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    Wednesday, June 23, 2021

    Age of Empires II Civilization Match-up Discussion Round 12 Week 5: Bulgarians vs Incas

    Age of Empires II Civilization Match-up Discussion Round 12 Week 5: Bulgarians vs Incas

    Civilization Match-up Discussion Round 12 Week 5: Bulgarians vs Incas

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 10:01 PM PDT

    Ummm.... idk.... yeah.... the two civs who effectively start with extra stone on nomad maps?

    Hello and welcome back for another Age of Empires 2 civilization match up discussion! This is a series where we discuss the various advantages, disadvantages, and quirks found within the numerous match ups of the game. The goal is to collectively gain a deeper understanding of how two civilizations interact with each other in a variety of different settings. Feel free to ask questions, pose strategies, or provide insight on how the two civilizations in question interact with each other on any map type and game mode. This is not limited to 1v1 either. Feel free to discuss how the civilizations compare in team games as well! So long as you are talking about how the two civilizations interact, anything is fair game! Last week we discussed the Persians vs Turks, and next up is the Bulgarians vs Incas!

    Bulgarians: Infantry and Cavalry civilization

    • Swordsmen upgrades free
    • Town Centers cost -50% stone
    • Blacksmith and Siege Workshop techs cost -50% food
    • Can build Krepost starting in Castle Age
    • TEAM BONUS: Blacksmiths work +80% faster
    • Unique Unit: Konnik (Heavy cavalry that becomes an infantry when felled)
    • Unique Building: Krepost (Smaller, cheaper, weaker Castle that can only train Konniks)
    • Castle Age Unique Tech: Stirrups (Cavalry attack +33% faster)
    • Imperial Age Unique Tech: Bagains (Swordsmen gain +5/+0 armor)

    Incas: Infantry civilization

    • Start with a free llama
    • Villagers affected by Blacksmith upgrades starting in Castle Age
    • Houses support 10 population
    • Buildings cost -15% stone
    • TEAM BONUS: Farms build 2x faster
    • Unique Unit: Kamayuk (Powerful pikeman with 1 range)
    • Unique Unit: Slinger (Anti-infantry foot archer)
    • Castle Age Unique Tech: Andean Sling (Slingers and Skirmishers have no minimum range)
    • Imperial Age Unique Tech: Fabric Shields (Kamayuks, Slingers, and Eagles gain +1/+2 armor)

    Below are some match up-specific talking points to get you all started. These are just to give people ideas, you do not need to address them specifically if you do not want to!

    • Alrighty, so definitely not a match up we see too often! For 1v1 on open maps, neither of these civs are super popular - yet neither are bad by any means. Bulgarians have a lot of powerful openings with their m@a, scouts, and cheap Blacksmith ups. Their midgame is always going to be awkward, however, due to their lack of crossbowmen or a super impactful eco bonus. Incas, meanwhile, have a ton of options, and can similarly be strong in Feudal Age due to a smooth start, cheaper towers, and access to eagles. Again, we're just looking at a civ without a really impactful midgame eco bonus. Which do you favor on Arabia + friends?
    • On closed maps, things once again become pretty interesting. Without either civ having a super big eco bonus, this match up is all going to come down to army compositions and transitions. Bulgarians have great cavalry vs no cavalry, but mobility is not as useful on closed maps. But still, Bulgarians have very strong siege and infantry. Incas, however, should be able to perform very well with their gold-intensive counters. Their biggest enemy here imo will be Siege Onagers. What do you guys think?
    • In team games, both of these civs are solid, if not quite amazing at pocket and flank, respectively. Amusingly, if you reverse their ideal roles, Bulgarians are probably a bottom 3 flank and Incas a bottom 3 pocket lol. Still, in their ideal roles, Bulgarians have great cavalry... except for their lack of Paladin in late game. Incas have the tech tree, but lack a super significant military or economy bonus. How do you see these civs ideally fitting into a team composition?

    Thanks as always for participating! Next week we will continue our discussions with the Franks vs Koreans. Hope to see you there! :)

    Previous discussions: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

    submitted by /u/OrnLu528
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    Hussite wagon looks awesome though, wonder if it will have to deploy?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 05:31 AM PDT

    Watching too much spirit of the law

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 05:18 PM PDT

    Dear Santa, i still wish for Elite UU skins, i know you have lots to do, but you also managed to make snowmen-at-arms...but its just small details, look, i made some suggestions for you.

