• Breaking News

    Sunday, May 23, 2021

    Age of Empires II The post about a toxic player that is currently on top of this subreddit is a lie.

    Age of Empires II The post about a toxic player that is currently on top of this subreddit is a lie.

    The post about a toxic player that is currently on top of this subreddit is a lie.

    Posted: 22 May 2021 11:52 PM PDT

    First of u/BetRepresentative246 says that he joined a lobby, but his match history will make you believe that he hosts 1v1 ultra noob himself:

    He goes by the name ar9av(This can be determined by r0bby^ matchmaking history):


    We can see that ar9av has a winrate of 79% and 500 games. Of the last 50 about 40 or so seem to be 1v1 ultra noob.

    This guy has 500 games online and is trying to bash the worst players around.

    Then his post states that his enemy was 1500, In reality it was a 1800tg player without 1v1 elo, making the enemy about 1k 1v1.

    He states that his own elo is 750 but he hasn't even played the placement games.

    I also think that ar9av tried to hide units to force the enemy to resign. Didn't download the replay doe only watched on aoeinsights heatmap: https://www.aoe2insights.com/match/93098319/analysis/

    Thats all just wanted to inform that two noob bashers met.

    Post this is about: https://old.reddit.com/r/aoe2/comments/nijcb5/this_guy_created_an_unranked_lobby_named_1v1/

    submitted by /u/Michael_RS
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    I created an 11.5k+ word guide to getting better at Age of Empires 2

    Posted: 23 May 2021 04:36 AM PDT

    Vitalis doesn't get enough love

    Posted: 23 May 2021 07:27 AM PDT

    Interviews with ACCM and Age of Mandala Mod creator Mon/Tue - Any questions for these 2?

    Posted: 22 May 2021 10:40 PM PDT

    Interviews with ACCM and Age of Mandala Mod creator Mon/Tue - Any questions for these 2?

    I didn't want to make 2 separate posts in case that counts as spam. If you have any questions for ACCM or the guy behind the tower range mod please comment here.

    Let me know what interview suggestions you have as well! I'm planning to do an interview or debate every week over on Twitch.



    submitted by /u/Guanfranco
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    Why I'm fairly certain the AOE2 community is one of the best

    Posted: 22 May 2021 04:59 PM PDT

    I think I've seen two posts recently about people encountering pretty toxic players online. Ironically I think that's the best evidence that the AOE2 scene is pretty wholesome. Those posts hey attention because they are actually news, which wouldn't be if that was common behaviour

    submitted by /u/nestor_d
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    Finding a ranked game

    Posted: 23 May 2021 06:56 AM PDT

    Hi folks..I've just stared playing online and sometimes have to wait up to 30 minutes to find a match. I play through Microsoft live, might this be the problem? Or is that a usual time

    submitted by /u/Saladintrader
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    Just beaten the Hard AI but in a Water Map tho...thanks to those who gave me their suggestions of how to get into the game and help me get the nostalgia and reliving my childhood..

    Posted: 22 May 2021 01:20 PM PDT

    What's the origin of the Gothic pierce armour and cheapness (cannon fodder) legend in AOE2?

    Posted: 23 May 2021 03:08 AM PDT

    Goths were a Germanic tribe, who usually were physically stronger than the Romans, as described by Tacitus.

    And they only defeated the Romans and Celts, not the Horse Archer armies of the East, (famous for their arrows)

    So how come they are cheap and have high pierce armour? Is cheapness meant to signify their lack of training?

    submitted by /u/gildesh_3211
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    What happened to Tempo Vs Suomi in World Desert Championship ?

    Posted: 22 May 2021 11:49 PM PDT

    The schedule says they were supposed to play yesterday but the liquipedia page only shows Tempo 0- Suomi 1 and I am not able to find any more information

    submitted by /u/V_HarishSundar
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    Any advice on dealing with goths.

    Posted: 22 May 2021 11:31 PM PDT

    About 1100 player. Usually play cav civs. What are some strategies that are effective against goth players? I never win against them.

    submitted by /u/No_Positive6484
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    Can we please have an expansion focusing on India?

    Posted: 23 May 2021 07:35 AM PDT

    And replace 'Indians' with atleast the following:

    a) A civ representing Delhi Sultnate

    b) A civ representing the Rajputs (Northern and Western Hindu rulers); who were in constant conflict with Delhi Sultanate

    c) A civ representing Deccani Telugu/Kannadigas (Hoysala and Vijayanagara)

    d) A civ representing Tamils and their naval Chola empire that essentially carried on for over 500 years

    e) Even the Bengali Palas could be made a separate civ.

    I say this out of frustration with the fact that such close attention is generally paid to Eastern and Western Europe and nothing similar for the Indian subcontinent.

    submitted by /u/akshat124
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    What has happened to TG matchups?

    Posted: 23 May 2021 07:30 AM PDT

    Why are we suddenly being matched against top 500 players?


    submitted by /u/Fitfatthin
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    Real Crown Cup

    Posted: 23 May 2021 07:30 AM PDT

    Real Crown Cup

    deadline for submission: may 28th

    entry forms from interested teams tournament Real Crown by Real Team Last week


    submitted by /u/BoxSubstantial9350
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    Tower + Archer Rush on Arena still a good strategy???

