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    Thursday, March 17, 2022

    Age of Empires II RoTC 3v3 SemiFinals and Finals Starts this Weekend 19th,20th March

    Age of Empires II RoTC 3v3 SemiFinals and Finals Starts this Weekend 19th,20th March

    RoTC 3v3 SemiFinals and Finals Starts this Weekend 19th,20th March

    Posted: 16 Mar 2022 10:11 PM PDT

    Hey All,

    The crazy RoTC tournament semifinals and Grand Finals starts this weekend

    Semifinals 1: GamerLegion vs WWP 19th March 14GMT Semifinals 2: AfterMath vs Deceptive Baguettes 19th March 17GMT

    Grand Finals: 20th March 15GMT

    Be ready for some crazy games!

    More information: https://liquipedia.net/ageofempires/Return_of_the_Clans

    submitted by /u/studentofaoe2
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    my new ram :)

    Posted: 16 Mar 2022 01:49 PM PDT

    I need an Anti Franks Strategy

    Posted: 17 Mar 2022 06:30 AM PDT

    I am losing a lot against Franks pickers which is making me sad. All these scouts, knights, castles, axemen, wtf. I feel like everyone is picking Franks and doing the same shit. I am almost crying.

    Reddit, I need your help. Give me a good civ and a good counter strategy so I can gain some elo and maybe some confidence in my life. I feel like having more elo will snowball into a more successful life overall.

    My first idea was picking Indians but I read some threads in this sub that Indians is not necessarily a counter pick to Franks.

    submitted by /u/Dudenleser
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    My favourite moment in the AOE soundtrack

    Posted: 17 Mar 2022 06:51 AM PDT

    why does moonwalking actually happen lol?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2022 04:46 AM PDT

    I guess we've all seen that occasionally funny moonwalk moment with sheep, elephants and few other stuff, it doesn't hurt the game or anything, but how does it or why does it really happen lol

    submitted by /u/UAForever21
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    Is AoE2 online more popular now then when it launched?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2022 12:58 AM PDT

    Just curious, is online competitive AoE2 bigger now than when it launched? On one side of the coin, it's quite an old game so you'd have to imagine it's lost many players. On the other side, online gaming and competitive gaming were not anyone near as big as they are now than when it launched.

    Considering remasters / rereleases, is it actually bigger now than when it and each expansion originally launched?

    submitted by /u/TastyBirdmeat
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    On the Balance of Gold Units Part 3: Steppe Lancers

    Posted: 17 Mar 2022 08:26 AM PDT

    Part 1: Cav Archer

    Part 2: Camels


    In 1v1 open and hybrid maps all gold units should be able to be used as offensive main line units just like the Crossbow and Knights. The original intend was for the gold units to soft counters to each other where each had good and bad engagements.

    In AoE 2 CA and Camels counter Knights. Knights "counter" Crossbows. Crossbow counter Infantry and Camels.

    Historically massed infantry was able to nullify heavy cavalry. Heavy/Shock Cavalry dominated the field in Europe. Crossbow effectively cut through armor and defended city walls. Cavalry Archers ran circles around everything in their way. Camels provided greater mobility and survivability in the desert than horses. Herodotus claimed Horse were terrified by the scent of Camels.

    The developers would have wanted to have some historically accuracy while also making a fun competitive game. This is why Camel Riders don't dismount before engaging and Crossbows don't have a terribly slow fire rates and civs have units unfit for their region/history.

    The Problem:

    Knights and Crossbows became so dominate that other gold units are at best situational and even in those situations more Knights or Crossbows or switching from one to the other is a better solution. So much so competitive players don't even consider most of the gold units unless they have a strong civ specific bonus for them.

    Knights, Crossbow, and Eagles have a great balance. They exhibit the type of soft counter and situational advantage the gold units should have. I call these Tier 1 gold units. There are build orders geared toward massing tier 1 units. You can essentially tech into these blindly and have success. Camels, Cav Archer, and Champion make up a second tier of gold units with a similar dynamic. Champions are still underpowered here but Eagles can be plugged in and balanced is restored.

    In the tier 1 Meta the Crossbows are so strong that by pull or push it forces Champions, Camels, Cav Archers, and todays unit Steppe Lancers off the field.


    You might say Xbow, Knight, and Eagle are the only intended mainline/general use units and the others are counter units. The balance between Xbow, Knight, and Eagle is good enough and the meta is fun enough that the player base is mostly happy. We don't need to see Camels, CA, Steppe Lancers, Champions, or Hand Cannoneers more. They have their niche and that's fine.

    Why don't we see more Steppe Lancers?

    Short answer, knights are better and more familiar. Only 3 Civs have access to the Steppe Lancer (Cumans, Mongols, Tatars). While Mongols are popular the other two are among the lowest in pick rates. All three mostly opt for Knights, CA, or Crossbow.