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 06:19 AM PDT

    Not sure if this has been done before.. but here’s Justin Berber

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 09:28 AM PDT

    First time reaching 1200 elo!

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 06:50 AM PDT

    I love these obvious ripoff ads. "strategy is key for win"

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 01:03 AM PDT


    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 02:23 AM PDT

    How many hours have you played this game since DE? Please tell me this is normal

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 01:01 AM PDT

    Welcome aboard, let me just heal up my chest wound

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 02:10 AM PDT

    Podcast with T90Official: Kings & Plebeians - Episode 2

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 02:23 AM PDT

    Me playing the Tamerlane campaign

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 01:11 PM PDT

    Snow white and the 7 dwarves - intentional easter egg?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 04:33 AM PDT

    How can I mod this to be the defeat music instead?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 02:40 AM PDT

    Just getting into AOE2 this week, already a 600 elo player. AMA.

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 07:14 PM PDT

    Which unique unit would you rather be?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 06:45 AM PDT

    Which unique unit would you rather be? In terms of survival chances but also in terms of coolness.

    My first guess would be a war wagon. Chonky and a lot of hp but also quite cool with horses and massive fire arrows.

    What would be your favourite?

    submitted by /u/borispeters4
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    How to quickly re-task a large group of vils back to farms after being interrupeted by an attack

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 02:49 AM PDT

    Well as the title says. Anyone know how to quickly re task all my idle vils back to farms after theyve been interrupted by anything i.e an attack, or moved.

    Ive tried to group select them and click on 1 farm but it ends up taskin only 1 vill and the rest just come and stand idle on the farm

    If it try shift queing and clicking on multiple farms then when the farm expires, the villager either moves to another location or doesnt reseed the farm . Any ideas / help ?

    submitted by /u/DesiSins
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    Think tank; additions and changes spitballin

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 10:20 AM PDT

    Hey guys! Just wanted to see what you think of these ideas and what other cool ideas you all have out there!

    1/ Musket upgrade for the Handcannoneer? 2/ New UU which have a ranged AND close quarters ability, ie, fires arrows till confronted in melee at which point they switch to a melee weapon. 3/ give siege tower a ram or arrow component? Somethong to make them useful, or else why have it?

    submitted by /u/cameronjames117
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    The streaks are killing me

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 04:43 AM PDT

    Hey all, I'm a ~950 ELO player and the streaks are killing me.

    Yesterday, I won 5 in a row, almost to 1k - ecstatic. Then this morning I lose 4 in a row 😂 is this common?

    So devastating to lose so many so quickly after the high of the previous day.

    submitted by /u/Disastrous_Gap_4711
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    Admiral Yi Sun-shin custom campaign

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 02:09 AM PDT

    After the Japanese landed in Korea and seized several provinces, the country fell into Japanese occupation! Admiral Yi Sun-shin must launch several naval campaigns in the southern peninsula and retake key islands from the Japanese to cut off their supply and reinforcements. Will Admiral Yi succeed in freeing Korea from the Japanese yoke with a powerful armada of ironclad geobukseon?

    In this campaign, you will play as the Koreans.

    List of scenarios:

    1. The Cleansing of the Peninsula (The Battles of Okpo and Sacheon).
    2. Island Capture (The Battle of Hansan)
    3. The Battle of Busan
    4. Raging Currents (The Battle of Myeongnyang)
    5. Noryang (not the Historical scenario. The actual battle took place off the west coast of an island).

    Link: https://www.ageofempires.com/mods/details/26370/

    Coming soon: The Sengoku Period


    submitted by /u/hussar269c
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    Any way to disable the incessant looping of the music on the menu screens without disabling in-game music?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 04:40 AM PDT

    Remember in the original games where the music would only play ONCE and then there'd be a looping, calm ambient sound? It's because Ensemble realized that looping music was annoying. It's annoying when it used to be a thing on websites and myspace in the early 2000s, and it's still annoying in 2021.

