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    Sunday, December 26, 2021

    Age of Empires II What civ is most broken in your opinion and why?

    Age of Empires II What civ is most broken in your opinion and why?

    What civ is most broken in your opinion and why?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2021 03:18 AM PST

    Happy holidays all, question in description :)

    For me must be Mayans, insane eco and flexibility

    El dorado Eagles are silly

    submitted by /u/Medium_Sell_9299
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    What is your nightmare opponent civ ?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2021 06:08 AM PST

    Do you know that feeling? The loading screen Pops Up and you see the civ of your opponent...here we go again. You immediately feel at a disadvantage. For me its playing against Huns in open maps... I know that crazy aggression is coming but nevertheless I cant stop them.

    What are your nightmare civs? Is it justified or self fulfilling prophecy?

    submitted by /u/Duke_Dukington
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    Realistic counter for Briton longbow+pike+warwolf trebs?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2021 07:28 AM PST

    How do you counter this? I wanna do it in castle age to prevent imp or at least make it so their imp is a starved one.

    Knights+mangonel sounds like a good counter until you realize longbows outrange the siege and enough pikes (and castle fire/garrisoning) will protect the longbows. Under this situation you can't dive for trebs either once in imp; cav will get mopped up and you just keep tossing gold out the door.

    Keep in mind warwolf trebs will destroy your trebs at 4x the speed, so if they keep even one treb up and working, you will not be keeping your castles up, and theirs will not go down.


    submitted by /u/Col_Sandy_Fries_6
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    What music genre is the music from AoE1 and AoE2 and where can I find more?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2021 08:36 AM PST

    I've been looking for more "Age of Empires immersion music".

    There are a few other games with similar music, notably Rise of Nations, but I can't find much else that's very similar. It's not medieval music, I really have no idea how to classify it.

    Anyone knows what the genre is called and if I can find more music like that?


    submitted by /u/daverave1212
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    Artist's depiction of Survivalist realizing that he has 10 vils at 2 hrs and 30 mins

    Posted: 25 Dec 2021 02:59 PM PST

    How to minimize the client?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2021 03:36 AM PST

    Is there a way? alt tabbing or Win+D aren't working, the client "minimizes" but jumps back as soon as I click on anything.
    it's annoying that I basically have to close the client and open it again if I want to take a break.
    Using 2 monitors if that matters somehow.

    submitted by /u/avtikh
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    Returning to AOE

    Posted: 25 Dec 2021 02:02 PM PST

    Hey Yall,
    It's been years since I have played AOE2. However, I am introducing my son. How do you all play now-a-days? Voobly? Steam? Another platform? Would love to try playing again! Danke!

    submitted by /u/PerambulentPresby
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    Wrong settings when restoring a game

    Posted: 26 Dec 2021 03:45 AM PST

    My son and I were playing a game against the AI where I have been saving regularly since his game has been crashing recently. However, after I restored it, my civ was different than before, and the AI difficulty was set to Extreme (we had it on Moderate before since he is still learning). Is this some kind of bug? On the same note, whenever I create a game now, the AI defaults to Extreme. It used to be what I have selected in the previous game.

    submitted by /u/NobleK42
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    Campaign Genocide Episode #15 Attila #4 #5 #6

    Posted: 25 Dec 2021 07:04 PM PST

    Campaign Genocide Episode #15 Attila #4 #5 #6

    This reminded me how much I love this campaign.
    You don't have to build houses, your army is mobile, it has probably the best difficulty curve in terms of mission order, and the last three missions have each one enemy that is actually tough to beat. N


