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    Wednesday, March 18, 2020

    Age of Empires II It gotta work sometime

    Age of Empires II It gotta work sometime

    It gotta work sometime

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 02:24 AM PDT

    This post is to thank my blue ally (I'm green) for when he got fucked he did not quit and thanks to his pikes and trade we won

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 02:04 PM PDT

    The 256x Experience [1 Month Long Edit]

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 05:18 AM PDT

    Glitch: Art of War - Booming challenge can't click up to Imperial age unless a castle is built

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 01:04 AM PDT

    Updated Hidden Cup 3 Stats Sheets

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 12:18 AM PDT

    I've finally finished putting together a few Google Sheets with Hidden Cup 3 Qualifier Stats. You can find the link here.

    There are a few sheets:

    • HC3_Bracket: Has a quick visual graphic of the HC3 Main Event Match-ups and results in a nice looking bracket form. I also have the player Identity Reveals listed.
    • Qualifier_Bracket: Same basic concept as the main Bracket, but with the Qualifier Match-ups.
    • MatchupResults: The heart of the data. It holds all players, maps, and civs used, and documents the winners and losers. There are some "highlight' fields on the top that anyone should be able to use, assuming I customized the worksheet protections correctly.
    • CivMapPicks: This sheet documents the map pics as well as the map and civ bans for each match-up. To the right is a quick table showing which civs and maps are most frequently banned.
    • Player Stats: Show's some quick stats for each player. I have games played, win%, # of Times the player has played on each map, and the number of times a player has played as each civ.
    • ResultsByMap: Basically the same data as on the MatchupResults sheet, but sorted by Map then Civs for quick reference when certain maps/civs are played. There are filters on the top that enable you to further condense the match-up data.

    Anyone should be able to filter/highlight the data on the 'ResultsByMap' and "MatchupResults" sheets. Let me know if it doesn't work. I can imagine it could get weird if multiple people try to filter at a time, but I think you could save a copy and play with it.

    I'm stuck in a COVID-19 quarantine through HC3, so if anyone has suggestions, I'll try to add to the sheet(s); I have all day tomorrow to get it together.

    Who's ready for HC3!?

    submitted by /u/dupsmckracken
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    That guy...

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 10:00 AM PDT

    Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Who’s playing as the Celts today?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 11:59 AM PDT

    Won 7 of 10 of my ranked placement matches, I don’t know what I was so scared of.

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 08:36 PM PDT

    Hit 1100 elo. The skill level is not nearly as high as I was anxious about at this level. I was extremely surprised how easily I won my first game. Just a little practice on economy and early game basically puts you about average I guess.

    The games I lost were also totally winnable after watching the replays I made some critical mistakes. Like one guy playing goths I was dominating except I let a couple vils sneak away as I was starting a castle push and build like 4 barracks who proceeded to spam out like a trillion melee units fast as hell.

    This game is a lot of fun glad I picked it up after all these years.

    submitted by /u/QuarantineX
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    Ranked Map rating distribution - 17.03.2020

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 11:21 AM PDT

    Having trouble competing in multiplayer

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 09:20 AM PDT

    So I'm fairly decent at this game. I am able to beat the hard AI with a knight rush and know a good strategy to do it. I've also used it online and it works well.

    However, when I am in the pocket position and focus a lot on booming my economy, I find myself being very late to the imperial age because I'm trying to create a hundred villagers out of 200 pop and this strains my food resource. Moreover, I use about 3 TC's to do this. And when I do make it to the imperial age, I don't have an army yet and I get destroyed by my opponents.

    Is there a way I can avoid straining my economy while booming and creating my military before and during the imperial age? Any help is much appreciated :)

    submitted by /u/Nut-Loaf
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    Invisible sheep

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 09:05 AM PDT

    Recently, I had difficulty finding my final 2 sheep after having scouted most of the map (in single-player no enemies), and finally discovered them in a place I had already scouted, but they were invisible in the fog of war. Is this intended, maybe because they were initially scouted with my other sheep? I still feel like they should be visible in the fog so that I can pick them up with my scout.

    submitted by /u/Goodkat2600
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    Iroquois and Sioux civilizations idea

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 08:59 AM PDT

    I know devs said that they won't add new civilizations into the game. I am making these ideas for fun. I am bored because of the COVID-19. I am at home every day so I have time to make new fanmade civs.

    Firstly, I made Iroquois and Sioux custom civilizations.


    Infantry civilization


    • -Lumberjacks carry +5/10 in Dark/Feudal age \+10 in Dark Age would be OP**
    • -Eagle Warrior upgrade is free \NOT ELITE!, they would have new skin**
    • -Foot Units can garrison in Outpost \Every land unit, expect Siege and Mounted Units, however Iroquois does not have access to Cavalry**
    • -Outpost +100/300/500 HPs in Feudal/Castle/Imperial age

    Unique Building:

    • Iroquois Longhouse [20 population, costs 60W, 100/200/400 more hitpoints than House in Feudal/Castle/Imperial age, Size: 2x4] \iconic building, basically two Incan houses side by side, but it has more hitpoints**

    Unique Unit:

    • Tomahawk Warrior: fast raiding infantry (Costs: 50F/30G Stats: 50(60)HPs, Armor: 1/1(1/2), Attack:10(12), Strong vs Buildings and Siege, Weak vs Archers, Attack Bonus: +8(12) vs Buildings, +4 vs Siege)
    • Elite: 1000F/500G
    • Mantlet: anti archer siege unit (Costs: 80F/80G Stats: 80 hitpoints, Armor: 0/10, Attack: 8, Range: 6, Strong vs Ranged Units, Weak vs melee units, Attack Bonus: 50 vs Buildings, 20 vs Stone Buildings, 5 vs Ranged Units)

