• Breaking News

    Tuesday, May 11, 2021

    Age of Empires II Deathmatch to be removed from ranked queue and replaced with an Empire Wars ranked queue

    Age of Empires II Deathmatch to be removed from ranked queue and replaced with an Empire Wars ranked queue

    Deathmatch to be removed from ranked queue and replaced with an Empire Wars ranked queue

    Posted: 10 May 2021 05:30 PM PDT

    Travelling for work

    Posted: 10 May 2021 02:51 PM PDT

    Vote on Urban Dictionary for the best definition of 11! (link in comments)

    Posted: 11 May 2021 05:21 AM PDT

    Please do not remove DM queue!

    Posted: 11 May 2021 12:54 AM PDT

    Dear AoE II Devs. I've seen you make decisions which have upset people, and I've never quite understood the outrage -- I guess -- because it never effected me.

    But I am honestly super upset about having DM removed from the queue. Super, super upset.

    I'm an old DM player (And I mean OLD! I was playing it exclusively on AoEZone in 2000). When I got back into the game about 5 years ago, I tried playing it again on HD, but I got slaughtered as I just no longer have the mechanical skills to play it on high-levels, and eventually would get auto-kicked from DM lobbies. (Of course I could allways start a 'noob' DM lobby, but usually those resulted in having a couple of people in the game who literally had no idea how to play DM, leading to even more unbalenced games).

    Eventually I moved on. I learned how to play RM and got halfway decent on it. I do really enjoy RM.

    Recently I started playing DM ranked again, and its been an *amazing* experience. Games were so good. Sure, wait times were a bit longer, but games were half-way balenced and I was getting back into the groove I hade 20+ years ago. For what its worth, games are *much* more balenced than team-game RM where my elo is super-over-inflated so its become a constent struggle.

    Ranked DM is honestly whats keeping my interest in this game. I'm having soooo much fun with it.

    I don't have time to find people on a Discord, I have tried lobbies for DM and have found it completely unenjoyable.

    If I want balenced games I can go single-queue RM ranked, but I just don't enjoy solo as much as RM team games.

    This just makes me really, really sad, that the thing I love the most about a (really-cool) overhaul of the game of my youth is being taken away.

    I'm honestly kind of confused as to why include empire wars instead. Who exactly asked for that? Except for some high-prise money tournaments where it was basically forced on people, I have seen it receive very, very little attention. While on the other hand, we have a super active and engaged DM community with a long, long history.

    Please, please, I beg of you: Reconsider this choice.

    submitted by /u/fkeel
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    A message to the guy who stole my sheep, lamed my boar, walled in my scout, and then picked off a weak villager which distracted me so much that I lost another one to my second boar:

    Posted: 11 May 2021 12:14 AM PDT

    Fair play you magnificent bastard, I've not been trolled like that in ages. I was already feeling sour about getting Malay as my Random Civ on Arabia and you really drove home that advantage. And you had Vietnamese too! A lamer's dream. Pretty pleased that I almost pulled it back in Castle in the end considering I was like 6 vils behind in the Dark Age, I might still have turned it around if I remembered the Malay 2HSword trash to counter the halbs but there was way too much going on and I'm not very good at the game.

    People get way too mad about laming imo, which is a legitimate part of the game. Look at the Celt herdable civ bonus! I get that it wrecks your build order and people feel "entitled" to their starting food but you improve at this game by learning to improvise and go off script, and all the resources on the map are there to be fought for. You should thank your friendly local lamer for helping you improve your skills at dealing with adversity and having your BO ruined.