    We start with our forces scattered, but if we boom and proceed rush and then Castle drop we can get the Burgundian scum begging for mercy. Yeah, I will build a Castle for your protection in the flagged area. Wait it's already there. But don't expect gold from me. Seriously. Now die.
    They leave their Market up, which is nice. Then it's on to securing our portion of the map and teching up. I castle drop Metz without... too much success, but I evacuate the villagers successfully. I do it again now in Imp (reload a couple of times). Now that I have Trebs I actually manage to do something and destroy Metz. Composition is standard Heavy Cav-Heavy Cav Archer. I add Tarkans to the mix even though they are not that good against enemy composition (the only ranged unit I see actually does melee damage and Scorpions don't really bother me) simply because they train fast and I have many Castles. I get to the southwestern portion of the map to get more stone and gold and just as I get there I meet my favorite thing to kill. Enemy Villagers. I build a Castle and start a-mining. The drop in population allows me to research Spies. I start singing Orléans. Which... took some time. Late game Franks are a tough cookie and I couldn't exactly destroy their TC even though it was very much burning like London in 1666. Because I know it triggers the Roman army to come. After a couple of attacks where I divert my attention to the real problem, which are Castles that produce Trebs, ergo the only thing threatening my Castles life gets easier. Thus I can finally destroy the TC and kill Orléans for good and trigger the Roman Army. I force them to engage under three Castles so numerical advantage or not, they are slaughtered. Genocide complete.

    Either way... the timeline looks the weirdest in the entire run.

    No Dark blue dots on the map.

    Losses equal their largest Army + the placeholder unit preventing defeat.

    But still, population looks like this. Goddammit.

    Catalaun Fields Deathmatch.

    For this one, I go with a strategy similar to the achievement playthrough.
    I attack the Visigoths with my starting force and destroy them. One enemy gone right of the bat and I am free to take the entirety of the southern portion of the map. I make 3 TCs, build a Castle, tech up, and pump Vills. Alans are still in Castle Age, so I take them out because while their composition is similar to mine, they are seriously underteched compared to me and have 1 Castle as a real defense building. Meanwhile, Ostrogoths are getting wrecked by Romans, but I get there in time to save their butts. I also build a Castle in the middle of the map where Romans build their Proxy barracks. They kept rebuilding them. I approach Roman base from the northern side, mostly because it keeps Ostrogoths and by extension my trade route safe. After two failed attempts I manage to establish a military base and Treb down their Castles. That puts an end to Cataphracts and Trebs and leaves with them with... Champions. Which means they are done for. Villagers start dropping and I can research Spies. That allows me to find Frankish Ram, which "kept them alive" for the majority of the mission. Then I can finish off Romans.
    Not much to talk about. Great mission, but very straightforward. Ostrogoths are doing something, but it's not much. No Siege units, no impact. But hey natural trade access.

    Now that's a proper timeline. Alans got dropped in one attack as well. It's kinda funny I can't see the Frankish Ram on the graph. Like the game doesn't treat it as population.


    Ah yes, the finale. And finally a bit of stress.

    A very similar order of business to the previous mission, but with less economy and more emphasis on defense and on getting Heavy Cav Archers. I go straight for Patavium because as is the order of the mission, they start building a Wonder. I mostly go just into the "atrium" of their base and destroy the wonder, so they are largely functional. In the meantime, I started mining the humongous gold mine to the southwest of my base. Entering Patavium triggers Aquilea to build so I have to pay a visit to them. I build a Castle close but just outside of the vicinity of their base. Initially, I built it too close. This allows me to create a chokepoint between the woodline, nearby water, and the Castle. Kinda handy against their melee units. They break against and I can smash the Wonder by sending Trebs north along the woodline. Once I destroy the Wonder and TC they give up. Which... trigggers Mediolanum, who also keeps sending Trebs at my base from time to time. 5 Knights or Paladins are enough most of the time, but I have to pay attention. Once I didn't and my stupid ass lost Attila (almost microed him away but I am still stupid). I build a Castle and stage my attack close to the Mediolanum's shore line since it's a very good access point and it allows me to Treb the Wonder from outside of their walls. The Wonder falls and after destroying the TC Mediolanum calls it a day just like Aquilea. Which triggers Verona. Quite literally because they send their army to the place where I mine that sweet precious gold and they also wreck my 2 Castles in the location, while I am busy ending the cockroach known as Patavium. At least in their original base. They are programmed to rebuild in Verona's walls and they only give up if you kill every single unit of theirs.
    And as everyone who played this mission knows - Verona also starts building a goddamn Wonder once you enter Mediolanum. That means I think I kinda have to rush them. Which is stupid, because I am tired and going slowly as I eventually find out is much better, because that Wonder can fall with 80 years left just as well. Also, I forgot that I can research Atheism. I eventually remember that and send 22 Villagers for the Castle with a nice army of Paladins and Heavy CAs. Not to mention I increase the number of Trebs. Verona fights hard, but they surrender after destruction of their production buildings.
    This means that only Patavium who was absolutely inconsequential for an hour or so is the only enemy in the game. But hey, I can finally research Spies to find after 20 seconds they are hiding a Champion in the northwestern corner of the map...

