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    Monday, June 7, 2021

    Age of Empires II Medieval Monday: Ask Your Questions and Get Your Answers

    Age of Empires II Medieval Monday: Ask Your Questions and Get Your Answers

    Medieval Monday: Ask Your Questions and Get Your Answers

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 04:00 AM PDT

    Time for another weekly round of questions.

    Talk about everything from build orders to advanced strategies.

    Whatever your questions, the community is here to answer them.

    So ask away!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Up till today I had avoided this mistake. But death comes for us all.

    Posted: 06 Jun 2021 07:37 PM PDT

    The problem with painting by numbers...

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 07:26 AM PDT

    Knights vs Camels, Episode 1: 1v1 in Castle Age

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 03:13 AM PDT

    Knights vs Camels, Episode 1: 1v1 in Castle Age

    Hi all! Just to celebrate my 1k Karma (BTW, thank you a thousand times!!!), I prepared some tables regarding the matchup between Castle Age Knights and Camels. All this started when in one of my previous posts two redditors discussed whether Camels beat Knights 1v1 or not. The best guy to do this is Spirit of the Law (someone greet him and tell him I'm a big fan of him), but I have done my best so that I can help the community, although lacking a YT channel and media to include a video. In these tables we will get an idea of how both units fare against each other 1v1 (today we forget Berber, Byzantine and Portuguese discounts for them), taking into account:

    - Bloodlines

    - Blacksmith attack/armor upgrades

    - Civ bonuses/techs that affect both units

    o Franks: +20% HP for Knights = Bloodlines for all!

    o Saracens: +10 HP for Camels

    o Teutons: +1 melee armor

    o Burgundians: Cavalier available (without bloodlines)

    o Lithuanian Relic Pick (maximum 4)

    o Sicilian defensive -50% attack bonus

    I hope I haven't messed up the numbers. To follow the tables, here´s the legend: O = Unupgraded; at1 = +1 attack; ar1 = +1 armor; BL = Bloodlines; FU = Fully Upgraded.

    For the tables, colors mean: Red = Camel thrashes knight; Dark Orange = Camel wins consistently; Light Orange = Camel wins; Yellow = Slight advantage for camel; Green = Evenly matched, wins who hits first; Light Blue = Slight advantage for knight; Blue = Knight wins; Dark Blue = Knight wins consistently; Navy Blue = Knight thrashes Camel.

    I'll start showing you the Generic Knight vs Camel matchup, only taking into account Stable and Blacksmith technologies:


    First of all, notice that only the lower half of the table applies to Franks, who get free BL. Regarding upgrades, both units are melee, and the general rule is to research armors before attacks. In the case of the camel, more than 50% of the damage is due to its bonus attack, so the attack upgrades, even if in some certain circumstances can change the result, should be left for the end. Camels should try to resist as much as they can so that they can hit again with their +9 bonus. But let us suppose that you haven't researched anything before reaching Castle Age. So, Bloodlines or Armors? Well, the results say that BL should be first, but just with a tiny advantage. The advantage for BL will be lost if you are low in gold (1st armor costs only food) or you can't idle your stable(s) for army production. The same will be said if you have researched the 1st armor and you doubt again. In this case, resource issues favor researching BL over the 2nd armor, but the armor can be researched so that you don't stop camel production.

    For knights, defenses also work better than attacks, and again BL should go first, but if you have already researched the 1st armor, BL and the 2nd armor give exactly the same results. The same applies for Magyars, who will already have an edge due to the free attack upgrades. If Camels mirror Knight upgrades, Camels win, or at least they trade equally. Between both FU Castle Age units, the result is an equal matchup.

    Now, how does the Saracen +10 HP Camel bonus affect? Let's check it out:


    The table now is favored for the camel. That 10HP boost means that you need at least BL or 2 blacksmith techs for the knight to beat the unupgraded Camel. If the Saracen researches BL, the Knights should need to fully upgrade the blacksmith or BL and at least 2 blacksmith techs.

    For Teutons, the extra melee armor turns the table bluer, and a Camel can only kill a fully armored (+BL but no attacks) Teuton knight by researching at least 4 upgrades. The biggest problem for Teutons is that the Camel player can choose what battles to take.