    I spend a lot of time in the Mods page and the looping music really gets grating. Anyone know how to turn it off or remove all the annoying variations on the original theme?

    submitted by /u/wuteva4
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    Data from krakenmeister's Builder

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 12:20 AM PDT

    Thanks to Krakenmeister's hard work, we can now create custom civs easily.

    To ease discussions that will inevitably occur surrounding custom civs, I have trawled the app for the raw text data for the civ bonuses, team bonuses, UCTs, UITs, and UUs.

    I will try and keep this updated after new civs come out if Krakky keeps their site updated as well.

    I will post four comments each with the tables for Team Bonuses, UCTs, UITs, and UUs.

    Civ Bonuses 1-70 71-140 141-210 211-280
    Town Centers cost -50% wood starting in the Castle Age Foot archers and skirmishers fire 18% faster Wonders don't cost wood and provide +50 to population limit (max 1) Receive +50 food, +50 wood, and +50 stone
    Foot archers (except skirmishers) +1 range in Castle and Imperial Age (+2 total) Receive +100 gold and +100 food when advancing to the next age Villagers +3 HP per economic tech researched Villagers return 25 food on death
    Shepherds work 25% faster Pikeman upgrade free Villagers regenerate slowly Camel units attack 25% faster
    Castles cost -25% Buildings cost -15% wood Military buildings built 100% faster Mangonels can cut trees
    Mounted units +20% hit points starting in Feudal Age Barracks units +1P armor per age (starting from Feudal Age) Resource drop-off buildings provide +5 population space Can train a free Siege Tower in Feudal Age; Siege Towers cost -50%
    Foragers work 15% faster Gold Mining free Ballistics researched instantly Rams and Siege Towers x2 garrison space
    Loom can be researched instantly Villagers move 10% faster Archer-line upgrades free Towers (of all kinds) support 5 population
    Villagers +5 attack vs. wild boar; hunters carry +15 meat Ships move 10% faster Skirmisher-line upgrades free Gunpowder units move 20% faster
    +10 population in Imperial Age Stable units cost -15% in Castle and -20% in Imperial Age Camel-line upgrades free Completed castles refund 350 stone upon destruction
    Infantry +1 attack vs. buildings per age (starting from Feudal Age) Elephant units move 10% faster Infantry Armor upgrades free Monk units move 20% faster
    Infantry cost -20% in Dark, -25% in Feudal, and -30% in Castle Villagers can garrison in Houses Cavalry Armor upgrades free Farms immediately provide 10 food upon seeding
    Monks healing range 2x No buildings required to advance to the next age or to unlock other buildings Fletching, Bodkin Arrow, and Bracer free Long Swordsman and Two-Handed Swordsman upgrades available one age earlier
    Towers garrison 2x units; Town Centers garrison +10 Advance to the next age 66% faster Redemption free Can buy cows in mills
    Farms cost -40% Elephant units cost -30% Castle and -40% in Imperial Age Squires and Arson free Start with an extra horse
    Barracks and Stable units +1 armor in Castle and Imperial Age (+2 total) Fish Traps cost -33% Eagle-line upgrades free Siege Towers 2x HP
    Mill, Lumber, and Mining Camps cost -50% Fish Traps provide +300% food Battle Elephant upgrades free Siege Towers train 100% faster
    Fishing Ships 2x hit points; +2P armor; work rate +5% Dark, +10% Feudal, and +15% Castle Lumber Camp upgrades free Sanctity and Fervor free Eco upgrades cost -50% food
    Infantry attack 33% faster starting in Feudal Age Infantry +1 attack per age (starting in the Feudal Age) Atonement and Illumination free Cannon Galleons benefit from Ballistics (fire faster and more accurately)
    Start with +3 villagers, -50 wood, and -200 food; Town Centers support 10 population and +5 LOS Monastery technologies cost -50% Theocracy and Block Printing free Warships +10 attack vs. villagers
    Demolition ships +50% hit points Enemy positions are revealed at the start of the game Hoardings and Fortified Wall free Rams generate stone by ramming
    Technologies cost -10% Feudal, -15% Castle, and -20% Imperial Age Archery Range units +20% HP Masonry and Architecture free Town Centers +50% work rate in Imperial Age