    Posted: 23 May 2021 03:01 AM PDT

    So for a while now, I've been getting fed up playing Arena, with it often being a booming contest, with the occasional Cumans feudal aggression or castle drop that I've come up against.

    It got me thinking about a tower and archer rush, and whether its still fairly viable on arena. What do you think?

    I came up with a build order for Malay that I've tested a few times (check it out below) and seems to work well, but definitely would like to hear the thoughts of others!

    Also are there any other civs you'd feel work well with this strat on arena?


    submitted by /u/Aoeleagues
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    .rms and .xs scripting

    Posted: 23 May 2021 06:27 AM PDT

    I'm getting into .rms scripting, and I wish to ban monks for player 3 using a .xs script. My .xs script looks like this:

    void main()
    xsEffectAmount(cEnableObject, 125, cAttributeDisable, 1, 3); //Monk

    However, this only works for non-AI players. If player 3 is an AI, it can still create monks. Does anyone know how to apply this to AI players?

    submitted by /u/Affectionate-Drag-12
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    Don’t be that guy, keep our community clean

    Posted: 22 May 2021 07:14 PM PDT

    Is it just me or is the sound effect at ~30s the same as the noise when you select the Stable?

    Posted: 22 May 2021 11:42 AM PDT

    Hardest scenario poll revised

    Posted: 23 May 2021 05:18 AM PDT


    Rules 1. Difficulty hard 2. No cheese 3. No easy way 4. Lowest possible pop cap (in whichever version)

    submitted by /u/gildesh_3211
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    Custom games more bugged than usual?

    Posted: 23 May 2021 05:09 AM PDT

    Tried 5 or 6 times to get a custom diplo game working but we had drops everytime. Tried changing maps, tried changing hosts, tried changing settings. Is there something else i havent tried or is it just DE being DE?

    submitted by /u/scoobydouchebag
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    Request to devs about Campaign scenarios

    Posted: 23 May 2021 05:08 AM PDT

    Surely balance changes, map generation changes, pathfinding changes, etc are important but I come here with a secondary greed. Some more campaign scenarios. Not necessarily new campaigns. Even new scenarios to existing scenarios can be good. Genghis Khan and Barbarossa are popular campaigns, new scenarios for them can be great.

    Also I find it boring that different players in a scenario have the same civilization. Slight changes to some, even at the cost of "historical inaccuraty" can be seen.

    Like how 7 out of 8 players in 1st Genghis Khan mission are Mongols. Changing one or two of the players to Cumans can be good. However since that scenario is passive, changes won't matter in this scenario. This scenario (if active) would be a great example though.

    submitted by /u/Holy-Roman-Emperor
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    What is the greatest campaign story yet to be told?

    Posted: 22 May 2021 02:01 PM PDT

    What is the best medieval story that hasn't been told yet in AOE2? Irrespective of what civs we have or dont have.

    I think it would be really interesting to tell the story of Catharism in southern France and the Albigensian Crusade. It saw the invention of the inquisition, the subjugation of Languedoc by the French speaking northerners and loads of faith, siege and brutality.

    When the Abbot of Citeaux was besieging the town of Beziers the crusaders massacred its 20000 inhabitants. When the soldiers asked the abbot how to tell the difference between Catholics and Cathars he said 'Kill them all. God will know his own.' Chilling.

    Any other stories you'd like a campaign for?

    submitted by /u/Odysseus7754
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    Would any of you be willing to pay for a reskin dlc?

    Posted: 22 May 2021 04:36 PM PDT

    Post a comment about it on the official forum and was wondering if any of you would pay for an official reskin mod? I honestly would since I would like to support the developers and have gotten so much from this game for 30 dollars. I think if there's also going to future dlcs, they could units instead of civs and the "civilization creator" in scenario editor should be expanded upon. What do you guys think?

    *By the way I am mainly a solo person so I am geared towards playing against ai and scenarios.

    submitted by /u/multiplechrometabs
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    Hotkey/Unit Micro

    Posted: 22 May 2021 12:23 PM PDT

    Hi all, I've been progressing quite a bit since joining recently. Now can consistently beat Hard AI, going to move on to very hard.

    I have a few questions for things I've seen on pros/streamers.

    1). I noticed pros can delete buildings quite quickly? It almost looks like a mouse-over delete. Is that possible or is it something else?

    2). When I'm in Late Castle/Imperial, I have a hard time corralling my units and keeping them in control groups. I try double-clicking a unit to keep it organized. But for example, I might have Camels and Knights, and I'd love to be able to select all cavalry instead of just knights or just camels?

    3). I've been using Select-all(military building) to build units, it's good for macro, but I noticed a lot of pro players cycle through unit buildings instead? Is there a reason for this?

    4). When I am back in my base and macroing. I typically have my military at the front during an attack or forward position, I find they wander off and can get themselves killed. I've tried using Stand ground or Stop to keep them at a defensible point. But sometimes they don't attack units that come up. Is there a better command?

    Overall, I see streamers click-dragging and controlling units far better than me. Any tips would be helpful!

    submitted by /u/marlinbird5
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