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    Wednesday, June 2, 2021

    Age of Empires II Civilization Match-up Discussion Round 12 Week 2: Lithuanians vs Portuguese

    Age of Empires II Civilization Match-up Discussion Round 12 Week 2: Lithuanians vs Portuguese

    Civilization Match-up Discussion Round 12 Week 2: Lithuanians vs Portuguese

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 09:03 PM PDT

    Ummm.... yeah idk... both these civs have long names? That counts as a fun and engaging hook?? No, probs not...

    Hello and welcome back for another Age of Empires 2 civilization match up discussion! This is a series where we discuss the various advantages, disadvantages, and quirks found within the numerous match ups of the game. The goal is to collectively gain a deeper understanding of how two civilizations interact with each other in a variety of different settings. Feel free to ask questions, pose strategies, or provide insight on how the two civilizations in question interact with each other on any map type and game mode. This is not limited to 1v1 either. Feel free to discuss how the civilizations compare in team games as well! So long as you are talking about how the two civilizations interact, anything is fair game! Last week we discussed the Japanese vs Sicilians, and next up is the Lithuanians vs Portuguese!

    Lithuanians: Cavalry and Monk civilization

    • Start with +150 food
    • Spearmen and Skirmishers move +10% faster
    • Knights and Leiciai gain +1 attack per garrisoned relic (max. 4)
    • TEAM BONUS: Monasteries work +20% faster
    • Unique Unit: Leitis (Medium cavalry with high attack that ignores armor)
    • Castle Age Unique Tech: Hill Forts (Town Centers gain +3 range)
    • Imperial Age Unique Tech: Tower Shields (Spearmen and Skirmishers gain +0/+2 armor)

    Portuguese: Naval and Gunpowder civilization

    • All units cost -20% gold
    • Technologies are researched +30% faster
    • Ships +10% hp
    • Can build Feitoria in Imperial Age
    • TEAM BONUS: Team LoS is shared from the beginning of the game
    • Unique Unit: Organ Gun (Light artillery that fires powerful volleys of projectiles at range)
    • Unique Unit: Caravel (Galley-like warship whose bolts pierce through enemies like scorpions)
    • Unique Building: Feitoria (Imperial Age building that slowly generates all resources at the cost of 20 pop space)
    • Castle Age Unique Tech: Carrack (Ships +1/+1 armor)
    • Imperial Age Unique Tech: Arquebus (Gunpowder units better track moving targets)

    Below are some match up-specific talking points to get you all started. These are just to give people ideas, you do not need to address them specifically if you do not want to!

    • Okay, so this should be an odd one lol. For your basic 1v1 on open maps, Lithuanians are probably considered a bit better on average due to their faster start, strong trash units, and snowball potential with relic bonus. However, Portuguese have a very broad tech tree as well, and can comfortably go for most unit compositions throughout the game, on top of having a powerful deathball of gunpowder later on. Which civ do you favor on more open maps?
    • On closed maps, Lithuanians very much get to shine. Their lack in eco bonus is made up by their excellent ability to take map control, which in turn secures them relics, which in turn gives them insane cavalry. This is further complimented by their wide array of strong late game options. That said, Portuguese are possibly able to one-up Lithuanians when it comes to having strong late game options, and their faster researching techs could allow them to hit some nice timings. Is that going to be enough to survive the onslaught of the Lithuanian army?
    • On certain types of water maps, this becomes a very interesting match up. Lithuanians are insane on any sort of hybrid map due to their extra starting food allowing them to send their initial villagers to wood for a very early dock. However, Portuguese will still find themselves with the better ships, and can easily mix in any sort of land unit to compliment their navy. On what sorts of water maps do you prefer each civ?

    Thanks as always for participating! Next week we will continue our discussions with the Cumans vs Ethiopians. Hope to see you there! :)

    Previous discussions: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

    submitted by /u/OrnLu528
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    Ivaylo appreciation post

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 10:05 PM PDT

    Just finished the Ivaylo campaign. What a glorious campaign. I just wanted to say that. I was blown away.

    For the memes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U06jlgpMtQs

    But seriously, you rise as the leader of a disgruntled peasantry and try to do away with corrupt, power-hungry nobility. First scenario was really off kilter, relying on hunting during a crushing, empoverishing winter. You really feel like you come from a point of starvation and misfortune. Nobody likes you, since everyone in power don't want a peasant to secure the throne, yet you keep trying to gain allies in the chaos of medieval Bulgaria. And yet in spite of all your troubles and your background, you refuse to back down. You bang an empress. So many memorable things going on, so many twists and turns.


    That is all.

    submitted by /u/AngsD
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    Hello Everyone, I am a former AoC player, been out of the game for since 7+ years, can someone pls bring me upto date on what's been happening in the community?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 04:57 AM PDT

    The last time I played, around 2013.. forgotten empires was in production, and beta was even released...

    some questions I have.

