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    Thursday, April 15, 2021

    Age of Empires 3 wise words from american "church"

    Age of Empires 3 wise words from american "church"

    wise words from american "church"

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 06:00 PM PDT

    US Civ Bug concerning Chinese Immigrants

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 12:10 AM PDT

    Hey guys, I've been trying out the USA for a few games now and have encountered a bug several times.

    On maps with traderoutes, I've tried to use the chinese immigrants card early. This appeared to be quite good to me since once you create the first tradepost you can immediately levy another wagon to create a second.

    However I've now encountered a bug multiple times were the trade wagon simply does not construct the tradepost and instead glitches around the planned bulding. Sometimes I managed to manually get it to construct by moving the wagon around the tradepost and finding an angle that actually begins construction. In other cases this did not work either and the wagon was completely useless.

    Just a heads up for anyone trying to use this card.

    submitted by /u/ItsSanoj
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    They shoot so fast until flash calling them sempai GG.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 05:16 AM PDT

    It's annoying that you can put in a password, but unless you click "Password Protected" it doesn't work

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 09:01 PM PDT

    Cant finish Maryland challenge.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 05:19 PM PDT

    Already played and won 6 games with different euro civs, made a church in all of them. No idea what am I missing

    submitted by /u/Crazed_Archivist
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    Maryland Challenge

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 06:24 PM PDT

    Has anyone gotten this to complete? I built 3 churches (swedish, dutch, and russian) and the challenge didn't complete. I made sure to launch each match by clicking "Begin".

    submitted by /u/stephensundin
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    AI is still broken. Games become 1v4 after a certain point as teammates stop doing anything besides gather resources (asking for resources also not working still). Getting 5th in total score is laughable as I did almost all of the fighting.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 08:36 PM PDT

    Ideas if Barbary States added as a civilization in game

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 03:10 PM PDT

    Campaign Barbary States felt like I am playing a polished Ottoman, and it felt wrong. Considering that Barbary States had too much significance during the time period game sets in. Not only in the new campaign but also in the original campaign. My ideas for a new Barbary States are these (sorry if these are all of the place, this is entirely based on my dreams):


    Barbary States settlers can be named "tribesperson". Based on Kabyle tribespeople they can be mounted on horses and have Kabyle muskets (long ranged but weaker muskets). Tribespeople of Barbary States can have few handicaps like fewer hit points and less strong attacks but since they are on horse they can be faster.


    Just like Ottoman or European militaries, Barbary States can have levies, infantry, cavalry, artillery, mercenaries and navy. But entirely different.

    -Levies: Barbary States levies can be named "Kabyle Musketeer". Instead of recruitment at town center, Kabyle musketeers can be spawned after building get destroyed. Just like militia in Age of Mythology.

    -Infantry: Infantry building of Barbary States can be Barracks. Barbary States can recruit Barbary. Barbary States infantry units can be Barbary Corsairs, Berber spearmen, Barbary marksmen, pirates and Arab musketeers. The troops that are mercenary among these can be recruited like normal troops.

    -Cavalry: The cavalry troops can be Hussars, Bedouins and Amazigh Hunter (horse archers).

    -Artillery: Historians did not record any Barbary artillery pieces except on ship cannons. These ship cannons were bought from trade with Ottomans, raids or makeshift. In light of these, Barbary States can have three artillery units. Grenadiers, ship cannons (similar to base game cetbang) and petards.

    -Mercenaries: Ottoman mainland was more liberal about alcohol and had meyhane (bars) in them operated by Greeks. Instead the Barbary mosques have different options that stay permanent through the game. Barbary mercenaries are more cheaper and can be obtainable if Barbary States researches "Jihad!" tech in the mosque. The permanent choices of Mercenary are:

    "Egyptian mercenaries", Enables Mamelukes and Stradiots.

    "Repentant Europeans", Based on European sailors joining Islam and getting in Barbary ranks. Enables fusiliers and black riders to be recruited.

    "Mission from Devlet-i Aliyye", Enables janissary and sipahi to be recruited as mercenaries.

    -Explorer: Barbary Explorer is "Captain". Captain have special abilities to recruit human enemies, spawn canoes and one shot kill treasure units.

