, but not less important (on the contrary!) regions. One of these regions is the county of Flanders.

    Historically one of the richest regions in the world for centuries (richer than England, France, the HRE states and (parts of) Italy throughout the middle ages), it is often never mentioned in any popular historic medium, be it film, series or game. Despite countless of wars fought on the territory of what is now Belgium/Southern Netherlands (sorry Dutch guys, you only became important after the 1500s), this region is overlooked. The county of Flanders and he duchy of Brabant garnered its riches mostly by trade. Flemish tapestries and wool were highly priced products, exported all over the (Western) world. The cities in these regions (Bruges, Ghent, Kortrijk, Antwerp, Brussels, Mechelen,...) became quite rich and acquired many freedoms based off of this. Because of this, France often had its eyes set on the prized county of Flanders, while the duchy of Brabant was often reinforced by the HRE states as a buffer against France. Flanders mostly retained its relative freedom until early 1300, when France tried to annex it directly to its crown lands, failed and incited a popular revolt and was utterly crushed by an army of Flemish militia (Battle of the Golden Spurs). a few years later they went back and succeeded. Some 80 years later however, the Duchy of Burgundy set its eyes on this part of the world and acquired it during the 100 years war.

    So far history, now the game. My guess is that the devs wanted to include this rich and powerful region into the game. Flanders (+ Brabant, but that is difficult since it was part of the HRE, while Flanders part of France de jure) itself would probably be too small to make a new civ. Queue the Burgundians. While only being a duchy in the French realm, they did have considerable influence on French history (see Joan of Arc campaign for example), especially after they acquired parts of the Low Countries. The semi city states of the Low Countries had also developed their own unique culture, not belonging to either French culture, or Germanic culture. Thus, in my opinion, the need for a separate civ for this region, leading us to the Burgundians. Do keep in mind the power base of Burgundy after they acquired Flanders was not in Dijon (their historic home) but instead in Flanders, where much of the money (and thus power) came from.

    Lastly, I'd like to think they wanted to give Cysion (starter of Forgotten Empires back in the day when there wasn't even talk of an HD version) something to honour him with and he is Belgian after all. Or he just pushed this, who knows.

    Anyway, thanks for the read and all in all, let's just wait and see what happens for next possible DLCs/civs!


    I think the devs wanted to give the historically important, but often overlooked in popular culture, region of Flanders some attention, but by being so small and it was never it's own important independent region, they decided to push it into the Burgundians, a semi-independent region/duchy that was very important to France and England.

    submitted by /u/Gulmar
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    does anyone have this problem ?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 04:47 AM PST

    when i click on art of war my game crashes , just on art of war .

    my computer is good

    submitted by /u/Eman2007aoe2
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    Lag spikes

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 10:33 PM PST

    Does anyone else regularly get 5 second lag spikes? Every game it happens to me which kills my rhythm. Doesn't happen in any other games

    submitted by /u/AdoorMe
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