    Out of interest though, as someone still relatively nooby (floating between 1k and 1.1k), what the hell are you meant to do about lames? Especially against e.g. Vietnamese where you know they'll find you fast. I know you can block off the lame if you notice them doing it, but I'm usually still looking for my sheep and resources at that point. Seems to me you either have to go and try and lame them to even it out (but I didn't know where he was...) or just accept the disadvantage and the fact their scouting of their base might be worse? Push deer etc and just crack on with it? That's what I did in the end, managed to get a respectable Castle time because Malay and do some damage with knights, but I still felt like I was at a massive disadvantage and my eco was fucked from having to go farms so early, I didn't even find my deer because I sent my scout to try and get my sheep back before I'd scouted my own base properly.

    submitted by /u/Snikhop
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    hello guys, this is my trebuchet vs castle in real life ( without meme pic and color edition) hope you like it

    Posted: 11 May 2021 06:03 AM PDT

    They call me Viper

    Posted: 10 May 2021 04:06 PM PDT

    Either you screech about small sample size, or you're a Chad like me who realizes the feudal age tower rush was holding them back from their true potential.

    Posted: 10 May 2021 11:31 AM PDT

    Looking for Empire Wars build orders

    Posted: 11 May 2021 04:45 AM PDT

    Any suggestions are welcome

    submitted by /u/planetoflies
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    Disgusting mangonel shot

    Posted: 11 May 2021 05:05 AM PDT

    This is the most disgusting mangonel shot that i've been a victim to.

    Please tell me i'm not alone # feelsbadman
    Anyone else have clips of their worst mangonel shots?

    submitted by /u/Aoeleagues
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    Honor them! amauryfencing and system_niko waited for 10 minutes midgame, till my teammates child felt asleep again. The aoe2 community is the best experience gaming can give you. Thanks to both of you!

    Posted: 10 May 2021 02:56 PM PDT

    It's time for us to fight back!

    Posted: 10 May 2021 08:12 PM PDT

    #1 Controller Player Shows Off the Fishing Ship Micro (Language Warning)

    Posted: 10 May 2021 06:01 PM PDT

    Dark Age Strategies: Deer Lure

    Posted: 10 May 2021 01:04 PM PDT

    Lure boar with scout?

    Posted: 11 May 2021 05:02 AM PDT

    Yo guys i hope you can help me!

    Im currently learning different game mechanics on bot games, like build orders, commanding different armies at the same time while handling eco, hotkeys... also including trying to lame my opponent by taking his boar with my scout.

    I tried it severall times against the bot and only got it to work one time, it seems like the boar just randomly deagros my scout and i have no clue why. I experienced with it and it also deagros randomly when it's only one tile away. I tried hitting the boar one and two times, no difference...

    Can someone explain to me how the boar agro works and what could be my mistake? Maybe they canged something with the latest patch? Ty for help!!!

    Also ye i know laming is bad but it's still a game mechanic i'd like to master (i love watching mbl :P)

    EDIT: After more testing im 100% sure the boar de-agros just randomly, no matter how often you hit it!!!!line of sight does not matter since it sometimes deagros 1 tile and sometimes 3 tiles away. Maybe its a bug or they dont want laming to be a thing any more.

    submitted by /u/Kinghuawa
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    Why can't we look at civ tech trees when we have readied up in a lobby game or are waiting in the queue in ranked. So unessecarily boring!

    Posted: 11 May 2021 06:25 AM PDT

    This also extends to not being allowed to look at lobbies when waiting in ranked.

    The wait would be more fun if we could spend our wait time researching civs!

    submitted by /u/Tennisfan93
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    Challenge Showmatch: The Sequel. TheViper vs Hera. Wednesday May 12, 18:00 GMT

    Posted: 10 May 2021 01:50 PM PDT

    This Wednesday there will be a sequel to the Challenge Showmatch (first). The prizepool will be $5000, split 70/30, hosted once again by Slam and T90.

    For those that did not see the first showmatch, these are the rules:

    Each match will have a Challenger and a Defender. The Challenger will be given a random task, drawn from a pool of challenges, which he must accomplish during the match. Accomplishing this task results in a Challenge Win. Some challenges will require the Challenger to also win the match, but not all! The first player to reach three Challenge Wins will be declared the victor. The winner of the showmatch receives $3500 and the runner-up will receive $1500.

    Additional Rules:

    • All games played on Arabia.

    • Only The Challenger will know what the challenge is.

    • Whichever player goes second will be allowed one match to tie. If a 3-3 tie occurs, first player to reach a one Challenge advantage wins.

