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    Tuesday, June 1, 2021

    Age of Empires II Knock knock!

    Age of Empires II Knock knock!

    Knock knock!

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 01:34 AM PDT

    Wrist issues? Getting old? Vipi looking as strong as ever!

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 01:35 AM PDT

    I just played the best Dark Age in the history of AoE

    Posted: 31 May 2021 11:53 AM PDT

    Website to Build and Play Civs in Minutes!

    Posted: 31 May 2021 07:53 PM PDT

    I have finally finished my website that allows you to craft civs -- no modding required! You can visit it at https://krakenmeister.com/civbuilder. There are also options for complete randomization, and to play a mini-game with friends where you take turns picking bonuses. I have added 100 new bonuses on top of vanilla ones, and plan to make more. If you have any ideas for bonuses/units/techs, please let me know and I will add them to the list!


    Edit: It seems that so many repeated requests broke the random name generation! Apologies for the error, it should be back to working now.

    submitted by /u/TheKrakenmeister
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    Top ten worst disasters of all time.

    Posted: 31 May 2021 04:34 PM PDT

    LEL life : Starting strong but not knowing when to build an army

    Posted: 31 May 2021 04:24 PM PDT


    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 08:37 AM PDT

    I'm just here to spread the word about this website where you can build and PLAY civs!

    Here is the link: Civilization Builder (krakenmeister.com)

    Original post here by u/TheKrakenmeister: Age of Empires II (reddit.com)

    Thank you Krankenmeister for this website!

    (Btw, Mods, if you remove this post I'll be sad.)

    submitted by /u/CaptainCakeEater
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    Army composition

    Posted: 31 May 2021 10:53 PM PDT

    Hey! New player here. I just wanted advice on what my army shld be composed of. I usually take Teutons but I have a hard time beating the hard AI. So what is the army composition I shld be using?

    submitted by /u/Mystic69Hex
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    What is going on with Vivi?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 04:01 AM PDT

    Does anyone know what is going on with Vivi (Fat_Dragon)?

    I looked in the brackets of RBW4 Q1 and yes he won twice with 2-1 vs LB10 and repard, but then lost 3-0 against Sitaux who later won a spot in the main tournament.

    Is het not playing so much anymore? Or something going on with WWP?

    submitted by /u/Jonesjrrrrrrrrrrrrr
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    Proudest Achievement

    Posted: 31 May 2021 06:43 PM PDT

    What is your proudest achievement in AOE 2?

    I think for myself it has to be pulling off the no loom Bulgarian men at arm rush to perfection... no I take that back. My brother and I had a game against a spanish player and another player. My brother picked Portuguese so he could see what I saw. I then went for a fast forward TC drop while he proceeded to wall the opponent in. As soon as my brother hit Feudal the scouts came out on his end the tc was down and all Spanish villagers got cleaned up... a strategy that shouldnt of worked worked and we won the game. the best part was enjoying the moment with my brother afterwards.

    I am also really proud of this community. I recently started casting games (odd strategies) and I often find myself technologically inept. Not just that; I dont know what the procedure is on sharing stuff on different sites, how to discord or how to find games... but I always have people in this community that help me. They tell me what to do, teach me how to discord, share games with me and so much more. I am just really proud of all the people who are willing to help not because they have to but because they want to... so if your reading this... Thank you for being part of this community!

    submitted by /u/PoopLord69722
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    USA Cup $6200 Finals - Daniel vs Spring - Live Now

    Posted: 31 May 2021 09:16 AM PDT

    Why aren't Wonders popular or part of the mainstream gameplay?

    Posted: 31 May 2021 10:45 AM PDT

    Are they not fun or not balanced? I feel like wonder victories would make things more spicy. Like maybe defensive tactics would get more love or you wouldn't have to have more map control compared to your enemy to win games.

    Also would make long boring games shorter imo. Like instead of lengthy stalemates we would get more intense attacks or defenses because of the possibility of wonders or wonder timers.

    maybe they should add wonder victory to single ranked map to see how it would go idk? I really hope dev have some intentions to make wonders an option for matchmaking

    submitted by /u/PardonMaiEnglish
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    Multiple Hotkeys for the same action?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 12:14 AM PDT

    Hey, someone aware of a method to bind multiple hotkeys for the same action?

    For instance I'm using standard Grid to play, but would like to also bind palisade and gate to my mouse buttons. I checked for the HK-File, but its seems I'm not able to just edit that and add keys like in most games.

    Only way I can currently think of is to make my mouse button in the driver to use the same key as e.g. palisade, not really a fan of that one for obvious reasons.

    submitted by /u/iremixed
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    Standard Victory Conditions

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 06:11 AM PDT

    I'm curious how many people would be open to Standard Victory (as opposed to Conquest) for a month or two. I'm personally mixed on Wonder Victory. However, I do think Relic Victory would be quite interesting.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/medievalrevival
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    Hey guys, some of you might have seen my previous video of the most successful AoE players in history, so I decided to visualise only the 1v1 tournaments this time. Let me know what you think! :)

    Posted: 31 May 2021 02:27 PM PDT

    That one was actually a nail biter. I lost TWO OF MY DAMNED CASTLES IN HIS BASE because I got a bit beyond my ELO in multitasking. (I'm Blue) I got worried around 50 minutes.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 04:20 AM PDT

    How do i put an overlay in my game to practise build orders?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 12:03 AM PDT

    I see some people have done it and was wondering how i can do it? i dont want to keep tabbing out during game to learn

    submitted by /u/visually_cool
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    Flemish Revolution is historically inaccurate.

    Posted: 31 May 2021 02:46 PM PDT

    Flemish Revolution, as far as I can make out is meant to represent the Battle of the Golden Spurs in 1302. Burgundy had no political control of Flanders until 1369.

    Thank goodness that it can be justified for gameplay reasons, otherwise we would be on shaky ground.

    submitted by /u/Odysseus7754
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    How do Vikings defend their fishing ships vs fire ships in feudal?

    Posted: 31 May 2021 03:28 PM PDT

    I was picking up Vikings and wondered what I can do to prevent losing my fishing ships to fire ships in feudal. I've had issues with this since the Vikings don't have access to fire galleys and was wondering if I should invest much into fishing ships or demos early game.

    submitted by /u/leftoverice1
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    Accidental Douche and my fastest game

    Posted: 31 May 2021 05:46 PM PDT

    One of the few times I got lucky in the very early game, with this accidental Douche ;) .

    While waiting for my TC to go up, I was thinking hard about what to do next: keep the vills garrisoned to shoot the opponent TC, or go build a mill elsewhere, build the house, etc, or maybe a combination of both. Not sure.

    Anyway, 2 vills dead after 2 minutes was probably too much, for my opponent.


    submitted by /u/ultima_gaina
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