    This means I can finally pursue my evil plan and kill all Roman units except Leo. First I build two Castles close to the city with my injured villagers who are then sent to mine gold. This is an important fact, because Pope Leo started to heal them and then went with them to the gold mine location. So when I switched Rome to Neutral and then Enemy and went oh damn what if I kill him... he was completely safe.
    Which was accidental 11111111. That being said, Rome never switches from Ally so you can freely kill them and raze the city to the ground. I wanted to kill Leo with Attila, but the win condition triggered from a decent distance.
    That is not an issue though. Rome is allied with the player for the entire mission, so it doesn't impede the goal of the run. It was fun though.


    Thisis where he went

    ![img](kbawm6n9ys781 "They are pretty far from each other imho


    You can see that Patavian cockroach. And the sudden pop drop in Rome.

    With that, Attila is over. We are onto Cid.


    1. Every War Galley that has destroyed a Trade Cog or a Fishing Ship
    2. Tarkans from the beggining of #1
    3. Tarkans from the beginning of #5
    4. 22 Villagers that Castle dropped Verona
    submitted by /u/iSkehan
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    Draw game?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2021 06:46 AM PST

    Hi all,

    I'm new to online games and my opponent kept asking me for a draw from the 10' mark. He was sending me messages like « bro ??? » anytime I would attack.. which was quite disturbing. He kept asking for a draw even when he was clearly overwhelmed . Is this something common ? (The guy has over 800 games played) Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Del_Sport
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    Trade Market Bug on The Hautevilles

    Posted: 26 Dec 2021 05:31 AM PST

    How long do Portuguese have to be the lowest win rate Civ and pick rate Civ before they get a buff?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2021 12:37 AM PST

    I can't remember how long they have been in bottom five for pick and win rate.

    Can they at least get squire or Hussar for gods sake?

    This Civ is clearly struggling.

    submitted by /u/SolomonRed
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    A tribute to the villager

    Posted: 25 Dec 2021 04:04 PM PST

    Portuguese rebalanca

    Posted: 26 Dec 2021 06:13 AM PST

    On water maps they are oppressive, on landmaps lackluster. Buff their land capabilities and nerf their water strengths somehow, then water maps might become more interesting

    submitted by /u/entunavi
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    Original buildings

    Posted: 26 Dec 2021 02:02 AM PST

    hello, is there a mod to change AoE 2 DE buildings back to original buildings?

    submitted by /u/raf8465
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    How to beat Mameluke special UU

    Posted: 26 Dec 2021 12:30 AM PST

    I got some conflicting comments before on this and have not found a good combo against them. Anyone can share some comprehensive knowledge on how to counter them and their combo ( Mameluke + mango or scorpions)? Knights even including Sicilian knights are completely useless against them. How about camels? Other melee units are always outranged by them as well. For an non-archer civ ( can have x-bow) which units should I focus on? I didn't find skirms can counter them either. I can do Xbow but they are outrun by them as well since they run really fast. What about CA? I often get the answer don't let them get mass Mameluke. But a lot of time it is not avoidable —- the opponent just build castles in their base . Even just a few of them feel very dangerous and much worse than CA.

