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    Friday, June 18, 2021

    Age of Empires 3 Codename African DLC revealed

    Age of Empires 3 Codename African DLC revealed

    Codename African DLC revealed

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 12:33 AM PDT

    I think they should have gone more into alternative history with some civs from the very beginning

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 09:31 AM PDT

    In other words:

    Aztecs existing into Imperial Age - fine

    Skull Knights beating up Heavy Cannons - fine

    Arrow Knights with the range of late Prussian artillery - fine

    An Aztec civ which survived Cortez breeding horses (like the Lakota or Mapuche) and now using a Hussar and Dragoon type unit and Field Cannons - that's too far

    The Incas are even more outragous because I'm pretty sure the Inca resistance actually used horses and a lot of stolen Spanish tech after the fall of the Empire. There's no reason why an Inca Musketeer or Lancer couldn't have been a thing.

    Other examples are of course the canoes. It's just ugh, they could have totally saved themselves from the whole Light Infantry controversy.

    submitted by /u/Alias_X_
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    Help me find a civ that fits my playstyle for 2v2 games

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 04:26 PM PDT

    Hey :) and thanks for stopping by to give some advice on what may be the best civ for me.

    Here is some information: - Mode: 2v2 surpremacy, I play with a RL close mate - ELO: we are both at 1200-1250 atm - Mate: plays British exclusively, usually booming with cav and bows in early game and cav and musks in later game - Me: I have tried multiple civs, mainly Ports (Peru Revolution), Haude, Aztecs, Dutch, Spanish and Germans - My playstyle: I think I am quite good at microing units, especially skirms and melee-infantry. I can do a lot of damage with "unique" units such as stealthy forest prowlers or coyotes. I like to surprise opponents with units or tactics that are not often utilised. I am not too reliant on homecity cards. - Strengths: we are good against early rushes and raids, almost never loosing games <15 min, on the other hand we are also strong in long games, winning most games that go beyond 25 minutes - Weaknesses: we are weak in the mid-game, loosing lots of games in the third or early fourth age between 15 and 25 minutes of game time

    We thought that we might be lacking artillery (my mate only rarely builds artillery) so a civ with a focus on that might be worth a try. What do you think? What might be a good civ that fits my playstyle and is a good addition to my mate's British?

    Edit: Many thanks to everyone taking the time to comment! Some really interesting ideas!

    submitted by /u/realShockzOfTime
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    I wish 20 minute treaty would be more popular/I'd actually find matches

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 09:21 AM PDT

    Playing Dutch Fast Fortress, standard rules are so irritating. You either get an opponent who knows what to do (usually Hussars against my food supply in AgeII) rushing you and you loose or one who's slow and runs his army into your village (getting destroyed by militia support), then you reach AgeIII and put down your Fort and he resigns cause his eco sucks.

    I want to see some actual battles with more than a few Commerce Age units!

    submitted by /u/Alias_X_
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    Xbows attack mode hit and run

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 10:20 AM PDT

    Did they fix the hit and run animation with xbows or has it always been like that? I tried hit and run woth xbows like you do with muskets or skirms and the xbows did it fairly well. Maybe I have been better at the game but not sure.

    Also is the hit and run move with xbows good vs muskets or is it better to snipe one and one muskets manually?

    submitted by /u/TylerDurdenElite
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    AI Problems

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 03:04 PM PDT

    Hey everyone, I am a very casual player who likes to play against AI. However, I noticed that the AI only targets the player and his/her team. I could make a FFA and I can guarantee that more than half the time every AI will attack the player. Now this is fine on hard, but when you play against extreme AI it makes the game a pain. I also noticed that my allies will wait a solid 30 seconds before building their town center. What the deal here?

    submitted by /u/throwawayqsa
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    Age of Empires II, III, IV Xbox Extended Showcase Breakdown [6/17/21]

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 02:40 PM PDT

    Samurai OP

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 08:38 AM PDT

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