    What do most pros play it these days? Which hosts the most tournaments. Age of Empires 2: definitive edition? or Good old AoC with the new UP v.1.5 that has been rolled out.

    Where is the biggest AoC community so far? Do most people play in Steam now? Or is voobly still fairly active.

    Who are some of the biggest streamers of AoC right now?

    And also.. is Viper still active?

    submitted by /u/rishinator
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    Rise of Khmer - updated for DE

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 04:41 AM PDT

    Hello guys! I am pleased to announce you that I have uploaded a remastered version of Rise of Khmer campaign, which was originally made by Filthydelphia. I have updated the scenario, encorporating the modern civilizations and units. Despite playing as the Khmer, your unique unit is the Elephant Archer. Some scenario-specific bonuses have been modified (but have the same effect). Other change is removing the black terrain from Champa, which I found quite annoying.

    Some minor changes are War Elephants being upgradeable (Elite Battle Elephants grants +30% speed and +1p armor), changes to Thai base, Khmer having Block Printing and Guilds (which Indians have) and Mongols actually using Elite Keshiks instead of Elite Boyars.

    For those trying this scenario for the first time, Vishnu will be your best friend.

    Edit: in case you find bugs, mail me at sauravt4750@gmail.com

    submitted by /u/Holy-Roman-Emperor
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    Seems my early game could use some work then.

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 04:45 AM PDT

    Absolute Highlight in T90s Low-Elo-Legends-Stream right now

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 03:20 PM PDT

    The Alt-F4 is going nuts now...

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 06:34 AM PDT

    First, I want to say I love this game. But seriously devs, please, please address this in a way. Last night, 10 Alt-F4s. And today, gotten 5 so far. I love Team Games, especially 4v4s. Making this even more common. My point is, devs aren't really supporting to play what we want. They only give us 1 ban for team games, and that's it. Leading to more Alt-F4s.

    I think a way to address this is to either have more bans for TGs.

    Or just do nothing

    And maybe stop the people who is Alt-F4, like they can't join another game for say 5 minutes. Alt-F4 ruins the Team Game experience. Leading to very long queue times, and rarely actually "playing" the game. Please, I would love to hear your ideas in the comments!

    submitted by /u/ReviewToast95
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    Ranked ladder issues...

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 02:42 PM PDT

    Visible Cup 4 - Featured matches Round 1, post 2

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 07:45 AM PDT

    Low Elo legend

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 11:20 PM PDT

    I am Elo~700 and still going down. Sometimes I think about playing lot of ranked on Tuesday to get a "free coaching" by T90, lol ...But never had the actual courage :D Are there other Low Elo legends here with similar thoughts?

    submitted by /u/soowa87
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    Feeling powerless against Halb/siege push

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 11:37 PM PDT

    I see this strat more and more, especially on arena. Anytime there is a player out there with siege ram and decent infantry I already dread the late game.

    I have gone champions in the past to counter this, and it does work, but in teamgames it's often halb/rams with archers behind and I can't do much about it.

    Onager can work but then the halbs just jump in the rams and take them out.

    I get the feeling that unless I have a civ with a good unique unit that deals with it that I just get overwhelmed. Meso civs and infantry civs deal with this, so do mongols and cumans, and even franks axemen work, but many civs just don't have this option.

    Ps. My flair may say berbers at the moment, but I don't play them on arena

    Any advice?

    submitted by /u/Exe0n
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    Elo from Voobly to DE?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 04:36 AM PDT

    So I haven't played AoE in like 3 years, but I do follow the scene.The last I played was on voobly back in 2018, My rating was around 1750 I was wondering what my elo would be like if I started playing again ? Feel like I'll get mauled by 9xx elos since even the very low levels seem to know some basic stuff like build orders and whatnot

    submitted by /u/Inner_Training9150
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    Reworking Flemish Militia Thread

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 12:41 AM PDT

    Right now the Flemish Revolution is one of the most controversial technologies in the game and many players prefer it reworked. This thread is supposed to be a collection and/or discussion about alternatives to the current version of the game:

    Flemish Revolution: Upgrades all existing Villagers to Flemish Militia, and allows the training of Flemish Militia at Town Centers. (Age of Mythology Ragnarök mechanics)

    Option #1

    The most common one I've read is to change Flemish Revolution to the AoM Ulfsark mechanics, meaning each individual villager can be upgraded to a Flemish Militia by selecting a button in the villager selection/building panel. Villagers are upgraded for the cost difference of 10f and 25g. Also the Flemish Militia is unlocked at the barracks/TC for training.

    Flemish Revolution: Allows to upgrade Villagers to Flemish Militia for a small cost and allows the training of Flemish Militia at the Barracks.

    Option #2

    Another option could be the Age of Mythology Poseidon mechanics, where each destroyed building spawns a batch of militia (1-10 depending on building type).