    Unique Techs:

    • Castle age: All Unit moves 5% faster Costs: 200F/200G
    • Imperial age: Outpost ±5/3 armor and can fire arrows 400W/150S

    Team Bonus:

    • Stone and Paladise Walls +2 LOS


    • Mohawk

    Architecture style:

    • North American

    Missing techs:

    • Archery range: Cavaly Archer, Parthian Tactics, Hand Cannoneer
    • Barracks: None
    • Stable: No Stable
    • Dock: Cannon Galleon, Heavy Demo Ship, Shipwright
    • Siege: Heavy Scorpion, Bombard Cannon
    • Blacksmith: Cavalry Armor
    • University: Architecture, Bombard Tower, Fortified Wall, Heated Shot
    • Economy: Guilds, Gold Shaft Mining
    • Monastery: Faith, Sancity, Theocracy, Illumination


    Cavalry Archer civilization


    • -Huntables last 30% longer \Sioux tribes were famous for hunting bisons**
    • -Archery Range upgrades cost 50% less \Cheaper Heavy CA, X-Bow and Skirmisher upgrades**
    • -Cavalry Archers ignore Thumb Rhing and Ballistics \University required**

    Unique Unit:

    • Wakan: Cavalry Archer(Costs: 60W/50G Stats: 50(60)HPs, Armor: 0/0(1/1), Attack:8(9), Range: 3(4), Strong vs Infantry, Weak vs Skirmishers, Attack Bonus:+5(6) vs Cavalry)
    • Elite: 1000F, 750G \Wakan means powerful**

    Unique Techs:

    • Castle age: Causes Villagers to return 25 food when they die 250F/100G \not historical, but pretty good tech**
    • Imperial age: Eagle Warriors trained faster 300W/500G \Still RESKINNED!**

    Team Bonus:

    • Cavalry Archers +1 bonus damage to Skirmishers


    • Siouan

    Architecture style:

    • North American \but they have teepees, a house with new skin**

    Missing techs:

    • Archery range: Hand Cannoneer, Arbalest
    • Barracks: Champion
    • Stable: No Stable
    • Dock: Galleon, Heavy Demolation Ship, Cannon Galleon
    • Siege: Bombard Cannon, Siege Onager, Heavy Scorpion
    • Blacksmith: Cavalry armor
    • University: Masonry, Stone Wall, Guard Tower, Arrowslits, Heated Shot, Bombard Tower
    • Economy: Two-Man Saw, Stone Shaft Mining, Guilds
    • Monastery: Faith, Illumination, Fervor, Block Printing
    submitted by /u/romaniaisunreal
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    Help with AI Scripting

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 08:58 AM PDT

    So I am using the AI builder ( http://www.forgottenempires.net/aibuilder/ ) to make the AI for a custom campaign. The campaign is fairly simple: 6 scenarios of build-and-destroy in the same spirit of the AoK and AoC campaigns.

    So here is my dilemma: I notice that the AI in campaigns tends to not build new buildings unless it loses the already existing ones, so mostof my scripts have to establish the number of each building I want the AI to build in any given scenario, as well as not resigning.

    That part I have it nailed down. However the builder also requires me to establish the number of units. If I leave it on 0 the AI just doesn't create even villagers. I want itto build units and farms as well as camps and mills andhouses as it normally does, instead of specifying everysingle type.


    submitted by /u/Toremm
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    enjoying quarantine

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 04:20 PM PDT

    Graphics card recs for 4K?

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 08:50 AM PDT

    Recently got a 4K monitor and was hoping to run DE only to find out that my weakling 1gb GPU needs to be upgraded too.

    Anyone have recommendations for a good bang for your buck GPU?

    I'm running on a Asus Z87 Pro with 16gb of RAM if that helps.

    submitted by /u/mfletch300
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    Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition - Historical Battles "Vinlandsaga" | Hard Playthrough

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 08:19 AM PDT

    Units don't obey commands at times?

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 08:08 AM PDT

    Units seem to "forget" commands and will either just stand still or attack an enemy close to them.

    Am I imagining this? Every game it seems to me like I lose cavalry because they ignore my commands and instead attack spears/archers.

    submitted by /u/Yobalt
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    Strategy Archive - The latest Basic to Advances Strategies and Build Orders

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 05:36 PM PDT

    Strategy Archive - The latest Basic to Advances Strategies and Build Orders

    I made a simple little site that's easy to use and could be nice to have as a bookmark. For beginners as well as more experienced players who might want to refresh their build orders a bit-
    Druzhina Strategy Archive - AoE2 www.druzhinaarchive.com
    Please tell me what you think, or even comment on the site itself. Contributors are also welcome!
    I will be active adding more Build Orders and Video illustrations to the site on a weekly basis, as well as more general advice regarding Strategies, Unit Compositions, Counters and Team Play.

    Screenshot from the www.druzhinaarchive.com

    submitted by /u/DruzhinaAoE
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    Did my game crash or are servers down

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 03:42 AM PDT

    My game froze then it just closed on me...

    submitted by /u/vzvictorzheng
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    I keep on doing campigians and then losing all my progress

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 01:28 AM PDT

    I keep doing the portguesse campigian and it always unsaves the 3rd and 4 th mission and can i refet it back ad i spent hours and lost the porgress

    submitted by /u/Moomin2007
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    Feitoria Analysis

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 02:50 PM PDT

    this thing is making news in the r/globaloffensive subreddit

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 09:23 AM PDT

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