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    Age of Empires II Medieval Monday: Ask Your Questions and Get Your Answers

    Age of Empires II Medieval Monday: Ask Your Questions and Get Your Answers

    Medieval Monday: Ask Your Questions and Get Your Answers

    Posted: 03 May 2021 04:00 AM PDT

    Time for another weekly round of questions.

    Talk about everything from build orders to advanced strategies.

    Whatever your questions, the community is here to answer them.

    So ask away!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    This always makes me sad

    Posted: 02 May 2021 12:07 PM PDT

    Vil Resource Pathing is Better on DE than Voobly (with Evidence)

    Posted: 03 May 2021 02:55 AM PDT

    I see a lot of discussion about the pathing in DE and vils bumping and getting stuck. Whilst DE is not without its flaws, I've always been of the opinion that many of these issues are somewhat exaggerated, and that Voobly had similar issues in these areas, so I've run some tests to compare vil gathering rates across the two platforms.

    Caveat: Just because something is better in DE than Voobly, doesn't necessarily mean it shouldn't still be fixed. This is in response to claims that these issues are DE specific, rather than a rebuttal to the point that pathing should be improved. Also this is specific to vil pathing whilst gathering. Unit pathing more generally is not covered here.

    Tests I ran two tests, one on gold, one on wood. The gold test was a repeat of Spirit of the Laws test seen in this video https://youtu.be/jJkAs7id-vc?t=140, with 24 vils round a two tile gold. The wood test was 12 vils to one lumber camp.

    Gold Results (3 Tests, 3 mins each)

    Average gold collected on DE: 836

    Average gold collected on Voobly: 714

    Wood Results (3 Tests, 3 mins each)

    Average wood collected on DE: 754

    Average wood collected on Voobly: 632


    1. Based on the evidence here, vil pathing is significantly improved in DE compared with Voobly.

    2. The amount of res collected in my tests is substantially lower than in Spirit of the Law's. This is true across both DE and Voobly (he tested on HD not Voobly though). Possible explanations here are: a. Gold mining upgrades were used in his tests b. DE pathing has got worse since he tested in September 2020. c. Voobly pathing is worse than HD pathing.

    Given the numbers are lower across both and I'm sceptical that Voobly results would be notably worse than HD results I suspect a) is the case but it could be a combination of things going on here.

    1. Watching the tests visually the general conclusion I formed was that DE pathing is better on average but slightly more variable. The vils seem to bump less often and for less time, but when they do get stuck they can get stuck for a long time, leading to the infamous disco dancing. In essence this means that DE pathing looks worse even though it's better - generally better pathing is not very noticeable, whereas two vils getting stuck on each other for a full minute is.

    There's much more to explore here, this was a very quick test and I'd welcome input from anyone with the patience to carry out some more in-depth tests.

    submitted by /u/Mankaur
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    Who misses Obsidian Arrows?

    Posted: 03 May 2021 12:45 AM PDT

    Do you think siege archers is unique, or stupid?

    submitted by /u/hussar269c
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    I pussy out most of the time right before clicking the "Find Match" button.

    Posted: 03 May 2021 06:56 AM PDT

    Can't believe the winner of RBW3 was the person who forgot to register for the 1st set of qualifiers, 11

    Posted: 03 May 2021 07:19 AM PDT

    As you remember, there were 2 set of qualifiers, one on 2-3 January and the other on 9-10 January. Nothing to much to add here.

    All Hail Lord DauT!!

    submitted by /u/Holy-Roman-Emperor
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    himfw posting on aoe2 social media today

    Posted: 02 May 2021 03:25 PM PDT

    Anyone against renaming Slavs as Rus?

    Posted: 02 May 2021 08:59 PM PDT

    I've only seen universal approval of this, but are there any people against this?

    Like should Dawn of the Dukes take the chance to rename Slavs as Rus. Also, would this be a bad precedent? I know AOE 3 DE renamed some of the native civs to be more historically accurate.


    submitted by /u/Alchemist1330
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    Just tried Moderate AI 1v1 for the first time. Just keep practicing low ELO/Newbs!

    Posted: 03 May 2021 04:01 AM PDT

    Uhh. Yeah, ok haha. I normally mess around with build orders against AI team matches. Previously, Moderate was a problem for me. As I've won a few ~900+ elo ranked games lately, I decided to check it out.

    Played Khmer, Arena, Archer into Ballista. Feudal at 9:30, small archer push, castle age at 19:30, dropped 2 forward castles, match won at 28:30 with Ballista, a few Rams, and a stupid amount of Archer. Under 1 minute idle TC (1 TC, knew another wouldn't be needed. Never saw a push at my base due to early woodline harassment, had 2 forward ranges real early on. Picked off 7 vils before 12 minutes.