    • The Challenger gets to pick both civs. After a civ is selected, it is unavailable for future matches.

    • Many of the challenges do not require The Challenger to win. However, the winner of each match receives $50 regardless.

    • The Defender can only resign if they are more than 2000 points behind in score. The Challenger can resign at any point.

    • Max 10 games. If no player reaches 3 Challenge Wins after 10 games, the player with the most completed challenges will be winner. If there is a tie after 10 games, match wins will be the tiebreaker. If match wins are tied, there will be a special game in which both players are given a challenge, and first to complete the challenge wins.

    Thanks and hope folks enjoy the match!

    submitted by /u/Bdod6
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    Some new campaign ideas for AOE 2

    Posted: 11 May 2021 04:16 AM PDT

    Godfrey of Bouillon (Franks): - First Crusade

    Emperor Justinian I (Byzantines): - The REclamaition of the Western Empire

    Yazid I (Saracens): - The Umayyad Expansion

    Gediminas (Lithuanians): - Pagan Resistance to Christianization

    Rana Sanga (Indians): - Resistance to Mughal Domination

    submitted by /u/gildesh_3211
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    Description of skill levels by ELO ratings

    Posted: 10 May 2021 02:45 PM PDT

    There was a discussion about what kind of skills a certain ELO player in general has achieved, so I thought I'd have a crack at it. Do you guys think these would be about right?

    Newbies: 500 and under

    Typically a brand new player who has little to no understanding of the overall game mechanics and likely has no awareness of strategies or general concepts. These players are pretty rare online and usually represent someone making their first foray into AoE2 multiplayer.

    Novices: 5xx-6xx

    These players generally have a basic understanding of the game, but only a vague idea of how to actually win with any consistency. Some understand concepts like luring boars and eating sheep inside their town centers, but others are the type to ignore their boars, eat sheep haphazardly (if they find any), and build houses in random formations around their base. Players in this range also usually have tremendous difficulty multitasking and their gameplay is loaded with flaws, inefficiencies, and an overall lack of focus. They are often the type to play Sim City or attack your base with 5 non-upgraded archers at the 24 minute mark, while others are hyper-aggressive but leave behind pitiful economies at home.

    Advanced beginners: 7xx-8xx

    Now we're getting somewhere. These players are generally somewhat competent at the game and understand concepts like researching techs, what units counter what, and know to build multiple town centers in the Castle Age. Their early game is usually mediocre at best, and their uptimes are far from ideal. However, their biggest downfall comes in multitasking and attacking with urgency, and they may be unable to adapt or divert from a strictly rehearsed build order or gameplan.

    Average Players: 9xx-10xx

    Players in this range are like improved versions of 8xx's: they know enough to be dangerous, but they're still learning. Their Dark Age play might be relatively good (with less than 60s of tc idle time), or it may be completely disjointed, but they usually have enough knowledge of the game to be capable of reaching the Feudal and Castle Ages within 3-4 minutes of generally accepted times and can build their economies based on their chosen strategies. They tend to struggle with early scouting, high levels of pressure and can't maintain their economies while managing their militaries. These players are usually one of the best players in their own LAN parties or gaming groups.

    Low Intermediate Players 11xx

    11xx's know the game pretty well and could be considered above average. They can fast Feudal/Castle when the map calls for it, and there usually aren't many glaring mistakes in their Dark and Feudal age, except having unnecessary tc idle time (usually around 30s in Dark Age). Some players in this skill bracket can execute relatively clean build orders but their poor decision making and eco management usually prevents them from winning against higher ranked players. They also struggle to adapt on the fly and a Drush/Trush or other unexpected strategy can easily throw them off their game.

    In addition, their economies often become unbalanced rather quickly, and they have difficulty correcting it without making major, drastic changes (such as pulling 10 villagers off wood to correct a 1000 wood/80 food ratio instead of balancing it naturally throughout the game). At this level players start to regularly beat the most difficult AI in the game (extreme) without abusing it's weaknesses.

