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    Sunday, November 3, 2019

    Age of Empires II u/Bladjomir built the most iconic Age of Empires Castle in Minecraft

    Age of Empires II u/Bladjomir built the most iconic Age of Empires Castle in Minecraft

    u/Bladjomir built the most iconic Age of Empires Castle in Minecraft

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 01:34 AM PDT

    Where i wanna spend my final days...

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 09:14 AM PDT

    I found this PlayStation 2 game today for a cheap price

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 04:59 AM PST

    When you forget to send more vills to wood, but you can still afford your buildings because you're Malians

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 09:01 AM PDT

    My first multiplayer game

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 04:24 PM PDT

    Hey guys! So this is stupid and pointless and I don't expect anyone to read it or care, but I'm excited and wanted to share.

    I consider myself a pretty terrible AoE2 player, and I've always been afraid of getting rolled in mp (I can beat Hard AI maybe 50% of the time). My friend recently got back into it, and we decided to play an online 2v2 (server proudly declaring "noobs only"). And we won! Not only that, but it wasn't even close. The other guys were 5 minutes behind us to Feudal/Castle. Opponent 1 had an army of 5 archers when we attacked his base, and he immediately resigned. Opponent 2 had a defensive navy and literally zero land army, so he immediately resigned, too.

    Anyway, it was awesome, and I had tons of fun, so if there's anyone out there who, like me, is decent against AI but terrified of getting their ass whooped in multi, don't be; there are probably worse players out there.

    submitted by /u/captainwigwam91
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    What can the players do when someone tries to lag the game on purpose?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 12:29 AM PDT

    I was just playing in Arabia, 3vs3. Few minutes into the game, and my team managed to kill 3 enemy villagers from a player called The Emperor !!. Then he decides to lag the game to make in impossible to play. He even said he had all day. There was nothing we could do, so at the end we decided to quit.

    Is there anything we could have done to fight back? What do you do in this kind of situations?

    submitted by /u/Jarriagag
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    What is the deal with campaign difficulty?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 09:18 PM PDT

    If I play on Standard it's boring as fuck because the AI just sits there and lets me kill them. On Moderate, I can beat the first level or two, but beyond that I'm screwed because they can just boom away and have god-level micro.

    Notable levels that have stumped me so far:

    • El Cid 2. The two (supposedly warring) AIs immediately start spamming xbows, cavaliers, and rams at me, and I can't even get a decent eco going because all the gold and stone is out in the middle of nowhere, and any attempt to exploit either gets assaulted. If I do make into the city, it turns into a horrible nightmare because they can keep spamming unit, and there's one absolute whore of a castle sitting behind a chokepoint that prevents me from getting more than one or two rams at a time to it, or from defending said rams. And of course I'm locked to Castle Age.

    • Montezuma 3. The hints suggest rushing Red, but it doesn't work, they immediately have a shit ton of archers, eagles, and monks waiting for you. Then blue starts coming at you with OP as fuck Spanish bombards. And of course the only gold deposit near your base is tiny.

    • Saladin 2. Fuck this god-forsaken level.

    • Genghis Khan 3. Either I build up a strong base and start booming but not in time to stop Yellow's wonder, or I try to rush yellow and red slaughters my eco.

    Haven't really messed much with the Forgotten, AK, or Rajas campaigns because I've heard they're all stupid hard.

    Really hoping DE has more nuanced difficulty options. I need something between "boring" and "miserable multi-hour slog".

    submitted by /u/Cheesy_Bobs
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    The best feature of DE will be ....

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 10:27 AM PDT

    Regaining map control in castle age.

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 07:48 PM PDT

    Hi guys, I really suck at regaining map control, when I am in a back foot, especially when I am going slow units like xbows and pikes and when the enemy is going full 1 TC push. I don't know how to counter their 1 TC push full knights and siege and I always resign. I am 16xx - 17xx voobly. Any pro tips on how to regain map control?

    submitted by /u/WaitYouKnowMe
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    Mongols in a nutshell

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 11:16 AM PDT

    Steam issue using Play on Mac -

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 01:24 PM PDT

    Yesterday Play on Mac stopped working for me. It cited windows XP as being the issue. I:

    Configured Steam to use Windows 7 instead. Then steam opened but with the black screen of death.

    I tried downloading the old library files and using those instead of the recently updated ones. No joy. Just a different sort of black screen of death in the steam library.

    Then I did some searching and found the line of code to copy into the argument field in steam. Steam opened again and this time it sort of worked - a very simplistic version of the library opened. Installed the game and ran it but it took an age to load and was unplayable. Not just HD laggy but wouldn't work right from the main menu.

    Now I'm stuck. Anyone having the same issues? Is this just steam and play on Mac being useless again? Is there a workaround I'm missing?

    Can't use Voobly. Can't use Bootcamp.


    submitted by /u/AlkalineKiss
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    Resolution problems

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 03:17 PM PDT

    Hey Guys! I've got a big favor to ask for. I've just installed AOE II. (not playing through Steam, regular downloaded file from the old times :) ) But the game is extremely zoomed in. Changing the resolution settings in the opening screen does not help. Changing the resolution of my laptop (Microsoft Surface book 1) also does not help.

    Does anyone have an idea of what to do? Thanks a lot!!

    EDIT: Playing through Hamachi, not Voobly.

    submitted by /u/sptak
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    Playing after campaigns

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 08:31 AM PDT

    Hi there !

    I'm a frequent player of AOEDE and AOEII, i've been doing so for more or less 10 years now.

    After playing over and over the campaigns, over and over multiplayer games, scenarios and stuff, it seems that I'm a little stuck/not that enthuisastic opening the game the same way as I was before. I kinda make the same patterns every time I play. It gets a little boring.

    But I don't want to pass on to a new game, it just is the best game for me so far, it would make me sad to leave AOE thinking I got bored of the game of my childhood that kept me staying up all night long.

    My goal here is simple, if any of you is really a long-time player/fan of the aoe franchise as I am and is in a situation that looks like mine, I would like to create a post where we could exchange for challenges, new way of playing, share eachother's experience, etc. The overall goal is to share about the different ways we play the game, or how we could find new ways to play it, or some ideas of challenges... ?

    I hope i'm clear enough, have a great day :)

    submitted by /u/jelepany
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    Fastest Nomad Castle Time

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 01:21 PM PDT

    what were the fastest nomad castle times you ever witnessed?

    i thought anything under 18min is pretty fast but 16:xx - crazy stuff


    red was persian, elo around 1900

    submitted by /u/schelli1
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