    Burgundians can choose to upgrade the Knights to Cavaliers in Castle Age, and certainly, they should do it looking at the table. Cavalier is the same as BL +at1 +at2, and only costs 150F 150G. For Burgundians, if they have massed many knights or have more than one stable, idling it for Cavalier upgrade is a must when facing Camels.


    See the tone of the Table for Lithuanian relic picks? Well, if you let the Lith player pick 4 relics in Castle Age, you should type GG WP and think about what you've done wrong.


    Next table shows how crazy the Sicilian bonus is when fighting Camels with Knights. Poor Indians. The Sicilian Cataknights need very few upgrades to become unbeatable in Castle Age. I'm even thinking that a nerf is necessary! But then, don't forget, that you have pikes, monks and your own knights to fight these guys.


    Finally, I show the effect of the best UT in the game (top3 with Corvinian Army and Anarchy). Yes, you need a Castle, but the results show that Bulgarian Knights can fight in many circumstances Camels.


    To sum up, Camels and Knights are mostly evenly matched if there are no bonuses or a big difference in upgrades. When bonuses apply, the advantage is huge. For the next episode, before going for group fights, I'll matchup Saracen Camels with bonused Knights, and we will complete the data. But I'll remove mostly attack-only columns, so that tables are a bit easier to read.

    I hope you enjoyed. Thank you for comments and support and have a nice week!

    submitted by /u/Azot-Spike
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    AOE2 Team Game Matchmaking Logic [meme]

    Posted: 06 Jun 2021 12:29 PM PDT

    Which is the best civ in the game and why is it It Depends?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2021 08:37 AM PDT

    It Depends are unbeatable. Whenever there are questions in this sub about how to beat any other civ, It Depends is always the top response. They have really strong early civ bonuses and also late civ bonuses that counter every other civ. It Depends also has a really strong dark/feudal/castle/imp/post-imp comp, due to their huge tech tree and adaptability to every other civ and gameplan. It Depends are impossible to play against because they counter basically every other civ and have so many possible strats that they can't be countered. It's OP. Devs pls nerf.

    (shitpost: the actual answer is Lithuanians)

    submitted by /u/TheRhythmce
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    Siege Ram / P1

    Posted: 06 Jun 2021 02:39 PM PDT

    Turks - Is cheaper gunpowder techs bonus useless?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 02:49 AM PDT

    The bonus was of some use during AOK when you needed to research seperate techs for both hand cannons and bombard cannons and with the last patch removing the need to research a tech to train Cannon Galleon the bonus now only works for Bombard towers and Elite Cannon Galleons which I feel just makes this a very niche bonus

    submitted by /u/Saberos_
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    Bug or new feature? (Scouts don't appear for green when hitting house foundation)

    Posted: 06 Jun 2021 10:21 PM PDT

    In praise of Mega Random!

    Posted: 06 Jun 2021 03:35 PM PDT

    I just played a 3v3 random civ Mega Random game and I really liked it!

    I don't often play as American civs so I really enjoyed getting Aztecs - it was refreshing and made me think on my feet. It also felt exciting because we genuinely had to scout the map and share our knowledge with each other as we discovered what we were dealing with. We also had to properly think about our strategies on the hoof in a way that you just don't in maps where you know what's coming in the lobby.

    I think a lot of people are scared about trying a new map because they think that they will have to play people who have in some way 'learned the map' and it is 'unfair'. Not so with Mega Random - everyone has exactly the same knowledge about the map both teams are dealt.

    In this one it was like a Lombardia start close together but most of the wood was in the centre. There were no boar but maybe 8-10 deer for each player slightly nearer the centre of the map encouraging aggression. It was reasonably open around our bases with reasonable amounts of stone and gold and slightly more relics than usual round the edges of the map. It was well balanced in my opinion.

    I understand that this isn't for everybody - I think it is better if you have game knowledge, game sense and aren't dependent on a paint by numbers build order. But if you have a bit of experience I'd encourage you to give it a go, I found it really rewarding!

    submitted by /u/Odysseus7754
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    Why do I get no elo, if I discoonect for a few seconds?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 07:40 AM PDT

    My internets a bit shitty and every once in a while my PC disconnects from the WiFi. When playing aoe2 and I disconnect, the game stands still till I have a good connection again and then it speedruns the last seconds, but my opponent should still be able to play the game, right? (Well no one ever wrote anything anormal once I reconnected)
    Once the game is finished I do not get any elo, if I won and that doesn't really make sense to me, since I'm the one having the disadvantage.
    If I restart the game I still don't get the elo. However if i lose the game I still lose elo points (not that anything is wrong with that)

    submitted by /u/JuergenCleansmann
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    Civ Strategy Guides

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 07:37 AM PDT

    I know there are plenty of build orders for Civs, but are there any indepth strategy guides explaining why you should choose that strategy and what makes the Civ good at it, aswell as more general stuff like "Celts faster wood gathering allows them to build a second TC in Castle Age while still having enough Wood for two Siege Workshops constantly producing units..."