    Flemish Revolution: Spawns a batch of Flemish Militia for each destroyed building and allows the training of Flemish Militia at the Barracks.

    The spawn amount could be like this:

    Outpost, Farm: 0

    House, Tower, Lumber Camp, Mining Camp, Mill: 1

    Blacksmith, Dock: 2

    Barracks, Archery Range, Stable, Monastery, Market: 3

    University, Siege Workshop, Town Center: 4

    Castle: 6

    Wonder: 10

    Both option #1 and #2 are aimed at changing the tech to a more defensive option as opposed to the one-click all in option that it is right now.

    What are your thoughts and ideas on how to adress the Flemish Revolution technolgy? I'd love to see your ideas!

    submitted by /u/MantisAoE
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    Next big tournament?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 01:44 AM PDT

    Hi stranger,

    when is the next big AoE2 Tournament? Been having a ton of fun on KotD3, when can I root for Hera again? 🥰

    submitted by /u/sumbarts
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    How to Quickwall

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 06:56 AM PDT

    "Cow war. Black forest chapter." )

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 07:09 PM PDT

    These are mostly games vs AI. Seems I have a performance problem between 40 and 50 minutes.

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 06:29 AM PDT

    Finally crossed 1500

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 05:27 PM PDT

    Khmer Ballista Strategy with Knights 2 Vs 2

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 06:05 AM PDT

    I found this interesting strategy on arena with ballista elephants. In which you go 27 vills, fast castle, chop down your opponents trees and destroy their base... hopefully.

    My discord friend went Berbers and figured that once we broke in he could kill all the villagers easy with knights. Well this is what happened:

    Khmer Ballista Strategy with Knights 2 Vs 2 - YouTube

    submitted by /u/PoopLord69722
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    My civ concept series 15: The Nepalese

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 05:18 AM PDT

    Hi all! After the Bohemians (https://www.reddit.com/r/aoe2/comments/nol0al/my\_civ\_concept\_series\_14\_the\_bohemians\_reworked/), next civ will be the Nepalese.

    The first documented tribes in Nepal are the Kirati people, who migrated to Kathmandu Valley from Tibet. They seem to be the ancestors of the Newar people who live today in Nepal. The Kirati ruled for many centuries until another migrating group, the Lichchavi, whose origin was Indian, defeated them in the 5th century. In 641, Songtsen Gampo, who is believed to have introduced Buddhism in Tibet and also the founder of the Tibetan Empire, attacked the Licchavi army and subjugated Nepal. The Licchavis still ruled, but were vassals to the Tibetan Empire until it disintegrated. The Licchavi dynasty also did not last long, and they fell in 879, when the Thakuri founded a dynasty in Kathmandu Valley.

    The Thakuri were Rajputs who had fled from India due to wars and loss of economical and trading power. In the beginning, they only migrated and established in the Valley, but later, they gained wealth and power until they ruled the lands. They introduced many changes, for example founding modern day Kathmandu city. Beliefs were also changed, with the worship of the Kumari, Naga and Vasuki. The city evolved between successions and small civil wars (Brahmanists vs Buddhists), but gained in strength, and nowadays the remaining traces of the Thakuri (Social, Religious and Architecture) can still be seen in Nepal.

    While the Thakuri ruled in Kathmandu Valley, the southern border was constantly changed due to the rise and fall of different Indian dynasties that ruled at that time. Between the 11th and 14th centuries, the Karnat dynasty controlled Simraungarh, the fortified capital city of Tirhut Kingdom, until the Mughal Empire conquered the lands and united most of Northern India.

    After the fall of the Thakuri, a new dynasty gained power in Kathmandu: the Mallas. Even though the word "Malla" means "wrestler" in Sanskrit, the Mallas proved themselves to be good rulers, who took Nepal to its Golden Age, and led the country for nearly 6 centuries (1200 to 1779). For the first time, a kingdom originated from Kathmandu conquered nearby lands, thus stretching the Kingdom to Northern India and Western Tibet. The Architecture is still conserved today in many buildings, and one of the Malla artisans (Araniko) is said to have introduced the Pagoda building style in China. The cities became important trading points between India and Tibet.

    Regarding the civ balance, the Nepalese get a tech tree oriented to late game, with a more defensive stance and no eco bonus. Since Nepal was mostly governed from provinces, Town centers have a good defensive bonus. Buildings and towers get small bonuses, which can lead to a better defense. The Tibetan influence (strong cavalry and infantry and Buddhism) is then reflected with a free important technology and instant upgrades for infantry and cavalry.