    Buildings +10% HP Dark, +20% Feudal, and +30% Castle Militia-line upgrades free Stone Mining and Stone Shaft Mining free Feudal Age costs -25%
    Fire ships attack 25% faster Town Centers cost -50% stone starting in the Castle Age Sappers and Treadmill Crane free Spearmen and Skirmishers train 50% faster
    Camel Riders, Skirmishers, and Pikemen Can build Krepost Galleon free Spearman-line +25% HP
    Start with +50 wood and food Villagers gather +50% food from herdables Careening and Dry Dock free Market techs cost no gold
    Town Center and Dock 2x hit points Units deal +25% damage when fighting from higher elevation Fast Fire Ship free Trees contain double the amount of wood
    Town Center, Dock work rate +10% Feudal, and +15% Castle Thumb Ring and Parthian Tactics free Heavy Demolition Ship free Stone resources last 30% longer
    Market costs -100 wood; market trade cost only 5% Mounted units 5% faster each age (starting in Feudal Age) Gillnets free Gold resources last 25% longer
    Transport Ships 2x hit points and 2x carry capacity Additional Town Center can be built in the Feudal Age War Galley free Berries contain +35% more food
    Galleys attack 25% faster Siege Workshop and Battering Ram available in the Feudal Age; Capped Ram upgrade available in Castle Age Heavy Cavalry Archer free Wild animals contain +50% more food
    Camel units +10 hit points Start with +150 food Ram-line upgrades free Fish contain +35% more food
    Gunpowder units +25% hit points Spearman-line and Skirmishers move 10% faster Trade units 20% faster Units garrisoned in buildings heal 2x faster
    Gold miners work 20% faster Each garrisoned relic gives +1 attack to Knights and Unique Unit (maximum +4) Squires affects foot archers and skirmishers Repairers work 50% faster
    Scout Cavalry, Light Cavalry, and Hussar +1P armor Cavalier upgrade available in Castle Age Eagles +5% speed per age (starting in Feudal Age) Skirmishers +1 attack vs. infantry
    Warships cost -15% Feudal Age, -15% Castle Age, and -20% Imperial Age Gunpowder units +25% attack Start with +150 wood Archery Range units +1 attack
    Infantry +10% hit points Feudal, +15% Castle, and +20% Imperial Age Economic upgrades available one age earlier Start with +100 stone Archery range units +1 melee armor per age (starting in Feudal)
    Cavalry archers fire 25% faster Castles and Town Centers built 100% faster Start with +50 wood and +50 stone Siege units +1 pierce armor in Castle and Imperial (+2 total)
    Hunters work 40% faster Land military units (except siege weapons) receive 50% less bonus damage Start with +70 food and +30 gold Parthian Tactics available in Castle Age
    Light Cavalry, Hussars, and Steppe Lancers +30% hit points Farm upgrades provide +100% additional food Monk units train 66% faster Castle Age costs -25%
    Infantry move 15% faster (starting in the Feudal Age) Can build Donjon Trebuchets train 50% faster Cavalry +1 attack
    Lumberjacks work 15% faster Farm upgrades free (require Mill) Cavalry Archers train 33% faster Forging, Iron Casting, and Blast Furnace add +1 damage vs. buildings
    Siege units fire 25% faster Forging, Iron Casting, and Blast Furnace free Land explosive units train 200% faster All buildings +3 pierce armor
    Can steal sheep and and sheep within one unit's LoS cannot be stolen Supplies free Land explosive units +8 pierce armor Archer-line +5% speed per age (starting in Feudal)
    Missionaries can be trained in monasteries Town Watch and Town Patrol free Bloodlines free in Castle Age Foot archers and skirmishers +1 attack vs. villagers
    Start with +50 gold Murder Holes and Herbal Medicine free Galleys +1 range Gunpowder +10 attack vs. camels
    +5 Monk hit points for each Monastery technology Chemistry free Receive +100 wood and +100 stone when advancing to the next age Eagles +6 attack vs. stone defenses
    Start with +1 villager and but -50 food Light Cavalry and Hussar upgrades free Receive +400 food upon advancing to Castle Age Scouts, Light Cavalry, and Hussar +4 attack vs. stone defenses
    Cavalry Archers cost -10% Castle and -20% Imperial Age Wheelbarrow and Hand Cart free Receive +350 stone upon advancing to Castle Age All villagers work 5% faster