    Especially with Civs that don't have clear boni towards a single build its hard for me to wrap my head around what options I have and why this Civ is better at it than another.

    submitted by /u/Boethion
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    Cannon Elephant for Indians?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2021 08:17 PM PDT

    The Elephant Archer is unimpressive, very situational, and on top of that, expensive. They also have several weaknesses like skirms, pikes, and monks.

    If we had an Cannon Elephant instead, the unit is something like a Turtle Ship on land that also fires cannonballs at short distance, without minimum range. Causes splash damage.

    How much rebalancing will this need? Should the Cannon Elephant act like an short-ranged War Elephant with bonus vs buildings?

    The Indians also specialize in gunpowder anyway.

    submitted by /u/hussar269c
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    Custom maps (1650 max elo) 1v1 tournament

    Posted: 06 Jun 2021 07:37 PM PDT

    Custom maps (1650 max elo) 1v1 tournament


    Hey everyone! With our 1400 bracket concluding soon, i wanted to let everyone know we are still looking for participants for the 1650 max bracket! we are looking to get 32 participants for registration ends June 13th, interested players wanting to participate will need to join the discord! Links below, hope everyone is enjoying the tournament thus far!

    This time we will have games played exclusively on eleven custom maps. The map pool is diverse with land, hybrid, and water maps including options for both closed and open play.

    The winner will receive 50 dollars and the prize pool can increase with twitch donations

    For more information, please join the https://discord.gg/Vf5GZs4 and see the doc here https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aEvMf1h2lWi0tzTLXR5tJ6bZ7XeYD2svfgodLIzYuNc/edit?usp=sharing

    live on twitch

    Miss some games? catch up here

    (2) Juicy45 - YouTube

    submitted by /u/Juicy451
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    Hero scout

    Posted: 06 Jun 2021 06:27 PM PDT

    Spirit of the law: Sicilians overview

    Posted: 06 Jun 2021 09:10 AM PDT

    When do you make Steppe Lancers?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 08:20 AM PDT

    On what situations will you train Steppe Lancers?

    submitted by /u/hussar269c
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    Jordan discovers that you can't trust the AoE2 community to teach you English

    Posted: 06 Jun 2021 09:03 AM PDT

    Post imp wood collects 40% faster than farming.

    Posted: 06 Jun 2021 04:45 PM PDT

    Both from raw gather rates and in game testing wood collects way faster than farming, particularly if you account for cost of building farms and that many civs don't get or players don't use crop rotation.

    When selling gold at the market in late 1v1s, you might view gold:food balance at 1:7.2 before guilds, 1:5.9 after guilds, or 1:5.3 for Saracens.

    Factoring in faster wood collection the above ratios change to 1:5.1, 1:4.2, 1:3.8.

    SOTL's recent Champs vs Trash video would be quite different if gold is 40% easier to come by.


    Some interesting civs to try trash champs with: - Aztecs - Guilds, FU champ with extra attack - Goths - Guilds, discount (champ for equiavent to 95 food). - Portuguese - Guilds, 20% gold cost reduction. - Saracens - FU champs, 5% market fee. - Celts - Guilds, FU champs, speed bonus, wood bonus, bad Hussar

    *edit: post gold, not post imp

    submitted by /u/Tarsal26
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    Why was super natural element in aoe2 was downplayed in the definitive edition?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2021 07:47 PM PDT

    Eldorado was removed.

    No Vampires in Vlad Dracul campaign.

    No serpent men (yuan ti) of Naga in Digvijay scenario.

    In Aoe3, the first campaign itself was a super natural one (Fountain of Youth, Boneguards) but in Aoe2 de, it was downplayed. Why?

    submitted by /u/gildesh_3211
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    How should I counter hussar blitzes as cumans? No stone walls and they roll palisades and outrun my halbs and decimate my econ.