    For a time Cumans were OP civ with their pre nerf Steppe Lancers and speed dominating. T90 called them the most OP civ at any point in the game. After the nerf Lancers came down to earth. 1v1 Against a knight the knight wins with 70% of its health left. In large numbers say 20 vs 20 (thank Spirit of the Law) Knights end with 68% of its health left. They are not even gold effective at this time. The high gold cost of Knights is not a down side in Castle age. The food cost is the limiting factor. At 40 vs 40 the knights still win.

    Steppe Lancers do not do anything the Knight line doesn't do better. Even doing the tight patrol and stack trick Lancers are not as effective in combat or raiding under fire as knights are. Nor do they counter knights like Camels.

    Theoretically the Steppe Lancer is a longer term and cheaper cavalry solution. You could set up your economy to be more good focused and boom into a late imp game where HCA/Manugudai + Hussar take over. The most effective use for them is mixed in with knights. Their +1 range allows them to stack and attack from the second row. Giving Knight + Lancer ball greater DPS than full knights. You could say they are a good raiding unit but they fall well short of the cost effectiveness of Hussar.

    If you are going to use Steppe Lancers the way to make use of them is open with a few knights then mass huge amounts of Lancers to support and follow up. Their strengths are cheaper gold cost and +1 range. Think of them like a Byzantine counter or Goth infantry. You overwhelm with cheap numbers not necessarily cost effectiveness or power. If you can produce a lot of Lancers you can also produce a lot of knights and that is more familiar to most of the player base.

    A look at the stats show that the Lancer comes with a higher food cost and lower attack than knights. In Castle Age food comes at a greater premium so the greater food cost becomes the limiting factor. In the late game when gold is a little more costly Steppe Lancers begin to look like stronger option. The faster training time and lower gold theoretically help Lancers in a spam situation. In post imp Hussar is still going to be the go to.

    Food Gold HP Attack Armor Pierce Train Time
    Steppe Lancer 70 40 60 9 0 1 20s
    Knight 60 75 100 10 2 2 30s
    Camel 55 60 100 6 0 0 22s
    Hussar 80 0 75 7 0 2 30s
    Elite Stepp Lancer 70 40 80 11 0 1 20s
    Cavalier 60 75 120 12 2 2 30s

    What would make Steppe Lancers an Active Choice?

    Steppe Lancers need a role. They offer no use that that Hussar or Knight don't offer at a better price. The +1 range gives them a few niche uses but not enough to see the field. Historically Lancers were used as shock cavalry. Shock Cavalry was a type of unit that was originally intended to be in the game but did not make the final cut. Since we have seen the introduction of the Coustillier with a charge attack.

    Proposal 1: Make Steppe Lancers shock cavalry like the Coustillier. Give them a lesser charge attack that takes longer to recharge so the Elite Steppe Lancers are to Coustillier what HCA are to Mangudai.

    Proposal 2: Give them a small bonus vs Archers. Knights have multiple gold counter units. (CA/Camel) Even the Eagle warrior has +3 bonus vs Knights though I wouldn't call them a counter. Crossbow do not have such counters. There is only skirm.

    Proposal 3: Take Knight line away from Steppe civs and give the Lancer to more civs. Mongols don't need Knights. Tatars don't need knights. Cumans don't need knights. This would also encourage more use of Camels/CA and UU which means greater unit diversity.

    Lose Knight Receive Lancer
    Mongols Indians
    Tatars Huns
    Cumans Chinese


    Taking the knight away from a handful of civs forces those civs off the knight line and into different unit compositions. Most of these are already CA civs so not much will change for them but they won't have the option to play a generic 2 Stable Knights play.

    The charge and/or bonus vs Archers gives Steppe civs an answer to the Crossbow dominated meta and a check on the power of late game HCA.

    Will the low HP and pierce armor Steppe Lancers would not be a hard counter to Crossbows. They would be able to catch and clean up Crossbows more effectively than knights however numbers would be kept in check by the damage taken closing the gap.

    With less Crossbow dominance the window for Infantry, CA, Camel, and Hand cannons

    Camels retain their anti Cavalry use but the Steppe Lancer micro makes its more like the Eagle vs CA match up which is loads of fun.

    This is my 3rd change which would have major consequences for Indians. That civ might need an entire reimagination.

    Previous Suggestions:

    - Increase CA base accuracy from 50% to 70%

    - Give Camels +1 attack, -1 bonus vs Cavalry, and +1 Pierce Armor


    Most of these suggestions would be unnecessary if the melee units were better able to engage. With the current pathing knights struggle to engage with Xbows. The consequence is Xbows are simply a stronger choice than any melee unit especially with walling and thin tree lines. This is the single biggest issue with this game. It is a more difficult fix than iterative changes to units. If knights were able to engage with Crossbows more efficiently than we would see the counters of Camel and CA more frequently.


    Crossbow, Knights, and Eagles are the dominate gold units so much so the others rarely see the field. This is mostly balanced but we could stand to see more active usage of the other gold units.

    Civs should be more regional. Camel Civs should be Camel Civs, Steppe Civs should be Steppe Civs.

    Steppe Lancers currently have no role beyond cheap. Lets give them a soft anti-Archer role.