    -Navy: Barbary States can build docks and aging up building "raiding docks". The navy units are canoes, galleys, privateers, fire ships, barbary pirate ship (which has ability to hijack enemy ships) and monitors. Barbary States dock can have unique upgrades which decreases price and makes ships even stronger.


    Barbary States can have wonder aging up system similar to Asian civilizations but can not choose which wonder to be built.

    Commerce Age: Raiding Docks, a unit that automatically trains ships.

    Fortress age: Assaraya Alhamra, based on red castle in Libya. Defensive unit and have got

    Industrial age: Enables you to build Treasury which produces gold over time.

    And two options for next age...

    Formalization!: You choose which Barbary States country your colony belongs to.

    First choice is "Tripolitania". You can get 10 janissaries, Karamanli Pasha and a Senussi Emir from this. Karamanli Pasha is similar to explorer except Karamanli Pasha can recruit janissaries and can die. Senussi Emir can be similiar to Daimyos of Japan. Senussi Emir can build barracks and can recruit bedouins. If the Emir dies, he can be recruited at town center. Changes your flag to Ottoman Tripolitania.

    Second choice is "Algiers". It gives you 5 Barbary Pirate Ships and a "Reis" who can spawn ships. Changes your flag to flag of Regency of Algiers.

    Third choice is "Tunis". It gives you a bey, bey is similar to an explorer but can build military buildings and can recruit French Musketeers. Flag changes to flag of Beylik of Tunis.

    Imperial Age: Other choice for fifth age. Player can build capitol if chosen this. Capitols enable normal capitol options and also civilization unique options.


    The AI leader of Barbary States is Oruç Reis. He reacts saying "How dare you take my treasures?" if you take a lot treasures and reacts saying "Thank you for letting me get my lost stuff." if you don't take any treasures.

    Main concern of Barbary States AI can be exploring. Only AI (except for France) to militarize it's settlers. It explores where is your vulnerablity and raids there to kill your settlers using its own unique settlers.

    Barbary States AI can specialize on piracy. It spends most of it's material to build a navy and crush your navy. Be prepared for any naval invasion!

    AI's vulnerabilities are defensive units like outposts. Since specializes on navy, it's military is too small. Utilize this.

    Well these are all my ideas. Feel free to criticize, add your ideas!

    submitted by /u/Annual_Wasabi3899
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    AOE3 DE multiplayer consistently crashing

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 05:27 PM PDT

    Has anyone else had an issue with AOE3 DE multiplayer consistently crashing at the load screen for a match? The loading bar fills up completely once, then starts from zero again and freezes, forcing me to restart the app. Single player modes work fine and AOE 2 DE multiplayer runs without issues on the same computer. I've already tried deleting and reinstalling the game (I have a copy from Steam), turning off my firewall, setting all the graphics options to the least processor-intensive options, and every other quick fix I could find online, but this issue has persisted for months, and AOE support was totally unhelpful. Any suggestions would be much appreciated--since I almost exclusively play multiplayer, I'd given up on the game, but a chance to play the new United States civ has reignited my interest in finding a fix to this problem.

    submitted by /u/AOE3DEneedshelp
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    Need help guys, this is my first aoe game

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 01:42 AM PDT

    So as title suggests, I have never played any aoe game before but still I bought the definitive edition. Now, the thing is that I don't know how to play this game. I've been just staring at screen for the last 15 minutes lol. I've played eu4 and thought it might be something like that but oh boy, I'm completely wrong!

    Can someone point me out to any good ' complete beginner guide'? or anything which might help me understand the basics of the game? Anything which explains the game to me like I'm a 5 y.o?

    Any help is appreciated, thank you <3

    submitted by /u/Aggressive_Resource7
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    Anyone else thinks that 50 states challanges are lame?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 10:23 AM PDT

    I mean... I honestly expected some new maps for the challenges- not 40 of them but at least some. Or at least using pre-existing maps (Such as Carolina, California), pop some soldiers and a fort or two on map and actually let us play us USA - and then call it a day.

    Instead we got "challanges" such as "start a game if this civ", "build 3 docks" and " have most money at the end of match"...