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 12:10 AM PDT

    Krenniks or whatever they're called are alright if you can micro them but the hussar rush is often a diversionary tactic from the main battle and I can't micro both battles.

    submitted by /u/StygianFuhrer
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    Some thoughts about aoe2's educational content

    Posted: 06 Jun 2021 08:42 AM PDT

    this topic has been on my mind for a while, so i would be glad to hear some opinions about it!

    i remember when i started to dig into competitive aoe 2 years ago and when i really enjoyed to binge through hours and hours of YT videos on the different civs (SOTL etc), learning about the bonuses, unique units, technologies etc. and still today, i feel that a large chunk of content thats supposed to teach us new players, is very focused on civilisations. hera has his (supposedly successful) "so you want to play..." series. youll see posts (on this sub) like this every day: "what do i do with [civ X] against [civ Y]?", "what civ can i pick to counter XY?", "whats the best civ for feudal aggression" (the latest example). the notorious "top 5 civilisations of all time" is on youtube probably 20 times. (and the funniest aspect of this "civilisation fetish" is off course when people 1k4 and downwards discuss "meta" or "civ balance", while regularly losing games because of the most basic mistakes, like not knowing when to add a tc and when to better make some army to not f*ing die instantly.)i absolutely get that the different civs are a key feature of the game that makes people (myself included) excited about age.

    but lately i feel what im really missing to actually get better, theory wise, is way more general stuff. i would totally watch a 4 hour video by hera/viper/whoever thinks they can do it titled "how to play archers", covering questions like:

    -how do archers work, what is the unit about, what are strenghts and weaknesses? (like: why would i play with archers in the first place, what are some general characteristics to have in mind when playing them compared to melee/mounted units)-how does a game with archers typically play out, what are the best build ups, power spikes, strategies? (when am i able to do most damage with them, when should i defend/focus on economy)-match ups: archer vs archer, archer vs knights. what are the most likely scenarios that can come up in a game, and how do i respond to them? (how do i defend vs a 1tc knight mango push, how do i recognize and pressure a greedy boom early, when do i prioritise ballistics over a new tc, when should i use monks for defense and when pikes, how do i finish off my opponent most efficiently in imp)

    ...and then the same 4 hour thing again for knights. this stuff is 99% independent of your civ, yet it gets just a fraction of the attention it deserves. when watching casted games, it is mostly the same: what gets most of the attention is of course the unusual, exciting stuff, like specific unit combinations in a certain civ matchup, cheeky micro, and the cute little tricks. im not saying all that is not important or interesting, but its not what makes the experts of this game so good.

    although casters regularly refer to how great some players are at "decision making", they dont emphasize very much what those decisions are.

    so what i would like to be at the center of my "ideal" aoe2 content (not referring to casted games of course, everyone can cast how they like), is this: im in a certain situation, what do i do? what is my ideal reaction to any threat that can potentially come my way. and it is not: are franks paladins stronger than lithuanian paladins, or how cost efficient is the teuton unique tech, because this piece of information is rarely gonna win me a game.

    basically what i imagine is content that provides a bit of a "short cut" to all the knowledge that right now we have to get by just grinding out own experiences. obviously im not sure about how good this kind of content "sells", and that is the factor that will always decide what people create (i imagine it would be quite a challenge!) and what they ignore. for me, whos experiencing a little bit of a skill-ceiling that i cant cross right now, i think it would be great if there were some resources to fall back to and to learn new things from :)

    sorry for the wall of text, any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/supervoegli
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    [Academic Survey]

    Posted: 06 Jun 2021 11:42 AM PDT

    Hello, guys! I am a master's student at the University of Economic Studies in Bucharest and I am conducting a survey regarding the perception of players over microtransactions in video games for my dissertation paper. It takes between 3-5 minutes to fill it in and I would be really glad if you could answer it. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. I would like to thank the mods on this subreddit who were very cooperative and offered their approval to share my survey here. Here is the link and thanks in advance! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdrClwqYohUMp0VaXTsIuN-AoR68JzevYtNOuB8g8nPLYTNUA/viewform

    submitted by /u/Ghebilzone
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    I have no clue what I am doing :/

    Posted: 06 Jun 2021 12:50 PM PDT

    Are there any good video guides on geting started in AoE 2 definitive edition?

    submitted by /u/Melvin100100
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