    Coming Up: Hand Cannons, Infantry, Elephantos, Siege.

    submitted by /u/1mdelightful
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    Would a feature that shows total resources in selected villagers be to over board?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2022 08:13 PM PDT

    Eg. You select 5 stone mining villagers and it would show total stone between them. I know some features in the game or suggested get shot down because it makes the game to easy.

    submitted by /u/yike92
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    What are the best Mods that actually improve FPS

    Posted: 17 Mar 2022 03:00 AM PDT

    I regret buying a laptop for games.

    submitted by /u/Orka1X
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    1v1 A-Z Mountain Pass Tier List (The tier list no one asked for)

    Posted: 16 Mar 2022 03:22 PM PDT

    Hey y'all, I made an AOE2 coaching video

    Posted: 16 Mar 2022 04:59 PM PDT

    Basically, I'm a 1500 1v1 elo player, and I figured I'd spread some tips/tricks/gameplay advice that 1k-1k3 players might find helpful. Feedback is appreciated, as well as volunteers who would want a game or two analyzed. Thanks, and hope you guys enjoy!


    submitted by /u/BillBob13
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    Attila 6

    Posted: 17 Mar 2022 06:23 AM PDT

    Any tips? Army comp?

    I send my army to the first wonder right away, and I begin my eco by adding two tcs and vills. But by the time the wonder is down I'm being attacked. I put a castle on the hill but yellow sends trebs. Any ideas ?

    submitted by /u/TheBible1017
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    How many Feitorias do you build?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2022 05:04 AM PDT

    And when will you need to build them?

    submitted by /u/hussar269c
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    What's the time limit after someone resigns to avoid being punished also?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2022 07:00 PM PDT

    The last week or so (1800) I've been hit twice with a leave buster timeout. However, I've not been the first one to resign. I assume there's some sort of time thing between the first person resigning and me resigning, but I have no idea what it is and I'd like to know so I don't get flagged as resigning too early

    You can imagine my frustration because I'm not married to my ELO, but it seems like I've had four games of my team resigning in the first minute --> 1700 elo. Then, losing a few. Then, the other team also resigns and now I'm back to 1800.

    I'm looking back at like 2 weeks of whiplash and timeouts even though I haven't played a game in two weeks (joking, I've played like two). It's just been people resigning and then me resigning and then I get put on timeouts.

    Any help or insight I would love

    submitted by /u/PositiveWestern
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    brits feel broken

    Posted: 17 Mar 2022 07:11 AM PDT

    im talking team games here, so youre almosed doomed to make crossbows (unless playing cav)
    i play bohemians with chemistry and fu CA crossbows. the game goes back and forth, both cav players are kind of dead so its me against the brittons.
    I can never raid, i can never kill his crossbow mass (although i have the bigger one), i can never defend my eco, just because he has more range, mangos dont work (shoot too short and are very expensive early castle + more and more useless the longer the game goes)
    i tried using the powerspikes by going up earlier but i have 2 min/age to make damage, he has all the rest.
    BBC and skirms just get wreckt by the occational 10 knights the opponents teammate has left.
    i didnt feel like i had any options left and not only with bohemians but many archer civs.
    how can you counter britons with an archer civ? (excluding meso and rattan archers)
    do they need a nerv? am i too stuupid? thx

    submitted by /u/BETTERGETLOOM
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    Cuman Seige Ram - Unique Skin?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2022 09:38 PM PDT

    Hey everyone, so a few days ago I was playing as Cumans against the AI (practicing for my Cuman Civ Review :) ) and I swear to Daut that my Seige Rams had a unique skin. Like on the roof where the plates of armor usually are there were 2 Cuman Masks on each half of the roof, 4 in total. I was pretty impressed and it make sense as some regional skins have been done for trade carts etc. recently.

    I went to recreate it to take a screen shot to show you guys (because I can't find any pictures of it online or any evidence for it whatsoever) but lo and behold - just regular Seige Rams today.

    Am I taking crazy pills or can someone corroborate this?

    submitted by /u/bevriff
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    T90 New Civ Slip?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2022 07:05 AM PDT

    T90 has a YouTube video called More Cavalry Archers! It's zuppi v situax on a map similar to land madness. It's huns v tatars and he's taking about what armies they'll make in the game. Someone in chat brings up the amount of steppe civs and list 4 saying tatars cumans mongols and huns. T90 being quite possibly the most clueless human alive outside of aoe2 says huns don't get steppe lancers if that's what the guy means.

    But then T90 says I wouldn't mind one more knight and cav archer civ. He says he may have heard from devs we'll be getting another civ. This could mean simply that he knows a dlc is coming which hasn't been officially announced. But the way he says it, saying he wouldn't mind one more civ and that civ a knight/cav archer civ after bringing up having information from devs. I'm thinking the devs wouldn't make a 1 civ dlc. So I think t90 knows what at least one civ will be and what it's focus will be.

    So I like Armenia as a knight/ cav archer civ. They had strong ties to the crusaders for knights and formed an alliance with mongols against Turks which gives us cav archers.

    submitted by /u/ndarr1234
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