    The unique unit is a fast anti-cavalry infantry that would cause huge damage to mounted units. I chose the Rajput name, which, even of Indian origin, they were warriors who founded a long lasting dynasty in Kathmandu Valley. Their bonus against cavalry and high speed is my own invention, but the unique tech that allows them to be created at barracks has a historical sense, since many historians say that "Kathmandu was never conquered by Rajputs. It was infiltrated by them". The Imperial Age UT is also military and represents the Malla dynasty, which in origin were wrestlers, and conquered Nepal by the use of force. Again it is another personal depiction.

    Nepalese: Infantry and Cavalry civilization

    - Town Centers fire 25% faster

    - Buildings get +2 LOS

    - Towers get +1 attack

    - Free Heresy (Monastery required)

    - Barracks, Stable and Castle unit upgrades are instantly researched

    Team bonus: Melee Cavalry get +2 vs Standard Buildings

    Unique techs:

    - Rajput infiltration (400 food 400 gold): Infantry gets +1/+2 armor. Allows Rajputs to be trained at Barracks

    - Malla Supremacy (800 food 600 gold): Stable units get +8 vs infantry

    Unique unit:

    Rajput: Fast infantry with bonus attack vs mounted units

    Cost: 65 food 35 gold

    Upgrade cost: 1300 food 600 gold

    Creation time 18s (16s) At Barracks 14s. Speed 1.15 Reload time 2.

    HP: 60 (75)

    Attack: 8 (11) melee

    Armor: 0/0

    Armor class: Infantry

    Upgrades: Blacksmith, Barracks

    Attack bonuses: Standard Buildings 3 Cavalry 8 (13) Camels 8 (13) War Elephants 12 (15)

    Barracks: Champion – Halberdier – All techs

    Archery range: Crossbowman – Elite Skirmisher – Heavy Cav Archer – Hand Cannoneer – lack Thumb Ring and Parthian Tactics

    Stable: Hussar – Cavalier – Heavy Camel – Battle Elephant – All techs

    Siege workshop: Capped Ram –Onager – Heavy Scorpion – Bombard Cannon – Siege Tower

    Blacksmith: All techs

    Dock: War Galley – Fast Fire Ship –Demolition Ship – Cannon Galleon – lack Dry Dock and Shipwright

    University: Lack Bombard Tower – Keep – Heated Shot – Treadmill Crane

    Castle: Lack Sappers

    Monastery: Lack Redemption – Fervor

    Economy: All techs

    Lacking an eco bonus, Nepalese will need to get to Castle Age, to get their strong bonuses. Faster attacking TCs (watch out for boar lures if you weaken them with TC fire), will help against unit rushes that get too close to them. The LOS of all buildings is increased, so that defensively there´s a better view. Towers' higher attack can help with a trush or defensive towers, for example defending trushes or forward golds.

    The first military bonus that applies is the instant m@a upgrade, thus saving 40s (not as strong a Bulgarian but for facing drush vs drush it can help). Then in Castle Age we can find its strong UU, which can be spammed at Barracks with the Castle Age UT, and his armor boosted. Its main weaknesses (stronger infantry and archers) can be faced with cavalry, which will get an attack bonus against infantry with the Imperial Age UT, and conversions will be less traumatic thanks to the free Heresy. This could even allow the creation of Battle Elephants. Infantry will end with higher armor (5/7 for Champions, 4/6 for Halberdiers, 4/6 for the Rajput). If you let Nepalese reach the Imperial Age unharmed, you could regret it!

    I hope you enjoyed, and of course, suggestions are welcome. Next civ will be the Mapuches.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Azot-Spike
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    Voobly Tournament in 2021?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 06:20 AM PDT

    Hey Guys I am hoping to host a casual Age of Empires 2 tournament soon with some friends, but we haven't decided on which version we will use (also with regards to ease of spectating/casting the games)

    Are there any reasons why you would still use Voobly/AoC in 2021 or is DE the superior option in every way?

    Thanks for your input :)

    submitted by /u/This-Inflation7440
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    Twitch Popularity Prediction time

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 06:16 AM PDT

    So we've had some very iconic streamers over the years, some have stopped or reduced their streaming. Some are newer and are takin twitch by storm!

    1. What's your current favourite twitch streamer.
    2. Which streamer do you think will start rising fast into this top 10 next year??

    Check out the previous years data here: https://youtu.be/Mv5CfrRrFeU

    submitted by /u/Aoeleagues
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    We love it, so I reflected on it: I think this is the simple trick for performing a double-deer-push

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 08:59 AM PDT

    What do Britons need?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 05:25 AM PDT

    Part 3 of 37 in this poll series!

    (I'll post the Bulgarian one at 6:00 pm bst, and the Burgundian poll at 8:00 pm.)

    You might want to take a look at aoestats.io for this poll.

    Pick well, since there are 4 categories to choose from.

    The 4 categories are, Nerf, Remain the same, Buff and Redesign!

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/CaptainCakeEater
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    Visible Cup 4 - Featured matches Round 1, post 1

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 10:06 AM PDT

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