    I... used to find Moderate HARD. Like, really hard. Like, if I held off past their vil cap I could win but that was rare.

    Probably gunna try Hard tonight. Feel like I'll win that too.

    Had the resources I needed when I needed them, fully set up on farms (used to move berries to wood to get farms going ugh), grabbed blacksmith upgrades at the start of each age. Had ALL relics by 25 or so.

    Just because you feel like a terrible player doesn't mean you aren't making progress... keep it up. If this idiot can do it, you can too!

    Motivation Monday haha.

    submitted by /u/MysticMarbles
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    Huns are overrated. Change my mind

    Posted: 03 May 2021 03:48 AM PDT

    I see so many aoe beginners just picking huns

    every single game, and I ask myself why??

    submitted by /u/hellomynameisname404
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    Best strats for magyars

    Posted: 03 May 2021 06:44 AM PDT

    I think I am going to try Magyars today. Any tips? I am an intermediate player

    submitted by /u/hellomynameisname404
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    Genghis Khan campaign 4

    Posted: 02 May 2021 10:01 PM PDT

    In Genghis Khan campaign 4, Persian king has to be assassinated first, if that objective fails, it is said that persian army will be stronger. So what are the benefits received by Persian army(as in upgrades) if the objective fails?

    submitted by /u/Masked1010
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    Name a more iconic duo

    Posted: 02 May 2021 05:46 PM PDT

    Bohemians civ V1

    Posted: 03 May 2021 06:49 AM PDT


    Gunpowder and defensive civilisation

    • Gunpowder units +1/2 armour; +5 bonus damage vs infantry
    • Monks 20% cheaper
    • Military buildings +25% hp
    • Cavalry +5 attack vs buildings

    Unique Unit: Wagon forts(80 wood 70 gold)

    A powerful defensive unit that must be set up like a Trebuchet. Fires multiple different projectiles.


    • 2 arrows and 1 bullet/3 arrows 2 bullets
    • 3/4 attack per arrow(70/75% accurate), 7/8 attack per bullet(60/70% accurate) only the bullets do the bonus damage vs cavalry
    1. +2/3(+7/8 with Wagenburgs) vs cavalry
    • 130/160 hp
    • (unpacked) 2/3, 4/4. (packed) 1/1, 1/2 armour
    • 6/7 range
    • 1.2 speed
    • Takes 15 seconds to pack/unpack
    • Elite is 1000 wood 700 gold

    Unique Technologies:

    • Wagenburgs: Wagon forts and gunpowder units +5 vs cavalry (550 wood 350 gold)
    • Howitzer: Gunpowder units fire multiple projectles (each only does half damage) (800 food 600 gold)

    Team bonus: Relics generate gold for allies (10 gold/min)

    Missing technologies:

    Barracks: Champion, squires

    Archery range: Heavy cav archer, parthian tactics

    Stable: Paladin,Husbandry, Camels, elephants, steppe lancers

    Siege Workshop: Siege ram, heavy scorpion

    Blacksmith: Blast Furnace

    Castle: Sappers

    University: Arrowslits, Keep, Heated shot


    Docks: Galleon, Fast fire ships, heavy demo ships, shipwright, Carrening

    Economy: Stone shaft mining, crop rotation

    submitted by /u/CaptainCakeEater
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    Atahualpa Custom Campaign

    Posted: 03 May 2021 06:43 AM PDT

    Should the player be Inca or Spanish?

    If the player is Inca, I'm afraid they may be very ill equipped against the Spanish, because the military are not as great as Aztec and Maya ones.

    As for Spanish, wouldn't it be too easy, since conqs, bombard cannons and Paladins can wreck almost anything?

    submitted by /u/hussar269c
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    Civ idea: Siege Focused Civilization v1.1

    Posted: 02 May 2021 07:41 PM PDT

    DISCLAIMER: I'm still rusty to AoE2, bear with me. This is mostly for fun.

    So, after getting some feedback, I've reworked the idea for a siege-focused civilization. ( https://www.reddit.com/r/aoe2/comments/n0kj8d/civ_idea_siege_focused_civilization_v10/ )



    Siege Civilization

    Economic buildings (besides town centers), support +5 population, and have a +1 drop-off radius

    Siege Units can be healed by Monks (at 60% rate)

    Suicide units (petard, demolition ship) have a -60% build time, and benefit from blacksmith techs

    Siege Workshops cost -100 wood

    Arson & Sappers available in Feudal age (via Barracks & Town Center, respectively)

    Unique Units:

    Thunder Bomber--ranged infantry, armed with staff sling, and explosives. Inaccurate, but has splash damage. Counts as a siege unit, and deals bonus damage to walls, towers, castles, and archers. (Somewhat similar to Grenadier from AoE3, and Slingers from AoE1)

    Saboteur: Upgrade of petard.