    Intermediate Players 12xx-14xx

    This is a bigger range, and players in this category have mostly very solid knowledge of the game and in fact may have no real weaknesses in terms of build orders, strategies, and research times. They can and do often play very well in the Dark Age and Feudal Age while having little tc idle time (usually less than 20s in Dark Age). However, they tend to struggle with maintaining a booming economy while attacking in the Castle Age, giving better opponents an edge as the game moves on. Most of these players also start to struggle with eco balance when the game goes Imperial Age, and tend to float excess resources. Some players in this bracket are also very inconsistent in their efficiency and decision making which prevents them from getting/staying in higher ranks.

    This is also the skill range where micro becomes an important factor on top of decision making, and these players often lose units unnecessarily due to negligent micro or poor engagements, which means one or two battles early in the game are often the deciding factors when they play better opponents.

    High Intermediate Players 15xx-16xx

    High intermediate players generally play with high precision and efficiency. They rarely make mistakes in the Dark or Feudal Age and have very little tc idle time (usually less than 10s in Dark Age). They know a variety of strategies and counters for almost every civilization, map, and opponent strategy. They generally have solid micro, but may lose units/villager seconds because they aren't quite fast or efficient enough to easily manage their economies while attacking/defending. Players in this range can sometimes beat higher ranked players, particularly if their early game is strong enough, but as the game drags on, their eco and army management starts to fall behind, and they become more and more likely to lose.

    Advanced Players 17xx-19xx

    These players are the improved versions of 16xx's. They've honed out the little inefficiences in their gameplay and have very clean Dark and Feudal ages with very minimal tc idle time (usually less than 5s in Dark Age). At this level low APM players start to struggle and in order to climb the ranks they need to compensate this with excellent decision making. These players are already in the top percentile of the playerbase, so getting to higher elo starts to require serious dedication to the game.

    Experts 20xx-21xx

    Experts know just about everything about the game, but their biggest strength is their ability to easily manage their armies and economies almost flawlessly at the same time while having close to zero tc idle time. At the 35 minute mark, they may be in the Castle Age and pumping villagers from 5 town centers while also managing a forward base, raiding with cav archers, researching techs, microing inefficient villagers, and defending a raid on their wood line. In other words, their screen never stays in one place for more than a few seconds, because they're always moving, moving, moving. If you can't keep up with that, you're going to lose. Their only weakness is usually very small inefficiences in their micro or macro, and higher ranked players will take advantage of this, but they will never lose due to inefficient armies, poor unit combinations, or getting caught off guard. However, they can sometimes make game-losing amateur mistakes, like placing 3 archery ranges on a neutral island, but these blunders are rare to see.

    Professionals 22xx-23xx

    These players are at the very top of the game and most of them compete in various tournaments. Their play is almost always entertaining to watch, as they not only rarely make mistakes, but they also often play with a high degree of improvisation and finesse. An Intermediate player could steal a professional's boar and 4 of their sheep and still lose, because the pro will know how to immediately adapt to the situation, defend any attack, and still eventually gain a huge upperhand on their opponent with their superior eco and army management. Like experts, they run nearly perfect economies, but what separates them is both their speed and ability to think steps ahead of their opponents.

    Masters 24xx->

    These players are best of the best and have almost certainly put in their 10,000 hours of practice. Take everything the professionals do well and make it even more efficient, strategic, and forward-thinking, and you've got the masters.

    These players generally only lose when playing against other Masters, and there's only a few dozen players who've achieved this level of expertise. Not only are there no real flaws in their gameplay, but they are the ones who shape the game's strategy, as less-talented/experienced players often try to copy their play styles. They are the pinnacle of AoE2.

    Disclaimer: I mostly used this old breakdown as a template (https://www.reddit.com/r/aoe2/comments/2d9uhl/breakdown_of_the_skill_levels_by_elo_rating_steam/) and updated it to the current AoE2:DE player pool. I made some tweaks to several descriptions and wrote couple new parts, but mostly it's just copied. Of course the elo pool doesn't stay the same forever and this would need to be updated once every couple years to stay relevant.