    submitted by /u/justingreg
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    Merry Christmas 'Tis Campaign Genocide episode #14 Attila #1 #2 #3

    Posted: 25 Dec 2021 01:19 PM PST

    Merry Christmas 'Tis Campaign Genocide episode #14 Attila #1 #2 #3

    Yes, I celebrate Christmas, but they are extremely lowkey, largely because of some events that took place in the last year and a half.

    I like Attila. It's a good campaign and Huns are my favorite Arabia civ. They are mobile and also for this run they have 3 really good late game composition village killer units - Paladins, Tarkans, CAs. Tarkans... my favorite Siege weapon from the campaign. I mean yes, Mongolian garrisoned Rams with Drill are a thing, but Tarkans are still the fastest Siege Weapon without investment. Attila #1 seemed like an obstacle by the nature of the win condition of beating two out of three enemies. But waaaaaait a minute. Romans stay in Feudal and have a Castle. They won't give up with a standing Castle, but since they are Feudal they can't produce jack from it. In the Prologue part of the mission, I cheesed Bleda. Went back at the right time after Archers appeared, which turned him back into Ally and set him on Neutral, and killed all his units. That preserved all the crucial Tarkan HP for the next part of the mission.

    This was the first time I played this mission while leaving Romans ... well not alive, but undefeated. When I researched for the mission, I discovered that Persians have no early army so I rushed their base with the starting Tarkans, and as I fast Castled I dropped a Castle on their TC. Persian TCs... hard to wreck with the starting comp. That pretty much wrecked them and while it needed some clean-up to beat them and later cleanup for fishing ships that was done. Scythians and Romans started their aggression just as I finished off Persians. I had to reload there to set up for another Castle. There are no Rams from either of them so they stopped being an offensive threat. I also sent 2 Cav Archers to kill the Scythian prince. That took time. Bastard regenerates.Then I started destroying Roman production and killing their units, leaving Castle alone. They didn't surrender. Then... I had to look for a Fishing ship. This will be a recurring theme in this one. Romans out of units, but not surrendering - perfect. I can all Scythians. Knights, Tarkans, and some Rams (for Castles, Tarkans turn towers into jokes).

    Yup, the drop is there. Notice the Roman Fishing Ship.

    Attila #2

    With the starting army, I first destroyed Naissus Tower with Tarkans and killed Sofia Men at Arms with CAs who kited them. I left the villagers up. You may ask. Skehan, this is a genocide run, why did you do that? That's because they can still harvest resources for us to pick up later. So I moved to Dyrrhachium. I reloaded here a bunch of times because I wanted to prove myself I can take the force behind the Palisade without a loss. There are Archers, but more importantly a friggin high ground Onager (not a Mangonel, Onager). I could obviously kill it later, but I am stubborn. Eventually, I went with CAs taking down Archers and then Tarkans splitting to sides to destroy Palisade while sending the group that is getting shot on away. Tarkans kinda melt Palisades.Then I went on a long kiting trip against Dyrrhachium Pikes and killed all their Villagers, destroyed TC and other buildings. This makes Dyrrhachium surrender and they delete its Castle so you can pick up the prisoners without taking damage. I moved on to Thessaloniki and picked up the Villagers and then to Adrianople where I always lose a unit to conversion. Then I returned to Naissos to get wood for TC and to Sofia whose food boost is really nice at that point. CAs to kill Sofian Vills so Tarkans don't get shot at much. I then proceeded to raze the towns to smithereens because it just felt proper. And I also have to build a Dock... because I have to find all Thessaloniki Fishing Ships. Some are in the lake below and unlike in the river they can't be reached by ground units.