    Team Bonus:

    Repair costs reduced by 60%

    Unique Techs:

    Castle--Siegecraft: Castle units can be produced at siege workshop.

    Imperial--Shrapnel: Siege Units deal +50% damage to units


    Imperial--Salvo: Siege weapons have better accuracy, and move faster


    Imperial--Barrage: Onagers, Scorpions, Bombards, and ships deal greater bonus damage to buildings



    • Militia line capped at 2-handed swordsman
    • Full access to halberdiers
    • No Eagle Warriors
    • Full access to all techs

    Archery Range:

    • Full access to Arbalest
    • Full access to Elite Skirmisher
    • Cavalry Archer capped at base
    • Access to hand cannoneer
    • Access to Thumb Ring
    • No Parthian Tactics


    • Cavalry units capped at Light Cavalry & Cavalier
    • No Camels, Battle Elephants, or Steppe Lancers
    • Access to Bloodlines
    • No Husbandry


    • Full access to Ring Archer Armor, Bracer, Blast Furnace, and Plate Infantry Armor
    • Cavalry armor capped at Chainmail

    Siege Workshop:

    • Full access to all conventional siege units
    • After researching Siegecraft, castle units can be built at Siege Workshop


    • Full access to galleon, heavy demo ship, and cannon galleon
    • Fire ship capped
    • Full access to Dry Docks
    • No access to Shipwright


    • Access to Masonry, without Architecture
    • No access to Fortified Wall
    • Full access to Chemistry and Bombard Tower
    • Full access to Ballistics & Siege Engineers
    • Towers capped at Guard Towers
    • Access to Murder Holes, Heated Shot, and Arrow slits
    • No access to Treadmill crane


    • Access to everything
    • Sappers possibly available in Castle age from here, if we go with it being available in Feudal age, from Town Center
    • Petards would be upgraded into saboteurs in the castle, just as Thunder Bombers, and the upgrade would be above-average, in cost.

    Town Center:

    • Full access to Everything


    • Access to all techs, except for Fervor, Sanctity, and Atonement

    Mining Camp:

    • Access to all techs, except for Stone Shaft Mining

    Lumber Camp:

    • Full access to Two-Man Saw


    • No access to Guilds


    • Upgrades capped to Heavy Plow


    So, what do you guys think? Is it unbalanced? Most likely. Could it be interesting? Any ideas to fine-tune it? And would it be different enough in gameplay, to be its own thing?

    And even if you don't like this idea, please let me know! I genuinely want constructive criticism!

    Feedback always appreciated!

    submitted by /u/MrMadManiac
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    Trying out DE for the first time - Why is the minimap all gray?

    Posted: 02 May 2021 02:31 PM PDT

    After resigning because i got lamed, this is the message i got. The Ladder is getting more and more frustrating, laming and insults happen in most games nowadays. (around 18xx elo)

    Posted: 03 May 2021 04:23 AM PDT

    General user-interface improvements to AOE2 DE

    Posted: 02 May 2021 11:32 AM PDT

    There are a handful of menu and user interface improvements that I feel DE desperately needs.

    1) There are too many buttons to press and menu layers to navigate. I'm hoping that the quick play menu will eventually be implemented as a replacement for the current ranked and custom lobby interface.

    2) You should not have to re-invite your friends to a party after every game or after every failed attempt to join a match. This one is self-explanatory.

    3) You should be able to sort spectatable games by ELO. I personally greatly enjoy watching random high-level 1v1s in the spectator client, but it needs to be easier to filter them out from the rest.

    submitted by /u/IhaveSonar
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    Help! Problems with custom campaigns, only first level shows up

    Posted: 03 May 2021 03:47 AM PDT

    I'm playing DE, and everything seems fine, I can enter the first level fine, but when I complete it the second one doesn't show up :(

    submitted by /u/mmmmmkage
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    went from the guy who resigns immediately after seeing knight rush to the guy who does the knight rushing (I AM THE ONE WHO KNOCKS!)

    Posted: 02 May 2021 09:58 AM PDT

    went from the guy who resigns immediately after seeing knight rush to the guy who does the knight rushing (I AM THE ONE WHO KNOCKS!)

    the funny part is that he walled and would have probably survived if he didn't give up


    submitted by /u/TheWarLoad
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