    Miltary units (except siege weapons) cost -20% wood Tower upgrades free (Bombard Tower requires Chemistry) Receive +250 wood upon reaching Feudal Age Villagers +1 carry capacity per Town Center technology researched
    Archer armor upgrades free Conscription free Receive +500 gold upon reaching Imperial Age Farms 10x HP
    Can train Turtle Ships in docks Farmers work 10% faster +100 HP and pierce armor for monks with relics Militia-line +2 attack vs. cavalry
    Can recruit Longboats from docks Advancing to the next age costs -15% Land explosive units 2x HP Steppe Lancer upgrades free
    Gunpowder units cost -20% Fishing Ships cost -15% Receive 2 free villagers upon advancing to Feudal Age Steppe Lancers +2 pierce armor
    Can upgrade Heavy Camel Riders to Imperial Camel Riders Dock and University technologies cost -33% All economic upgrades researched +100% faster Castles deal large damage against buildings
    Fishermen work 10% faster Advancing to Imperial Age costs -33% Castles +1500 HP All villagers work 50% faster in Imperial Age
    Stable units +1P armor in Castle and Imperial Age (+2 total) Blacksmith upgrades don't cost gold Blacksmith upgrades are free an age after they become available Outposts +5 garrison capacity
    Villagers cost -10% Dark, -15% Feudal, and -20% Castle Gunpowder units fire 18% faster Barracks cost -50 wood Villagers +2 pierce armor while building or repairing
    Start with a free Llama Builders work 30% faster Stables cost -50 wood Castles support 40 population
    Buildings cost -15% stone Military units created 11% faster Archery Ranges cost -50 wood Bombard towers deal extra damage to rams
    Houses support 10 population Villagers carry +3 Monasteries cost -75 wood Towers deal extra damage to cavalry
    Villagers affected by Blacksmith upgrades (starting in Feudal Age) Trebuchets +30% accuracy Siege Workshops cost -75 wood Can build Monastery in Feudal Age; Monks recruited in Feudal Age have longer conversions and cannot pickup relics
    Can recruit slingers from Archery Ranges Do not need houses and -100 wood Military Buildings cost -25 wood Scorpion and ballista units train 50% faster
    Villagers kill wolves with 1 strike Resources last 15% longer Blacksmiths and Universities cost -50% wood Town Centers fire 25% faster
    Scout Cavalry, Light Cavalry, and Hussar cost -15% Foot archers and skirmishers cost -10% Feudal, -20% Castle, and -30% Imperial Age Infantry +1 attack vs. villagers per age (starting in Dark Age) Trebuchets cost -75 gold
    Siege Workshop units 15% cheaper Villagers +3 line of sight Fishing ships carry +10 food All explosive units 2x blast radius
    All units cost -20% gold Stone miners work 20% faster Galleys +1 attack each age (starting in Dark Age) Gunpowder units +12 attack vs. buildings
    Technologies researched 30% faster Economic upgrades cost no wood Steppe Lancers +10 attack vs. villagers Eagles +1 pierce armor
    Ships +10% HP Blacksmith and Siege Workshop technologies cost -50% food Steppe Lancers attack 33% faster Gunpowder units +1 attack per university technology researched
    Can build Feitoria in Imperial Age Stable technologies cost -50% Elephant units attack 25% faster Buildings +3% HP per university technology researched (cumulative)
    Can build Caravels in docks New Town Centers spawn 2 sheep starting in the Castle Age Stone Walls available in Dark Age Each monastery technology researched brings a monk to your cause
    submitted by /u/dubeyisme
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    Is anyone else facing an issue uploading mods, specially the ones built on the civ builder website https://krakenmeister.com/civbuilder ?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 02:55 AM PDT

    The error message displayed is "Mod failed to publish"

    submitted by /u/Low-Way3753
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    last notification button/attacks only?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 10:54 AM PDT

    hi guys, is there a way to make the "notifications" only "attack notifications"? so that when you click the "last notification button" you go only to the attack event?

    Maybe a mod to do this?


    submitted by /u/kia204
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