    I build a Castle outside of former Adrianople (by the way place of one of the largest defeats of the Roman Empire in 378 at the hands of Goths Cavalry. Yes Cavalry, that was the actual Gothic jam.)I do have to station some melee troops inside because Roman Army does field Rams. I move a Castle closer to their southern gate to create a foothold and start pushing. I don't have Spies so I have to be careful to find all their Villagers before destroying their TC. Sure as hell I have to reload once, but the second time is the charm. I did pick up the Scythian secondary objective, but it was largely inconsequential. Still, it's a nice reinforcement pick-up and a way to get above the lowly 75 pop limit.

    We start with so many colors. And only two shall remain.

    Razing Constantinople

    "You mean raiding?"
    "I know what I said."
    ---One of Attila's soldiers and Attila about this mission---

    I like this mission, but it needs an update. I will get to that later. You start the mission with a Feudal rush at the hands of Marcianopolis, but you have 3 Tarkans and a bunch of resources so it's not a real issue. Marcianopolis has walls, but given its proximity and weak army without Pikes... they are dealt a small Cavalry force a Monk and one Ram. This gives you a nice gold boost and access to resources in their base. You can then lazily build up your base and gather non-gold resources in peace only to find out that Philippopolis is actually the major enemy in this mission. Because Constantinople does have crossbows, Onagers, and Cataphracts... but they stay in the city and do jack and they don't retrain troops. At all. I did accidentally pull some of them because I tried to build the Castle too close because I am me... but yeah. Not a threat. Philippopolis is not a threat, but they actually actively try to impede you and they make Pikes (and Archers). This makes them really susceptible to Elite Skirms, but let's be honest. I am not playing Single Player to train an entire army of Skirms. Also, Skirms are trash at killing Villagers. That being said I did train some because they don't cost gold and I needed to be in full control of the gold income, so I potentially don't end up waiting for relics to trickle in 1000 gold. Needless to say, that was not an issue for two major reasons - you don't have to collect the gold if you play like me and there is also LOT of gold to gain here. And the gold mine in the south is worth 4800. Anyway. I wrecked them, because well that's the goal and looked for some Villagers, who don't get deleted after surrendering in this one, and then I could turn my murderous gaze towards Constantinople.

    I needed to train some ships to get water control. About 15 War Galleys does the job well enough to clear their Navy. And it also helps with hunting Fishing Ships, because they have a decent vision. Then I could move to destroy the city. Which involved drawing the rest of the field army. At that point, I could have made sure I killed all the remaining Fishing Ships and called it a day. But nah. I decided to destroy the city again. After Barbarossa #5 this is the second time I have done so in a couple of days. The most interesting part here was Castle dropping the Castle inside the city and sending a couple of Rams to it one by one because I am pop-limit blocked. At this point I had to queue in Monks, Knights, Rams, Tarkans, and CAs to avoid winning regularly. And I found out that you can win this mission without ever obtaining 10.000 gold. You can do it like this.

    This is the second try, where I cleared everything.

    Annoyingly enough, I found out that even though I tried to be thorough I missed two Philippopolis ships the first time. One Trade Cog just right off their coast on the edge of the map and one Fishing Ship. So I reloaded I finished them off, before getting the beautiful shot above. I am kind of interested if you can win the mission, by destroying the Wonder and ignoring Marcianopolis and Philippopolis, but that is for another day.

    This is the resting place of that damned Fishing Ship.


    Funnily enough, I seemed to have killed all Marcianopolis units only for them to create a Fishing Ship, which I have later hunted down organically (no surrender looking). That being said, you can see there that Philippopolis was the true Worthy Enemy here.

    I have been tributed 15k gold and acquired 2346 from relics and mined 3584.

    My greatest enemies in this run.
    5. Lack of Spies
    4. Missions without base
    3. Lack of Trade in Barbarossa #4
    2. Goddamn Fishing ships
    1. Missions where you don't have to beat every enemy.

    submitted by /u/iSkehan
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