    All in all, I'm torn between thinking that challanges are made intentionally lame, so players would prefer to buy DLC instead, or it's just a trick so studio can boast how active the playerbase was in those 3 weeks.

    submitted by /u/ruski_puskin
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    USA challenge progress not saving?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 07:08 PM PDT

    Hi guys, whenever I do a us challenge everything works fine (I get a check Mark for complete etc) but when I quit the game I have to completely restart. Any fixes?

    submitted by /u/amorywest
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    3v3 with Ottos

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 12:54 AM PDT

    I often play with 2 friends on TAD. I tried different build orders with Ottos but can't find a good way to spam abus guns (for a abus-sepoys-hussards composition). Does anyone has experience with this ?

    Also I take any ideas for a team build for an Otto-India-France team. Maybe the abus-sepoys-huss is not the best unit comp :)


    submitted by /u/lDPablito
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    Improved performance? Ive been having the same issue since launch, but now its worse!

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 09:08 PM PDT

    Got a few upgrades for my General and the result is fantastic

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 07:03 AM PDT

    (noob question) can anyone advise on top 3 strategies to play with the Aztecs?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 05:00 PM PDT

    Progress since last played has been erased

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 02:52 PM PDT

    So, with the new American Civ here I decided it was time to get back into the game. I played a ton when the game first released in the fall; beat every single campaign mission, beat every single historical battle, and leveled up a ton of home cities for skirmish/multiplayer mode. Took a break from then until now, and reinstalled the game today

    ...only to find out my progress has been drastically rolled back. Basically to launch night, where I only had a couple civs played and one campaign mission completed. Basically it's as if the 40 other hours I played never happened. And I have proof of my progress, since I have achievements for beating every single campaign still. Not even the profile pictures you get for beating milestones were saved, so I can only use the default ones now.

    I only have one explanation for this, and that's the fact that I had made all the progress on a different PC, one that I have since replaced with a new PC. But this confuses me, since I would have thought all this progress would have been saved on the cloud, especially considering I have cloud saves enabled. The thing is, I do have some saves from campaign games from my old PC on my new one, yet the progress such as completing the campaigns is not here.

    Any explanations for this? Any possible solutions? I really would not want to lose all my progress, especially for my home cities and such which I had leveled up considerably.

    submitted by /u/WamuuAyayayayaaa
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    US Challenges, Day 2?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 04:46 PM PDT

    Has anyone been able to proceed with the challenges today; been about 45 past the expected reset time and I keep getting the "you've capped out for today" prompt

    submitted by /u/gtathrowaway95
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    Is the slow gather rate for wood an intentional game design by the developers?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 02:33 AM PDT

    Going from AOE1,2 and Mythology, I was conditioned to the fact that wood is "a cheap expendable resource" while gold is used for the "expensive but powerful" units. I entered AOE3 with this same mindset.

    But once I revisited the game and people informed that wood has "a very low gather rate and doesn't have a reliable infinite source", suddenly my previous understanding of this game shattered, especially because Wood-costing units such as the Tomahawk were advertised as "cheaper, weaker alternatives" to their European counterparts, but in practice they are more expensive.

    I just wondered if this was intentional on the developers' part since it wasn't addressed anywhere.

    submitted by /u/orangebomber
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    Can a non-gaming laptop run this game adequately?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 09:47 AM PDT

    I used to run the original AoE3 on an old laptop without too many problems, is the DE version well-optimized for non-gaming devices? Want to get back into a game that took up a couple thousand hours of my time during college. All help is appreciated, thanks.

    submitted by /u/RefereesAreSoft
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    USA walls

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 06:00 AM PDT

    Why do they look like Iro walls? Did USA units and buildings which have Euro architecture some how got to the new world and then learn how to build walls?

    submitted by /u/vindiansmiles
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    Looking for people to play with

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 06:36 AM PDT

    So as in the title, I am looking for people to play with. I have steam version of the game with both expansions. I am not an expert player so I tend to play on hard AI, but would love to play in cooperation or some pvp

    submitted by /u/Bezum55555
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    Multiplayer keeps crashing

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 01:06 PM PDT

    Hello, has anyone expirienced crashes on multiplayer? like 15-20 minutes into the game, it just freezes and shuts off.. I just bought to copies to play with my friend and its so annoying its unplayable. It happends only for me tho. Maybe anyone knows how to fix this issue? Game is on steam, my pc is stats are gtx 1060 6gb intel core i5-6500 3,2ghz 8gbs of ram.

    submitted by /u/deklan5
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