    EDIT: Fixed couple typos and added tc idle times to some descriptions

    EDIT2: Tweaked some descriptions according to the feedback

    submitted by /u/AltruisticAssist91
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    After a long grind ... 1300+ :D

    Posted: 10 May 2021 02:45 PM PDT

    Tips for dealing with Goths on arena as Lithuanians, low elo?

    Posted: 10 May 2021 09:56 PM PDT

    I am new to the game, only play ranked RM 1v1. My question concerns the 950-1050 elo range. After randoming for my first games to become familiar broadly with civs, I have decided to intensively learn civs one by one, by picking them until I feel like I have mastered them.

    At the moment, I am trying to master Lithuanians. I have no problems vs. the common Arabia civs (I see a lot of Franks, Britons, Mongols, Bulgarians krepost rush). On Arena, very many of the games are goths.

    I know that Goths have infantry coming, because they are an infantry civ and I get overrun based on past experience without exception. I have tried a dozen different things: mass scorps, halbs+rams, militia line + mangonels, militia line + rams, all-in early castle, 3 TC boom into cavaliers, cav archer, you name it. I don't think I have won against Goth except for where the other guy made huge mistakes.

    Their very strong infantry means they control the relics too, I very rarely get more than 1 relic due to their very strong pikeman in early castle against my scouts and knights.

    Basically, every game as Liths against Goth has been a disaster.

    So what can Lithuanians do against this Goth infantry spam, on arena, at low elo?

    submitted by /u/mandroid88
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    I am over this community in ranked team games

    Posted: 10 May 2021 12:25 PM PDT

    I'm speaking to those players who quit after their first failed fight. Im speaking to those players who don't retreat to another person's base. Im speaking to those players who are in average to low elo who follow Pro build orders to a T and think thats the ONLY way to play this game. Im speaking to those toxic ass people who bash others and leave because they get no repercussions.

    This game is a lot more improvisational than you think. Your opponents will make mistakes. This game's magic is when a game can last more than an hour (longer than the MOBA games you're used to). Use walls, send villies to other bases as insurance, learn to rebuild and in the process you'll learn how to adapt. Pro's are better but by god we're not playing pro games. Stop ruining games by quitting early. Average ELO meta is not any specific unit, its the first person to give up is the meta. So grow a spine and win the battle of attrition. Stop leaving your teammates because you lose it for everyone when you give up and you're ruining the game for everyone.

    submitted by /u/Bird_of_the_North
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    Why does the AoE2 community care so much about country affiliation?

    Posted: 11 May 2021 03:43 AM PDT

    Take a look at AoEZone, AoE2.net, liquipedia, etc. and you'll see that country flags are ubiquitous. Why? Is it because of the real-life historical nature of the game making players proud of their nation?

    What really matters in most online contexts is the languages you speak fluently, rather than your current country of residence.

    submitted by /u/Zetnus
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    longest match you ever had

    Posted: 10 May 2021 08:41 PM PDT

    The title is self explanatory, my first official game was a 1 vs 1 easy AI, continental map and omg it took me 5-6 hours hahaha.

    A weird experience to start playing at night and finishing early morning.

    That is how my love for this game started...a noob but a noob in love haha and proud of it haha

    submitted by /u/Joan_Zeroz
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    Konnik appreciation day, pt2

    Posted: 11 May 2021 08:32 AM PDT

    So since yesterday was unofficial Konnik appreciation day I just wanna show you the value of the Elite Konnik upgrade.

    Note: I'll be using Spirit of the Law's unit score from his video of finding the worst AoE2 upgrade.

    So Konniks get:

    • +20, +11.1 % hp (31.1 points)
    • +7.1, +7.7 % attack (+7.1, +7.7 points)
    • +1, +1 pierce armour (+20, +20)
    • Total is 85.9
    • Upgrade costs 2125

    This means that the Elite Konnik has a 4.04 cost value.

    This makes it behind the Elite Organ Gun upgrade (4.19) but ahead of the Elite Woad Raider (3.89).


    submitted by /u/CaptainCakeEater
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